Y'all should have been with me this morning, could have got yourselves on television. Two camera crews coming over at the police station. They was waiting for somebody to take a shot at me again. Who wants to take a shot at you Mr. Deschamps? People who are afraid of me as a political leader boy. As a leader, where do you want to lead us people Mr. Deschamps? To the realization that this beloved land is going to hell in a hand basket boy. That's my whole message to the people. Now when you say people, I'm sure you don't mean us boys too. You people have your own leaders. I just hope they make it clear to y'all, you do not share destiny with a white man. His future is not your future. Well if you don't want me in your future, why don't you just buy me out? I might sell. You're not making sense boy. Just give me a head start program in some other country that believes in sharing the future with everybody. Buy me out. Come on, lay some money on me. I might just pick up my black ass and get out of here for good. Just get out of my sight now will you? But you won't do that huh? Because you a liar and a phony and a racist pig. On your way boy. Hold on a minute. Look I don't want any more trouble between you and these students. Students my foot, they're trying to break up my meeting. They're just doing what people always do with these kind of meetings. They're asking a few unfriendly questions. Now you don't have the right to shut them up and don't you try. Alright Eugene you guys, it's over. Just give the man a chance to finish his speech alright? You said we could question him. Yeah but you can't stop him and I can't let you use fighting words. The law says that? Yes, the law actually says no fighting words like what you were just saying to him. I don't have anything further to say except to urge you all to come to that stadium Saturday night. Help me say a prayer for Chris Pastry. He was gunned down by black radicals, some of whom you may have seen here today. Thank you. Thank y'all. Eugene you sure came a long way from school just to see that jerk. I was just passing by. I shouldn't have wasted my time. See if our invaluable acquaintance down in the bottoms could help us identify the shooters will you? Yes sir. Thanks so much for having us. Thanks. Deep down the riveristate has changed. Thanks. Shol卓ality. It's a dodgy night on seven. I'm lying dodgy. Welcome to pay television. It's not my fault the satellite keeps moving. This week the moment everyone's been waiting for. No, it's not true. Beverly Hills 90210 gets the full frontal treatment. Can any of you guys act? I can look sexy. With absolutely no holds barred. I can produce a starter. I can do what I like. Toyota presents full frontal, 8.30 Thursday on seven. For great entertainment, it has to be seven. And we'll have details on all those stories and lots more coming up next on Tonight Live. Tonight Live. It's late at night and you've run out of Tally Ho's toothpaste and Tim Tapps. So it's down to 7-Eleven to pay through the nose with Tonight Live. Microwaving a chicken hero, it's newlyweds Chris Gabbardi and Annie Jones. At the Slurpee machine, it's a spree owner John Bell. Grabbing some snags out of a deep freeze, it's sensitive new age Greek Nicholas Papadimitriou. And thumping through the adult literature, it's the clean up your act. Now, here she is, the woman who just popped in for a Granny Smith in mineral water, it's Jennifer Kite. Who did your hair? How much did it cost to do this? Oh boy. Well good evening everyone, thank you Merv, or should I say James. I was worried you were going to drop me there just for a minute. So was I. Now he tells me. Well listen, good evening everyone, we've got a great show tonight. Joining us will be fashion supremo and hip philanthropist John Bell, and Nicholas Papadimitriou is here to talk to us about the snags that you don't throw on the barbie, plus will be helping to clean up your act. But now, they've been married for 13 weeks, which is a long time for a TV marriage, fresh off the set from taping an episode of Newlyweds, Annie Jones and Christopher Gabbardia are here with us right now. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Thank you. Now do either of you two abseil? No. Do you? I've tried it, I've tried it a couple of times. You've tried it? Yeah. Are you any good at it? I was good when I was about 15, but I don't know about now, I think you did very well going to the top of the downstairs. I did okay. I thought it was great fun. Yes, I don't think I'll do it again in a great hurry though. Now listen, a busy night for you two, you've just finished filming in the studio right next door. Yeah we have. Another episode of Newlyweds. Yep. I wanted to ask what the storyline is tonight because I was wandering around there a bit earlier and I looked up at a monitor and I think I saw you two in bed. We spent a bit of time in bed tonight didn't we? Yeah, no it generally happens, each episode there's always a bed scene. Tonight there was actually two bed scenes. Three bed scenes. Three bed scenes. Three bed scenes. My mother and father had a bit of a love scene as well. Yes. Yes I think I saw that one as well. I thought what's going on in that studio, everyone just seems to be in bed all the time. Scary sight. So it's still wedded bliss for you two? Oh yes. At the moment, yeah. Oh Chris you're hesitating a bit there. Well you never know what the writers might do, that's the thing, we might have a divorce or something like that. Well the first series, for those who haven't seen it, do you want to just describe what happened in the first series? Well first of all it was basically about getting ready for the wedding, finding out where we're going to have the actual wedding and the reception, working out dresses and the Bucks party and the hen's night and so it was all sort of a build up to the actual wedding episode and now we're more into wedded life I suppose. Yeah we're into the scary part of marriage apparently. Is the honeymoon over? Never. Well they've actually never had a honeymoon, we were hoping when we were first cast in the show that fantastic it's a... We'll get to go to Vanuatu. Yeah something like that, Hawaii or we'll be surfing somewhere and I think Ian McFadden who's one of the writers plans to have the honeymoon sort of down on Port Melbourne Beach or Williamstown Beach or something like that. It's a glamorous life isn't it? Now we've actually got some footage from the first series so let's take a look at this blissful situation. You definitely spend more money than me. I do not! You do. You use all the hot water. I do not. You do so. You're in there this morning, you did three tracks off the Madonna album plus an encore. You're in there for hours. It's a wonder you don't come out wrinkled like a prune. Well you use all the toilet paper. I don't. You do. I have to change the roll every day. You do? I always have to change the roll. Peter you go through a roll of toilet paper every time you go in there. I mean what do you do? Stuff great rolls of it down the S-Bed? Rubbish! Every time I go in there there's no toilet paper. I have to go shuffling around looking for some more. Well I don't use it. Oh I see well it's perfectly obvious then. There's a burglar who comes in here every day, doesn't touch the TV, has a three hour shower and throws the dungy paper out the window. Now it's not always like that is it? Married bliss. Married bliss yes. Now do you actually draw from your own personal experiences? Not exactly no. No? I wouldn't think no. So it's nothing like your domestic situation? No not really no. What about you? Well I actually haven't been married so I'm faking it the whole time. I'm pretending I think. Do you think you'd make a good husband? Oh that's a real tough one. I'd make a great husband. You would? Annie what do you think? I think he would. Now I have to ask you, I mean how are you coping with all the fame and the attention that the series actually brings to you? Tuffy I actually blend into the background a bit. I don't get hassled very much at all. I haven't really been recognised that much. The great thing about the show is that it seems to appeal to kids quite a bit and it's kind of exciting how if you're at the footy or something like that kids will come up and say hello and stuff and that's great I think. And do you enjoy comedy? Is it nice to work in a sitcom that's comedy? Yeah it's fantastic. Yeah we're having a ball aren't we? Yeah it's kind of scary. It was scary starting off. Being put together. And not knowing each other in like first date rehearsals you know. Let's do the kissing scene you know. It was hard because we had to go through a couple of auditions to actually be cast in the pilot which was made about a year ago or so. And our very first day of rehearsal we had to actually lie on top of each other on a kitchen bench. And rip clothes off as I remember and it was quite raunchy. And you thought that would be the job for you? Well it's funny now, we can laugh about it now but at the time it was absolutely terrifying when you have to, when you're put together and actually have to be a married couple and to be in love. And be comfortable together when you've only just met. Yeah it's weird isn't it? It's kind of scary. Well we look forward to the second series. When do we actually see it on air here? Sometime in September I believe. Great. Okay well we look forward to that. Will you stay with us for the rest of the show? We'd love to. We will. Great. And it's time now for some news headlines with Naomi Robson. Hi Harry. Hi. So what's in the news tonight? Well coming up in our news later Commonwealth bank branches may not be open tomorrow or Thursday because of strike action by employees. Former Federal MP John Brumby looks set to replace Jim Kennan as Victorian Labor Leader. The Prime Minister comes under fire accused of casting doubt over Sydney's Olympic bid and residents of a tiny South Australian fishing village take on the Army. Well that sounds interesting. I'll have those first thing later. Well they take on the Army. What's that over? Well apparently the Army were practicing and kind of missed the mark. Oh okay we look forward to that. Well Naomi you know how the cricket's in the news a lot these days. Yes. And I guess it is great news for the Aussies because the Australian cricket team as we know is on the crest of a wave leading 2-0 in the Ashes Tour of England. Which is great news. Well coach Bob Simpson had this to say after bow's surgery caused strike bowler Craig McDermott's withdrawal from the team. We've got three good fast bowlers over here who will be vying for the position that Craig unfortunately had to vacate. And in news just a hand the Australian selectors have reversed their decision and have secretly flown in a replacement. Seen here in slips practice in Missouri. He's expected to add significantly to Australia's pace bowling options. And we do miss him already don't we? We sure do. Yes. Now Naomi have you ever thought about acting? No I haven't. No you wouldn't like to be in a newlywed sitcom? I don't think so no. Not at all. What about abseiling have you ever tried that? Yeah I have. You have? I loved it. Actually the first time I went up I was terrified and I could hardly get up the ladder let alone get down the other side but once I was up there there was only one choice and I couldn't face the ladder again so I had to go off the edge. Had to go off the edge. Now Annie I hear you're a bit of an angler. I am indeed yes. You are. A good one? Well I try hard I don't catch all that many fish but I certainly try. Yes do you get any tips from Rex Hunt? I watch Rex's hunt show regularly. Because he's extraordinary isn't he the way he can just throw a line in and pull out fish I don't know how he does it. What about you Chris what do you do to relax? Oh probing question. I enjoy sailing actually I do a bit of sailing. What's funny about that? And playing the guitar? Oh yes play a little bit of guitar. I wish you hadn't brought that up because I play it very badly. Do you? Yeah. Do you sing as well? No. No? No and I play guitar very badly so don't do anything please. Well maybe we should get you to play guitar on stage. Well you will stay with us for the rest of the show? Absolutely. Great. Well we'll see you next time we do have to take a break but we'll see you again very shortly. The Commonwealth Bank on strike for two days. Attention payments have been brought forward. An amazing but true South Australia sells snow to England. It was all on Seven Nightly News. If I could have my ultimate evening it would begin with the ultimate bouquet and champagne in the sunset then a classic limousine ride to the ultimate dinner and finally the ultimate room with the ultimate view but only if it could be the ultimate value. Only the Ramada Grand has the ultimate evening. Only you know how much you deserve it. You're eating onions? Yeah I love them. But what about your onion bread? Doesn't matter. I've got PK. Even if you're not Rob DeCastello, if you're serious about fitness you need the lasting energy of Kellogg's new calcium enriched sustain. The scientific balance of grains, fruits and nuts that's low in fat and salt. Even if you're not Steve McLeed you need sustain's protein, vitamins and fibre. Even if you're not Carissa Delwood you need sustain's complex carbohydrates and controlled sugar plus calcium for sustained muscle coordination. So even if you're not Steve McLeed or even if you are you need Kellogg's calcium enriched sustain made for the Australian Institute of Sport to keep the energy in your day longer. Why do I feel tired and run down? Why? Because I've got a child and I work and I run a household. Oh just family problems, relationships. I think it's environmental, I think it's to do with living in a big city, I think it's lifestyle. Because I may have a work. What do you aim to do to make chess first? Oh I'm a single mum with a daughter. Well sometimes the weather. I suppose I just don't get enough sleep. Ummm actually I really don't know. We've been shaving prizes at Nalesworth for over 9 years. Well now we're shaving prizes at Elizabeth. And I'll guarantee you you'll always get a fair deal. If not I'll shave off my mother. Now something new in the yogurt caper. It puts a tingle on your tongue. I am strong, I am invincible. I am woman, woman. Well welcome back and it's that time of the week on Tonight Live where we help the loveless, the hapless and the just plain hopeless. There's hope for us all. Yes it's that caring sharing segment we call Clean Up Your Act. And of course our panellists tonight are Lillian Frank, Kerry Toon, Cathy Godbald and Denise Spire. Now I've been looking forward to this segment for a long time because I love the comments you girls have and I hope they'll be just as controversial tonight. We'll try, we'll try. So let's start right away. We have Ms Wright from Tamworth has been unlucky in love. She writes, for reasons that escape me I only ever have relationships with guys who have a sex problem, a drug problem, an ex-girlfriend problem or in the case of my last boyfriend all three. Can the panel give me any tips on picking a winner? How depressing a quadrilla of losers. Over to you Lillian. Well have I got news for you madam. The problem is you. You pick them. You go finding all the rotten apples one after another. It does happen when you start life with the wrong people you keep on going. It's a pattern of life. You have to break it. You've got a quadrilla. Jenny just said, I'm going to go Jennifer. Sex, drugs, ex-girlfriend, what more can you have? What more do you want? Now don't you feel sorry for yourself. Stop being sorry for yourself. Clean up your act. Get your act ready. Get ready. Get with it. Okay Kerry, can you add anything to that? Well I can. I know what this is. I can actually give it the technical name Jen. It's the lame duck syndrome. What happens is I've known these girls. They start off when they're young and they go out and they get a bird that's broken its wing and they bring it home and they give it sort of milk with an eye dropper and then they go on to get all these boyfriends, these sort of wounded animals, they bring them home, they look after them and it's all this sort of caring, it's really the Florence Nightingale instinct coming out and you've got to get it out of yourself. What you've got to do is go down to the nearest animal hospital and get a job there and you can pour all this sort of Florence Nightingale instinct out into the wounded animals and you won't even have to have sex with them. Kerry, Kathy, what do you advise? I agree with Miss Lillian that it absolutely is your problem. You have the problem girl, sorry. But I think that you have to be positive and then you'll attract positive people to you. That's very good advice, yes very good advice. Now Denise. We're on a wavelength with this one girls, we're on a wavelength. I think the solution is a simple one, just stop trying to pick up boyfriends at amway meetings. You're lucky she wouldn't change. I thought only women went to amway meetings. No, all the blokes went in, that's where you get the nerds. I've got the wrong club. Speaking from experience, yes Denise. Okay listen we have to move right along, this is our next letter and it's a real brain teaser from Megan of Coloundra in Queensland and she says I'm 16 and have just finished reading a novel which talked about sexual chemistry. Can the panel please define sexual chemistry and who has got it? Kathy would you like to kick that off? Well I'd like to say I hope everybody's got it. Well I have Kathy. I have. I have too with certain men but I just think it's very important and if you don't have it then you better start working at it girl. But sexual chemistry is like a piece of chocolate cake you have to have, you just have to have it. It's very important and yeah I think everybody's got it. Okay thanks Kathy. Kerry? Well I think sexual chemistry is one of these girly sort of things, the romance, you know the love and all that side of it. I mean boys aren't interested in chemistry, they're interested in biology and you know it's basically the anatomy and the anatomy below the neck and you know I've actually known of males, it's a very rare syndrome but it's called autoeroticism and they're actually attracted to car bodies which is I think more widespread than psychologists would admit and I think the ideal sexual attraction for the sort of one of the average male would be a Ferrari with silicone implants. Okay now Lillian can you add something very quickly? Very quickly I think you will know and you will feel it when it happens to you, it'll take you like a stomp, you can't buy it in a grocery store, you can't, when you feel, when you see the man across the room and something goes tingle, tingle, tingle, tingle into you, you know you've got it and nobody can tell you about it but you can only yourself. Thank you Lillian. From the head to the toe. Denise do you have anything to add? Oh look I just want to ask this, I mean if she's got to ask us what sexual chemistry is I want to ask her what book she was reading, like was it a street directory or something? For me sexual chemistry is just everywhere, no it is, you know you've got your Sharon Stone and Michael Douglas in Basic Instinct but even Bettina and John on Bloody Play School have got it. And E, no they haven't, it's there. Don't destroy my childhood. It's not destroying your childhood. It's how we're educated, even Enid Blythe novels are full of sexual chemistry. Oh right. You know naughty and ambiguous. Well there we are. So why do you think they've got to be putting those things? It's everywhere, I think we're all agreed on that and on that note I think we'll take a break but stay with us, lots more to come. The Forex Test Series is here. Do the Kiwis have a chance against Australia? No way. The third test, Australia versus New Zealand, 8.30 Wednesday on Seven Sports. In 64 no one had seen or heard anything like this. The Rolling Stones, 21 classics on a digitally remastered double album. The greatest rock and roll band on earth, The Rolling Stones greatest hits, 64 to 71. Out now. Now something new in the yogurt caper. It was a tingle on your tongue. Se professionally be put with some Quick! See Liz is in town. Yeah, he's taking a gander at that new discovery. Don't think he'll like it. It's got air conditioning. Huh, automatic. Power steering. Supposed to be real comfy. He'll be back soon. He'll be back soon. He'll be back at the most. Taking care of your family's nutrition needn't be a puzzle. Doctors and nutritionists recommend that our diet should be low in sugar, low in fats and have less salt, but be high in complex carbohydrates and dietary fibre, which is everything that Wheat Bix has been for over 60 years. No wonder Wheat Bix is Australia's favourite truly nutritious breakfast. Wheat Bix, it really is nutrition made simple. Hi, I'm Dave Simons. Snow reports so far this year are great and it's going to be another fantastic season. So if you're an expert or just a beginner, stay warm and dry with the best range of winter and snow clothing from Rapid Surf and Ski, which is jam-packed full of the latest fashion ski gear like jackets, pants, hats, skis and boots at sensible prices. Buy it or hire it, they've got Adelaide's biggest range at budget prices. Go snow and have a mountain of fun with Rapid Surf and Ski, 180 Main North Road Prospect. Please, please, the light is fading. Will you at least try them? The vectors. He really thinks these Vicks vapour drops will soothe my throat. Clear my nose. Please. I'm trying one. They work, don't they? They really do soothe the throat and clear the nose. No, they haven't done a thing. Vicks vapour drops soothes the throat and clears the nose. And welcome back. I'm with Lillian Frank, a Kerry Kew, Kathy Gobbald and Denise Scott. And I have a very perplexing letter from Natalie in Canberra. She writes, if you've become infatuated with someone and that someone is unavailable, how do you de-infatuate yourself? That's a complex one, Lillian. You are, what a stupid question. What a stupid question. How can you get infatuated by somebody who doesn't even look at you? He's not available. What do you want to do with him? I know what she wants to do. You are so stupid, go for him. And if you can't get him, don't waste your time, your energy. Plenty of fish in the sea, plenty. Go fishing. Kerry? I think it's one of these girly problems again. Girls hero worship from afar and they swoon and they sow and they see their hero walking around. And the problem is, these heroes end up with a real flock of sheep bleating after them. And what you've got to remember... One, two, three, four, five women, just watch what you see. You're not bleating after anyone, are you? No, but you talk about women walking behind one man. They're hero worshipping and what happens is they're like a flock of sheep. And you've got to remember, darling, that you'll be about 29th in the flock. And by the time he gets around to you, artificial insemination would be preferable. Well, thanks Kerry. I guess as the saying goes, just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu. I think that's the way to go. Now Cathy, what do you say? Yeah, hi. Over to you Cathy, just moving right along. Well, my recipe for deinfatuation, which I've had to do before, which is really sad... Oh God! I have a really girly...