PPV Broadcast VHS master from cable recorded by tacoburrito ripped from VHS to DVD by tacoburrito Ok folks, here it is. As complete as I can find it. Woodstock 94. 22 DVDs. 43+ hours. This is the source from TacoBurrito. He has dumped his 22 tapes to DVD for me. Each dvd is exactly what is on each VHS tape. From beginning to end. No edits, no NR, no tweaking. What you see is exactly what he got. Complete with flaws. I will note known flaws as I go. What TacoBurrito tried to accomplish back in 1994 was to document the entire PPV broadcast in the USA. He told me the story about how he went to Walmart just a few hours before the PPV was to start. He brought the basket of tapes up to the register and the lady was kind of shocked how he was buying so many blanks at once. He smiled at her and told her the tapes would all be completely filled in two days. Puzzled at his remark TacoBurrito simply smiled and walked out the door with his tapes. He then told me that he had two VHS machines hooked up and before one tape would run out he would attempt to start the other tape at the beginning of a song. There were a couple of swaps that didn't work out so perfectly. There was one swap where he fell asleep and missed the cue to start the next tape. Luckily only a 10-20 minute segment was lost. I will note that point when we get to those discs. He told me toward the 30 hour mark he was having to take cat naps between tape swaps, using an alarm clock. Record Source: PPV Live>CableTV feed>Mitsubishi U67/Vector Research 6040D VHS HiFi (two alternating decks) Playbeck deck - Hitachi FX6404 VHS fed into a Panasonic DMR-E30 DVD standalone Please be aware this was recorded using a stand alone dvd recorder from VHS masters. The queue points are not aligned with the songs, but rather approx. every 5 minutes. Taken from TacoBurrito's cable feed masters. He recorded the entire PPV except for about 15-20 minutes during the night time recap. (missed a tape swap, it does affect this DVD torrent). Two HiFi machines were used to record the entire broadcast to make sure he got it all!! (well most of it) No reencoding or reauthoring was done. There are no fancy menus. You may take this and reauthor it with menus and redistribute it. That is fine with me. Please credit TacoBurrito with the original rip if you alter it. If something is not perfect then thats the way the tapes are. Blame Taco! hahaha MISSED TAPE SWAP for this tape. Most of first song chopped 00:00:00 santana (missed tape swap)(comes in mid song) 00:41:06 announcers talk over and cut away from santana 00:41:50 santana (cuts back into performance WTF)(cuts away to bob dylan) 00:55:40 bob dylan (tape ends before encore starts, nothing lost)