Undertaker, I told you! Undertaker, the Berserker proved you are human. Undertaker, the Berserker got his shield on you. Undertaker, the Berserker got his hands on you. Undertaker, the Berserker got his boots on you. Undertaker, I smashed your head into the stinking cement. And next time, I'm not going to take it easy on you. Oh, Mr. Fuji and the Berserker. Oh, you tried to steal our urn. You tried to drive your sword through the body of the Undertaker last week. It's going to be over for you. When you knocked at the Devil's door, did you expect the Reaper, Berserker, Fuji, rest in peace? We're trying to get our cameras back to the first aid room. They are tending to Totaka, trying to put drops in his eyes, trying to help him out. Unbelievable pain he must be experiencing as a result of Rick Martell spraying that arrogance into his eyes as he was coming off the apron down to the- Oh, doggie boy, do something. Ladies and gentlemen, my guest this week is the World Wrestling Federation champion, WrestleMania 27. Here he comes, and no one. Where's the World Wrestling Federation Championship? Any prouder than the Macho Man, Randy Savage. You can't start with that now, McMahon. We got ripped off at WrestleMania, and Ric Flair in my book is still the real World Wrestling Federation champ. Well, he just might have his opportunity to regain the title. Macho Man, I wanna congratulate you first of all on capturing the World Wrestling Federation Championship at WrestleMania from Ric Flair. And secondly, for regaining the honor of your wife, Elizabeth, the First Lady of the World Wrestling Federation. However, there are those who say the victory was questionable because you had to bend the rules to beat Ric Flair. You're gonna be ribbed, man. This is the 90s. You're talking about Ric Flair, a guy that'll do anything, say anything, lie about anything, zero morals, zero credibility, a zero in life. I did what I had to do against a guy like that because he would have done the same to me, so I consider it a done deal. He's a liar, too. And all due respect, there are those who say that you stole the title. Stole the title? No. The only stealing going on was from you, Ric Flair, after the match when you stole a kiss from Elizabeth, when you put your dirty, stinking, slimy, bad, disgusting lips on my wife. And from you, Ric Flair, what you got and what you done did is you got the kiss of death. Because I'm gonna get you, Ric Flair. This is the first time in WWF history where the champion is challenging the challenger. And if you think that dropping the WWF Championship was bad, wait till you get dropped by me, the WWF Champion. Ooh, yeah. Doesn't this guy realize that I'm gonna be at ringside along with Ric Flair? I think he definitely realizes it. It's gonna be a great matchup, no doubt about it. The rematch one day soon is coming at you. You know, when I was just a kid, I loved the game of baseball. But now that I'm in the WWF, I'm not playing games anymore. Well, there's no doubt that Crush will be a force to reckon with here in the very, very near future in the WWF. What a big man he is. Whoa, baby, here they come. What is this now, McMahon? High energy, Coco and Owen together. They make a sensational tag team combination. Oh, my goodness. They didn't come here with you, did they, McMahon? No, I came by myself. I guess you'd say with all my friends. Heard that about you. They're doing the bird. They are high energy. Coco, beware. And Owen Hart. And Frankie gets a bird's-eye view. By the way, Totaka, we are told, is settling down somewhat. Back in the first aid room. I see. I beg your pardon? I see. Some type of humor there, Mr. Perfect. Hey, how are you, Totaka? We will get a further word on the condition of Totaka next week. And I would suggest that Rick Martell will rule the day. Look at that maneuver. I've never seen that move before. And a chop. Owen Hart winding up Dwayne Dill. I thought that spandex trunks that Owen Hart's wearing, they're a little bit baggy for him, aren't they? They're made to be that way. Oh, my goodness. We had an occasion to speak with high energy earlier on. Here's what they have to say. You see, the World Wrestling Federation has got a new team, brother, and it's called the High Energy. Frankie's got the high energy juice. But I'll tell you one thing, teams, y'all better be ready, because the high energy is coming out to every team in the World Wrestling Federation. That's right. We're coming at you. High energy. We're coming right at you. High energy. Watch out, here we come. Coco has been tagged in, and Coco tags this gentleman in the bush. Nice maneuver by Coco. Beware, who's flying high these days. Dwayne Gale wants to come in. Oh, the headbutt. You know, McMahon, I got all the scoops. You know, Coco's beware. He's been gone for a little while. You know where he's been? Well, taking a little time off, I would imagine. Taking time off, making some more little rascal comedies. Oh, please. Dwayne Gale now for the right. Owen Hart, look at that maneuver. Wow. And a cover, and did he get him? I don't think the referee knows what to do in here. We have all four wrestlers in the ring, and what a dime. Coco can take his pick now. Oh, a bird man going all the way up to Zozo and Hart. One point, all over the place. Forget about it. And a three count. Wow, they work great as a team, McMahon. I gotta say it. Indeed, high energy. High energy. All right, let's go back and take another look at the way they polished off their opposition. Talk about high energy. How about high flying? Double drop, kicks off the top rope. Both of them find the mark. They find the mark, all right. Just as the WBF superstars are gonna find the mark. Listen to the craters in the background. Oh, my goodness. Oh, that's sickening. 235 pounds, Skinner. Skinner's not too concerned with the, with the way he looks. That's the way they live in the Everglades. Is that right? All right. And his opponent. We have two of them in the ring. The old and the new. Come on, Skinner, spit some beach nut in that dude's eye. No one excites a crowd like the Ultimate Warrior. I couldn't believe it myself, McMahon, when I saw him running down the aisle at WrestleMania, the place that blew the roof right off the place. The Warrior ready to lock. Skinner just spit right in the Warrior's face. Right in the eyes. And up goes Skinner. Down goes Skinner. Whoa, try it again. Same result. Skinner backing off a bit. Well, he might have swallowed his tube, McMahon. Yeah. My heart bleeds. Look at that. Skinner now being, oh, my goodness. There with the rest of it. Warrior hovering with a right hand and knocks him right down. The power of the Ultimate Warrior. And again. Skinner back to his feet, maybe not for long. Warrior takes him for another ride. The Ultimate Warrior feeling the power of this capacity crowd. All his Warriors in attendance. And a clothesline. Skinner having his problems as you might suspect he would against the Ultimate Warrior. Warrior now trying to set up Skinner. Whips him to the ropes, sets him up, and another clothesline. Almost takes his hat off. I've never seen the Ultimate Warrior so aggressive, McMahon. He's on a mission. And the Warrior setting up Skinner. You can bet Sid Justice is looking on. Off the rope and down. One, two, three. I'd like to see him do that to Sid Justice. That's what will happen. Look at that. Skinner dumped out of the ring. That's what will happen when the Ultimate Warrior locks up with Sid Justice. Who knows? What excitement. What a competitor. The Ultimate Warrior. Could we take you to Shawn Mooney? The Great Sergeant Slaughter. Well, Slaughter, here's two guys that don't take orders from anyone. We don't like what you stand for. We don't like what you represent. We don't like you, period, Slaughter. But as they say, nature boy, you and Perfect to be number one have got to beat the Sarge the next week right here. Perfectly be styled and profiled. All right, ladies and gentlemen, my guests this week accompanied by sensational Sherry. Here comes Shawn Michaels. Oh, boy. What a pair. Don't start with that whistling. Shawn Michaels is in for an execution. I doubt that. At the hands of the Hitman. Look at that one girl. Did you see her? She was just drooling looking at Shawn Michaels. Not drooling any more than Sherry, I'll tell you that. And I must say, Mr. Michaels, that I have been very impressed in what I have seen thus far. For you as a single superstar here in the World Wrestling Federation and officials are quick to reward good work. As a matter of fact, you have challenged Bret the Hitman Heart. That match has been signed against Bret the Hitman Heart with the Intercontinental title on the line. You know, Mean Gene, every once in a great while, an athlete comes along that sets himself apart from all the rest. And I don't have to tell you who that is, Jack. Shawn Michaels has got that certain something that everybody's looking for, but rarely ever find. But you know, if you can believe this, Mean Gene, if you can believe this, there are a lot of people out there that are saying Shawn Michaels is getting just a little bit conceited. There are those that say that, yes. Well, you know, I'm out here today to make one thing perfectly clear. Don't ever, ever confuse conceit with confidence, which is what I have the most of. And why shouldn't I take a good long look at me as if you're not doing it already? As I got news reach and everybody in the World Wrestling Federation, Shawn Michaels has got it all. It is fact that I am the sexiest man alive. It is fact that I have more wrestling ability than any other man in the World Wrestling Federation. And it's fact that as the nights get longer, Shawn Michaels gets stronger. Try to keep it on for a couple of more minutes. Yes, Sherry. There is only one thing that Shawn Michaels does not have right now, and that is the Intercontinental Championship belt. However, that is only a very small amount of time because, Bret, the Hitman Heart, what you fought in WrestleMania is going to be very minute compared to what Shawn Michaels is going to lay on you, man. Shawn Michaels has the most gorgeous, long-flowing blocks. Shawn Michaels has the body of a Greek god. Shawn Michaels has the wrestling ability to even break the Hitman Heart, is envious of. And let me tell you something, girls. Keep your hands off of him. Don't let your drool get on him because he's all mine. That's enough, honey. That's enough. That's enough. Even I can't take anymore. Bret, the Hitman Heart, I want you to take a good look at the wrestler of the 90s, sleek, streamlined, and aerodynamically designed to cut through every inch of competition that the World Wrestling Federation has to offer. Starting with you, Hitman, and the Intercontinental Heavyweight title. Ladies and gentlemen, Shawn Michaels is leaving the building. I'm going to be ill. She made me sick. Well, this is what we've been waiting for on Blockbuster Feature. Here we go. He loves his work. What a sneak. Will you stop? This is one dangerous Andre right here. He'll steal your heart, he'll steal your car, he'll take your home, and he'll ruin your career. That might happen to the British Bulldog in just a few, few short minutes. I might see this guy suck scratches. Why don't you take a bath once in a while? You can see the fleas jumping off him. Didn't you get your letter this month from the health department? I beg your pardon. You know what I'll say, if you sleep with dogs, you're going to wind up barking funny. A multitude of fans here for the British Bulldog. You know, he hates dogs. When he goes out at night to repo cars and things, dogs start barking, they keep neighborhoods up. They tip people off to him. He just hates dogs. Of course, I don't like dogs either. Who would own a dog? Isn't that stupid? The only reason a person owns a dog is so they can push around something. A dog can't talk back. Sick. Roll over. I guess you've got several of them. Those are called babes. I've heard them referred to as dogs. Two-legged dogs. Whoa, what an uppercut. That's that English-style forearm uppercut. Oh, put his head down. Repo's learning a lesson here from Davey Boy. He got that mask turned around. He knows what he's doing, though. He took a hike. Regrouping. He'll take anything that's not nailed down, whether it belongs to him or not. Well, Guy's a thief. What's his is his, and what's yours is his. You know the story. Remember the time at Madison Square Garden? He lifted the watch off that moose sitting in the front row. What was you? Stop. What moose was that? Oh, Davey, that lovely young lady. Remind me never to send you out to get me a lovely young lady. Going to work on the left leg now. Come on, that's a handful of hair. That's okay. You can do that if you have beads in your hair. That's the rules. Repo now starting to mount a little offense of his own. Nice reversal by Davey. Oh, straight shot of beauty. They're both in great shape. You gotta say that, though. I would say Davey Boy's in better shape. Well, he's working out in the gym. The other guy's waxing your car. Look at that upper body. Oh, look at this. He just wiped out the referee. He's hoisting up. Uh-oh. He's got that rope with a hook on the end. Danny Davis is down and out. Repo time. It looks like Davey Boy might have dislocated his clavicle. Or his shoulder. Uh-oh, he's got that hook. He's got that hook. Oh, this man is vicious, and he's mean. I imagine that the referee's not seeing any of this. Repo Man having a good time. Danny Boy paying the price. He said he was gonna use that tow chain, that tow rope there as a leash, and he's gonna be walking the dog anytime now. Here, boy. Here, boy. Look at this now. Rope just wrapped around his throat. Another British Bulldog choking him out. You know what to do to that dog. Rub his nose in it. Hit him with a paper. Smack him. Choke him. Obviously, Repo Man must have thought the referee was coming around. I'm wrapped out in a hurry. Warped him with that hook, Repo. What is he sneaking around for? Davey Boy's laying there. There's nothing he can do. What the heck are you asking me for? I'm not in the ring. That guy is sick. He's got it around his neck. Oh, look at this. He hung him out to dry. It's hang time. Davey Boy in a whole heap of trouble here. This is known as Repo bungee hanging. Got him hog-tied around the neck. Referee's still out. Uh-oh, lights are going out. Here for the British Bulldog. We're gonna need some assistance down here very shortly. This could be very dangerous, Monsoon, really. This could be very, very dangerous. Well, there comes some help. Renee Goulet, Toni Guerrilla. Some of the officials here in the World Wrestling Federation coming to the aid of Davey Boy. And look at Repo. Still hammering away. Boy, did he hang him out to dry. The winner, Repo Man. We haven't heard that yet. Well, it's just a matter of time. He's not done yet. He loves his work. Well, we got upwards of seven or eight people down there now. They ought to be able to separate this thing and get some assistance here for Davey Boy, who looks like he's in real hot water. You know, I love it. Not only is he a Repo Man, he's probably the world's best dog trainer. Oh, please. You're disgusting. That dog's not gonna bite anybody anymore. Good! Damage is done. He's bailing out. Before any kind of retaliation could take place, I can guarantee you it wasn't coming from Davey Boy as we have the paramedics coming out. Now, Monsoon, are they gonna take him to a hospital now or just some neighborhood run-of-the-mill vet? Will you stop? I'm assuming they'll take him to a hospital. Closest one, I hope, because that rope was wrapped around his neck for quite some time, obviously severing the blood from flowing to his brain. Boy, and that can be dangerous, extremely dangerous. Well, when you're a bad doggy, you get tied up. We're gonna bring you an update on his condition when we come back. Let's hope so anyway. Here, boy. Here, boy. Next week right here, Earthquake. Just you and me. You don't have that big buffoon of a partner of yours to help you. You don't have that big buffoon of a partner of yours to hide behind and truth be known, I've wanted to get in the ring with you one-on-one for a long time because the old saying stands right here, right now. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. You're a great big guy, you're strong, you're impressive, but you get the mind of a peanut, and that ain't enough when you face me. Davey, I see you right here next week. It's you and me, and this time there's gonna be nobody to help you. Nobody in my corner, nobody in yours. Just that squeaky little jimmy-art, but he won't help you. Be ready to feel the quake! Ripple man, you put a leash around my neck and tried to hang me for good, but you failed. Now this British bulldog is fighting mad, and I'm gonna sink my teeth into you because this dog will never be tied down. We're back. I could not believe the marks around the neck of Davey Boy Smith, the British bulldog, as a result of that rope burn. Rope burn, I thought that was a nice red tie he was wearing, McMahon. Yeah, sure. Davey Boy Smith, no doubt looking forward to the opportunity of getting into the ring with the repo man. What is this now? Dr. Harvey Whippleman. Dr. Whippleman it is now. Dr. Whippleman it is now. From the dark continent of Africa to the bright lights of the World Wrestling Federation comes the most powerful force ever unleashed in the WWF. Let down the aisle by Kim Shee. Show your respect to the Ugandan giant, the mighty Kamala. My goodness. Kamala. Yeah. McMahon, how about Idi Amin? Does that mean anything to you? Well, yeah, I know who Idi Amin is or was. Idi Amin was a former dictator, notorious indeed, back in Uganda. This could be Idi Amin right here. What do you mean? Kamala, is Idi really Idi Amin? Maybe, man, he possibly could be, but you know what? I don't think this guy can only defeat his opponents. This kind of guy looks like somebody who might eat his opponents, have them for dinner. I'm not too sure about that, but Kamala attacking Sonny Blaze right away. You won't see a great deal of wrestling technique. You will see technique, however, perfected in the jungles of Uganda. This man knows what he's doing when it comes to manhandling an individual. Oh, what a chop. Well, he knows how to survive, McMahon. When you're out in the jungle, a man has to survive, and this man definitely knows how to survive. Blaze off the top. Look at that double chop. What's this? Kamala off the rope, and whoa, look at that. Kamala into the back of Sonny Blaze once the three count. He doesn't even know enough to turn the guy over to pin him right. Looks like a giant lion hovering over his brain. Kamala, the Ugandan giant. Kamala. No doubt a force to reckon with. Right out of the jungle, back to the rings of the WWF. Let's go back and take another look. There you see, McMahon, 400 somehow splashing down on the backbone. That'll break anybody's back, McMahon. We're back with more WWF superstars. Curling into the ring from Japan, winging 240-pound Kato. Aha, aso, Kato. Master of the martial arts. We're talking about a monster here. His opponent, weighing 315 pounds, Crush. Ever since he was just a wee little baby, the thing he liked to do most is crush. Well, he's definitely big enough to crush things, McMahon, but he's gonna have to prove himself here in the World Wrestling Federation. Crush locking up with Kato. Kato standing side headlock, not for long, whip to the rope, and oh, my. Well, that kind of tackle, you can move a Mack truck. Well, he crushed him. He certainly did. Likely to crush him a little bit more here. If you're Kato, you're gonna have to do something to get this big man off his feet. Now, Kato resorting to more aggressive tactics. Real smart moves. Go right after his eyes. Take the big man down. That's smart, huh? Uh-oh, look at this. Whoa! And talk about smart, McMahon. You're gonna find out just how smart some of my good friends are on the nighttime edition of Family Feud all this week. We'll find out a little bit more about that later on right now. Crush is pretty much manhandling Kato. Oh, Kato moving in the midsection. Nice chop by Kato. Straightens up the big man. Crush. Crush, whip, no, reversal. Kato off the rope. Whoa! Baby, look at this. What strength and down across the knee. That's 240 pounds he just picked up with one hand, McMahon. That's impressive. Crush with Kato. And that's impressive as well. Look at that. Wow! Kato way up there. And way down to the canvas. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Well, you're enjoying this, huh, McMahon? I am indeed. Crush having a good time. He's enjoying the match as well. Whoa, look. Whoa. Oh, my goodness. Well, that'll definitely crush your vertebrae, McMahon. Crush is really enjoying himself. You bet his mom is looking on. Kato now going up again. What's gonna happen this time? Down to the canvas. Well, that cover. One, two, and Kato has just been crushed. Wow. I'm sure we'll be seeing a great deal more. A crush. What a debut of the Crush as we take a look now at the replay. Now, look at this, McMahon. A spinning around back breaker. Crush the vertebrae. If that's not enough, then comes the big crush down. It's over. Well, as a matter of fact, he's helping him out. How about that? We don't see that often. Raises his hand. All right. Let's get a hand for Kato. What sportsmanship displayed by Crush. Curse the living. Raise the dead. The warrior's nightmare. The warrior's dread. The living will fall. The dead will rise. Papa Shango will reign over the warrior's demise. The ultimate warrior has been cursed. Finally, Papa Shango has put a curse on somebody in the World Wrestling Federation, and that somebody is the ultimate warrior. And I'm sure that the power of Voodoo is more powerful than the ultimate warrior himself. Please welcome the model, Rick Martel. Take a look at the model, Rick Martel, strolling up. To me, Gene Okerlund, he is not exactly welcomed by this capacity crowd. Nonetheless, I would think, Mr. Perfect, that by your standards, you would assume he has somewhat of a flair for fashion. Yeah, you could say that. You should take some lessons in fashion from this guy, McMahon, yourself. It happened in front of a national television audience when this exciting and bright new superstar, the Native American Tatanka, just concluded his match in the ring. You were on the ring for your matchup when the two of you met, and you blame that you inadvertently sprayed this arrogance in his eyes. Give me a break. You fool. I never do anything like that. I have too much class. Come on, take a look at me. He looks great. You stupid, you know, Gene Okerlund, I am a fashion trendsetter. And you know, this is the hot new look in Paris right now. I guess Tatanka's feathers just flown the coop. You know, Rick Martel, I hope you give me a little more credit. I don't know if you think I just got off the turnip truck, but I was there when this incident occurred. I saw what happened. There's no question in my mind that when you squirted this arrogance in his eyes, you were intentionally trying to injure Tatanka. As a matter of fact, thank God he got immediate medical attention, or that injury could have been long-lasting and very severe. You know, you sound just like Tatanka, crying and sniveling. You know, they shouldn't call him Tatanka. They should call him Whining Arrow. This guy's great. And you know, if he wants to dance with this wolf, the warpath he traveled now will soon become a trail of tears. Very well put. Yeah. We'll be back. And yet another well-wish for his mom and for all of the moms all over America as the United States celebrates Mother's Day weekend. We're celebrating here in the WWF as well. Take a look at that man, former WWF champion. Rick Flair along with Mr. Perfect, what a matchup this is going to be. Rick Flair, hoping once again to be World Wrestling Federation Champion. Should he defeat the macho man, Randy Savage? A very confident, if not downright arrogant competitor. Sergeant Slaughter to take on Rick Flair, a turning point no doubt in the career of either one of these two individuals. Sergeant Slaughter with all glory flying high. You wonder what type of a match we're going to see. Will it be a scientific matchup or will it be a real roughhouse brawl? You never can tell. One thing certainly, Sergeant Slaughter must be Lyriam and that is the presence of Mr. Perfect. Consultation on the backside of the ring area by Perfect and Rick Flair. Should Rick Flair be defeated by Sergeant Slaughter? It could very well put a grip on his effort to regain the WWF Championship. Sergeant Slaughter right away using his mask and his, ho ho ho, mocking Rick Flair just a bit. Psychological, wait a minute, what is he doing there? What is Damone doing? Damone coming down to the ringside area. Flair to the rope, coming off, Sergeant Slaughter down. Flair right back off and collision, how about that, Sergeant Slaughter went down. But this time it's Flair up in the air. And Rick Flair to the outside in a ringside seat provided for the Mountie. I'm not too sure the official has seen the Mountie. The Mountie has no business being at ringside. No doubt, however, having an issue with Sergeant Slaughter some time ago. And what is this? Wait a minute. What is going on here? Sergeant Slaughter now just saw the exit of Jimmy Hart. Jimmy Hart bringing some sort of black box over to the Mountie who's sitting at ringside. Sergeant Slaughter reversing Rick Flair now. Up he goes again and down he goes again. Flair backing off a bit. Playing possum, wait a minute. Mountie looking on. You can bet, you're looking at those eyes, you know something is up. Chopped by Flair, Sergeant Slaughter back to the corner. Flair ripping Sergeant Slaughter. No, no, two again all the way to the outside. Sergeant Slaughter really having his problems and I guess we're gonna find out what's in his boxes. The Mountie beginning to unravel a mystery. Sergeant Slaughter. Back up on the apron. Back in the ring and the chops continue by Flair. Black by Sergeant Slaughter, hard right hand. Flair is dazed. Sergeant Slaughter pulling it on. And a big roundhouse right knocks him down. And again Rick Flair backs up. What is in the box? Flair to the buckle. Sergeant Slaughter back, body drop. Sergeant Slaughter taking over on Rick Flair. Covering Perfect on the apron. And Perfect's coming, get him out of there ref. What in the world is that? Over the top rope to the outside. Sergeant Slaughter asserting himself, taking it outside now with Rick Flair down to the canvas. And the former WWF champion having his problems as you might suspect with Sergeant Slaughter. What is that? You can bet whatever it is, the Mountie is up to no good. As now Sergeant Slaughter brings Rick Flair into the ring, the hard way down to the canvas. And Rick Flair now, begging for a bit of mercy. What is Mr. Perfect just looking back? Look at this, up over rope to the outside again. But the Mountie meanwhile, what is he doing? If that's a shock stick, it must possess about 110 volts. Meanwhile, Sergeant Slaughter back. Oh no, look at that. My goodness. Slaughter better have eyes in the back of his head. The Mountie's on the outside of the ring. What an unbelievably powerful shock stick. Did you hear the buzz of that electricity? Sergeant Slaughter having his problems down with Rick Flair. Mr. Perfect on the outside. The Mountie out there as well. Look at this now. Sergeant Slaughter against all odds has Rick Flair. What a maneuver. And the cover one, two, and he gets him at three. Yes. No. Count of two. Uppercut by Flair. Yes, right into the eyes. Flair now working on the legs. Trying to go for that figure four leg lock. No he's not. What's he gonna do? Can't see Matt. No he doesn't. Slaughter back. Flair trying to catapult Sarge into the buckle. But look at this maneuver. Submission hold applied by Flair. Sergeant Slaughter will not surrender. Certainly not in the vocabulary of Sergeant Slaughter. Flair for the ride now. Sergeant Slaughter off the rope. Missing with a chop. Slaughter in a clothesline. The cover. One, two, and again only a count of two. What a matchup. Flair backing off. Sergeant Slaughter missing with the elbow. A nip and tuck matchup all the way. You wonder what would happen if Perfect were not on the outside. Or for that matter, Sarge would have to contend with the Mountie. Rick Flair, wait a minute. Perfect's up on the apron. What's he doing? He's distracting the official. Wait a minute. There comes the Mountie. The Mountie with that stick. The Mountie. Oh no. Look at that. Oh no. The Mountie. Chocking Sergeant Slaughter. Again. Going right back. Look at that. Unbelievable. Sergeant Slaughter is out. He's out cold. The Mountie sitting back in his seat. As if nothing happened. I can't believe this. That's a victory for Rick Flair. He's going to accept that. It's a victory. Jimmy Hart back at ringside. Running like a thief in the night. Flair was in on this. This was a set up all the way with Rick Flair, Mr. Perfect, and the Mountie. A complete set up all the way. Now Jimmy Hart back in. As if nothing happened. I'll tell you what. They better get some help down there for Sergeant Slaughter. Sergeant Slaughter has not moved. Sergeant Slaughter is unconscious. Did you see the size of that shock stick? I've never seen anything like that before. There's no telling what kind of voltage. What kind of power was in that shock stick. It's almost as if Jimmy Hart and the man you're celebrating, Sergeant Slaughter has done nothing for the Mountie. A set up all the way by Rick Flair. You're nothing, you're scum, you're a U.S. scum, you're nothing, you're a U.S. scum. Sergeant Slaughter will have a report on his condition when we return. One of you guys right here next week is going to get to beat up the Warriors. That's right, Jimmy. Heads we win, tails we win. Either way, Warrior, you lose. You're going to Nasty Bill, and you ain't coming back. Oh, all you little Warriors, give me a break. Warrior is going to be the shortest return in WWF history. You're getting nasty times, Daddy-O. Only a few sunsets and sunrises since the return of the most awesome force in the WWF, and things remain down and dirty and nasty all around. Still walking unaffected by the curse of Butip put up on us by Papa Shango. Now we walk and venture into the armpits of you, the nasty boys, for what you don't realize, knobs and sag. Next week, the curse shall be put upon you. Rick the Model Martell, you tried to blind me by spraying arrogance in my eyes. But worse than that, you've taken my eagle feathers, which was handed down to me by my great ancestors, which is the highest honor a Native American can have. You, Rick the Model Martell, for that, I will seek revenge. Our feature here this week on Wrestling Challenge, on this special Mother's Day edition, the WWF Tag Team Champions. This is a single match frame. It's DiBiase against Earthquake, one-on-one. Squash City time. I don't think DiBiase is going to squash it that easy, but he's going to win the match. Look at Jimmy Hart running for his life already. That's the Earthquake. That's not Jimmy Hart. Yeah, well, I saw that little ruck just bail himself out of the ring there. I'd like to see what his mom looks like. Earthquake's mother doesn't have the figure as big as his. DiBiase attacking immediately, trying to get the upper hand right from the get-go. No way he wants out of that corner. I'll tell you, Earthquake and Typhoon are really upset because DiBiase and Erwin R. Scheister took advantage of the rule. If you get counted out of the ring, you lose the match, but you don't lose the title. That's not what they did, Frank. They just walked out, walked away, and saved their title. Look at the avalanche in the corner. DiBiase in a whole heap of trouble here. Another avalanche. He's got to get out of that ring. He's got to get out of the way. Oh, he's got that little ruck out there. Oh, Elmo finds the mark, got the win right out of him. No big deal, though, because there's no title at stake. Uh-oh, he's going to drop on him. He's going to squash him like a pregnant state, Frank. Get even, clock. Good move. How do we find a way? Yeah, run. Take a hike. Just like you did at WrestleMania. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. No big deal. You got the money. You don't need the money. Now, wait a minute. Typhoon can't be out there. He's not a license manager. Oh, it's club sandwich time. No escaping now. Pumped between the rock and the hard place. DBS, he's shot back in there. Well, it looks like Earthquake and Typhoon were doing some thinking. They got their battle plan pretty well down. Look out! From out of nowhere, with the anti-shake case. Irwin R. Scheinster. You see, Monsoon, when you got that much money, you also have brains. They thought they were going to have smart money incorporated. Not over yet. That's it. Grab him by the tie. Drag him in there. Oh, no. Monsoon now just fighting for existence here. They've got his attention now. Oh, what is in that anti-shake case? Oh, I think the Wall Street Journal. Maybe some pencils. Yeah. Nothing important. Maybe a couple of bricks as well. Oh, I doubt that. That would be cheating. Yeah. Good night, Earthquake. What are they doing right now on the Quake? They're trying to get a typhoon. Is he sleeping? He's scared to get in there. Got his head rammed right into the steel steps. There he comes down. Well, this vendetta a long way from being over. They'll be looking over their shoulders in the weeks and months to come. You can bet on that brain. They're still Tag Team Champions, Monsoon. Temporarily, they are. Earthquake in trouble. We're going to take you, though, to the event center. Good luck, Jimmy. All right, ladies and gentlemen, my guest this week is the Repo Man. He's right behind you, G. Behind you, stupid. See, you never know where he's going to come from. This guy's soft as a grape, you know that? Yeah, Oker and his soft. All right. My watch. My watch. He's a thief. That's why I'm the Repo Man. Repo Man, I got to point out recently in front of a national television audience, you did one of the most reprehensible, one of the most... Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You wait a minute. You did to Davey Boy Smith what you should do to normal. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What I did to Davey Boy Smith, he deserved it. He's despicable. And if it was up to me when I wrapped this rope around his neck... And threw him over the top rope and started choking him, he'd still be dangling from it. No man, no man, Repo deserves that kind of treatment. Now, wait a minute. Hey, it's just like when you're going and repossessing some old lady's car. You sneak up the driveway, you get to the garage door. And all of a sudden, a little dog behind you starts barking. Then you look across the street, and another dog starts barking, and a neighbor's dog starts barking. And then all the lights in the neighborhood come on. What does that dog do? It ruins my job. He loves his work. Well, there ain't going to be no bulldog that's going to ruin my job because I have something for him. A leash. A short leash. In fact, a choke chain. What's wrong with his voice? You get it, my son? Choke chain. It's just like what they say, a dog is man's best friend. Well, the Repo man's best friend is a choke chain. I'd like to choke him myself. Hey, wait a minute. My wall's missing. Hey. Attention, Bushwhackers. Next week, you are going to meet your demise when you face the Brothers Beverly. Bo, can you believe we got to get in the ring with them sardine-eating filthy creatures? We're going to have a good time beating up the Bushwhackers because they're just two big sissies, just like L.O.D. Whoa! Yay! Oh, Bo, he gets a look right there next week. We're taking on a couple of sissies, the Beverly Sisters. And you know, Keselund, I've just had a big feed of sardines. And, Keselund, I haven't watched for a week. Oh, boy, Keselund. Are we ready? We're going to wipe out the Beverly Sisters. Yay! The following contest is scheduled for the World Wrestling Federation. A lot of animal sounds coming out of Dayton, Ohio. The Rullabong Superloader's Lordship, Alfred Hayes. Well, there's intercontinental title matchup between that slob, that pig right there, Alfred, Skinner, and the reigning champion, intercontinental champ, right there, Hitman Hart. Well, he certainly has some despicable and disgusting habits, but you can't deny that once this man is inside the ring, he is a formidable opponent. And Bret Hart, who is a very worthy champion and a great pound-for-pound wrestler, he's going to have his hands tied to an effect against Skinner. Oh, I saw this match made on paper, Alfred. I said to Bret, if you don't beat this guy, Skinner, don't ever talk to me again. I certainly didn't say that. I certainly did. Well, look, he's replied. I can't stand that disgusting tobacco-spitting, alligator-hunting, preach. He may be all those things you say, but you watch this man inside the ring. I know what he can do. He's dangerous. They love him. Straighten that out. We'll be able to read it. I think it was really love your breath. Love your breath. And they certainly do. Well, they're going to love him out there at Long Beach. He's making an appearance at that personal fitness expo weekend. I guess he won't be defending the title that weekend, Alfred. You know, Gorilla, you've coined one of the most incredibly apt phrases of all time and the most repeated phrase of all time when you said that about this man, Bret the Hitman Hart. That he has excellence of execution. Absolutely. He certainly has that. Whether that'll be enough for him to get by the number one contender for his gold right now, Shawn Michaels and his main squeeze, Sherry, well, that remains to be seen. What a tough decision that's going to be for either man to face each other. Now, Shawn Michaels has the confidence of a really cocky fellow. He has a lot of conceit, a lot of ego, but at the same time he has tremendous talent inside the ring. He is devastating. And a lot of help from outside the ring. And that too, yes. Now, Bret Hart never, never has turned down any challenger for his title whatsoever. Well, he can. You don't have the right to do that, Alfred. Championship committee decides who the number one challenger is and you have to face him. Well, when Bobby Hart was managing various fellows, did that ever deter him from picking and choosing one or two of the opponents? No. No. But every 30 days you must defend your title because whomever the championship committee deems is the number one challenger. Yes, absolutely. Well, obviously Shawn Michaels has had that feeling for some time and he's going to have to come face to face with him. But what's he going to do? Is he going to pick a certain player? Is he going to say I don't want to meet him this week? I'll meet him in two weeks' time or what? Well, I think he's looking for a little bit more of an edge than he already has with Sherry outside the ring and that is perhaps a match of this magnitude against a guy like Skinner who can literally cause some kind of physical damage to the hitman and maybe a week from now say hey, I want the guy now. Yes. You know, and get a little edge that way. Well, that makes a lot of sense. Absolutely. It's also not too ethical, is it? No. However, with this particular match here, if Skinner comes out the victim, there's no type of match for Bret Hart against Shawn Michaels then. He's going to be the champion. And it would be Shawn Michaels against Skinner. Yes, and believe me, Shawn Michaels would have the same attitude against Skinner. Well, maybe not quite as bad, but he really has it in for Bret Hart. Nice arm drag by the hitman. A lot of history behind that intercontinental belt. A lot of guys have held it over the years. A lot of guys held it more than once, including Bret the Hitman Hart. Yes. The one at the first time in Madison Square Garden and then recently got it back at WrestleMania VIII. And I would say of all those champions, Gorilla, that Bret Hart is probably the most worthy of them all. This fellow is just sensational. He certainly is. Everything he does is so good. It is like watching poetry in motion when this fellow is inside the ring. He moves so fluidly, so gracefully. He accomplishes everything he sets out to do. The only, if I do have any criticism at all of Bret Hart, is that sometimes he seems to take a little more punishment than is absolutely necessary. I have criticisms of the Hitman Hart. Only one. He needs a haircut. He needs a nice, clean-cut haircut. You know, that could be a detriment to you in the ring, to have those strands in front of your eyes and not being able to see where something's coming from. Well, it doesn't seem to impair his performance whatsoever. Well, it doesn't do anything for his looks either, Alfred. I don't think so. You asked the girls about that. They like those curly locks. Oh, nice leverage move by Skinner. Says the Hitman sternum first into the top turnbuckle. Skinner's so dangerous with the things that he does. The moves he pulls off against really top-rated men. No wonder Skinner's in this position now as a challenger for the intercontinental title. Well, he had an undefeated record coming into this match, Alfred. Yes, he has indeed. You'd be very lucky to leave it that way. And yes, I must agree with that indeed. Elbow finds the mark as well. He doesn't have a whole lot of money tied up in ring attire either. No, he needs another injection of cash into his account, I would imagine. I think he's got plenty of cash. He's just not spending any of it. Maybe he doesn't know how to. Well, he could take lessons from Hitman. Hitman doesn't know how to either. Cheapest guy I ever met. Has he never paid the tag in a restaurant before? Are you kidding? No. He says, I always left my money in my other suit. He does, yes. He's pulled that on me a couple of times, too. Skinner looking really good here. Rehearsed double chinlock. Now trying to tear open the jaws, much like you might do with an alligator. Of course, alligators don't think when a Hitman does. Yes. And he moves, too, much faster than an alligator. Uh-oh, look out. He's got something. Take a look. Skinner really doing well. He's surprising me. You could say this would be an upset against the odds, wouldn't you? Absolutely. I would say that Bret is definitely an odds-on favorite to win this match against Skinner, but he's making hard work of it at the moment. I know he likes to test the firepower of his adversaries, but I think he's gone beyond that point in this match. He's absorbing a whole lot of punishment here. And obviously you don't do that unless it's absolutely necessary. Whoa. Nobody home in the corner has Skinner telegraphed that move from a long ways off. Absolutely. The durability and stamina that is possessed by Hart is absolutely amazing. He's confounded all his opponents. Look at him. You wouldn't think he'd taken all that punishment just a short while ago. Look at him now, so nimble, so quick. Second train buckle on the inside elbow. Finds the mark in the sternum. Will he go for the cover? No. He's going for the sharpshooter. Don't look around, Bret. Just do it. And that is the hallmark of a great wrestler. Put your stamp on everybody and get them in awe of that move. Boy, watch your sit back. Forget about it. Skinner couldn't say it quick enough. Here's the official word. The lovely Mike McGurk, only too happy to make that announcement. Still reigning Intercontinental Champion, Bret the Hitman Hart. And a lot of people happy about that. On his way to the Personal Fitness Expo, June 13th and 14th in Long Beach Convention Center is the Hitman. Let's go back and take a look at some of the action earlier on. Gorilla always had the feeling during this match that Bret Hart was really playing a little bit with Skinner, toying with him, and he certainly did that. Here he lured him into that particular move. Skinner fell for it. And then comes the sharpshooter, which he does so beautifully. Everybody's looking at, including Shawn Michaels, his main challenger. A great victory for Bret Hart. Oh, Jimmy, what a feeling of power I had when I put 8,000 volts of electricity through your American hero, Sergeant Slaughter. Let me tell you something, Slaughter. You will surrender to me. If you're like me, then you know just how tough it is to have to crush your opponents night after night after night. But did you ever wonder what a guy like me who crushes people for a living does just to sort of relax, unwind, and be himself? Well, come here. I'll show you. Now, wasn't that relaxing? We're back with our WWF faction, and here he comes. Yes, indeed, the Big Boss Man. Hold it right there, McMahon. Cut it off right there. I got an announcement. Shawn Michaels has left the building. What? Shawn Michaels has left the building. That's big news. You don't want about a thousand people outside waiting around after the matches for Shawn Michaels. I'll tell you what's big news, and that is the fact that whomever the Boss Man offended recently... So you do agree with it that he did offend somebody. I should say allegedly. I beg your pardon. I stand corrected. I stand corrected. I should say allegedly offended. Uh-huh. Has done his time and is now out. We know. Right. He is out on the street, thus far. Did you see that? Yes, sir. I did. Wow. That was impressive. Big Boss Man against Glenn Ruth, and whoa, what a haymaker uppercut. You notice how he's looking over his shoulder every time he turns around, McMahon? He's not looking at anything except his opponent. Oh, wow. I don't know of anyone that would want to mess with the Big Boss Man one-on-one. Well, you don't know how the Big Boss Man treated people when they were inside the Big House, McMahon. I don't know for sure. I wasn't there, though. I know, however, that he's a very compassionate man. Also, I know that he is an extraordinary competitor, as we are witnessing at the moment with Glenn Ruth. Oh, I'm not taking anything like that away from the Boss Man. He's a great athlete for a big man. He moves great. Wow. And after you've been in a match with the Big Boss Man, you definitely know it. You remember it for a long, long time. Well, you know the old saying, what goes around comes around. And obviously, Boss Man has got something coming back on him. And I can't wait. And an easy three count for the Big Boss Man. She gave it her all with her. Look. We have an interruption here. Big Boss Man. Big Boss Man. I'm talking to you. I've done my time. And now, I'm coming for you. Ha ha ha ha. Where did that come from? He's here in the building somewhere. We'll be back with the Ultimate Warrior. We're back in the Ultimate Warrior's dressing room, ladies and gentlemen. Unfortunately, he is suffering severe abdominal pain. He's in a standing position there to help him out, along with a number of his friends. The Ultimate Warrior. Oh, unfortunately. Let's go back out to ringside. This is unfortunate. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest this week, the World Wrestling Federation Champion, Mopso Man, Randy Savage. Here's your large standing ovation here for the Mopso Man, Randy Savage. As I told you, AWOL. She's on the phone right now talking to Slick Rick, I bet. They're calling his answering machine. Take me back, Rick. Give me another chance. I love you. I love you, Slick Rick. Whoo! Right behind his back. I love you. Why don't you just be quiet and listen to what the champ has to say. Wow, what a reception this week. Mopso Man, Randy Savage. Rumor has it that next week, Executive Consultant Mr. Perfect, along with Rick Flair, will be revealing even more damning evidence that will tarnish the relationship between Elizabeth and yourself. You've got to be ripping. You don't understand that those are all lies up until now. Understand the fact that nothing that they say is true. But all of this evidence, I mean, what does a person think? No credibility at all. Understand that? No credibility at all. Well, as I say, Mopso Man, this information is going to be released here the next week or 10 days. All lies, Mean Gene Oakland. What do you want me to do, kill the messenger? 10,000 people tell 10,000 lies. And Rick Flair, you're the worst liar that ever was. Or you might be the best liar that ever was. Understand the fact that you are messing with something inside me, ladies. Inside me, ladies. It seems to me that you're degrading the two things that mean the most to me and this entire world. Number one is Elizabeth. And number two is my World Wrestling Federation Championship belt. Elizabeth is the First Lady of the World Wrestling Federation. Oh, yeah. Everyone. And Rick Flair, you gotta understand that when you tell these lies, you're talking about my life. Oh, yeah. And she means more to me than anything in this entire world. More to me than even my World Wrestling Federation Championship belt. But you say that I'm a temporary champion, Rick Flair. Oh, well, let me tell you something right now. Life is temporary. Titles are temporary. But one thing that'll always remain the same, and that you can never change, my World Wrestling Federation Championship belt was mine before it was yours. Oh, yeah. But your wife was Flair's before she was yours. Why don't you stop? Slam them with a lawsuit, champ. Alienation of affection. I didn't say that. I did. What a tag team this is, Monsoon. Too bad they don't have a manager. The manager, the genius. They have a genius. That's what I said. Look at him. Here are Bowe and Blake. The Beverly Brothers. I wish the repo man had put that rope around her neck. Are we gonna have a poem? I hope so. Oh, boy. Be quiet. Before we meet the Bushwackers, the Brothers Beverly have a message for the Sissy Boys who once were LOD. Pay attention to the genius, as I hurt your self-esteem. Paul Ellering's the leader of a stupid Sissy team. You know this brain? You know this brain? In every one of his poems, he uses the word esteem. You know why? Because he doesn't have any. Oh, he does, too. He does not. But it's easy to rhyme to that as well. Give me a break. Blue Cat Bunch, the Bushwackers. Tell me, Masu, what's got an IQ of 9 and has 19? Oh, you are perfect, I guess. No, the Bushwackers. Oh, boy. Hey, I wonder if the Bushwackers are gonna get their faces painted. Well, I'm late. The Beverly's have been painting up a lot of guys, claiming that they're Sissy's brain. Well, you know, where they come from, look at this. They've been licking and whacking their way here through the WWF for what? Ever since we found them off that bush guard. Hey, with the animal. They think alike. They act alike. They look alike. They even bungee jump alike. And they sort of smell alike. Yes, they do. You know something, brain? These Beverly's have been chasing now, lead to the doom. Sooner or later, to their dismay, they're gonna catch them. But it was very wonderful, wasn't it? Yes, it was. Did you notice, boy, why doesn't he take a long walk on a short pier? You know, speaking of piers, over in John's Pass, Florida, over there by St. Pete, I saw the Bushwackers one day bungee jumping up a crane. They did, huh? Oh, yeah, they're nuts. They're not playing with a full deck. Oh, nice reversal. They're gonna bounce those into the breadbasket. Face slam. They're gonna paint the Bushwackers. Easier said than done, brain. Close line, City of the Beauty. Good teamwork. Whoa. Gotta pay attention. Double close line. Get one of them out of there. Get the dumb-looking one out. You got a block. Hand me that, would you please? Oh, did you see that? He whacked him right in the forehead. What happened? With the genius's scroll. I missed it. I was just reaching for a beverage here. What happened? What a miscarriage of justice. Here are your winners, the Beverly Brothers. Oh, give me a break. We're gonna have some Bushwacker painting. Do it, genius. Make them look like the legions of sissies. They cheated. It doesn't matter. We're gonna get the paint. Time for school. I don't think he knows how to get the lid off. Oh, they got paintbrushes and everything. Now, kids, remember, you can try this at home on your little brothers. It's okay. It is not. Okay, do it to your sister, then. Come on, paint them up real good. Look at this. Oh, out of nowhere. Paint them on a hawk. Wow, they wanted him so bad. There they are. Something's gonna happen now. Look at him. He's handing his... Yeah, that weapon. Well, he just grounded a hawk. And look at him running on. That's a smart move. They're not getting beat up, are they? I'll make the introduction here. The announcement. The winner. What an announcement. The Beverly Brothers. Well, so far the score is one hawk down, one bushwhacker, two to go. They'll be laughing out of the other side to their mom. That's a Legion of Sissies. Legion of Sissies. We prove this to everybody. That's a Legion of Sissies. Legion of Sissies. What an education you're gonna get. I'm trying to tell you. Let's hear it for the Beverly Brothers. Hey, that's a pretty good move. You knock off the bushwhackers and leave one of the LOD land. Yeah, by using what? A weapon? Give me a break. We haven't heard the last of these you can bet on it. Here's Event Center. I like it. Ultimate Warrior. Now I have the final possession to complete my curse on you. I now own your spirit. I now own you. You know, Perfect, people take life way too serious. Not you and me. You smell that? That's excitement. No, that's love in the air. Oh, it sure is. You look at Mr. Perfect in the real world champion, you know that we style and we profile, we take in the race. Hey, for us, life's a picnic. We enjoy the very best that life has to offer every day of our lives. Only one problem. Liz, you won't leave me alone. You're calling me on the phone. You're sending me telegrams. You're knocking on my door all night long. Honey, don't you understand? You are permanently on the outside looking in. Slick Rick, just for one second. The flowers are blooming. The birds are chirping. It's springtime. Maybe you ought to color a little slack. No, we're booked. We're booked for good. She's out. She's figured out. I can understand her frustration, baby. Once you've been there, you'll want back. I don't blame you, but it's not going to happen. You know, Mr. Perfect, she's even leaving messages on my answering machine. Show them. Yeah. Oh, baby, you are all the way to life. Hi, this is Slick Rick. I can't come to the phone right now for obvious reasons. But if you leave a message, baby, I'll get back to you as soon as possible. It's for the woo and the beep. Hi, honey. I know you're not home. You're out on the road again. But I just wanted you to know how much I miss you. And when you do get home, I'm going to give you an extra special homecoming. I love you. Bye. Savage, the problem here is you bought the cow and he got the milk for free. You live with that. Hey, Liz, what are you going to give me that I want, baby? I got it all right here. You got nothing for me. You and Savage better get two things straight. You're not coming back, baby, but the belt is. Whoo! Ladies and gentlemen, the Ultimate Warrior. All right. This will be an opportunity for us to find out what kind of an effect he really, Papa Shango's curse has really had on the Ultimate Warrior. Look at him. He's still got that stuff all over his face. You know what I mean? All right, Ultimate Warrior, in light of the events of recent weeks, there has been a great deal of speculation about your physical condition. Indeed, are you threatened by Papa Shango, his curse, his spell, his voodoo, his black magic? Does it threaten you? You wonder, and those that do not believe wonder. For I stand before my warriors and you, Papa Shango, to let you know that any weakness in my physical condition recently has already been turned into a greater strength. How can a force of warriors such as these that leaves the entire world spellbound fall under a spell of war? All right, what you're saying then, Ultimate Warrior, this voodoo, this black magic, this spell, this curse of Papa Shango is not threatening you. What you're saying is that you, Ultimate Warrior, are in complete control of your destiny. I have never been in control of my destiny. It is these warriors that stand behind me. These warriors that walk with me that are in control of such things. But I stand here to tell you that these warriors believe that the voodoo you possess is nothing but another challenge that must be stopped, a challenge that must be conquered, a challenge we will survive. Wait a minute, what's that? What is it? What's that? What is that, McMahon? Where did that come from? What's going on? Warriors! Warriors! God, what is that? I'm speechless, McMahon. And so is he. The curse of Papa Shango strikes again. Has he really been cursed? Ladies and gentlemen, on this Memorial Day holiday weekend, please join me in welcoming one of the proudest Americans I know, Sergeant Slaughter. Sergeant Slaughter with Old Glory making his way down on this Memorial Day weekend, kicking off the summer heat that's about to happen for him. But in a lot of cases, it's already happened. Well, there's a lot of heat going on right now between him and the Mountain. Good to see the stars and stripes, Old Glory, with you on this particular holiday weekend. However, something I have to bring up. Recently, you were involved in a rather shocking incident, so to speak. Well, Mr. Auckland, the reason I'm here this week is to make a pledge. A pledge to you, Mountain. Two weeks ago, right here on national television, Mountain, you found it in your sick little mind to not only come out and see that ring sign, but you interfered in my match. And not only did you interfere in my match, Mountain, but you almost made Sergeant Slaughter hear caps because you brought out that joystick of yours, that electrocution machine, and shoved it right in my gut. Well, Mountain, my pledge to you is that I'm going to do what this great country has always done in a war. I'm not going to back down from you. I'm going to hunt you down. I'm going to defeat you, Mountain, and I'm going to totally annihilate you. And that, Mountain, you had better listen up to. I did all making up pledges being that this is a Memorial Day weekend, the weekend that we give thanks and I show respect to all the brave soldiers, men and women who gave their lives for this great country so that we can remain free. I'd like to say this week, with all the help of my fellow Americans, I'd like to show my respect to all those great women. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. USA, number one, and best in honor. The only thing you know about making a supreme sacrifice would be giving up to comics in the Sunday paper. Hey, did you see Hager the other day? Why don't you stop? We'll be right back. Well, we're just about ready to see, ladies and gentlemen, the individual that allegedly is responsible for all of the activity we saw in the update. And no, it's not Brian Brigger. It's this man. I'm not ready to come on to the scene, but right now, perhaps more than any other superstar in the WWF today, casts more fear, more sheer terror up and down the spine of his opponents than anyone else. And I'm sure the Ultimate Warrior is in definite belief now that those curses that have been put upon him from Papa Shango are for real. The big monster of a man. Very, very impressive when he burst upon the scene here in the WWF. However, never has he been any more impressive since these alleged curses have been put on the Warrior. Well, McMahon, this is the first time I've seen him wrestle since he's cast that curse on the Ultimate Warrior. What's gonna happen next? I have no idea. I mean, after last week, I just have no idea. There's no telling what to expect from this man. Look at this steam coming out of that skull. Papa Shango taking his time here, and it's almost like everyone else here is waiting for something to happen. I mean, is the Warrior gonna burst upon the scene? It's almost like they're waiting. Here he goes into this spell. What is this? This is that same look he had in his eyes, McMahon. It is that same look. You're right. Oh, wait a minute. What's going on? What is that? He started a... What is that? There's a fire! There's a fire somewhere here in the building! There's a... Wait a minute! What... What is that? He's... McMahon... His opponent's feet are on fire. I cannot believe my eyes. All the lights in the building have went out. He went into that... that trance. And that goo, that same goo that we saw on the face of the Ultimate Warrior, on the face of Brian Trigger. What... What kind of power does this man really possess? McMahon, I have never seen anything like this. It's still leaking out. Papa Shango striking sheer terror in the hearts of this capacity crowd as the lights went out just a moment ago. There's that look, McMahon. What is that? What else can we expect from Papa Shango? It just boggles the mind to think that this man has those kinds of powers. You have no idea what to... Hey, McMahon, the lights went out in the building. The next thing we see is a guy's feet on fire. I'm out of here, McMahon. I don't want nothing to do with this guy. That makes two of us. Let's go to the offense center. We're gonna see the contingent from Cobb County, Georgia. The contingent no doubt who will have to face whomever it is that's after him. Well, we heard the voice last week, McMahon. The guy is definitely out. The big boss man. Ha, ha, ha. You know the big boss man will make you walk tonight. You better watch out for him. He's serving hard time. Hard time is a name in the game. And it appears as though whomever it is that's after the boss man served a little hard time and apparently did not like his treatment serving hard time. Maybe he served a little bit harder time than he was supposed to at the hands of the boss man. I just don't believe the big boss man is that kind of a person. Oh, I do. He is a former prison guard from Cobb County, Georgia. That much is in fact true. My goodness, what an uppercut. I just don't believe he's the kind of individual who would abuse authority. Oh, he'd only abuse it if you were on the other side of the fence and you couldn't get at him. I know the boss man. Boss man appears to be a little tentative. See him looking off there to the right. Even against his opponent here, Dave Roulette. Yeah, he's looking off. He's looking around. He's scared. He knows he's done somebody wrong. Well, he knows someone's after him. He doesn't know whom this may be. But he no doubt is a bit skittish these days and justifiably so. Well, if you know who's facing you, it's one thing. If you don't know who they are, then naturally, you have certain reason to be concerned. Look at the boss. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Who is that man? I have no idea who that is. Who is he? I don't know who that is, but man, that's the guy. That's the guy. That's gotta be him. That's gotta be him. There's the number one. What's he doing? Look. That's gotta be the man. There. That's gotta be the boss man. Stick on himself. Just how the boss man probably used it on him. I've been waiting to see who this is. Look at the size of this guy. Our boss man need to look so tough now. Oh, no. I knew he was right in the face. Looked like it knocked his teeth out. He knew he was right in the face. Again. My goodness. What goes around comes around, boss man. Now, how does it feel? Oh, wait a minute. There's his cuffs. What's he gonna do with it? What with this guy as he's got his hand coming to big boss man. He jammed that nightstick into his ribs. Lifted a knee to the face, and now his cuffs to boss man. Oh, no. Come on. Perhaps the boss man did the same thing to him when he was in the big house. Oh, no. He's wide open. Oh, no. Did you hear that? That broke his leg. McMahon, that broke his leg. I can hear that way up here. Oh, no. The boss man is helpless. Oh, no. Oh, man. I'm telling you right now, McMahon. No one is moving. No one is trying to help the boss man. Where are the other officials around? Things are a little bit different on the other side of the fence, huh, boss man? No one is helping the big boss man. They're afraid of this man. Oh, no. He must have really done this man wrong, McMahon. Whoever this man is jamming, jamming the boss man, jamming that nightstick into the guts of the boss man. For weeks we've been hearing that he was getting out. Now he's out. Now we find out. Look at this. The boss man is helpless. He's absolutely helpless. What is this now? That's a key. He has his own key to the handcuffs, McMahon. This is, this is disgusting. The boss man, no matter what, does not deserve this. This is absolutely disgusting. We've been hearing, not for weeks, but we've been hearing for months about this man getting out, about this man seeking revenge, no matter what. Look at the look on his face. How do you know the boss man doesn't deserve this, McMahon? You don't know how he treated this man. I know for sure boss man's life's gotta be broken. I heard his snap, McMahon. Look at this. Look at this. Someone's gotta help the boss man. Someone's gotta get down there and help him. Oh my gosh. Look at his face, McMahon. You tell me this guy hasn't been pinned up for a while. He's happy to be out. Oh my gosh. He's helpless. There goes the rib. The boss man is unconscious. Boss man's moving black and blue everywhere. No one deserves a beating like this. No one deserves a beating like this. Unless he got beaten like that himself, McMahon. Even then, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. No one deserves it. And if that man spent time in a big house, you can bet he deserved it. No one deserves this. I don't care what you say. Finally, some officials are coming down to try and persuade this man to get out of the ring. They're not gonna go near this guy, McMahon. Look at the look on this guy's face. The boss man is unconscious. This capacity crowd can't believe what they have just witnessed. They've just witnessed the most severe beating in WWF history. Look at the boss man. He's quivering. Somebody's gotta get him out of there. No one will come close to him. Somebody has to get him out. 902714. That's the number. Oh, no. Oh, no. Kick him in the face while you're there, too. The woman that says he just has no respect for authority. He has no respect at all for anyone around ringside. And he certainly has no respect for the big boss man. Maybe he was in for a crime that he never did, and the big boss man looked at that. The most severe beating the big boss man has ever taken. He's gonna require a lot of medical attention. But look at this going out in the crowd. Walking right up there. Nobody's gonna mess with this guy. Look how big he is. He's a monster. And look at the result. Lookit, they broke the handcuffs right off the boss man. Attendant's arriving here. Finally, we're gonna get some help for the boss man. Did you hear that stick hit his leg, McMahon? I have never heard that had to be a bone crack in the boss man's leg. What about jamming it to his ribs? Did you see that? And the punts to the ribs. Boss man's black and bluer than the shirt he's wearing. And the slaps to the head. And attacking this man with his own nightstick, handcuffing him helplessly with his hands behind his back. What kind of a beast was that man? What kind of an animal is he? He's the kind of an animal that was caged up in the big house and the boss man treated him like garbage. And in return, boss man, look at you now. Look at you now, you piece of garbage. You got what you deserve. That's a lie. That's a complete lie. No one deserves that. I don't care what the circumstances are. No one deserves the kind of beating that the big boss man just got. Nobody. That's a disgrace to the WWF. A disgrace to whomever it was. When your name is Crush and you eat guys like the Mountie or the model for lunch, what do you have for breakfast? Simple. A short stack.