You You The earliest events of creation were revealed to man thousands of years ago You You You Solutions to modern-day problems were also revealed They are found in a book unequaled in scope and value of Of that book it has been said men have lived by it men have died for it no other book approaches its influence You The Bible has the widest circulation of any book in history in Whole or in part it has been translated into over 2,000 languages You It is not a scientific textbook, but it agrees with later scientific discoveries In the Middle Ages popular wisdom said that the earth was flat But 700 years before Christ the Bible spoke of the circle of the earth You Some in ancient times believed that the earth was supported by four elephants standing on the back of a sea turtle Nearly three thousand five hundred years ago the Bible simply stated that God was hanging the earth upon nothing In this the Bible agrees with modern science Only recently did scientists discover the genetic role of DNA which fixes a person's hereditary makeup In prayer to God King David expressed this principle Your eyes saw even the embryo of me and in your book all its parts were down in writing You 3,000 years ago the Bible in simple terms described the natural water cycle that involves clouds rain and snow You The Bible explained Every river flows into the sea but the sea is not yet full the water returns to where the rivers began and Starts all over again You How did the Bible writers know these facts They were inspired by God Consider the amazing account of how the Bible was recorded Papyrus making in Egypt This ancient writing material dates back to thousands of years before Christ You Moses probably used papyrus to write the first five books of the Bible Sheets of papyrus were joined together to form scrolls with an average length of from 14 to 20 feet Doubtless the Christian disciples wrote their books and letters on papyrus Tanners making leather parchment flourished when exports of papyrus were banned for a time in the second century BCE Long-lasting leather was better than papyrus I Parchment scrolls were in use in Jesus day Early Christians were commanded to spread the good news Scrolls however were costly and not easy to handle A more practical form of written text was needed The Codex was invented by the end of the first century It was made by folding sheets to form leaves which were then stitched together a Similar method is used to produce modern books In what languages was the Bible written The first 39 books were written mostly in Hebrew They are called the Hebrew scriptures also known as the Old Testament Small portions were penned in Aramaic By the time of Jesus Greek had become an international language It was the language used to write the concluding 27 books of the Bible known as the Christian Greek scriptures It was the language used to write the concluding 27 books of the Bible known as the Christian Greek scriptures or the New Testament How can we be sure that our modern Bibles accurately represent the original writings Jewish and Christian copyists took great care in preserving the sacred writings Jewish and Christian copyists took great care in preserving the sacred writings Many very early copies have survived to our day Two valuable examples are the Chester Beatty collection in Ireland and the John Rylands fragment in England Two valuable examples are the Chester Beatty collection in Ireland and the John Rylands fragment in England Two valuable examples are the Chester Beatty collection in Ireland and the John Rylands fragment in England In the British Museum is an outstanding manuscript that serves to confirm the accuracy of the Bible The Alexandrine Codex dating from the 5th century CE contains an almost complete text of the Bible in Greek The Vatican in Rome is the home of a codex that dates from the 4th century CE Hidden for centuries, it was finally made available to scholars in facsimile form in 1889 The wilderness region of Sinai German scholar Count Tischendorf visited the monastery of St. Catherine at the foot of Mount Sinai in 1844 German scholar Count Tischendorf visited the monastery of St. Catherine at the foot of Mount Sinai in 1844 According to his account, he found a large basket of old parchment set aside to be burned as rubbish Among this so-called rubbish, he claims to have discovered 129 pages of the Hebrew scriptures translated into Greek, the oldest he had ever seen Among this so-called rubbish, he claims to have discovered 129 pages of the Hebrew scriptures translated into Greek, the oldest he had ever seen He had found what came to be known as the Sinaitic manuscript, probably copied in the 4th century CE The Dead Sea region is where the most famous biblical scrolls were found In 1947, a young Bedwin herdsman discovered the first of the Dead Sea scrolls in a cave near Kirbet Cumran, southeast of Jerusalem In 1947, a young Bedwin herdsman discovered the first of the Dead Sea scrolls in a cave near Kirbet Cumran, southeast of Jerusalem Some scrolls can be seen today in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem It is the oldest collection of Hebrew manuscripts yet found, some dating to the second century before Christ It contains portions of all the books of the Hebrew scriptures except Esther An outstanding feature of these ancient texts is the frequent use of the divine name, the Tetragrammaton, pronounced Jehovah in English In the Hebrew scriptures, this name occurs nearly 7,000 times The scrolls prove that modern Bibles faithfully reflect the original writings But how did the Bible spread around the world? One factor was that in early Christian times, Greek was an international language The reason? Before Christ, the Greek armies had conquered the world and spread their language Later, the Romans had built an empire tied together by a network of roads Thus, Christian missionaries could readily travel and spread the Bible message By the year 405, Catholic scholar Jerome had translated the Bible into Latin, the language of his time His translation continued to be the official Catholic Bible even when Latin ceased to be the language of the people The beautifully illustrated Lindisfarne Gospels and the Book of Kells of the 8th century could be read only by the educated For centuries, most people were left without a Bible they could read However, some courageous Catholic scholars were willing to risk all to bring the Bible to the people in their own language In the 14th century, the English reformer John Wycliffe rejected some church teachings He held that the Scriptures were the supreme authority Little did he know that he was going to be a powerful influence on other dissenters In 1380, Wycliffe and his collaborators set to work on the first English translation of the Latin Bible Of course, only handmade copies were available He died of a stroke in his church in Lutterworth, England in 1384 His enemies were not content to let his bones rest in peace Over 40 years later, they dug up his bones, burned them, and threw the ashes into the River Swift His followers were the Lollards, traveling preachers of the Bible Hunted down by the church, some were imprisoned in what came to be known as the Lollards Tower Efforts to distribute handwritten copies of Wycliffe's Bible were greatly hindered by the fierce opposition of the church However, about 1450, something happened that changed history Printing from movable type was invented by Johannes Gutenberg In 1455, Gutenberg printed the first Bible in Latin in three volumes Now, thousands of Bibles could be turned out in a relatively short time Some 40 Gutenberg Bibles still exist Some churches had libraries of chained books and Bibles Bibles were still rare, expensive, and in Latin Another step was needed to make the Bible available to the people Translation into the common languages Oxford and Cambridge Universities in England produced in the 16th century a Bible scholar and man of integrity William Tyndale believed that every Christian should be able to read the Bible in his own language He was the first to translate from the original Bible languages into English In 1522, Tyndale said to a learned clergyman If God spare my life, before many years have passed, I will cause a boy that drives the plow to know more of the Scripture than you do This went against official policy One church spokesman said The New Testament translated into the Vulgar Tongue is in truth the food of death, the fuel of sin, the enemy of unity, the murderer of truth Persecuted by the church, Tyndale fled to Germany where he completed his translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures Some of the first Bibles that were smuggled into England were consigned to the flames Tyndale meanwhile turned to translating the Hebrew Scriptures Before he could finish, he was betrayed and captured at Antwerp, Belgium He was strangled and then burned at the stake as a heretic in 1536 His chief accuser said It is no great matter whether they that die on account of religion be guilty or innocent, provided we terrify the people by such examples In 1555, Mary, Catholic Queen of England, had bishops Latimer and Ridley burned alive Their reading of the Bible had led them to contradict church teaching On this spot in Oxford, as these martyrs stood at the stake, Latimer said Be of good comfort, Brother Ridley, and play the man We shall this day light such a candle by God's grace in England as I trust shall never be put out In those days, it was a brave soul indeed who dared to defy the church by reading the Bible In other countries across Europe, lovers of the Bible were persecuted for daring to promote God's word John Hoos, a Catholic priest, was one example Influenced by the teachings of Wycliffe, Hoos became the most important Catholic priest in Europe Influenced by the teachings of Wycliffe, Hoos became the most important religious reformer of the 15th century in Bohemia He was lured into capture by church authorities When accused, he asked only to be proved wrong from Scripture He was declared a heretic, defrocked, and burned at the stake on the outskirts of Constance Martin Luther lived in 16th century Germany German princes protected him from his enemies His translation of the Bible into German in 1534 has been called a literary masterpiece It became the basis for Bibles in other languages, such as Swedish, Icelandic, Danish, and Dutch Excommunicated, Luther refused to recant, saying, Unless I'm convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures of my clear reason, I'm bound by the Scriptures I've quoted, and my conscience is captive to the word of God Another persecuted Bible translator was the Spaniard Cassiodoro de Reina His translation was published in 1569 and was smuggled into Spain in wine casks The Bible also appeared in Italian, Czech, Slovenian, and Belorussian People were thirsting for first-hand knowledge of this remarkable book The floodgates had opened, never to be closed again In the 19th century, another step was taken to make the Bible available to everyone The countryside of Wales was home to a little girl who loved the Bible Mary Jones had saved her pennies for years, and then in 1800 walked 25 miles to buy a Welsh Bible from a clergyman in Bala Her perseverance inspired some clergymen to found the London-based British and Foreign Bible Society One of its early representatives was the English writer and linguist George Barrow He had Bibles printed in Russia, Portugal, and Spain, and was persecuted for his efforts The American Bible Society was founded in 1816. Today it is supported by more than 80 Protestant denominations In the United States, in 1870, a young man in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania started an intensive study of the Bible that was to lead eventually to a vast worldwide program of Bible education His name? Charles Taze Russell In 1881, Russell and his collaborators founded what is known today as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society This society has printed or shared in the distribution of over 40 Bible translations in several languages Some 80 million copies of the New World Translation, produced by the Watchtower Society, have been placed worldwide in 15 languages In 1993, it had over 900 translators around the world working on additional translations of the Bible and other Bible literature This afternoon we release the New World Translation, the complete Bible, both in the Slovak and in the Czech languages The Watchtower Society is producing Bibles in Japan, in the United States, in Brazil, and in the United States and in other countries How is this ancient book a practical guide for people facing today's problems? The Bible is an educational force that changes minds, hearts, and actions It gives sound, practical counsel on how to live a happy, rewarding life, but is often not appreciated Do you think the Bible is practical for our day? I have a Bible, but I don't read it very much The true benefit of the Bible comes to those who read it For example, Lum, living in Hong Kong, was a compulsive gambler from childhood The Bible changed his attitude toward money I would pray to God, and I remembered the Bible principle at 1 Timothy 6, 9, and 10 that the love of money is the root of all sorts of injurious things And I appreciate that by following Bible principles, I no longer feel the tension and the heart pounding that I used to feel when betting on horses Things are much better now, and I am able to show love toward others, not just thinking about money as I did before Separated from her husband, Wendy found family peace by learning about God's Word I can think of the biblical definition of love Love is long-suffering and kind, and it does not keep account of the injury I mean, that is so distinctly different from the worldly view of love And that has certainly helped us as a couple, because you would always put the other person's interest first So life is so much better these days In Brazil, Cesar lived for immorality His life was transformed when someone showed him the Scriptures He started the study, stressing Ephesians about the duties of a husband toward the wife Love your wife, treat her well This gave me comfort because it was what I was looking for I wanted to be a moral man I had a wife that deserved to be treated well because she always was a loyal, submissive wife Educated, polite, and well-mannered, I saw that the morals taught in the Bible would be those that could repair my life Taiwanese Chu Kuo, paralyzed from the chest down, finds strength in the Word of God Psalm 348 tells us, taste and see that Jehovah is good My encouragement for all those who have impediments, physically or psychologically, is that we can stand up and have faith As Jesus said, faith, even as small as a mustard seed, can grow and move mountains Kazuhiro became a millionaire from bicycle racing, but he almost lost his family and his health However, the Bible gave him new values I was very much impressed with the Scripture at Matthew 16 26 What benefit will it be to a man if he gains the whole world but forfeits his soul? I thought, yeah, even if I worked really hard but hurt myself, and even if I gained a lot of money and came to have a high position, it would all be in vain if I lost my life Peter, who lived a life of violence and corruption, reflects on the changes the Bible brought him Where would I be if I had not studied the Bible? I really don't know. Maybe I would be dead by now, and my family would have been destroyed by now But then through the changes that I made after studying the Bible, and my whole family as well, we can really say that it has helped us We are now united, we are one, and we are happy Mercedes gave up guns and revolution because of the Bible I live in peace, my family itself is more united No longer do we feel the confusion and anguish that we experienced before Now the Bible knowledge has brought us appreciation even from people who knew my previous way of living They are now amazed at the radical change in my life Even in countries that are torn by hatred, people are finding solutions to the most difficult problems When we think of the political situation in Ireland and how the practical guidelines in the Bible could solve that problem, people would really apply them Because if we really loved our neighbour as ourselves, then we wouldn't plant bombs, we wouldn't have hatred for him, we wouldn't shoot him, we would actually have love So when I started applying the Bible in my own life and trying to live as Jesus says, to love your neighbour, I found myself not hating these people who I once really hated I really hated them, the Protestants and the British As I was applying the Bible, it was making me view people as human beings, not as they're of that religion and they're of that nationality But I learned to love my neighbour In Israel, Jews and Arabs have learned to meet together in peace In South Africa, blacks and whites have found racial harmony, proof that modern problems can be solved by an ancient book I think it's tremendously practical because many people today say the Bible is an old book, and so it is, but when we read the Bible, it's as modern as any sort of local newspaper I realised that God's word is true, I never was left in want Yes, the Bible, although of ancient origin, is also a modern book Millions of people around the world live happy lives and have a solid hope for the future because of learning its contents They have personally experienced the Bible's own words, that all scripture is beneficial Will you let this modern book benefit you? Will you let this modern book benefit you? Will you let this modern book benefit you? Will you let this modern book benefit you? Will you let this modern book benefit you? Will you let this modern book benefit you? Will you let this modern book benefit you?