Welcome to your Sunday Night at the Movies. Tonight, Wendy Hughes stars in the Australian movie premiere, Lonely Hearts. Stay viewing following the movie for preview scenes of next week's feature. And now, back to your Sunday Night at the Movies. We hope you enjoyed tonight's feature, and now some preview scenes from our next Sunday Night at the Movies. Gene Hackman is George Jutler, manager of a large drug store frequented by all the neighbourhood loonies. A Sunday Night movie premiere also starring Barbara Streisand. You've got a baby. They've got to be the movie world's hottest couple. My intent is actually to save your marriage. Cheryl, I start first. I want you to admit here in front of my whole family that you're fooling around with my wife. Actually, I think most of them already know. I didn't know. Gene Hackman and Barbara Streisand in All Night Long, premiering Sunday, 8.30 on 9.