bad day at the office yes thank you thank you yes Catherine thanks to you I worked at home all day if only you had worked at home the day you sold your boat as she meant Kim then I wouldn't have to face the humiliation of being undermined and second-guessed and reduced to being a glorified observer of a company I used to manage and I no longer have the one sure bright spot in any rough working day of seeing my son on the job because thanks to you he's gone I can't sarcastically ask you what more you could do to screw up my life because I'm afraid you'll have an answer thank you sweetie you got it hey you look hot excited you are hot so you always look hot but what are you excited about in addition to being hot didn't hear a word okay so I just said the amazing most amazing good fortune with the perfect timing I sold my camper oh my gosh that's great it's great now you can pay first last month's rent security deposit and I can do like the dishes once a month so then it's a done deal you two are moving in together well no no not really I mean not unless you consider sharing a one-bedroom apartment the same is moving together well congratulations to both of you thank you I just hope you let him come have a cup of coffee or lunch with his old mother sometime no mom we are moving far far away I think we're what three no no five five floors down from Michael Michael you're in Michael's building yep so I guess this is goodbye I mean well I so much prefer this to the boxing match I was expecting on my way home I know what you mean fighting is so overrated and what will the lady be having to drink tonight a double vodka tonic please water it is and through your first course of the lady be having pad Thai noodles or shrimp set a hmm surprise me oh miss I've been informed by management that the surprises I have for you cannot be undertaken in such a family restaurant but must be performed in the privacy of our own bedroom as a lady wishes somebody has lousy telling me oh hello professor TJ JT JT right yeah hi I thought I caught you at home hey neighbor want to go caroling oh we'd love to go but these lights are gonna take forever all done it's that easy Martha Stewart everyday pre-lit tree just 79.99 Kmart where Christmas comes together not only do delicious McCormick finishing sauces add the perfect flavor to any meal they're also the perfect end to any day finishing sauces from McCormick the taste you trust know what's unfair when you realize all those little lines and spots weren't around yesterday so I use L'Oreal's new advanced or violet complete lotion in just two weeks new anti-wrinkle infirming action new evenness all in a lightweight lotion L'Oreal's new advanced or vital lift complete lotion your kids can play piano very well thanks they've loved learning tell me did you bribe them to practice her bed video games with I can play piano system your kids play great video games on their own keyboard I knew it bribes games that teach them to read music and play real songs at the same time of course you have to put a limit on video games their music to my ears I can play piano only from Fisher-Price science suggests vitamin D is a key to calcium absorption which helps keep bones strong new improved caltrate has more vitamin D keep your bones strong to keep your body strong new caltrate the key to strong bones spend less time lying awake with annoying aches and pains and more time asleep when you switch from Tylenol p.m. to new Advil p.m. Advil p.m. less time lying awake more time asleep of all the cute little outfits she has to crawl around in her favorite thing to wear is nothing that's why Huggies makes new natural fit diapers unlike Pampers cruisers Huggies is the only diaper with hug flex a new hourglass shape that fits feels natural to your baby it's a little thing that lets her forget about her diaper and focus on fun stuff like playing with you the little things are everything Huggies natural fit hey neighbor want to go caroling oh we'd love to go but these lights are gonna take forever all done it's that easy Martha Stewart everyday pre-lit tree just 79.99 Kmart where Christmas comes together CBS tomorrow a deadly secret buried below toxic waste each dot represents one sick child but solving this crime isn't the only problem Dr. Mildred Finch FBI case it is now low priority on the server number CBS tomorrow additional sponsorship provided by now hot pocket sandwiches have deli-style meat but remember they're in the freezer section new deli-style wasn't expecting you to be home I was just dropping off the material that you'll need to help with tomorrow's lecture okay if you have any questions you know as long as you're here maybe you could skim it now save us both some time tomorrow I don't know if you had any plans tonight actually we were gonna have some dinner which I will put in the microwave and safe later yeah I'm sure I get you something to drink you have a dry white only if that's dry white beer water would be fine sparkling or still professor whatever you've got is exactly what I'd like thanks so that's the bibliography on the German medievalists Esther it's out for the evening I suppose it's too much to expect for her to do the jobs being paid to do and leave something resembling dinner here before she goes well there's food in the kitchen Jill and once you take a bite of it and then you won't blame poor old Esther for your foul mood oh I'm not blaming Esther Catherine I'm blaming you you're the one who made Billy think that he had no choice but to accept that job in Hong Kong what I asked him to accept was responsibility for his act and he was coming around slowly already grant you but he was coming around before you scared him off maybe maybe you didn't realize how much this meant to me with him being gone for such a long time maybe you didn't know how many things I planned on doing together with him now I can't go out to lunch with him I can't go to a movie with him I can't even talk to him on the phone because the time difference thanks to you all right look he made mistakes and he showed bad judgment so what nobody's gonna starve over that but I am gonna miss him the way you missed him and his brother when you sent them away when they were terribly young I mean much too young but you realize they spent half of their childhood away from their mother now probably just weren't a hands-on type of parent maybe I learned that from you maybe but I rather think he got his poor judgment from you I'm glad he's too far away for you to hurt him the way you've hurt me Jenna this computer froze up can you help me please ah well Kevin's the expert but the booting it's something that I can handle wait you're reading take it from Linda why he's three to column every week I wouldn't have survived my teenage years without her she had great fashion advice you know so sorry she died though wait Gloria does that mean you've got a new man in your life oh stop it I'm way past that oh no you're not well I just want to stay presentable you know not be an embarrassment like some of those stereotypical widows oh there is no such thing and you're no such thing do you think that would look good on me I'd say that looks like Cher trying to imitate Laura Bush I forget that that's not right yeah no all that the thing is I just think it's high time for a change you should be warned that I'm not going to be this harmonically hot forever okay okay and just so you know if I if I find you looking at third trimester women the way you look at me I'll be hurt okay then why you slow things down you know they have a 10-month gestation that'd be hot oh yeah that'd be hot because I'd be waddling around with all this extra weight forever waddling is sexy well I mean it's not sexy you don't think it's sexy yeah no you don't you think well you think breathing is sexy well as long as you do it it's hot come on give me a couple deep breaths just a couple come on come on do it yeah it's hot it's really hot don't miss the main event sale at Kohl's because everything in the store is on sale this Friday and Saturday only no exceptions no exclusions plus power hours night owl save extra Friday early bird save extra Saturday the main event sale at Kohl's this Friday and Saturday Kohl's expect the great thing when teens are hungry it seems like there are two of them new Totino's mega pizza rolls twice the delicious filling for twice the appetite mega pizza rolls new from Totino's women at last a breakthrough product to heighten your intimacy introducing Zestra for women a patented blend of all-natural oils clinically proven to heighten pleasure in women heighten your intimacy with Zestra for you and your relationship ever think what flavors are getting into your butter the flavor protect wrapper from Lando lakes keeps the creamy taste you love in other flavors out only from Lando lakes nasal allergy symptoms like congestion can occur at any time and it's hard to avoid the things that cause them prescription nasonex helps relieve congestion and other nasal allergy symptoms maybe that's why four million nasal allergy sufferers use the nasonex last year side effects were generally mild and included headache viral infections sore throat nosebleeds and coughing for more information talk to your doctor nasonex keeps congestion and other nasal allergy symptoms on the run day and night add a capful of mrs. Dash and watch your dinner move 14 natural herbs and spices no salt no MSG it's a deliciously bold way to give the same old same old a good shake shake mrs. Dash and try the 10-minute marinades for mrs. Dash salt-free flavorful no matter how hard I scrubbed lime scale and these rust stains just would not go away that's why now I only use lime away it tackles gritty lime scale and rust stains indoors and out for lime calcium and rust lime away is a must don't miss the main event sale at Kohl's because everything in the store is on sale this Friday and Saturday only no exceptions no exclusions plus power hours night owl save extra Friday early bird save extra Saturday the main event sale at Kohl's this Friday and Saturday Kohl's expect great things CBS tonight a hit and run shocks LA's top prosecutors black victim rich white kid party now two worlds will collide there were kids that didn't belong I had none to do with what happened this case cleared before things get out of control find us a witness I mean a new shark CBS tonight see you're so secure yeah and handsome you know hey speaking of hot we should talk about the arrival of our daughter seriously yes yes and we should think about moving couch and getting the rocker oh suddenly there and painting the bathroom I'm exa wow fucker I think he just woke me up from a terrible dream I was dreaming that yeah you were leaving the hormone stage and entering the nesting phase and all you did was ask me to paint things and move things and fix stuff then you just wanted me to build you an actual giant nest in the living room you want to sit in the middle of it and eat ice cream all day and tell me what to do are you really talking to me like that I'm the mother of your child I'm not being very nice I'm not making fun I'm just telling you about my dream and we can talk about it further after a nap you love me it's okay I was asleep the whole time I didn't hear any of it you heard everything I said no oh wait hit me again okay what about this one how about this one yeah sure if you get me a heavy metal band Gloria you've been holding out on me you're not reading about Miranda Barkley you're you're reading about William Bardwell what have you got a thing I am reading about William Bardwell because I found out that he was married to Miranda Barkley Miranda Barclay from take it from Rhonda no idea I'm so sorry for teasing you about you have to apologize the truth is I do like William William not mr. Bardwell you will stop teasing me when I tell you how we happen to know each other got to know him in a support group for people who lost their spouses you're right I'm sorry I shouldn't taste you not offended he's a wonderful man Jana lost his wife and he understands exactly what I'm going through and it would make me very happy to get to be better friends with him because I do enjoy his company don't you dare make a wisecrack about how handsome powerful and rich he is because the bond we share has nothing to do with those things but wasn't he I mean isn't he the man who prosecuted your husband yep and I've grown to appreciate that he was just doing his job it wasn't personal and I've grown to appreciate him as a man and so what if he's rich a lot of good people are ready like my husband he was rich he was good you like that hairstyle wonder what way I'm gonna think of it I mean do you think that would work for me you look beautiful as ever what Oh William well that's a very effective way to get my attention just calling it as I see it thank you how are you I've had better days but this one is suddenly looking up good are you meeting someone I am my waiter or waitress Oh brought a lot of paperwork yes and every bit of it do yesterday oh but I'm too tired to work right now oh are you making me play 20 questions unless you use up your first 19 before you ask the right question would you join me for dinner I would love to thank you what if I'd used up my 20 questions then I would have let you play you might want to use those robes on the Archangel of the 7th century diptych to illustrate an example of realism naturalistic cloth actually is quite central isn't it makes you wonder if the eroticism wasn't intentional draped that way over an obviously rigid body you know an excellent example of the artist skills put to different use sorry okay I didn't mean to disrupt you I'll be right out of here I should go no stick around as long as you want I just had to get something to eat I was starving huh I didn't realize how late it got well we're almost done with these paintings well they can wait let you have the place to yourselves for whatever activity it was my presence delayed you really don't have to stay what you know you don't have to really I know I'm not staying he already said he was leaving right like I said you don't have to leave I'm sure that's what you meant good night JT yeah thanks for handling that well that was rude what was rude I said he could stay no you didn't you said he didn't have to no I said he didn't have to go you didn't yeah I did and if I didn't that's what I meant to say right whatever no don't be like that now you're calling me a liar okay wait just say you made a mistake no but seriously JT ruined our night that guy's my boss you know and your boss ruined our night all I did was get something to eat he comes over here invites himself in we'll talk about rude we were doing fine until he showed up no we weren't we just weren't talking about our problems what problems are you know like the little things like you're investigating his background without telling me hey I did that for your dad all right it has nothing to do with us it has everything to do with us when you don't tell me you know the way you're reacting to this it's crazy it's like I'm investigating an ex-boyfriend or a lover or something this guy is gonna be involved with the Newman art collection it's understandable that your dad would want to find out if he's trustworthy you should have turned down the assignment it's my job you know that you know this is my job you know this conversation is going nowhere tell you what I take out is all yours Julia Thomas the Tank Engine has a busy day he needs to be filled up with water to steam along his way you can help Thomas stay really useful it's cool to the touch create your own Thomas and Friends adventures with the water tower steam set only from tell me do you have lots of stubborn grays try gray solution from nice and easy this aged a fire has an instant pretreatment that lets you expose the grace so they take maximum color it's like taking ten years off salon quality gray solution a great mission from Clarell want an alternative to a thermal facelift warm up to Olay's new Regeneris thermal contour and lift treatment step one warms and helps recontour skin surface to hydrate to strengthen skin structure lifting with a heated measure not a drastic one is the shade you bought not the one you thought here's the one you should have got true blend makeup matches so seamlessly you don't know where your makeup ends and your own skin begins so you just can't miss guaranteed true blend from cover girl when you get a cold you can't always slow down but you can feel better faster with night will at night and day quill during the day together they can give you the relief you need to keep going so leave the coughing aching fever behind with night will at night and day quilt during the day feel better faster out browsing maybe in another life when naptimes in jeopardy you need to get in get out and get the precious cargo home but when you can buy online and pick it up yourself those mini trips can be productive five minutes enough time to move a shopping mountain order gifts online pick them up in store five minutes guaranteed tears at Spice Islands we search the world to find the most intense flavors and when we find the best of what's out there we put it in here Spice Islands what the world tastes like they're the fearsome force of orphans that have to stick together a small tribe that keeps dominating the bigger one will their winning ways continue or will they have to vote off one of their own we can only try our hardest and the message in this bottle losing tribe take this back to camp with them will lead to a whole new game new survivor CBS tonight it's the case cold-blooded sniper shooting what am I gonna do without him that could make this prosecutor break the law I'm getting her the justice she deserves you close to home tomorrow the young and the restless will continue we hope that we will find some folks that are survivors rather than just trying to recover bodies at this point look at this powerful line of thunderstorms how does this compare in your 50s this is the worst natural disaster we've ever had in our history this year make her holiday wishes come true with Friedman silver-plated jewelry box filled with holiday chocolates and this diamond circle and heart pendant all just ninety nine dollars exclusively at Friedman's Jewelers yeah ready for high flying excitement for 2006 that's trucking helicopter real working lights whirling rotors and a lighted landing strip only 2199 at HESS stations energizer batteries included this year happy holidays from HESS it's the time of the year to observe great traditions and to start some new ones no matter who sets the table or carves the turkey the best traditions are the ones that everyone can share come to food lion and share our great Thanksgiving tradition the food lion MVP free Thanksgiving dinner earn a $20 gift certificate to help you create an amazing holiday feast like all great traditions it never goes out of style the food lion MVP free Thanksgiving dinner see store flyer for details celebrate life's journey together with Friedman's new quarter-carat journey diamond pendants an elegant series of graduated diamonds to symbolize your growing love now just 199 at Friedman's Jewelers good evening I'm Charlie Gatti WRAL news celebrates its 50th anniversary with the friends you remember Charlie Gatti Bobby Bautista Bob DeVardel Abed and Tom Zooter the WRAL reunion newscast tomorrow at 6 James Wood stars in shark CBS tonight I was gonna accomplish so much today bad hormones bad am I the only one who knows that a certain baby is due any day now okay look I promise you I will move the couch all right I'll move it before baby gets here not that she's gonna care where it is but I'm gonna move it what about painting the bathroom I don't want my daughter smelling paint you know I'm not gonna argue with you about the rocker done I mean it's not done now but it will be done okay all right I nearly got takeout tonight well my good fortune you didn't well you don't have to go that far quite far I was having dinner alone with a beautiful woman joined me a woman home for reasons I cannot explain I've always felt instantly comfortable with and I'm not coming on to you that's the truth boy am I glad I didn't get takeout you both look guilty of something what gives nothing we were just talking about how wonderful a man William Bardwell is William is this the same William Bardwell who put your husband in jail and the same William Bardwell who will go up against Michael in court again there are two William Bardwell's the courtroom prosecutor and the one who's not on the job who was generous and handsome and witty and fun and very very kind Kevin does he know that you think all these things about him he knows I value him as a friend yes besides that we have a lot of things in common like gardening don't garden you wouldn't know the difference between a rose and a ranunculus honey I used to have beautiful gardens and yes roses come on big bushes or in long boxes with pretty ribbons on them and ranunculus those are off in the corner someplace right well what else do you haven't come in then it so happens that I wear the same perfume that his wife oh it so happens since when since she found out what kind of perfume she wore and went out and bought some Kevin you know you're right I have been just a little bit naughty but you know something kiddo I'm penniless and I'm alone and I have to do what I can to get by in this world and yes it's true I do like William Bardwell and I think he's worth the effort you know I have to return the compliment I find talking to you absolutely effortless well that relaxes me even more it's so nice not to feel like I have to be on my toes or watch every little word so what do we do with this unexpected level of confidence weekly therapy sessions where we unburden ourselves to each other nightly phone calls for advice internet pen pills I don't know I'd say this dinner is a real nice start yeah we've done it oh yeah we are I just don't think I'm subtle enough for William if William Bardwell doesn't like you the way you are then he doesn't deserve you I mean it Jana maybe too you know flamboyant I've seen pictures of his wife she's so poised so confident you know like Grace Kelly or Meryl Streep in a really classy role and her style is just so subtle which I'm not you know what I know exactly what you're after a little less Paris Hilton and a little more Gwyneth Paltrow yeah take a few years and a lot better posture can I help I was going to beg it oh I was going to beg you to let me help you what are we waiting for the shops are still open let's go come on resolve presents children pets and everyday wear and tear before you know it your carpet can look dirty see the difference but it's not a problem because resolve high traffic foam effectively cleans large carpet areas just spray it on rub in gently and vacuum away the results speak for themselves I'm impressed use it in the living room hallway kids rooms even for colored rugs and upholstery try resolve high-traffic foam for easy carpet cleaning guaranteed and for your toughest stains use resolve dual power Christmas time is here on Spring Street tinsel bows and aching feet so much to do and folks do please I'll trim the tree and then say cheese clothes and toys for all the cousins hand out gift cards by the dozens the house is getting crazy loud but Martha Stewart would be proud now they're smiling ear-to-ear I'm sure we'll sleep sometime next year with gifts decor and so much more Kmart has what you need to make this a Christmas to remember Kmart where Christmas comes together what can we build for you a slim and sleek multimedia dimension c521 desktop with AMD Athlon 64 processor for the speed to run multiple applications and a vibrant 17 inch flat-panel display to show them off Dell purely you when you get the best mix together anything can happen but you knew that warm homemade checks party mix it's better together go to for recipes everybody looks good with a purple mustache mmm delicious it's the concord grapes and well to never ever add sugar it's naturally sweet cultures is the best juice in the world it's yummy when play comes first learning comes naturally my little guy is so into it this game is just his size he's learning how to win and lose air-powered action stadium hockey and pinball play comes first at play school Sonicare is a part of good overall health it's patented technology creates dynamic cleaning action getting deep between the teeth and along the gum line Sonicare help take care of your body so the night we were murdered identical twins you gotta be kidding having the same toenail polish made sense when we thought they knew each other found a naughty drawer my favorite part of any bedroom search every death has at least two stories how long you been there not long feel better yeah no not really I hated being alone I'd rather be with you and we got to figure out a way to argue without want to kill each other well perhaps we could turn our arguments into discussions and keep the discussions on topic you know I was trying to make peace tonight I know I know you were just that um but the takeout it was a nice gesture JT but you didn't even mention it once not once the reason why we had to make peace or or a solution to this you just left because I couldn't do or say anything right what can I say differently Colleen I have a profession and that job requires me to keep certain things to myself just the way just the way a doctor although you would have to I don't want to know anything that you can't tell me about anyone JT that's it that's it what's the problem if you're working on something that is personally connected to me I believe that I have the right to know you investigated my father's background and you didn't tell me now you're investigating professor Korbel and you didn't tell me I'm sorry sorry what I'm sorry that's the way it is I'm not I'm not a reporter Colleen I don't publish the results of my investigation not it's in my job title private investigator it's my job description confidentiality required so what you're saying is nothing's ever gonna change I can't change what happened but well because you're only upset about the two people I investigated because they're close to you then then hopefully we won't have to deal with this again do you promise in the future that if you're working on something that is connected to me you will let me know I can't do that well thank you for at least being honest about that come on Colleen don't get upset again no JT I am done I'm done arguing I get it I fell in love with the guy who won't tell me what I need to know this is unfair to demand what you mean I said I'm done arguing I just have decisions to make now are you awake no and how'd you hear my question because I'm talking in my sleep I'm awake hold me I can't sleep watch a movie I don't feel like it read a book I don't feel like it okay then just lie there and let me sleep please I don't feel like it and what do you feel like I'm getting tired copy it out okay we're ready Wow mom can I pull it off let me try to walk again lovely I always wanted to have a daughter what's wrong with your son stop it I love you too but do you know what a boss is yeah it's a designer beer no it's a close-fitting jacket I rest my case I really was gonna call you before this well that's good to know because I was afraid somehow I had offended you or you were following one of those juvenile don't call too soon after the date so you don't seem over eager rules no here's the truth I was too embarrassed because of what happened at my house the other night that will become legend I mean come on how many guys can say they got caught by Kay Chancellor making out with her daughter on her sofa in her living what are you blushing no it's the port all right if you can laugh about it maybe I won't have to strangle my mother in her sleep never say that to a prosecutor oh don't worry it'll never happen Katherine and I will survive each other oh at the moment I don't exactly know how I'm sorry it's come to this thank you for the sympathy Katherine and I do have a history you know what I can't stop thinking about because of you I lost his father in a car wreck and now I may lose my son the same way if Philip dies I promise you Katherine this is on your head how could one human being be so utterly vicious hateful not only have you deprived me of the house that should have been my home for all these years but you also took from me the only man I ever loved my husband you call me manipulative Katherine I've had to fight for everything I've ever had in this world and at every turn there you were trying to take it all away from me my girlfriend and I were talking about osteoporosis and she told me she has to set aside time one morning every week to take her osteoporosis pill I said I take once monthly Boniva it's my routine and she said that I can do Boniva helps build strong healthy bones to prevent fractures with just one pill a month with all I do for bone health Boniva fits right in unlike weekly treatments I only need Boniva once a month no wonder two out of three women preferred the dosing of Boniva over a weekly treatment you should not take Boniva if you have low blood calcium severe kidney disease or cannot sit or stand for at least 60 minutes follow dosing instructions carefully stop taking Boniva and tell your doctor if you experience difficult or painful swallowing chest pain or severe or continuing heartburn as these may be signs of serious upper digestive problems ask your doctor if Boniva is right for you my girlfriend is so glad she did once monthly Boniva ask your doctor for a free trial offer or call 1-800-4-BONIVA I was pretty nervous apprehensive it's tough to tell him I was going in the army at first I did research on my own tried to get an idea about what the army was gonna be like it's given me a whole bunch of confidence but no I'm very proud of it he's just a stronger more driven individual he could outrun me if your son or daughter wants to talk about joining the army listen you made them strong we'll make them army strong find out more at in my opinion happiness is having the people you love around you I work days and he works night our lives crossover dinner that's when we learn about each other and hamburger helpers there to help with one pound and one pan you've got a meal everyone loves sitting down to dinner is very important to us one pound one pan and now try new microwave singles just add water in microwave for the perfect mini meal anytime new microwave singles mini meal big tape with preference by L'Oreal I fear nothing the Sun the wind nothing at all thanks to its advanced faddefying system my color won't fade out for up to eight weeks and with weeks of deep conditioning your hair won't dry out preference by L'Oreal Paris work errands family no wonder women are more likely to be irregular correct all of the laxative made for women with the ingredient doctors recommend most for gentle dependable overnight relief so I can feel like myself again start tomorrow right correct all tonight Stanley Steamer understands that it's not just about cleaning my carpet it's about helping me take care of my home and I really like that Stanley Steamer gets carpet cleaner Toys R Us presents big really big enormously big big deal days all day deals this Friday and Saturday Saturday door busters 6 a.m. to noon with 50% off the hottest brands big deal days Friday and Saturday only at Toys R Us the world's greatest toy store he's amazing your father's ghost is attached to you what are you trying to tell me that there's another ghost it's the lead singer I can see what every rock star dreams of now I can make people tremble you know how to baby comes we're not gonna get any sleep we're already not getting any sleep they're bad bad harm uh-huh maybe this is just nature's way of making sure both parents are exhausted it seems like a natural state of things oh my gosh Nicholas Newman is admitting that he's exhausted to the world I am I am not and no don't challenge me and don't try and pretend that you're not worn out too I'm not worn out I'm fulfilled fulfilled I'm a fulfilled woman yeah you're welcome back at ya I hate this what you heard me no I didn't but if you want to argue about that we can too it'd be great said I hate this I hate fighting listen I'm not sorry for doing the research on your teacher because I hate the fact that at any time anywhere any place someone could be a threat to you I am sorry that I don't okay I'm really sorry about that I apologize so the takeover has been stressful for you oh that's putting it mildly and then at home Kathy and I are back to arguing about ancient history I assume you don't mean Roman or Chinese and then my son moved away which I was not expecting tell you I'm already looking to the new year because it couldn't possibly be any worse than this year but things can't be easier for you right now you must be under tremendous pressure yeah whenever I take on a homicide case I develop a awesome sense of responsibility to the the victim her family the community the reaction is so strongly used to scare me now I accept it murder is an evil that can't go unanswered all right so with this admirable sense of responsibility how do you relieve your stress I spend the evening with a beautiful woman and you laugh but I came here tonight for a support group for people who've lost their spouses I would never laugh at you for that although I don't see how sitting around with a group of people talking about grief could possibly relieve your stress well it beats sitting at home wallowing in self-pity which I was getting really good at I was not fun to be around I can't imagine that not ever meeting starts in a little while you're welcome to come I'll think about it I just hope William shows up for the meeting tonight and I'll let you know what he thinks of my new look thank you Jim thank you thank you thank you stop it you didn't need me to look fantastic sweet I have a really good feeling about tonight and if Bardwell doesn't appreciate you I'm gonna punch him out thanks honey you don't think she's setting herself up for a broken heart do you why Kevin don't think I've heard you use such a romantic phrase whatever I just don't want to see her get hurt Gloria's a strong woman no she's been thanking me all evening to be honest I've learned so much from her in these past few hours no I don't think this town's big enough for another Gloria hey buddy ready to go to Burger King not right now dad but I want to walk or kind of busy here I want to don't value meal and get one kid's meal with a Happy Feet toy for 99 cents now everyone wins does your restless mind keep you from sleeping do you lie awake exhausted but still can't sleep maybe it's time to ask your doctor if your nest is right for you for a limited time you're invited to take the last seven night challenge ask your doctor how to get seven nights of Lunesta absolutely free and see if it's the sleep aid you've been looking for non-narcotic Lunesta helps you fall asleep quickly so take it right before bed be sure you have at least eight hours to devote to sleep before becoming active because Lunesta will help you sleep all through the night until you know how you react to the master you should not drive or operate machinery do not take your master with alcohol most sleep medicines carry some risk of dependency side effects may include unpleasant taste headache drowsiness and dizziness hurry the Lunesta 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treasure family time those are the things that I cherish most those are the memories that we create it's the things that I hope that as my children go up they'll look back on and think of how wonderful their childhood was moments that I see my children having so much fun just genuine fun melts my heart it just reminds me of when I was younger build a bear workshop where special memories are made we're creating memories that will last a lifetime we hope that we will find some folks that are survivors rather than just trying to recover bodies at this point look at this powerful line of thunderstorms how does this compare in your fifth this is the worst natural disaster we've ever had in our history I'm so glad we waited I really like typhoon better cold anyway you really are pretty you know you're beautiful yeah you must know that you're gonna be down another day can't go through life not knowing how pretty you are I see I see it must be a great burden on you are you gonna say anything you can leave me hanging out here no I was just thinking that we should fire that more often so we can make up like this on a regular basis who needs to fight as an excuse oh oh oh hey is that yeah yeah yeah if you think it's the biggest contraction I've ever felt yes okay all right just just try breathing I'm breathing right now right then then just do what we should be doing that what is that oh I can't remember when it last felt so relaxed thank you no thank you I'll walk you out oh thanks but I'm not going home tonight I wouldn't sleep there there's so much tension in that household I mean doing the least little things like swimming through mud so oh so I booked a room here ah well I'll be at some sleep oh yeah so do I good night good night well yeah I know that I'm too tense to fall asleep right away so you're welcome to drop by after your meeting oh well I think I can skip tonight's meeting they won't miss me Karen Gloria I like the new look thank you how sweet of you to notice so I see everybody's here as William Bardwell checked in ah he was here just a minute ago but I saw him leave with some woman I will catch up with him next week next on the young and the restless so that Neil Winters you are under arrest that is ridiculous why did you tell Adrian Corbell about your grab it's not that big a deal it's a very big deal please give me a room before I have this baby on the floor all she wanted was to meet a nice guy but instead she met a monster these are seduction tools five these women are dead new cold case then Eric Hayes social worker removed 19 kids from bad situations can you tell me what happened here without a trace after a new cold case CBS Sunday