Dr. Takel is in constant demand as a speaker, writer and presenter, and his address today is appropriately 200 years of blood, sweat and tears. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Dr. John Takel. Anthony, thank you for that wonderful introduction. It's very kind of you. Two hundred years of blood, sweat and tears. What a title. But has it done us any good? Obviously in business terms the answer is yes. In personal terms there's been enormous sacrifices and compromises to get there. Advanced technology is also a fabulous thing, but it brings with it its problems. A fellow who went to his doctor and said, I want a vasectomy. You know what a vasectomy is? He said, sure. He says, you're going to have a vasectomy. I'll tell you what, there's two ways we can do it. We can either do it the old way, where we cut you, or the new way with the laser beams and high tech, you know, the advanced technology. The fellow said, gee, he says, you know, I'm one for change. I like the way the world's going. I'll take it the new way. Terrific. And he had the operation, everything was fine, but there was one small problem. Every time he had an erection the garage door went up. Now how would you handle that? That's those of you who still have garages. I'll tell you how you'd handle it. It would depend on your personality. Now we're all born with a personality and then people get hold of your personality in the morning. They mould it and shape it and change it. Your parents have first go, then the environment, the school years, and then business. And have you ever heard of a type A personality? Type A, very quick description of a type A person. They're ambitious, they're aggressive, they're fast moving maniacal type people and they tap their pen on the desk like this and they jiggle their knee under the desk. You can't see it and their foot goes like this and they eat their lunch with telephones hanging off their heads and they hate red lights. They go down 17 side streets and they get there at the same time but at least they were doing something. And the other thing about type A's is that they really hate listening to people who talk slow. So the type A leans over the desk and finishes off the sentence and interrupts. And type A's are very successful business people but they're high risk people. Now type B's, the more lay back, you know, surely your item mates know problems, no good at business but geez they live a long time. Now as a trade off there, if we wound the clock back 30, 50 years, there weren't as many type A people in the world. There were a lot more people who were sleep. You go back into the country areas. The country is 15 to 20 years behind the cities in personality type because everything moves quicker. So type A, successful, high risk, type B, not so successful but what's success anyway, more of an enjoyable sort of person. And type C, you've got to be very careful that you don't slip one lower because there's a subcategory of type B's now called type C who look very relaxed on the outside but they're really stewing like hell on the inside. They repress feelings. They have internal repression of tension and hate and jealousy. And those are the people who are really in strife because they're more cancer prone. Type A people are more heart disease prone, stroke prone. Type B, I don't get anything. And type C tend to get the cancers, alright. Now I think to be effective in business, be mindful that these personalities of yours are being molded. It's best to be a type A street person but be able to just drop down that slot and turn off, okay. Now if you choose to live in a western country and we do, you've got around about a 10% chance of dying of old age feeling good. So one in 10 of us will live through to 85, 90, 92 maybe, we'll go to bed one night, the next morning we'll be dead. And we won't have bothered anyone because we won't have died of disease. The odds aren't great, one in 10. The next 10% of us die of bad luck. You can't have bad luck, that's 20%. And the other 80%, that's four out of five of us here today, will kill ourselves prematurely and way before time. Now you might be fine if the two people either side of you are in some sort of strife, alright. And if you're on the end of the road, you're... Now if you're going to kill yourself, and we mainly are, there are some fabulous diseases to choose from and once again they're mainly diseases of the present era and they're heart disease and strokes and sugar diabetes and kidney troubles and blood pressure and cancers and people say, now hang on, cancer's bad luck. Cancer is a disease of the modern era because we've cured 50 years ago all the typhoid and cholera and smallpox and polio and infectious diseases because we had vaccines and antibiotics. Now we're entering an era where the diseases aren't so curable and maybe we bring them on ourselves. It's worth spending two minutes talking about cancers because cancer isn't bad luck. Two thirds at least of cancers are fault. Look at the big two cancer killers in the male in this country, lung cancer and colon cancer, that's bowel cancer, right. Lung cancer bears little discussion. Three percent of people in the males who die of lung cancer don't smoke and the other 97 percent do smoke. That's called a risk. Now we know all about risks. Isn't it fascinating in business terms, often the bigger the risk, the bigger the win. In personal terms, if you really were aware of the risks and they were laid out nicely and sensually, would you take them? Like I'm not going to stand here and talk about smoking because I get myself in a strife when we're having a time, but there's just a couple of relevant features about smoking. One, it's impossible to be intelligent and smoke at the same time. I know there's nobody here who smokes a pack of fags a day, but just so you know, the average smoker smokes 20 cigarettes a day for 35 years. That's 250,000 cigarettes per smoker, not lot, per average smoker. Ten puffs in a fag, that's 2.5 million times that crap that's going through this brilliant system called the human computer. And if you could find a computer this good, like you wouldn't stand alongside it blowing that much muck through it because you'd stuff it up, right? But it's fascinating that so-called intelligent people do that to themselves and I'll tell you why. This is the why and it's really obvious. The why is there are stimulants called those. The stimulant syndrome is what you get into when you're a poor coper. Now that's caffeine, that's alcohol, that's tobacco and that's refined simple sugars. And I'm not saying you're not allowed to have any of them, just that we've got a data bank in Melbourne, Sydney of around about 20,000 executives from 500 top companies who send their people in for risk evaluations, not necessarily medicals, because medicals are non-motivational. You know, you're either okay and you go to the pub to celebrate or you're crook and you go to the specialist. But what we're intent on is doing risk evaluations, we look at people's activity patterns, their eating habits, their coping skills, we rate their risks today and tell them where they're going in five years. Now I know from the data bank that the non-copers, especially the ones heading into that dangerous decade, the dangerous decade runs 45 to 55, that's the 10 years where most responsible people start to fall to bits. Things fall off and things fall out and they spasm. And people never recognise that there's stimulant syndrome as part of this non-coping bit. So if you're heading towards this decade, there are certain levels of stimulants that you can get away with. For example, you can drink up to three shots of caffeine a day and still remain effective. If you're drinking 12 or 15, you're off your brain, you're headed downhill. Alcohol, we know from our data bank that you can, an effective person can get away with up to 25 alcoholic drinks per week, conventions excluded. People say 25 drinks a week, I'd never drink anything like that until you add them up. A drink by the way, seven ounces of beer is a drink, four ounces of wine is a drink, one ounce of spirits is a drink. So in a bottle of beer there are four drinks, in a bottle of wine and champagne, six drinks, in a bottle of scotch, 26 drinks, not one as some people count it. Ever heard of an AFD? If you haven't, you've never heard me talk before and they've become quite famous down the eastern seaboard of Australia. An AFD is an alcohol-free day. Now, people who can't cope never heard of AFDs. It's an amazing discipline to find two AFDs a week, two days where you don't need the stuff and then you know you're still in control of it, not the other way around. If you are an everyday drinker and you're drinking way past 25 drinks a week, from there to there, if you ever get there, you'll increase your consumption by 1.7 times if you drink every day. So don't. Why do you need it every day? It's got you all ready. Alcohol on the other hand is good for you. It's a relaxant. The first two or three drinks relax you, the next 20 don't. You just think they do. It thins the blood. It pumps up the production of a chemical that dissolves cholesterol. So tea totalers have a higher heart attack risk than people who drink a little. If you have enough of the stuff, it can make ugly people look beautiful. You know, it's got grapes. On the downside, if it gets hold of you, you're gone, out of control. A similar sort of thing. Smoking, we've talked about. The worst thing that comes out of a smoke is the stuff out the back end that's called carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide. The exact two things come out the exhaust pipe of a car. We won't go through the scenario relating to carbon monoxide. We haven't got time. But just going back to that other cancer, see this bowel cancer bit? That's now the number one cancer killer in the Western world. It's gone past lung cancer. It's just bad luck, isn't it? I tell you what. See this tube here? That's your intestines, right? There's your mouth and there's the other end. Now the emptying time of that tube, the time the toxic products take to get from there to there are in inverse proportion to your risk of getting low bowel disease. So the slower the products move through here, the more risk you've got of getting hemorrhoids and piles and ulcers, diverticulitis, bowel cancers, right? And yet there are millions of people in this country alone who refuse to eat that meal called break fast. Now break fast, or breakfast as it's nicknamed now, breaks a 17 hour fast between dinner last night and lunch today. So most non-copers eat all their food in seven hours, between 1pm and 8pm, and stuff all for the next 17. Except a coffee and a fag to kickstart the motor, right? So you get this slowdown of the movement through the bowel and hey presto, you increase your risk of low bowel disease. Now you know, if you're aware of that, you would get up five minutes earlier, wouldn't you, and stick some roughage in the top end of the pipe in terms of grains in toast or bread or grains in cereal or a bit of fresh fruit. Okay, be careful of the cereals. Read the box. If the cereals are so bad it'd be better to eat the box because there's more roughage in the cardboard. So you know, a good start to the day to get this thing moving, if nothing else, and maybe just meet your kids and remember their names just for five minutes in the morning. Little bit of grain cereal, little bit of fresh fruit compared to stewed fruit, which has got all the fibre munched out of it and up in the air, and a little bit of low fat milk and people say no, no, no, we have real milk at our home. I say, yeah, well that's terrific. You know, cow's milk is good for cows, not so good for humans. It's a very fatty food. People say, yeah, well our kids, I mean your kids, they need cow's milk. So well that's interesting because human breast milk is far less fatty than cow's milk, right? You know, so if you're looking for something to put on your wheaties, you go for a lower fat milk, right? Dirty buggers. Right, now getting down to this self-management, you know, people talk about stress and all this sort of stuff. Be assured of one thing, the fellow who invented this word stress said this, stress is not out there, it is in here. Stress is an internal phenomena. Now, whatever stress you want, you do to yourself, you give to yourself, and I can prove that because if you put the exact same pressure, there's the pressure, you put the same pressure in front of six different people, how come you get six different stress responses? Because this stress in here depends on your attitude to the pressure and how good you feel about yourself. If you've got positive attitudes towards a pressure and you take it as a challenge, something exciting, something to win by for self, for family, for company, by hell more often than not you'll get a positive stress response and that's great stuff for the human body. It keeps it alive, it doesn't destroy it. It's called achievement, it's called goal setting, budgets. If you hate the pressure, the same pressure that other people love, be rest assured that in the majority you're going to get negative stress responses. And as you head towards the dangerous decade and you have too many of these, that will destroy your immune system. Now people used to say to me, what the hell is the immune system? And we all know now that the immune system is the thing in here that decides whether you get a cold next week, cancer in five years, maybe age in eight years. If you don't want to get a cold next week, you don't have to, it is up to you and your resistance. And if you do happen to get one, you can make it last two days instead of 12. That's a fascinating scenario, we'll just unfold over the next 15 or 20 minutes. The immune system is the thing that will determine your life, health, death in the next 20 to 30 years because we are now looking at diseases that only get you if you've got a weak resistance. So you're looking at the cancers and this AIDS thing, this AIDS virus has been perhaps a blessing in disguise. It's brought forward to us the fact that we need tip top immune systems. And we can't sit around and waiting for vaccines and drugs because potentially they may never arrive and yet you can improve your own immune system quick as a flash. The AIDS virus is in fact a little thing unlike the cold virus, there's the cold little flu virus, it just attacks the white cells in the blood and you have an almighty war and usually the blood cells win depending on your resistance. It takes two days to 12 days. The AIDS virus is smarter than that, that is a piece of genetic engineering. When it fights the white cell instead of just killing it, it inserts itself inside the white cell and reprograms that white cell to produce another 100 to 1000 AIDS viruses. So the war is lopsided, you see. And yet not everyone who gets the AIDS virus gets the AIDS disease seven years on. It depends on your resistance. Mind you, resistance on the one hand and staying away from this little fella on the other. A couple of people have asked me to express my views on this and I have no problem with that. Don't walk out, stay there. But there are three basic rules when it comes to the environment related to the AIDS virus. Because if it's with you, you're in trouble. If you have a positive AIDS blood test, that doesn't mean necessarily you're going to get AIDS in seven years, maybe a 50 or 70 per cent chance, but you've contacted the virus. Now why contact it in the first place? Rule number one is the BP rule. Bottoms are for pooping out of, right? If the good Lord meant us to shove things up our back passages, he would have made the lining far thicker than three bits of tissue paper. Fact. Number two, never share your toothbrush with a prostitute. That's the TP rule. In the first instance we've had sperm to blood contact, here we have blood to blood contact. If you use any implement to break mucous membranes and get fresh blood on the implement and then use that fresh blood on the implement to break the membranes of somebody else who's a non-carrier, you've got blood to blood contact. Be wary. Never pick up a shaver in a club and shave yourself. Because the AIDS virus can't live in the air or water or dry blood for more than a couple of minutes. But sure as hell it can live in liquid blood. So if there's a little bit underneath a shaver blade, then it can live for days and days. So don't use other people's instruments, implements. And the third rule is let no one, the NN rule, no needles, don't let anyone near you with a needle for acupuncture or ear piercing or tattoos or shooting up drugs or anything, unless you've seen that needle come out of a sterile pack or a sterile solution. Just don't do it. Three rules, bang, bang, bang. See you now know why we're so intent on talking about this immune system. Because if your resistance is big enough, you don't need to get any disease. Now let's get back to the three thirds of living. The three thirds of living are without doubt activity patterns, eating habits and coping skills. Okay? You do not have to be a fanatic and eat grass and carrots, sesame seeds and climb mountains at about six in the morning, because fanatics are also pushing their resistance to the limit. For example, fanatics in exercise terms, if you're over the age of 35, you've got to question your goals if you're a fanatic, if you're a chronic marathon runner. Chronic marathon runners are people who run more than one marathon, right? Now, I don't know whether you've ever sat at a dinner party next to a chronic marathon runner, but they're very boring, they don't smile, they fall asleep and they tell you about their shin splints and their crooked back because what happens over 35, you must understand it, is that the breakdown of tissues in muscles and cells and joints and all that sort of stuff outweighs the potential rate of regeneration. So if you're a fanatic, you've got to be very careful. The idea is moderation in everything. You've heard the rule, moderation in all things except four. And the four are laughter, sex, some doubt about that one now, vegetables and fish. These are the four things you can use to excess, laughter, sex, vegetables and fish, no particular order, for God's sake not altogether, makes hell of a mess. Especially that and that. People say to me, well how do you know, how do you know that you can use a lot of these four things and I say well I know from my research that laughter and sex are the best two stress cycle breakers known to the human system. We don't know whether they're one and two or two and one, but if they come together you're getting old, alright? Vegetables form the basis of the food groups eaten by the races of people in this world who live the longest and feel the best. If we had enough money in this convention pot we could go overseas tomorrow on a jumbo jet and I'll show you people, races of people who are 90, 95, 102, they look like we do when we're 60 because their basic habits are a little different. A lot of it revolves around this. We'll talk about that in one second. And the last thing of the four fish, the research shows quite nicely now that the races of people who eat at least two meals of fish a week have got an incidence of heart attack and stroke way down on the normal western population because of the protective effect of fish oils. So if you're looking at seven nights in a week, you know, there's two or three red meat and a couple of fish and one pasta and one chicken or something, spread out. Let's look at the three things in detail. Activity, type A personalities, generally all or nothing people because they're so keen to get things done and they leave things alone like for example movement and they say, you know, he's right, I'm going to do so, I'm really going to get stuck into this. And they go and they become a fanatic, right? No good because it doesn't last long. On the other end of the scale you can't do no exercise because that is ridiculous because the human body was made to move. It looks better, it feels better, it sleeps better, in fact it loves better, it works better, it has a higher self image. If it moves now and again, the sleep one's interesting. People come to me and say, you know, I have a lot of trouble sleeping. Well, either you live on stimulants, you know, you're full of coffee and grog and fags and refined sugar or you're never physically tired. You see mental tiredness, you can come home absolutely stuffed from the office and clunk over, mental tiredness only keeps you asleep between four and six hours. Physical tiredness keeps you asleep between seven and nine hours. So if you have three or four lousy nights sleep, you owe yourself a bloody good sleep on night five by getting physically tired. And I defy you to put a pack on your back and take your kids for a walk through the hills and not sleep that night. It is impossible, okay? Get the idea? Now, the right dose of activity is in the middle. We haven't got physical jobs because it's a fact of life you can earn more money sitting on your backside on telephones and telexes and faxes and all that sort of stuff. And because we've placed this achievement factor against the dollar, it's interesting, achievement in the younger years is always measured by counting something. That's another fact of Western life. You either count the runs you make or the games you win or the reports you type or the operas you sing at or the dollars you make and you have a scoreboard and you stick the dollars up there and that's goals and budgets and it's good because it's achievement. If you're not achieving, you're dead. So you might as well go for it. And to achieve, you've got to live in a pressure cooker. But don't forget the valves on the pressure cooker, the physical valve and the psychological valve. And this physical valve as a stress reliever means a minimum of three, say three times a week you get off your backside and you move that way for about 20 minutes and you get lightly puffing. Say 20, 25 minutes, lightly puffing. And if you're not lightly puffing, it's pretty useless. But it's pretty easy to get lightly puffed, especially if you're a slob. You just got to go real slow, you know. You go down the store and buy a pair of shoes with a bit of support in the heels. It costs you $45 in the last nine years or five years. That's $9 a year. It's pretty cheap stuff and it's a commitment in time. You've got to be kidding. Three times a week for the show, that's half an hour. That's no way. No way. So hang on, one third of your stress management, health management needs, one and a half hours a week. There's 168 hours in every week. I've counted them. I always get the same. If you can't find an hour and a half in 168 to fulfil one third of your health and stress needs, you've lost me. You're a bad manager of self. And to remember all those goals and budgets up on that scoreboard with the dollars, you're fantastic at that, but you're absolutely bloody hopeless when it comes to yourself and you'll never do anything about yourself until you get crook. And that's probably too late because you can't cure heart disease and cancer. You can sort of cut it out and give people 100 pills a day and keep them alive another 15 years. But they're only half people. So if you've got to kill yourself, make sure you do it real quick. All right? But most people don't. They destroy themselves slowly. And that's a pity not only for self, but your kids remember you as empty arthritic shells. You have to look at the photo album to see what the real you look like. And that's a fact of life. So activity is a commitment in time. You can walk, you can ride a bike, you can jog, but don't jog unless you're capable of doing it. Just go for a walk. Just move. It's a commitment. Maybe you need a coach. All teams are notoriously bad at winning games unless they've got an idiot standing up yelling at them called the coach. Maybe you need another person in your office that makes a commitment. Two lunchtimes a week, we're going to go for a walk or jog at 12.30. And if you don't turn up, it's $20 in the jar. And if you don't turn up, 20 in the jar. And if you're bad managers, you'll have a hell of a Christmas party because the jar will be full of money, you see? That little commitment. Number two, eating. Eating's a problem. Well, there is just one eating plan. This is the best way to go. And I know it's the best way because I made it up. Now, there are basic foods and bonus foods. Basic foods are vegetables, fruits, and grains. No time to argue. Vegetables, fruits, and grains. If you eat basic foods all the time, you get very bored. That is the basis of what we call the Prudicam diet. Have you ever heard of Nathan Prudicam? Prudicam diet, right. I knew the fellow well and respected his principles. Brilliant man. But we've done enough research into Prudicam now to know that if you eat Prudicam long enough, you can't get cancer. You just look like you got it. And you never, ever get invited out. So on my program, you're allowed to add bonus foods. And that's lucky because bonus foods are anything else that ain't there, like red meat, cheese, ice cream, cream, cakes, eggs, you name it. They're a bonus food. Now these are the rules. People say I don't like rules. Well, there are rules in every other facet of your life. So there's just got to be a few little rules in terms of self-management and discipline thereof. If you eat a range of vegetables, say yellow, dark green, and white vegetables five days and seven, and a bit of fruit five days and seven, and a few grains five days and seven, you've got a fantastic immune system. Almost impossible to get sick. And people say, well, you know, I do that all the time. But do you? You go through the last seven days and see if you've eaten a range of three color vegetables five days and seven. If you didn't, your immune system's dropping. You're starting to get wide open to the diseases of low immunity, Western civilization, stress. Then you add bonus foods once or twice or three times a week. So if you like a particular food, say you like red meat, you can have up to three serves a week if you like. Or eggs, you know, if it were chocolates, you have up to three a week. It's all here. Now just say the question comes back, red meat, well, you know, can I eat it? Well, it's good for you. It's got iron and protein and B12. It's good for you. But if you eat it more than three times a week, you're a dill because maybe you don't understand that it's full of saturated fat. And saturated fat is the sticky stuff. It's solid too, you know, saturated fat is solid on the plate and solid in your arteries. Here's your heart. There's the three major coronary arteries that supply you with blood and life. The biggest of those three coronary arteries in your heart is one fifth the size of my little finger. See how fat it is? Enlarge it. The sludging process in the Western country like this starts when you're four, not when you're 40, depending on what your mum feeds you to make you fat and happy. And you might get say an 85% blockage at age 40 or 50 or 57. You don't necessarily know it. Nor you need one little clot of blood to come floating down here and go clunk over and the lights are out, you know, unless your other two arteries are in shape and they usually aren't. Now if you knew that, the saturated fat sticks to the inside of the arteries like you wouldn't need it every day, would you? Because you'd be stupid. And this is where 200 years ago people were far simpler in their habits. They had to move, they had to ride bikes to the store, they had to plough fields. The basic foods were really the basis of eating. Man has always been a hunter and has loved red meat but they have to catch the bloody thing. They have to bang them on the head and eat them. But while they were looking for the buffaloes, et cetera, they would live on fish and fowl and grains and fruits and berries and all that sort of stuff and nuts, you know, the basic foods. So one of the things that most people don't accept, and even doctors, you know, they don't understand this, 30% of people with heart disease, the first symptom in 30% of people with heart disease is sudden death, which is bloody hard to cure, right? Two thirds get a warning, one third no warning. So you know, you'd have to understand that, wouldn't you, all these high fat saturated fats. So you've got to swing the pendulum back towards the vegetable side because vegetable fats are liquids. They don't stick, they go. Okay? See the difference? Eggs, you know, people say I'm allowed to eat eggs. Well, they're a bonus food. The shells are very good, a lot of calcium if you want to eat it. The white is a brilliant source of protein, fantastic. The egg yolk is a cholesterol bomb. There's enough cholesterol in one egg yolk to last the human body a month. Yet some people eat 14 a week. If you love eggs, you know, you can adjust your ideas, throw the shell away, it's too hard, eat all the white and eat, say, one third of the yolk. If you prepare an egg or eat an egg with one third of the yolk, it looks pale, but it tastes exactly the same. Give two thirds of the yolk to the dog, let him have the heart attack, and you eat the one third. It's, you know, it's just little tricks. This amazing resort, this is one of the world's great health spas we're building up in Queensland with Hyatt Hotel Group, Hyatt Regency Coolum. It's not a fat farm because the yay-yow approach to health doesn't work very well. If you go to a fat farm because you're crook and you eat sesame seeds and climb mountains and you lose 10 kilograms in 10 days, then you go back into the real world and it all falls to bits and it goes back on. And when you go like this with health, you lose weight quickly, you lose fat and muscle. You put the weight back on, it's mainly fat. And you go on another diet and you lose weight very quickly. The quicker you lose it, fat, muscle. Quicker you lose it, the more muscle you lose. Put it back on, fat. So you're getting weaker and weaker with this yay-yow stuff. If you get to people's health in a magnificent environment through up here and making people feel fantastic and the food options, you know, for example, in a restaurant, never let restaurateurs pour the gravies and sauces on the food. Ask for them in little crock pots on the side because you double the calories immediately you pour gravies on a meal, see? It's just another source of saturated fat. So just the little tricks, the little changes because you eat far less of it that way. Salads, beautiful. Pour oil all over it. Saturate it with oil. Triple the calories, just little tricks. Okay, so we've looked at activity, easy. Go and buy a pair of shoes and move. Three, 20 minutes a week. Commitment, you got it, beauty. Likely puffing, okay? You know, people say, well, how do I know? Can I take my pulse rate? Well, this is getting a bit academic and we haven't got time, but your pulse rate at maximum, if you're really going hard, hard, hard, your pulse rate at maximum is 220 minus your age. So let's say you're 40, your maximum pulse rate, 180. To get fit, you don't have to push your pulse rate here, you only have to push it to about 70% of there, which is what, 126. You're not dead when you start, your heart rate's already going and is not nought. Depending on how slobby you are, it might be getting up here. You know, the average effective individual has a pulse rate at rest when they're just sitting doing nothing, 50 to 70. Bjorn Borg, 32, that sort of stuff. But you've got to kill yourself every workout if you've got a very slow pulse rate, so don't get too fit, because then you're coming from higher up. We had a fella in Adelaide, the worst treadmill test we've ever done, he was 47, three-stone overweight, computer expert, 60 a day, you know, came in, the wishes of his company on his way to lunch and he said, you know, Mr. Computer Expert, give us your forms, he's not going to fill them out. I said, will you do the treadmill? And he put his Sanchez on and stood on the treadmill, he wasn't going anywhere yet, he was just standing still. And his pulse rate, just to keep him alive, was 117, right? Now if we had a bit longer in the session, we could do some tricks with pulse rates and show you how smokers and coffee drinkers are 20 beats higher a minute, just at rest. Because they say what? Well, 20 beats higher a minute is 10 million beats a year, but your heart's overworked, just because you're addicted to caffeine or nicotine. Anyway, this guy was starting at 117, we walked him on a flat treadmill, no elevating, flat treadmill for one minute and 10 seconds and his pulse went to 220. And I stopped the test, he said, what are you stopping the test for? I said, you're going to die. He says, oh, good decision, good decision. He had absolutely no idea how ineffective he was under pressure, physical or emotional pressure, and besides, he had an absolutely normal rest in cardiograph, absolutely normal. A lot of people have a heart symptom, they go to their doctor and say they've had pain or palpitations, they get laid on a bench, run off a cardiograph and the doctor says, nothing wrong with your heart. Please don't believe the people because you can't say that if you're under no pressure. This guy, 30 seconds into his test, had a violently abnormal graph which showed he had blockages, he had to have the angiogram, he did have two of his three coronary arteries, 95% blocked. He was living on a third of an artery and he was the last resort, he had to have a bypass because he would have been dead in six months and he had no symptoms, you see. So what I'm telling you is all you have to do to get healthy is get in this target range. This is the lightly puffing. If your pulse is already 117, you've just got to get out of your chair and your heart gets such a fright, it goes straight to there. But you've got to move. We've done the exercise, we've done the eating, that's easy. Balance up your basics and bonuses. If you want to lose some weight over three weeks, we'll organise with National Mutual, I'll send you out some little plant, you can eat as much food as you like for three weeks and lose weight. It's just a matter of the types. It's interesting. So eating, once you get back to a reasonable level, it's just basic versus basic, you can eat anything you like, it's just the balance. If you eat a particular bonus food more than three times a week, why? You're destroying your immunity. And this is the era of immune diseases. So why would you want to do that to yourself? And the last thing is this stress business. Now, pressure, stress, you decide what sort you want. There's your pressure cooker, you must achieve otherwise you're dead, so go for it. People say to me that the next two years are going to be really tough and I say, well that's fantastic because there are more winners born in tough times than in easy times. And it depends on what you reckon about the challenge. If you like yourself and you're feeling good and you've got these good positive attitudes, you're going to use that challenge and win. Don't mix with negative people. I love negative people just to be out there because if everyone was positive, there wouldn't be room for all the winners, right? It's good that the same, you know, down in Melbourne where I come from, we've had a freak burst of weather but generally you turn on the weather forecast in the ordinary periods and they say, oh today it's going to be partly cloudy. Why not partly sunny? It's exactly the same thing, right? But people look down instead of up. So we've talked about the physical releases, the psychological releases, mixing with positive people, positive mental attitudes, mental bonuses, non-copers never go to the movies, they never read books, they never lie on beaches, they never fish, they never walk around the botanical gardens on a Sunday because they feel guilty about switching off. And unless you're looking forward to a mental bonus now and again, you're in here too often. Get out, set yourself something that you'd love to do that you never do, say every three months, look forward to it. Put it in your diary, program it, plan it, manage yourself, mental bonuses, looking forward to something is often as good as doing it. You know, little relaxation techniques, once again time does not permit us to just discuss a simple seven minute tension buster that a lot of top corporate executives in this country use. You can get your pulse rate, your blood pressure and your spasm and everything right down there in your boots in seven minutes. Fantastic immune builder. People say how do I really know if I'm not coping? Very quickly. If your level of stimulant intake is rising, you're not coping. More coughing, more groggy, somebody else usually tells you and you deny it. Number two, muscle spasm. Muscle spasm, here's headache, migraine, neck pain, chest pain, palpitations, gut pain, back pain, diarrhea, spasm. They're all warning signs. People never heed them. Get out of the pressure cooker. Activity, eating, switch offs, skin signs, itches and rashes, generally tension related, mostly tension related. Time urgency, not enough time to do everything, okay that's fine, five, six days a week but not seven days a week. You've forgotten how to switch off. Irritability, you know that calm normal person who starts to turn irritable? They hate, you know little things upset them like flies and desks and air conditioners and people and kids and noise. Kids are the same, you change. Your noise tolerance drop. You can usually if you're feeling good cope with that level of noise. If the noise stays the same and you get worse you can't cope with it. These little warnings. Cynicism, you know that person, you hate to mix with cynics, it'll never work, we've tried it before, it's hopeless, you know let's turn on the gas. Dangerous warning. So in finality what do you do to pump your immune system up? You walk around the block, you move, you get lightly puffed, you eat basic foods five days in seven. You set yourself mental bonuses so you've always got something to look forward to. You laugh. Laughter is a great immune builder. We can prove it through cortisone levels and white cell levels. You get in front of Ronnie Corbett for 30 minutes, your cortisone levels drop. Your resistance goes up. It's terrific, releases the pressure. Yet one of the great rating TV shows in this country, murder, war, police, drama. What do you want to watch that on television for? That's in the real world, you know. Lighten up your life a little. Touching is a great immune builder. You've got to be careful in this country with touching. You can't just go like that in the street because someone will go bang. But Americans and Europeans are good at touching. We can learn slowly if there is a bond or respect or love. You can touch just very gently, forearm, shoulder. Now little kids, they love to be touched, picked up, cuddled. In this country, as soon as you're a teenager, you sort of cringe, you know. You don't want anyone to touch you, especially your parents. So you've got to creep up behind them and go, you know, just to let them know you're still there. It's a bond, okay? And there's a lot of things, but that's the guts for it. So I'm going to finish up now by spending 30 seconds on one more disease. It's called the aging process. 200 years of blood, sweat and tears. But I tell you what, our forefathers aged better than we do because we destroy ourselves. It is a disease. We all get old, but you don't have to destroy yourself. Just a couple of little things to point that out. For example, the fine upstanding human being at age 30 has got no physical disabilities. It's mechanically sound, right? But this little bend in the back, as we get older, we actually shrink two inches. What happens is this is exaggerated. So you start to get the fat gut here, like this here, and it pulls you back like this, and we shrink because we're inactive and we've got poor stomach muscles and it puts pressure on the vertebrae and discs and you start getting low back pain and sciatica. And people say, that's because I'm getting old. But nothing to do with age. Health management, you just let everything drift and it's never too late to change. They did a study in America 10 years ago to look at the deterioration of sexual performance with age in a western country. 30 year old, angle of erection plus 70 degrees. This is in the mail, of course. By age 70, the angle of erection was minus 15 degrees. People said, I'm getting old. It's got nothing to do with age. It's got to do with activity, eating, attitudes, getting out of the pressure cooker. And the last statistic is this one. This is an amazing statistic. At age 30, the average number of orgasms in this group per annum was 121 per year, of which 10 were solo. 30 years old. I don't know what that means, but Anthony said there would be a number of wankers here today. By 60 years of age, the number of orgasms average was 15 a year, of which nil was solo. It just wasn't worth the bloody effort. And people blame it on ageing. Just to summarise, all I've said in the last 45 minutes is this. Your life is in your hands and the diseases that destroy the immune system is the era into which we are moving. We've cured all the infectious ones, so it's sort of the you diseases, the ones that just creep out and grab you and gently dismantle you. And if you want to avoid those, then build your resistance. It's pretty simple. If you're going to kill yourself and you don't reckon that that's any good or all that sort of moderation stuff, then go for it quickly. Try and kill yourself very quickly, because if you go slowly, the way to do is not do any exercise because you haven't got time anyway. Eating lots of bonus foods, lots of fat and sugar and just satisfy your tongue, doesn't matter about the rest of you. A lot of stimulants. As many coffees as you can get, grog every day, tobacco until it's coming out your ears and everywhere. Just prove you're a real good non-caper. Never get out of the pressure cooker. Never go do things that you love to do and program them and you will destroy yourself. But I think it's a pretty simple choice and if you're going to be great people, not only in the next year or two, but in the next 10 or 20, and be very, very good images for your children as they grow up, then it's pretty obvious to me. Thanks for your time. Thank you. Good night.