You suffer the consequences. Lee Remick and Jill Kleberg star in Hustling, the provocative Thursday movie at 9.35 on Channel 9. F-O-O-T-M-A-S-T-E-R 500 gram Dappadil, regular or low salt, 95 cents. 1 kilogram, regular, a dollar 85. SPC baked beans, spaghetti or Norts and Crosses, 39 cents. And 1 kilogram, Omo or Omomatic, just a dollar 85. Food Master, Food Master is here. Comfort is back in fashion with Easy-Fit jeans from Jeans West. Easy-Fit. Yes. Guess who's been. Guess who's been. Easy-Fit. Another first from Jeans West. When you've got a hundred things to do in one day. Or the biggest fish you've ever seen just got away. Or friends drop in, then decide to stay. That's when you thank goodness. Yeah, thank goodness. Thank goodness for Red Rooster. When you need to satisfy a healthy appetite fast and without the fuss. That's when you'll thank goodness for Red Rooster. Thank goodness for Red Rooster BBQ. Here's a great way to change your situation. We've got some great ideas. Waiting for you right here. Get in early for some Vox Aidean Cool Relief. Fun air cooler only $199. Powerful Hitachi Vacuum Cleaner. Compact, lightweight, $79. National Quintrek 62cm Color TV. Trade in your old set and pay less at Vox Aidean. We'll be so good for you. And before we continue with the news hour, time to check your fortunes in Midweek Lotto this week. Draw number 338. Tonight's total prize pool $1,161,561.95. Division 1 tonight $348,468.59. Wouldn't it be nice to win even just a portion of that money? First number down. It's number 6, number 6. Of course a chance to, well double your chance really, if you have the same numbers in Midweek Draw and also Saturday Night's Draw. More opportunity to win money. Particularly before Christmas of course, really it's just around the corner, not many weeks away. Number 3, lucky 3 now. Seems 3 comes out fairly frequently, it's only been 2 weeks since we've seen it. Number 39.