On Today Tonight, is it apartheid in the outback? People in Kabyl are completely forgotten. Aborigines get this. Elderly whites are forced to live in squalor. This is what happens to our pioneers. Today Tonight at 6.30. I've got the new Sharp Fresco refrigerator. Stylish, isn't it? Well, I have the latest Sharp Convection microwave oven with a drop-down door. A bit of a bake? Roast? What about a pavlova? Ah, but doesn't have one of these. Ice with your drink? Sugar with yours. In Conrad Jupiter's international restaurants, you can taste the world. In Jupiter's casino, you can savour the moment. We've taken the famous Australian Women's Weekly Cookbooks. Chinese, barbecues, cakes and slices, beautiful biscuits, chicken and Italian. And boiled them all down. So now, you can get the very best of the Women's Weekly Cookbooks in a concentrate. The Women's Weekly Home Library's new mini cookbooks, out now. There's a new power at Holden, a brilliant new V6 engine, the EcoTech V6. Delivering more power using less fuel. So much less, it now rivals many big four-cylinder cars. A revolutionary new power that won't cost you the earth. The all-new Holden Commodore with EcoTech V6. The new power. There's nothing quite like a Holden. Why do we need iron? Why? To carry oxygen in our blood. To every cell in the body. And inside every cell, we need iron to help combine oxygen with nutrients from food to make energy. Ooh! Got enough iron, got enough energy. It doesn't get stifled, does it? From the Emmy Award-winning writer of L.A. Law and Picket Fences, you can expect a drama rich in human spirit. You can expect the very best. Chicago Hope, the movie-length premiere, 8.30 Monday on 7. Baked into buttery pastry. Yuck! A tale of intrigue. Someone's trying to put us out of business. A tale of discovery. The person that you're with, is he a married man? In the drama, you voted number one. Blue Healers tonight. Back, back, back, stay. Forward, forward, forward, forward and around, forward and around. And back, back, back, back, back and forward, forward, stay. Back, back, back, back, back. Now right around, going right around. Now back, back, back, back. Good dog. Back, back, turn around. The day woo at $14,000. It's stay. It handles better than a cattle dog. There's nothing you can't do in a day woo. The experts agree that Patak's range of curries, chutneys and breads has the authentic taste of the finest Indian cuisine. Now it's Australia's turn to try Patak's. Such variety. So easy to prepare. Exciting spicy flavor everyone loves. That's Patak's. Now in your supermarket. The true taste of India. The taste for Australia. I want an account with options like an ATM card, checkbook, Visa debit card and one that pays my bills for me. Oh! Without getting bitten by high fees. With the lowest fees and charges. Our Cash Access account gives you all this and more. Double AMI is the one and only insurance company to reward all drivers who have held a rating one for three years with a lifetime rating one. Call Amy on 13224. Thank you Double AMI. Hey sweetheart have you seen this Amy ad? Oh yeah it's about time isn't it? It's about time. Insurance company gave something back. The amount of money I fork out each year. I guess that's why they say it. You know you're lucky you're with Amy. You're lucky you're with Amy. Music Ease onto a city train for a day of bargain shopping with community markets from North Pine to Manly Harbour, the city and Fortitude Valley. The only tough part is choosing which one. For a cleaner environment leave your car and take a city train instead. I wonder how they get Kraft Cheddar so smooth and creamy. Wow there's two giants who have these big, big spins. Yeah big spins. They stir and stir until pow. The smooth omelette lights up, then it's smooth and creamy. Yeah it's smooth and creamy. Ah so that's how they get that special taste. For a smooth, creamy taste there's nothing better than Kraft Cheddar. Dad loves that story. Music Everyone needs softness, needs a little care. Whenever you need softness, Kleenex tissues will be there. Kleenex gives you softness, Kleenex gives you care. Put some Kleenex tissues softness in your life. Sit down mom we're about to start. Kraft Singles helps them... It's the milk in Kraft Singles, it helps you grow strong and healthy. A checosword Polizeos Houseau nickname So, what do you think? Oh, the Beijing thing. Coffee? No. Oh, no thanks. Well, it's big. It's a hell of a big commitment. We can do it. We have to gear up and move quick. And if we don't, you know he's going to pick it up, don't you? Yeah, I know. Look, it's a great contract. A great opportunity. But, I don't know, are we ready? Chris, are we ready? Mate, we're overdue. Okay, all right, but it means increasing our bank loan. You know that. At The National, we make it our business to understand yours. So when the opportunity arrives, we can tailor a loan to make the most of it. How does 10 o'clock tomorrow morning sound? I couldn't go. I hear. Hear? Night, Dave. Chris. Night. We'll be needing some fresh coffee in the morning. Back by popular demand. They'll kill again. We don't know that. I know that. The series that captivated Britain. Let go of the door. I love you. The award winning Cracker, 8.30 Friday on 7.