A friend for the life of my kids. An emotionally charged issue. A truly compelling movie. A true story. The Burning Bed. 8.30 Wednesday on 7. We've got it all to you. We've got it at Radio Rendos. From a washer to a fridge. And I'm to a video. Color TV. Computers. Maybe hysteria. Hysteria. We've got it all and more. For sure. At Radio Rendos. The service, the backup, the personal touch. The value, the savings, they mean so much. We've got it all to you. We've got it at your Radio Rendos store. All mowers are made to mow lawns. But only the best have these points in common. They must be easy to start. And very simple to operate. They must be quiet and smoke-free. And have an extremely efficient grass-catching system. They must be powerful and economical. And utterly reliable. They must have a worldwide reputation for excellence. And a nationwide network of authorized dealers. And if they have all of these things, then they must be a Honda. In October. Blue Thunder. It's a road book, there's a war. It's a fast book, there's a war. Blue Thunder. Poster's. 1986. Australian Formula One Grand Prix. The joys of war. Relaxation. A time to unwind. Yes. Well, Nilex have invented a new type of hose. New Nilex Triple Flix. It doesn't kink like other hoses. So with new Nilex Triple Flix, you can carry straight on watering. Don't get bitter and twisted this year. Enjoy your gardening. With new Nilex Triple Flix. Thursday night. I killed you, Dad. A deathbed confession from a hit man has Hunter on the move for a mafia boss. It was Marco Brokaw. Marco, Marco, Marco. Hunter, 9.30 Thursday on 7. Harris Garf's October catalog sale is a real money saver. And to celebrate, Harris Garf's new Tosca Travel Wear shop opens with a big 30% off all Tosca Travel Wear. Prices take a tumble on men's casual shirts, now $15. And Palacko business shirts are price-slash to $22. Pay only $499 for this Palsonic VHS remote control video recorder. Remember, like it, charge it at Harris Garf, your value for money store. We think how we could net, grow in the Audi stand, eat those rare, his favorite breakfast. We think he's number one. Car Australia Magazine, April 88. Quote. Magna got our vote as best family sedan. Magna has the most luxurious feel. Its handling is sweetest of the bunch, and it's ahead in equipment terms. Magna's silence is remarkable. Conclusion. Mitsubishi still builds the best family car. One feels more secure in a Magna. It generally does most things better than the Ford. Unquote. Mitsubishi. Smart thinking. You are about to see Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty as you have never seen before. Because for the very first time, this masterpiece of adventure and romance will not appear in a theater, but in your very own home on Videopassette. Now, you and your family can aim Sleeping Beauty forever for $29.99. Now, you can bring Disney home for good. Available for video video outlets. There's one name that's helping make gardens grow greener. That's helping kitchens stay cleaner. And helping our heads feel better. Bayer. Born in Germany. Glossoming in Australia. Putting the products of research into practice. Making life better in so many different ways. Monday on Beauty and the Beast, a young girl from the world below is witness to a brutal murder. She's without the gift to hear or speak. And when an innocent man is accused, she must sacrifice her protected life to save another. Then at 9.30, a quiet holiday for McCall turns into an all-out battle for survival. Cornered with no way out, he must fight three mad men hell-bent on revenge. Beauty and the Beast and the Equalizer from 8.30 Monday on 7. Where in the world can you take a little summer fashion and get a lot of different summer looks? Take $25 shirts and match them with $25 skirts. Or $25 crinkle cotton pants with $25 shirts at Katie's. At Katie's, there's a world of summer looks for just $25 each. Katie's! Rap isn't as bad as it's been for me, will you? Rap? Rap and waste money, rap and waste time, I got a post-packing of every kind. I got envelopes, boxes, bags and shoes and to make it real safe, I got bubble wrap too. Yo, when the girl gets rough, they're tough enough and it's plain to see that they look smart and so do we. Don't rap it, post-pack it. Yo! Don't rap it, post-pack it. Test your IQ. Question, what's the difference between the Pulse RQ and the Quarian? Answer, the Quarian is not backed by a two-year or 40,000-kilometer no-cost warranty. Question, what's the difference between the Pulse RQ and this Queensland lungfish? Answer, none. They both handle well in the wet. The new Nissan Pulse RQ. That's quite a car. That's Nissan NoHo. After 17 successful years producing musical magic. Cover to cover, classic. And now, the best of Eric Carpenter. Including this one. From the hit movie, Dirty Dancing. Plus his latest musical masterpiece. The best of the best. The best of Eric Carman. All his greatest hits. Available for the very first time on record cassette and compact disc. His name strikes terror into the hearts of men. All drags back and out to bite your funny burn. George Hamilton, love at first bite, 8.30 Friday on 7. J&B present Drum and Upper Storm with 22 electrifying hits. The Golden Wedding. 22 solid gold Drum and Classics. Shields pre-Christmas jewelry sellout. The catalog is out now. Save up to 50% on all diamond rings. Men's water-resistant quartz watches, $19.95. Gold charms from under $10.00. Half-carat diamond solitaires, $1,000.00 off. Diamond set quartz watches, price to clear. Sterling silver charm bracelets with four charms, $30.00 off. Shields pre-Christmas jewelry sellout. Shields, you'll know it's for real. All Weeks and Nightline officers now use an inter-office computer network. Great. Okay. Now we'll just let the computer do the rest. The description of your ideal home will be matched to homes listed with Weeks and Macklin instantly. There you go. Weeks and Macklin have linked 21 branches and over 100 qualified salespeople to create the largest real estate network in Adelaide. The house is everything we've wanted. Rattap into our computer network. It's the fastest way to find your ideal home. No wonder people are lunching at the Ayres House Conservatory restaurant entrees under $6.00, main courses under $10.00, and the service and atmosphere just as it should be. Oh, the conservatory, such elegant value. Hello, I'm Nancy Hayes, director of Dames at Sea, now playing at the Festival Centre. Dames at Sea is a happy, carefree spoof of the Hollywood movie musicals filled with great songs and dancing and loaded with laughs. Don't miss Dames at Sea, now playing at the Festival Centre for a strictly limited season. Book your tickets now. Look at these, there's something unbelievable, something unbelievable for you. Win a fabulous seven-day holiday for two to Singapore, courtesy Traveland and Viva Holidays. Entry forms at any one of the advertisers in this commercial at Traveland office or Channel 10. Magican opens any shape of can, left or right-handed, by locating itself on the rim, cleanly and safely removing the entire lid without you even touching it. Mr Sandman has cut prices on top-brand ensembles plus added a bonus-betting package valued up to $160. You save every way, Mr Sandman. A trend kitchen is everything you look for in a kitchen, design, price and quality. So see Trend Kitchens at Belair Road, Mitcham. Open seven days, you could start a trend. Buy a video from your local VideoStar movie library and you could win an NEC video recorder or one of thousands of instant prizes. Ask for your free VideoStar match-up ticket now. Now aren't they all something unbelievable? Make the most of them, soon as you can. The Truro case amounted to seven girls, all strangers, being murdered over a period of a few weeks. Nobody has told the full story of the cooperation between the police and the public, because the public's information is always kept confidential. Without public cooperation, the Truro file could possibly still be open. I wonder whether some members of the public ever learnt anything at all. The Truro Lesson. An open conversation with the officer in charge. Tomorrow and Tuesday, only in the news. No, put those mugs away. With all Campbell's soups, the abundance of big pieces can best be appreciated using a bowl and spoon. Campbell's soups. More to eat, less to drink. Imagine a $20,000 Dream Kitchen designed just for you. Imagine winning it, or a microwave, or one of hundreds of other prizes, in the Great Campbell's Kitchen Caper. Look for entry forms on specially marked cans of Campbell's soups. Good design is my life, and one of the reasons I just love Black & Decker products, like this brilliant new Sprint upright kettle. It has a full length water window and boils as little as one cup, or as many as ten. I've never had a kettle that boils so fast. It even switches itself off. So when you flat out and you'd kill for a quick cuppa, why wait for an ordinary kettle when you can have a Black & Decker Sprint? Black & Decker suits me to a T. Wednesday, the counting man of the law is summoned to the rescue. When a photographer hits the wrong trigger. I need a lawyer right now. Leaving Prince as evidence. As they say, a picture's worth a thousand words. Would be accused in frame. I did not kill him. Exposing a blackmail scandal. Come on, I've seen news before. I'm an artist. I've become a real fan of Mr. Brooks. Madlone. Especially some of his earlier work. Top Drama, 8.30 Wednesday on Channel 9. For your poolside parties. Barbecues. Picnics. All in shades of paradise. From Daycore. What would you do if you had $75,000 to spend on your holidays? Would you cruise the islands? Go big game fishing? Ski down the Swiss Alps? Or simply have one very, very long Christmas party? Well, in the $2 Christmas hamper instant money game, it's all possible. All you do is scratch, match three, and you could win up to $75,000. Yes, $75,000. So think about your Christmas holidays. You can think big in the $2 Christmas hamper. Present yourself at your lottery agent now. There's something not quite right about toasted newsleys. They're heavy in fat. Kellogg's just right, however, it's just right. Good and filling. A wholesome blend of wheat flakes, puffed rye, juicy sultanas, oats, and the goodness of Fran. High in taste, but low in fat and salt. Kellogg's just right. Not too heavy, not too light. I... What are you doing? I'm chopping $200 off this bed. Why? I want a queen size, but I haven't got $900. Then look at this ceiling. This ceiling? Queen size ceiling, posturepedic, for just $698. $698? How do you do that? It's Sealy's 25 millionth sale. For real? Absolutely. A ceiling, queen size, posturepedic, for just $698. It's that easy. Well, it's that comfortable. And all good bedding stores. Seven out of ten dogs and cats carry tapeworm. XL Pet tapeworm tablets get rid of it. So you'll know your pet is safe. XL Pet kills tapeworm. Kills tapeworm. Kills tapeworm. Tapeworm's not going to go away by itself. But with XL Pet, it's this easy. Seven out of ten dogs and cats carry tapeworm. XL Pet tapeworm tablets get rid of it. From the XL Pet bar in your supermarket, because you care. I think I fancy some knobbies, please. You think you fancy some knobbies? Yes, please. Which knobbies do you think you fancy? I think I fancy some... Salted peanuts, cashews, peanuts, dry roasted, mixed nuts? Excuse me. Yes, I think I fancy some knobbies. You think you fancy some knobbies? Salted peanuts, cashews, peanuts, dry roasted... Beer nuts! I think I fancy some beer nuts. Cashews, excuse me. I think I fancy some knobbies. Salted peanuts, cashews, beer nuts, dry roasted, mixed nuts? Mixed nuts. Salted peanuts, cashews, neobuts, polted, sea nuts, nashels? Nashels! Nashels! Nashels. I think I fancy some knobbies. What the... where'd they all go? In there. In there? Yeah, it's called Telebank. See, it's not easy getting to the bank nowadays. So I get them to come to me. A bank that comes to you? Which bank? Until now, leg room in ordinary wagons has been just enough to make you hopping mad. But now, you can sit back and relax. The new Magna Wagon really gives you something to smile about. But that's not all. Try and do this in most big wagons and you'll be snookered for room. But with the new Magna Wagon, well, there's a whole new ballgame. Magna from Mitsubishi. Smart thinking. You know, to keep in shape, not only do I have to watch what I eat, but what I chew as well. So when I heard about new Extra Chewing Gum from Wrigley's, I thought, terrific. Extra has no sugar added and a great taste that really lasts. No sugar added and a great taste that really lasts. So I'm extra happy. New Extra with NutraSweet. No sugar added and a great taste that really lasts. Good evening. The Federal Opposition has accused Federal Tourism Minister John Brown of adding to Australia's balance of payments problem because of the cost of his overseas trips. The attack was provoked by the news that Mr. Brown is again overseas, this time in Egypt, the United Kingdom and Japan for 15 days. This latest row over the high profile Sports and Tourism Minister erupted in the Senate with a Liberal from New South Wales, Chris Puplich, leading the charge, demanding the government spell out just why John Brown was once again overseas. Senator Puplich listed what he termed John Brown's previous highlights. Three overseas trips costing $178,000, a daily cost of $1,658, food costs alone running to $592 a day and a three day limousine tour of Italy costing $2,900. For its part, the government was very quick to point out that John Brown's travels had won tourism worth millions for Australia and just as quick to attack the opposition. Just who paid for John Howard's trip down to that fellow who he eyes off so carefully, John Elliot's Melbourne Cup lunch yesterday. Who paid for that? The taxpayer did, but Mr. Howard's office pointed out that part of his official duties is to attend business and sporting functions, just like the Prime Minister. A car belonging to a dead aid sufferer has been burnt and buried. The bizarre story began when the body of a man was found slumped in a car about 46 kilometres south of Woomera. His body was taken to Port Augusta where an initial investigation indicated the man was an aid sufferer. The Port Augusta coroner then ordered police to burn the man's car and bury it. The Adult Video Industry Association of Australia says an advertisement showing how to use a condom will be shown before all adult videos. Former penthouse pet Julie Mulheran will team with actor Tony Cole to star in the advertising campaign. It's aimed at supporting the federal government's Safe Sex campaign in the light of the aid scare. And now with the weather, here's Barry. Hello. Well, very much cooler tonight, down to 12 degrees, and it'll be a cool day tomorrow. The system that's moving through is moving fairly quickly. It'll bring in a shower too tonight. Probably in Adelaide we won't see much tomorrow. There may be some showers further to the south. But south westlies will keep our temperature down to about 19 degrees tomorrow. Then the following day, it's all moving quickly. A high will come in rapidly behind that and take us into a southeasterly. And that'll brighten things up a little bit. Patchy cloud, temperature creeping up one or two degrees for Wednesday. Thanks, Baz. That's all from the newsroom for tonight. Good night. This week, an old friend returns to Cooper's Crossing. Oh, it's so good to see you. Looks like you'll be staying for a while. I'm going to make me a fortune. Goats? Damn disease-ridden animals. So what are we going to do about it? We get rid of their anecdotes. Easy, no! The law is declared. Next time it'll be the real thing. And the real thing for Sam and Emma. MF. Hurray! MF. Hurray! I really feel like one of the families. The Flying Doctor, 7.30 Tuesday on Channel 9. Good old predictable mum. How was school? Every Thursday mum made hamburgers. Sandburgers, real meat burgers, none of that artificial stuff. Dinner's ready. INJ melts pure beef pillows filled with cheese. Cheese! That's right, cheese. Excellent. Mum, you're full of surprises. INJ melts pure beef with a cheese surprise. INJ, a fresh approach to frozen food. When Vogue Furniture has a sale, you can be sure it'll be full of VIPs. Very important prices. Like this famous leather modular for $2,995. Or this celebrated dining setting for $1,987. Or this leather two-seater at a star-studded $995. The Vogue Furniture sale of very important prices, where everything is reduced. Come in now and enjoy the full VIP treatment. Cleopatra. As so sumptuous as a cream, sensual as a perfume. Cleopatra. A soap that amazes you. Cleopatra. The secret of beauty. In a flap about a home line? Don't be. With mutual community, it's a breeze. Some restaurants don't have time to make you feel welcome. Next! Others have all the time in the world. Welcome back to the place you're always at home. Pizza Hut. There's a welcome for everyone. There ain't a better pizza. And we just want to please ya. We just want to please ya. Welcome back. Welcome back. Welcome back. Welcome back. Wednesday night. He has something delicate he wishes to discuss. Could Ismay have found true love? He's a weirdo, isn't he? And CK discovers his new play has created more than a few problems. Did I ever tell you that I once played Titania? Yes, in our college production. Including an overzealous cast. Back off a bit, Lysander. We don't want to make this too intense. Our Country Tractor, 7.30 Wednesday on 7. Take the drudgery out of cleaning up Holstree with new Whistle Up Holstree shampoo. It's a breeze. It's unique computer-designed brush head solves all up Holstree cleaning problems fast. Your lounge, no problem. Kitchen chairs, no problem. Whistle Up Holstree shampoo is the fastest, easiest, most effective way to make old up Holstree look new again. It cleans, protects and deodorises. Darling, what's a seven-letter word for the best up Holstree shampoo? Whistle, from the people who've been solving cleaning problems for over a hundred years. It's a breeze. It's John Martin's great homemaker sale. With up to 20% off our superb range of Act All Bedroom coordinates. Huge savings on Sleepmaker Clouds and Arches bed ensembles. Save up to 40% on Wedgwood dinnerware in three classic designs. TDK three-hour video tapes are reduced to 10.99 each. And there's 20% off Tosca Phoenix travelware. It's all in John Martin's great homemaker sale. At John Martin's your home. Mr. Juicy orange juice is special. Because Mr. Juicy is made from 100% Riverland oranges. Which are squeezed fresh every day. Poodle with real chicken or real beef is irresistible. It's an all-around meal that's deliciously moist and chewy. Poodle, the tastiest meal around. An unforgettable night of superb entertainment. The Royal Variety Performance for the first time on television. On Thursday, Sunday at 8.30 Sunday on 7.