caliber that everything's got to be fairly spot-on so obviously they may have may have made a miscalculation there with their jetting and Eddie paid the penalty by missing the full practice session well we apologize for this break in transmission we're having a bit of an unlucky night there's pictures flashing around and we've nearly got it but we'll be with you in just a moment and Mick Smith is this sort of a restart you know a really difficult time mentally for the riders or is it one that they in fact feel as though they've got the hard part of it over and they're ready to go again they're in tune yeah I think probably for the one that'll or the two guys that will benefit most from this will be this caliber that everything's got to be fairly spot-on so obviously they may have may have made a miscalculation there with their jetting and Eddie paid the full practice session well we apologize for this break in transmission we're having a bit of an unlucky night there's pictures flashing around and we've nearly got it but we'll be with you in just a moment and Mick Smith is this sort of a restart you know a really difficult time mentally for the riders or is it one that they in fact feel as though they've got the hard part of it over and they're ready to go again they're in tune yeah I think probably for the one that'll or the two guys that'll benefit most from this will be