. . . . . You I I guess I could go to another school just leave Oh It's not worth putting up with this stuff, I don't think I can take it anymore I don't care about classes at all. Now even math nothing makes sense anymore I don't care if I flunk everything It really doesn't matter They're always grabbing and talking dirty like they enjoy making you miserable I Don't see what the big deal is. We were just teasing just having fun Why why can't they understand don't they care about other people? We didn't mean anything by it. It happens to guys too, and it's not funny Hey, look at this you guys the workshop on sexual harassment has it happened to you who hasn't it happened to Whoa Extra credit. I think we should go to this. I don't know you guys. Oh, come on. Maybe it'll help. I mean I've heard it Gotta get high on your body, baby moving in on your body, baby What'd you go to that for sexual harassment old buddy? Sexual harassment, that's a song. Those are lyrics to a real song song. Give me a break. Well, it is a song I mean, don't you like music? I like music but that sounds like sexual harassment to me music or not Okay. Well, what do you guys? Music or sexual hairs sexual hair music rock and roll Actually, you're all probably right what you listen to is your business, but doing what you did and saying what you said is sexual hair Now, why is it sexual hair? anyone Because school is school and wraps Wrap I know what he means. I mean you have to go to school right like it's the law and all you know Yeah, and if you have to go to school, then you have the right not to be sexually harassed, right? That's pretty close. Our country has laws against discrimination and sexual harassment is one form of discrimination that Means everyone has the right to attend school in a safe and non-hostile environment You have the right the legal right to go to school and not be bothered by people grabbing at you making lewd comments Or spreading rumors if people who harass you sexually it interferes with your life with your ability to apply yourself to your schoolwork Sexual harassment hurts everybody it humiliates you. It makes you mistrust others. It makes you feel powerless and less confident I Like there's this one area where these guys hang out I have to walk by there every day I Have to walk by there every day I Have to walk by there every day A lot of us girls have to look They talk dirty Well They rub up against you. Yeah, and and I got grabbed Okay, what you have here are several types of sexual harassment Blocking your past so they can make physical contact as you try to pass by Sexual touching lewd remarks body and hand gestures what you're talking about is big-time sexual harassment And you're saying that this kind of thing goes on all the time. What have you done about it? Have you reported it? Do you have a comment about this incident? No, not really are you sure we're here to explore all the issues. I just think it's all kind of overblown All right, so guys tease girls somebody maybe slap somebody else on the butt What are you gonna make a federal case out of it every time somebody says boo to a girl? Is it a big deal let's vote who thinks it's a big deal Mainly girls raised their hands. How about the guys? It happens to us to happen to me when I was in high school. How about you? Any girls or other guys ever harass you? Um, well, I don't know if it'd be sexual harassment But just say, you know, you're hanging out talking to your girlfriend or something and a group of girls walk by And make fun of you like sexually, you know I know exactly what you mean. If it's unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature, then it's sexual harassment Whether it's guys harassing girls or girls harassing guys I see you're still skeptical. What's your name? David David you're not convinced that sexual harassment is a big problem Well, it just seems like you're making a big deal out of something that's really not Okay, David. Let me ask you a question. Do you have a sister? What's her name? Courtney And how old is Courtney, David? Fourteen So Courtney will attend this high school next year She will? Well, think about that, David Day 6 I doubt there's anybody who's gone this far in school who hasn't been hassled or put down or bullied sometime in their lives. Think about how you felt when that happened. When it's a sexual thing, it's even more demeaning, and it's just not right. Dysfunctional behavior, that means what, putting people down? Sort of. Actually, it means abnormal or impaired behavior. Whatever, but they seem to get a kick out of what they're doing. Maybe they get a rush out of showing off in front of their friends. Or maybe it's a feeling of power or control over others, but they aren't considering the consequences of their behavior. What kind of consequences? You can't get kicked out of school or anything, can you? Well, as a matter of fact, you can. You can be suspended or even expelled. You see, the school's not going to tolerate that type of behavior because the school is responsible for providing a safe environment, an environment for you to learn without being harassed. And there's also a question of criminal conduct. When you touch someone in a sexual manner without their permission, you can be charged with sexual battery, a criminal offense, and the school is legally required to call in the police. If a sexual harassment is reported, it will be investigated by the administration. Charges can get filed, and it will end up on the student's record. That's right. It's serious business, people. Legally serious. And it can even affect a person's ability to get a job. You mean if a company finds out that you've been suspended for sexual harassment or something, they might not hire you? That can happen. Sexual harassment laws apply to businesses, too, and they're very serious about sexual harassment. If employers think that you might be a troublemaker who's going to cause a lawsuit and cost a ton of money, hey, you're out the door before they even let you in. The legal stuff's a big factor, but you know, it all comes down to this. Sexual harassment isn't wrong because it's illegal. It was made illegal because it's wrong. That's right. What we're really talking about here is what kind of person do you want to be? So what do you say, you can't even ask a girl for a date or what? Nobody's saying you can't interact with the other sex. Hey, we're women and men. Everybody's got hormones. Everybody flirts. It's true. Flirting is fun. People get to know each other. It's part of being human. Flirting? Well, it makes me feel attractive. It feels good. You know, it's kind of neat when somebody you like flirts with you. You like flirts? Well, yeah. I mean, well, not blatantly, but it's how you begin a new relationship. Yeah. Flirting makes me feel good. It's nice. It can be the start of something really great. Okay, but how do we know the difference? One person may think they're flirting, but the other feels sexually harassed. Well, it makes you feel, like, scared. I don't know. It's like they have control over you. They have power over you. It makes me really angry, and it hurts. Sometimes you're crying. You can't help it. It makes me wonder what I did. It's embarrassing. If it happens to other people, it's really embarrassing. Well, genuine flirting is pretty obviously different from sexual harassment. Hey, let's demonstrate. Okay. Great idea. Want me to be the flirty? Are you going to do the flirting? How about some audience participation? Yeah, I'll bet you we got some good flirts in this audience. Hey, volunteers. Hey, great idea. Come on up here. Okay, and your name is Eric. Eric. Okay, Eric. This is Carla. Carla. Eric. Now, Carla's just hanging out there waiting for a ride or something. You kind of like her, okay? And I just want you to go up to her, start talking to her. Just say whatever you'd say if you were, you know, flirting with her. Hi. Eric. It is Eric, isn't it? Yeah, Eric. I'm Carla. Yeah, I know. Oh. Well, I like your hair. It's really, it's really cool, you know? Oh, wow. Thanks. You like it, really? Yeah, it makes you look pretty. You're pretty. Thanks. So maybe, maybe you'd want to go get lunchtime. Yeah. Okay. I mean, with me. Sure. What a flirt. Great job. Give me a hand. Thanks, Eric. Okay, now that was flirting. How did that make you feel, Carla? Great. And that's, we have a lunch date for tomorrow. Okay. Thanks. Okay, this time, Erin, you be the victim, and Jason and I will be the harrassers. Okay. Okay? All right. In the previous scene where you saw Eric flirt with me and asked me to lunch, you are buying lunch tomorrow, aren't you, Eric? See, I could flirt with him, too. No harm in that. But now, watch these guys. I can already tell that they're not the gentlemen Eric is. Amy. Check out Erin today. Looking fine, so fine. Yes, yes, yes. She's looking fine, so fine. Best looking jeans I've seen. You can have the jeans. I'll have what's inside the jeans. You two cut it out. That's enough. That's pretty convincing. Okay. See the difference? Right. That was sexual harassment. Having guys talk to you like that, it's embarrassing. It's demeaning. Take Erica and Carla here. Now, that was flirting. And there's a big difference between flirting and sexual harassment. A big difference. Remember, if it's unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature, you have the right to tell the person to cut it out. Yeah. Say stop. And say it as if you really mean it. Keep in mind, it's your choice. If it's the first time and if it's not serious, maybe you'll want to ignore the incident and walk away. But remember, you have the right to tell them to stop. What if they don't? If you tell them to stop and they don't, remember, you have the right to attend school in a non-hostile environment. You have the right to report harrassing behavior if you choose to. And your school has the legal responsibility to help you. And it's a good idea to document the incident so you can report it accurately. Write down what happened, when and where, and who did it. Well, if I turn somebody in and it's a real popular guy or something and he's got a lot of friends, and some of them might be my friends, then everybody will be mad at me, you know? I know exactly what you mean. Nobody wants to report this kind of thing, and it may not be easy. Some people will get mad at you. Here, maybe this will help, but let's demonstrate. I'll be the harasser, Carla, you be the victim, and you two be my best friends, okay? Hey, Carla, how about you and me get it on after the game tonight, huh? I'm not interested, Jason. Leave me alone. Well, I hear that you put out for the basketball team. Why don't you put out for me? Look, Jason, you might think this is funny, but I think it's sexual harassment. If you don't cut it out, I'm reporting you. I'm reporting you. Hey, hey, I got something important. Kind of stuck up, ain't you? She'll never have any friends acting like that. What's wrong with this picture? It's that same dysfunctional behavior we talked about earlier. These characters are supporting the troublemaker. I'm the victim, not them. Let's pick it up again. You don't have to take it from the top. Okay. Okay, where was I? Oh, yeah. You put out for the basketball team. Why don't you put out for me? That's not cute, Jason. If you don't cut it out, I'm reporting it. She's right, man. They're cool. That's right, Jason. I think you better apologize. What you're doing is obnoxious, and we don't like it. You get the picture? If someone is being harassed, she or he needs your support. Remember, the victim isn't the problem. The person that's doing the harassing is the problem. If his friends retaliate against you because you're doing what you're supposed to, then that's not only tacky, it's also against school policy. Those people will face the consequences, too. MUSIC If you're in the receiving end of sexual harassment, it's not funny. It doesn't matter if you're male or female. MUSIC Hey, do you like my shirt? MUSIC It's all about respect. They don't have respect for anybody. MUSIC Hey, baby, what's up? Hey, you look good. She looks fresh back there, doesn't she? They don't have respect for women. MUSIC What do you think, maybe a seven? No way, those are too small. LAUGHS They don't care about other students or anything. LAUGHS What are you hanging out with that faggot for? Really, he can't do you any good. LAUGHS They don't care about how anybody else feels. MUSIC As an individual, it gets down to this. What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of message do you want to send out to your fellow students? When you're engaging in sexual harassment, the message you're sending is pretty basic. I don't care about myself and I don't care about you. Is that the kind of person you want to be? So if you see sexual harassment or are victimized by sexual harassment, the first thing you need to do is tell them to stop. Exactly, just say stop it. Your behavior is sexual harassment and I don't have to put up with it. But if you tell them to stop and they don't, your next option is to report it. Write down what happened so you can give a full and accurate report. Sexual harassment is a form of violence against another person. And it can affect victims in really serious ways. If you don't take action, if you get harassed and let it continue, you'll suffer. It's typical for a person who's being harassed to get depressed. Your grades can suffer, you avoid people, you spend too much time alone, shut up in your room. And harassers keep on doing the same thing, not only to you but to other people as well. That message of disrespect they're sending keeps going out, louder and louder. I want to talk about some of this stuff. I didn't, but now I do. It's okay? These things you've all been talking about, well, they happen around here all the time. And they happen to me. They, some of the guys, they just won't leave me alone. It's like they've got to be bothering me every time they see me. I've told them to stop more than once and they don't. It hurts, it hurts a lot and I'm tired of it. I've had it. Whatever it takes to get it stopped, that's what I'm going to do. I just hope my friends stick with me because I've got to report this. And I hope you're right, that the school will stand behind me. I just want this harassment to stop. Well, are they going to hang them? I don't know if they're going to hang them, but I'll tell you one thing. They wish they hadn't done what they did. I bet they'll think twice now before they harass me or anyone else again for that matter. What about you? Yeah, are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine, now. But I wish it hadn't happened. And I wish I didn't have to get them in trouble, but they didn't give me any choice. I mean, I didn't harass them, they did it to me. I'm just glad it's finally over. Okay. Okay. Okay.