The salad is just... Always, the story of your feelings. A continuous hard contact. MENICON EX. The way you use it is up to you. Imagine. Trace. This is the 4WS Sports of the car racing club. Caperaceus 4WS. Born. This Sunday, on Matsuda. New Super Mami Poco. Look, look. It's a good price, but it has a whisk-gatherer. It's very absorbent. It's not leaking. A good price. Super Mami Poco. In the 4WS, the best of the best. Speaking of the best, the UZ-2. Nice song. It's spring. It's spring. Would you like to go on a train? Would you like to? The New Dia de Haru's journey. JR East Japan. The New Dia de Haru. What we're drinking is... ...Cermontes. Cermontes. Fruit drink. The New Dia de Haru. The New Dia de Haru. The water is clear. The car is shining. The car is shining. The car is shining. It's a Tiger. Do you have your breakfast properly? Knorr Cup Soup. Ajinomoto. It's a natural product, so it's delicious and healthy. If you choose the quality, it's Ajinomoto's salad oil. Ajinomoto. It's healthy. Look, it's like a pearl. It won't break. The Uruoi Wash with the Biore Wash Form. The main ingredient is a map of the middle class. Protect the Uruoi Wash and remove the dirt. It's not dry. It's not dry. The Biore Wash with the Biore Wash Form. The Biore Wash with the Biore Wash Form. Jyota! Yes? Sorry, sorry. It's good to call you by your name. How is this curtain? It's nice. Really? Mari-chan, you're going to be in elementary school from April. You have to make a nice room. What's this? That's the picture I drew when I was in kindergarten. Akane found it on the day of the show. Oh, right. Can you get me a sandwich? Well, it's okay. Come here. Don't be so lazy. Tomorrow, we're going to the amusement park as Mari-chan promised. I have to change the pattern on the wall. Oh, I'm busy. I'm done. Mari-chan, how is this curtain? Wow, it's cute. Really? You're good at it. You did a good job. Wow, the wall is nice. It's perfect for this curtain. I see. So you want real flowers. Can you bring me a curtain? It's on the side of the dance floor. Okay. I'm counting on you. It's on the side of the dance floor. Oh, this is it. I saw a letter. It's a coincidence that the boy in the picture is my son. I heard that he took my favorite color and named it green. I'm very confused. I'm the one who took responsibility for the night with you. But I have a conscience. I know your suffering, but I'm just angry at my own helplessness. Akashi! Welcome back, Mr. Yamaguchi. What are you doing? Bring me a curtain. What should I do with that letter? Please tell me what to do. What's wrong? You two look so happy. Oh, I see. You had a fight again, didn't you? No. What? You should enjoy yourself. You should go back to your childhood. Yes. Let's go to the park next time. Okay. Let's go. You two look so happy. I don't think I can forget you. When I was a kid, my father always took me here. I'm sorry to say this. It's okay. But we didn't have to ride anything. We just walked around. When we got tired, we sat on the bench. My father looked at me and smiled at me. He said, Midori, you look more and more like your father. I can't forget that smile. What a beautiful smile. Nari, don't you remember your mother? Why? Because she's a real mother. No, because we have many families. Families? We have two moms. Me and my sister? Yes, we have two. Nari? Nari sometimes dreams. Our dreams? Yes, the dreams I always have. But after she's gone, we smile together. We laugh together. You're right. We're like a family. Of course. What's wrong? Nothing. Sister! Sister! Hey! What's wrong? You look so down. No, I'm fine. I'm in a good mood. I hope so. Nari, watch out! Thank you for the food. Is that all? I've never seen you eat in one sitting. You're strange. You're hiding something from me. No, I'm not. You know what? You talked about it. You said you were losing your appetite. That's it. You should write the next phrase. I'll do it. Can you check the chorus for me? I'll do it. You should do it like you always do. You'll get tired of it. I know. But I can't. I thought I was unconscious. I can't stop thinking about Midori. I'm so happy. I'm not like I always was. No, I'm not. I was shocked. I couldn't sleep last night. I was alone, but we were still together. I thought it was terrible. I thought I should stop joking. But today I learned from Mari. From Mari? Yes. Real families are not always there. They fight and laugh. We're brothers. We're not different. We're not different. We're not different. I think you're right. Mr. Yabuki. Why don't you tell Midori the truth? I thought about it. We don't have the right to hide your real father. But what if she finds out? She'll be so upset. She'll think that she's the one who knows. She'll think she's the one who knows. She'll think she's the one who knows. I don't want to see her like that. She's too cute. I think you should keep this a secret. How long? You decide. If you really like her, give her this letter. I see. What should I do? Go to the temple where your father's grave is. You can stay here. It's harder for her to come in here. I see. I'm going to the bathroom. I'm going. It's raining. I'm going. Where's your sister? I'm sorry. I made some rice. Can you go ahead? I'll be right there. You and Mari are from Ayaigasa, right? Yes, Ayaigasa. Mari, aren't you cold? Yes, Midori is cold. I'm going back. Akachi! What? I knew it. Akachi is cold. Akachi! I like cold food. But I like pururun. So she wrapped the fruit jelly with ice cream. Pururun with your mouth. And the Lotte Ice Jelly Bar. The Lotte Ice Jelly Bar is full of Lotte Ice Jelly. If you're going by car, you should go to the Sahara Pig. Hot food, cold food in one bottle, Sahara Twin. Business, leisure, Sahara Slim. You can choose from many different things. Tiger Double Stem Bottle, Sahara. Tiger. The fried food in Ajinomoto is new. The fried shrimp is fresh. The shrimp is half the price. Ajinomoto's frozen food. I recommend it. Ajinomoto. You didn't tell me that last night. I got a call from Mari. She said she had to go to work early in the morning. I see. Mari, you have to eat carrots. I feel strange without you. I don't fight with you. Thank you. I felt sorry for you. I felt sorry for you. You were my first teacher. But I think I let you down. Next is Niyoga Sanchobe. I'm sorry. Yes? Is Mr. Kitagawa a teacher? Yes. I think he's a fisherman. He goes fishing every day until the evening. What's so funny? I'm sorry. Do you want to go fishing? No. You're Mr. Kitagawa, aren't you? Yes. Have you met him before? I'm Yoshimi Iwasita's daughter. You know her, don't you? This letter is from you. Is it true? Tell me. You're Midori? Yes, you look like her. You've grown up. It's been 22 years. Everything you wrote there is true. I couldn't do anything for you as a real father. You may think it's awful, but I have a wife. She was born last year. I've been working as a teacher for 30 years. Now I'm working for the children. I don't want to be spoiled by watching a movie or fishing for a day. I don't want to be spoiled by that ordinary life. You didn't love your mother? When I think about your mother, I think it was a mistake. A mistake? It was only once. I was very sad about it. I think she was even more sad. I may be saying this in a selfish way, but I don't want you to write about the old scars. You're still young. Why don't you look into your future? When people talk about it, the fish don't come close. I'm sorry. Hi, Yuya. Akarin. I can't find him anywhere. I haven't heard from the company. The company is in a bad situation. I'll be home when school is over. You should stay home. Okay. Akarin. Are you okay? What? You're drunk. I can't? Then I'll pour you more. More! You're strong. I'm strong. Akarin. I'll drink this. I'll drink more. You're the best. I'll drink more. I'll drink more. More. I'll drink more. Shinya. Why are you so drunk? I'm not drunk. You are. Let's go home. I'm not going home. What's wrong? This is my brother's wife. She's having an affair with him. I'm not going home. So? That's it. Let's go. She's tired. Midori, what's wrong? Shinya, let's drink. I'll be back soon. Shinya, let's drink. I said I'm not drinking. Midori. This is a love hotel. I wanted to go there. Midori. Give me some alcohol. Let's go home. Let's go home together. Midori. Wait. What's wrong? What's wrong? I don't want to see you like this. I'm not drunk. I don't want to drink. Let me go. Then, hold me. You can like me tonight. Stop it. I didn't think you'd do this. I'm a woman. I know what this place is like. You came in here with Shinya. Hold me tight. I'm a woman. I'm like my mother. I'm bleeding. Stop it. I'm sorry. I'll take a taxi. Let's go home. Midori. Let's go home. My name is Marimo. I want to cherish meeting people. My bag is always filled with Green Gum. Green Gum. Lotte, born from the natural ingredients, is a throat-dryer. The natural extract is gentle on the throat. It's refreshing candy. It's good because it's natural. I'm Lotte. I've been eating a lot lately. If you want to eat something that's not too high, you can do it with your knees bent. It's easy to see and easy to use. It's not too high, right? Rice is also high in the stomach. It's a delicious meal. I'm Tiger. Midori, are you coming home today? Of course. That house is Midori's house. We're family. I'll be back. That's right. That's right. Wait. Where are you going? Akachin, me, and everyone else is worried about you. You're going to go out here without telling anyone? You're going to go out here without telling anyone? I think it was a shock. I was shocked too. Akachin is still 13 years old. I think he's still in a bad mood. Akachin is worried about Midori. He was waiting for Midori to come home. He didn't even tell Akachin. He's still a thief. Are you still Akachin's sister? I'm not his real sister. You know that if you read that letter. He's been better than me. He's the one who took your father's blood. I'm the one who was born in a young town. I'm the one who was born in a young town. Midori. Akane, thank you for thinking of me as your real sister. Akane, where are you going? This is Midori's house. No, this isn't my house. My house is not in this world anymore. What will happen to Akachin if Midori goes out? What will happen to me? What will happen to Mari? I can't think of anything. I don't even know what I'm doing. I've lost everything I believed in. I have nothing left. I feel like my body is torn apart. Goodbye. Wait, wait. I love Midori. I really love her. Don't leave me. I'm begging you. Midori, the person you loved... That's me until yesterday. I have nothing to do with it now. I love you. Welcome home. I'm sorry, Mari. I'm going to make dinner. I thought you'd be late, so I bought you a sandwich. Mari. I got it from the cash box. Good girl. Hurry up and wash your hands. Akachin, should I tell Mari the truth? I think Mari knows what's going on. Mari is still so young. She's so energetic and cheerful. What are you doing? I'm sorry. If you're not full, you can eat another one. I bought it on the spot. But I... Of course you can eat it. I'll take it. I think the hot dog we had on Sunday was better. On Sunday? We all ate it at the amusement park. The amusement park? Did you forget? What's wrong? Mari, Yaguchi, I just remembered something. I'll go too. I'll go alone. Mari, you and your dad should go to the spa. I know. Don't say anything. Go home with me. Please, listen to me. I'm not your sister. You know that, right? I don't know that. You're my sister. Let's go home together. Leave me alone. I can't leave you alone. We're not brothers. We're not related by blood. We're strangers. You read that letter, right? I did. So what? You're saying you can't lose your sister with that letter? I doubted her until I met her. My late mother said she was in Tokyo. I was worried if she was really my sister. I was worried if she would say she was my sister. But when I first met her, she said she was my sister. She said she knew me by instinct. I thought I didn't care. I thought I didn't care about blood. I thought I shouldn't doubt her. I thought she was my sister. But the truth is different. It's not different. She's more like my sister now. That's why we've been fighting over everything we want to say. Can you do that with a lie? I can't. Come home with me. You told me about your late father. You looked at him and smiled. Midori, you're more like me now. Stop it. I won't stop. My father knew you weren't my sister. But he believed you were. He believed you were cute. He believed you were his sister. He believed you were his sister. That's why you smiled. You smiled because you thought you were his sister. You smiled because you thought you were his sister. You can't change the truth. You still love your father. You can't lie. If you don't like him, why are you here? You came back to the place where you came with your father. You're still my father. Come home with me. You're stubborn. Stay here. Akane. Akane, what are you doing? We're not brothers. Let it go. I'm a loser again. Nobody cares about me. I don't care about you. What a poor girl. How much can I beg her? Akane. I'm home. Welcome home. I'm sorry to make you worry. I won't go anywhere. Okay. Welcome home. This is your fifth meal. You eat too much. I want more. I'm sorry. It's a nice day. I think I know what you're thinking. You're not hungry, are you? Why? I'm hungry. Stop it. I'm not stupid. I'm happy. You're still a man of evil. You're a man of evil. What? You're a man of evil. I'm not. Come on. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not.