You Mr. Toaster here. Have you heard the good news now? There's a great new video series from the producers of Maggie and me Like a secret venture, that's right Rebecca and the crowds are going wild You'll meet my friend Dre Thomas the most imaginative babysitter since Mary Poppins and boy does she get into some exciting adventures Through her imagination Dre and the kids she babysits become cartoon versions of themselves But under the seat and in the air while learning important biblical lessons in wonderfully fast-paced adventures Oh, this is getting good. Yeah, you said it George and things get pretty hectic with her around but everybody loves Dre and Thomas I hate you Dre and Thomas Well accept her arch-rival Arlene, but you'll probably want to watch all our great mini movies to find that out Dre a seventh grade class election takes on a new spin as she and Arlene tangle for class president No one will vote for you, you know You'll be embarrassed in front of the whole school them fun words and dad's tuba sonata It's a sour note over some missing music has anybody seen a stack of my composition sheets Needless to say Dre learns the secrets of truth tubas and George Washington Washington what would George Washington say if he caught this Dre his party plans are gone in a snap As she has to babysit Matt and Rebecca I'm responsible for these kids all weekend of course throwing Floyd the dog who lends a paw with the Thomas's remodeling And watch out as Dre a finds the true meaning of responsibility Oh and how to act like a responsible almost adult The extra curricular activities at Dre a school smash when funds are zap and it's up to our heroes to find a solution I just heard your scheme to raise thousands of dollars is to win a radio contest. It's so you Sometimes she really burns me along the way everyone learns that sometimes Cooperation isn't all it's spelled out to be You just don't know how to spell astronauts Do not do not do and Dre discovers how to survive junior high by really trying Plans for a big Christmas hit a snag when Matt and Rebecca want too much Mrs. Long has too little and the Thomas family decides that less is more Then of course Arlene has her own plans for the holiday Drea Thomas I'm gonna make this your most miserable Christmas ever But it's not long before Dre is caring has everyone dreaming of a right Christmas If great stories terrific animation and Swell toasters aren't enough as an added bonus each episode is also filled with great music So hurry and take home all of these great secret adventures today They're really hot You Nothing personal grandpa, but I am sick of reading I'll pull weeds row. Ah, you'll pick up snails You know if we could train the snails to pull out the weeds then we wouldn't have to worry about the garden at all Nice try One of the snails aren't responsible for this garden we are You know, it seems like the older I get the more responsibilities. I'm stuck with My room doing housework homework babysitting. Look at it this way, Drea You only get responsibility when someone trusts you From everyone who's been given much much more Would be demanded and for one who has been entrusted with much Much more will be asked That sounds like a sermon from great-grandpa Thomas yeah was He was always telling us to caring for a guard that was good training for life You can't just weed every now and then takes a whole season of responsibility to make a garden bloom So, you mean if I'm responsible for these tomatoes maybe someday I can move up to asparagus That's the spirit You get it. That's very corny grandpa. Yeah Maybe we better leave Before these puddings get much worse That's a very responsible idea Worse that's a very responsible idea Come on Come on Dear electronic diary tomorrow morning kimberly and I are gonna shop till we drop the flashings once a year sale They have great vests. It'll be perfect for tomorrow night's movie at the mall My weekend shifts into high gear moments from now when Kimberly and I attend the birthday party of the year at Kristen Canter's house where? As usual, I'll make an absolutely ravishing entrance Oh We're late you're gorgeous come on let's jet come on, okay i'm coming Okay, hurry up chanel's mom is gonna pick us up any second. I gotta say goodbye to mom and dad Mom we're gone. Hey, don't you want to stick around and help redecorate the dining room with your swell parents dad? Be real. It's very funny. Mr. Thomas. Well, we do have a couple extra paint smocks If you girls would like to really paint the town Well mom, it's a tough choice, but we're out of here. Hmm Too bad They don't know what they're missing. That's for sure. Hey, hey, I said these clean Did anybody ever tell your parents are weird? I think you mentioned it once or twice I just can't wait till somebody we know gets their license. I mean then we don't have to always ask one of our moms to pick us up Mrs. Long perfect timing here. They are ready for a weekend with their favorite baby scooter favorite baby scooter Okay, guys It's this weekend not next weekend Oh, no Dre is something wrong? um No, mrs. Long Everything's just fine. Yeah, everything's great. Yeah gonna be a owl Oh nice to see you too floyd Floyd's really excited to be here. He hates the kennel, but he loves you dre. Can't imagine why Okay, here's the hotel in philadelphia where the school principal's conference is being held Dre, thanks a million now matt rebecca. Remember floyd is your responsibility Okay matt, where's floyd's duffel bag floyd has a duffel bag. It's all here Floyd's ball, floyd's food, floyd's bone and floyd's pig Okay, I gotta run i'll see you guys on sunday, okay Give me one Bye That's chanel and her mom Come you have to come now kimberly. I can't go You guys want to go take your stuff upstairs? Can floyd come too only in my room? Look, let me get this straight This is the most incredible weekend of our lives and you're gonna spend it with two rug rats a giant drooling mop with paws And and a dorky plastic pig I guess so There has got to be a way out of this Have the kids go to sleep early Kimberly it's only seven o'clock Here Give this to kristen for me. I'll see you on monday I'm responsible for these kids all weekend You have a responsibility to your friends too, you know Don't you read the latest research? What are you talking about? Teenagers today are supposed to be totally self-centered and self-absorbed and don't expect this of us But you just can't go around being responsible, especially with the principals kids This is going to cause a lot of grief for the rest of us who are completely and happily irresponsible. Thanks a lot Oh Primer first coat second coat. Ooh, that's a base coat. It's gonna be a long weekend longer than you know I didn't know kimberly could bark. Hey mom, you remember when you said I can babysit the long kids over the weekend? I thought that was next weekend So did I I also forgot about Floyd Ah the barker Remind me again. How big is floyd? Oh, he's just a little taller than that Hmm well Just keep everybody at home Just keep everybody out of the dining room. Okay, honey. Thanks mom Make yourself at home Oh, yeah, come on yeah matt no playing catch inside the house, okay? So, what are we gonna do this weekend? How about the zoo the park? Well, maybe a nature walk Don't say the w word around boy. What you mean walk? It's a park It's a park. It's a park. It's a park. It's a park. It's a park It's a park. It's a park. It's a park. It's a park. It's a park. It's a park W word around boy. What you mean walk? It makes him crazy. He's very sensitive, you know Okay. Well, we'll plan something fun to do in the morning. Why don't you guys go get ready for your bath? And sounds like they're having a blast up there Remember when dre was that age she's to play in a room like that for hours. Yeah, she'd make just as much noise Only she'd do it all by herself I wonder where she gets that wild imagination of hers maybe from her mother who? Imagines that this entire dining room will be finished by monday Just watch it busty. You're talking to a woman with a loaded tape roller Oh So So What's that supposed to be it's floyd it looks like a tree tripping over a pair of scissors So what you think very cool dre, huh, can you make a giant ultrasonic fightestegosaurus he's in dinosaurs Uh, that's pretty complicated matt. I think it's time for bed. Did everybody say their prayers? I said mine. I prayed that floyd would be safe outside tonight Oh matt, he'll be fine. You don't need to worry about him Good night night I'll have to get more paper the hardware store in the morning more paint more paste new brush Oh poor thing That's all right, i'll survive Oh, all right dog. Oh He looks so sad out there Not half as sad as our dining room looks Thanks. Sorry floyd you're gonna have to spend the night outside fella good night Oh So Oh, come on floyd we gotta get out of here come on floyd Oh, hi matt, what are you doing up already? I was uh hungry. Yeah Oh, well, let me get you some juice good morning matt. Oh, good morning Mom I'm really sorry about the mess last night. I'll pay for the damage on my baby. Is anybody okay? Oh, well Don't worry about it, honey Sometimes these things just happen. Luckily your father always liked me and green Good morning. We're going to the store to restock the supplies for our next assault on the dining room renovation Come on lori hold the fort kids. Hi We shall return So, what do you guys want for breakfast pancakes waffles pancakes waffles eggs and toast you guys set the table Okay So what's on the social calendar today I don't know got any suggestions. Well, let's see Oh, the automatic toaster is 75 years old this year and I hear there is quite an anniversary bash at the charles strike museum Well, he invented the electric toaster, you know, are you unplugged? We need something that's exciting for humans. Huh? Get them Come on, dray it they're behind the milk behind the milk Gotcha Oh you guys are crap What's going on? It's gone All right, come on let's go my friend george said he'll help us look for floyd he's gonna ride over on his bike Wait a minute. Where's matt with you? Isn't it? I thought he was with you. Uh, oh, oh no No, she probably went to find floyd great just great. Yeah, now you've lost floyd and matt Hi, hi, okay. Remember when we told you we lost the dog. Well, we lost matt too You don't know where he went. So you check this way and we'll check that way. Yeah. Okay. Thank you so much george I couldn't do it without you. Bye The babysitting rules The babysitting rules Like just think ahead Matt Keep your eyes on Me They're the babysitting rules got to keep your cool the babysitting rules got to keep your cool When things turn upside down Down but don't forget to keep your feet on the ground Keep your head don't be misled never babysitting rules got to keep your cool You Don't be discouraged Hey george hey Sarge and nobody's seen a thing around here. You don't think he got all the way downtown. Do you I hope not? We better check thanks george. Yeah Really got himself lost this time this time Yeah, once he got lost in the supermarket, but he climbed to the top of the cookie shelf on aisle nine Until he found mom and aisle four Pretty smart kid for a little brother. Come on Where are we going? We've been looking around for mad. It's time to start looking up. Come on I thought we lost you. Oh, no, you didn't believe me. I'm right here I'm right here. Don't ever run away like that without telling me where you're going. I was really worried It's okay What are we gonna do about floyd i'm thinking i'm thinking Too bad. We don't know what floyd is thinking. That's a great idea man If we could think like floyd, maybe we can figure out where he went Guys, I feel a secret adventure coming on. I don't know about this. What if I get fleed? I knew it. Hey scat I smell a cat How am I supposed to chase a cat with these legs? Now remember guys, this is a scientific experiment. We have to take this very serious Look babies, I love babies Hey get away shoot. Oh, I hope they don't have fleas Babies we didn't mean anything. We just wanted to see the babies They treated us like dogs I wonder if that's how floyd feels What if floyd do he help Oh I've got it. I've got it Oh Oh Oh Oh, thank heavens what wonderful dogs they saved my baby I hope your master gives you all extra treats for dinner tonight. You certainly earned it That sure was a cute baby. I'm glad we were here to help out but it didn't tell us much about floyd Yes, it did. I know he is. Let's go No sign of matt downtown we just found him but we're just about to lose him again No problem, I'll catch him Oh Oh Oh It's very Retro and a progressive sort of way very you thanks. You should have been there. There were some great vests I know but I did the right thing by not going Yeah, I know but just don't pass it around. Okay Kimberly hello again Mrs. Long deja vu or what? Matt rebecca your mom's here I saw this in the boutique at the hotel and I thought it would look perfect on you. So it's Just a little extra. Thank you for giving up your weekend to help me Oh, I can't believe it Oh, that's a great vest. Oh, thank you. Mrs. Long. It's beautiful Hey Hey matt go untie floyd and come back here and say goodbye to drape and you I want you to pack up your things. Okay? See you squeaky Oh So kimberly what's new in your life Hmm Oh, I know my parents might take me to england this summer. My dad is doing research somewhere there. I don't remember the name london No strafford on avon No I think it has something to do with the romans Yes, oh I know bad Oh Oh no Oh Oh then again maybe it was somewhere in france Oh They don't look so beautiful I almost hate to pick them but I guess that's part of being responsible too, huh? I think you're gonna make a very good garden Here we go. Thanks grandpa. Now's the fun part. That's just the fun. That's beautiful Oh Come on, make a secret adventure. Come on, an incredible ride. Come on, make a secret adventure. The excitement is high. Won't you come up on the side? Dream a dream and make it true. It could happen to you. Take us on a adventure. Come on, come on, a secret adventure. Come on, an incredible ride. An incredible ride. Come on, a secret adventure. The excitement is high. Won't you come along the side? Come on, a secret adventure. Come on. Come on, come on, an incredible ride. Thank you very much.