Though many have claimed there is no evidence of the story of Joseph in ancient Egypt, on an island just below the first cataract of the Nile, an ancient inscription written around the 4th century B.C. was found which claimed to be a copy of a document written by Pharaoh Josur more than 1,000 years earlier. It is the story of a land grant made by the Pharaoh to the priests of the god Nuhm. It tells of seven years of famine and seven years of plenty, how Pharaoh had a dream and consulted his chancellor for help. It contains most elements of the seven years of famine and seven years of plenty story, although they were corrupted in this account written over 1,000 years after the event took place. But most importantly, the priests who wrote this inscription were relying upon the land grants made by this Pharaoh to justify their claim to some land. They were not writing what they believed was an ancient myth. They obviously believed the land grants made by Pharaoh Josur to still be valid and of enough authority to still be in effect well over 1,000 years later. And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh. Only the land of the priests bought he not. For the priests had a portion assigned them of Pharaoh. Ancient Egyptian records list Josur as the 16th Pharaoh of Egypt, and historians have classified him with the so-called Third Dynasty. His chancellor, named Imhotep, was first known through the writings of the Egyptian historian Manetho, who in the third century BC wrote, during Josur's reign there lived a man named Imhotep, who had the reputation of the Greek god of medicine and who invented the art of building with hewn stone. The legends attributed to Imhotep were so incredible that he was considered to be mythical until this century, when excavation at Josur's pyramid complex revealed the base of a statue with the name Josur on it and the name Imhotep with this long list of titles, one of which was chief under the king, a title which first appears with Imhotep and also was first bestowed upon Joseph. Imhotep was also the architect of Pharaoh Josur's pyramid and surrounding complex, a veritable city within a city of incredible beauty and extremely advanced in design. Built on the plateau of Saqqara adjacent to ancient Memphis, the pyramid within the complex is the first ever built in Egypt. Ron Wyatt spent a great deal of time here searching for evidence which might shed light on the biblical account. Such an event is the famine described in the story of Joseph and the distribution of grain to the other countries would have required a major facility and system of organization. When the famine came and Joseph's brothers came from Canaan to get grain from Egypt, we are told that they went to Joseph, which indicates that he personally oversaw the distribution, at least to those coming from foreign countries, and this would mean that there was certainly a central location or granary to which the foreigners came. The complex at Saqqara contains eleven massive pits which even the Egyptians are at a loss to explain. They are not tombs, for all tombs were underground and carefully sealed while these were accessible from the surface, and they are extremely large. But most fascinating is the fact that they are all connected by chutes. Ron believes these were the grain storage pits of the seven-year famine. As grain was removed from one pit, grain from the other pits flowed through the chutes, making the grain always accessible from one location. These are within the wall of the step pyramid complex which has only one entrance, and it opens to a long covered passageway with small cubicles on each side, each just the right side for a person to sit with perhaps a small table. The narrow, singular entrance would have allowed only a few people to enter at a time. There was no doubt in Ron's mind that this was the main center of grain distribution on a massive scale. When they arrived to get their grain, the people lined up to enter the long corridor. Once inside, they paid one of the cashiers and one of the cubicles for the amount of grain they wished to purchase. After payment was made, perhaps they were given a sack for grain which reflected the amount of their payment. Then they proceeded through the corridor, straight to the area of the grain bins. The confiscated grain had been disposed of for several years, and people who walked out to buy grains andaver곡a listeners summed it up to beRPHA sympathists who were sown grain which they related to the idea of creating grain silverware. Once there, they descended the stairway next to the storage bins, handed their sack to a worker who filled it and returned it to them. Then, they exited through a small door on the lower level, which led to the outside of the complex. When the pits were first excavated, bits of grain still remained in them, but the official explanation was that it was the remains of food placed in graves for the deceased. However, as we mentioned, these bear no resemblance to any ancient Egyptian tombs, but they do bear a marked resemblance to pits identified as grain storage bins in other ancient civilizations. It was also Joseph, who was the architect of the first pyramids. Another great discovery Ron was led to was how the pyramids were actually built. Herodotus writes of a contrivance the Egyptians used to construct them. Quote, the method employed was to build it in steps or, as some call them, tiers or terraces. When the base was complete, the blocks for the first tier above it were lifted from ground level by contrivances made of short timbers. On the first tier there was another, which raised the blocks a stage higher than yet another which raised them higher still. Each tier or story had its own set of levers, or it may be that they used the same one, which being easy to carry, they shifted up from the stage to stage as soon as its load was dropped into place. This passage, combined with a study of hieroglyphics, led Ron to his conclusion. Allowed to construct one of these machines on a pyramid, he demonstrated to the head of the Department of Antiquities in Cairo, Nasif Mohammed Hassan, its operation. Mr. Hassan then showed Ron some pieces of wood they had stored, which they had believed were parts of a boat. But when they tried to assemble them, they couldn't. So they simply placed them in storage. As they examined these pieces, they now knew what they were. I hear with us this evening to say a few words about the pyramid building machines. It's Nasif Hassan. He's the director of Antiquities in Egypt, and he will give you an idea of what he believes about how the pyramids were built. I'm very glad to see that this machine, which Mr. White showed me, and I think they used something like that. So please enjoy. There's a real soft place in the earth right under it. June 16, 1987, Ron Wyatt and a film crew from the United States of America travel to eastern Turkey at the express invitation of the Turkish government. The purpose of this expedition was to participate in and film a ceremony which memorialized and commemorated a site located on Doomsday Mountain as the landing site of Noah's Ark. Also the crew began production and filming of the documentary Noah's Ark Found. The ceremony was the culmination of ten years of meticulous, painstaking, and often dangerous research by Ron Wyatt and his associates. On this historic occasion of June 20, 1987, the Turkish government has announced to the world that Turkish archaeological authorities agree with Ron's findings and that the area under investigation is indeed the landing site of the legendary ark. This is a joyous, momentous occasion for Ron and his crew. The governor, Turkish authorities, and dignitaries officially dedicate the site and Ron is allowed to participate as a guest of honor. A visitor center is soon to be built at the site and the ceremony is completed with the holy sacrifice of a lamb. As each participant places a shovel full of concrete into the first footing, a prayer is said for the lamb's blood to cleanse the earth and keep the area free from evil. The area has been made an international park and all faiths of the world are welcome to visit and gaze upon the mortal remains of Noah's ark. The site of the ark is located 11 miles from Mount Ararat on a smaller sister mountain at 6,700 feet elevation within the mountains of Uratu, which is biblical for Ararat. This saga began in 1977 when Ron began investigating a mysterious boat-shaped object which had been aerially photographed in 1959 by a Turkish reconnaissance aircraft pilot. This amazing series of photographs show the perfect symmetry of a boat, the exact length and proportions as stated in the Bible concerning those of Noah's ark. Years of scientific research and analysis by Ron and his associates have revealed evidence that the object is a massive ancient man-made ship. Some of the methods of investigation include aerial stereophotography and the science of photogrammetry which show the boat to be the dimensions as specified in the Bible. Extensive use of molecular frequency generators and magnetometers, which are sophisticated metal detection devices, have revealed perfectly symmetrical patterns within the ship that show man-made internal structural reinforcement. Old chemical analysis of samples of the craft show the metals to be highly sophisticated alloys which can only be man-made. Also these samples reveal high carbon content as is found in long-decade ancient wood. The most conclusive evidence of all are the subsurface radar results. The readings show that internally there are massive keelsums, deck timbers, open chambers, gunnels and other various configurations which identify the structure as that of a massive ship. As electrifying as this find and evidence may be, it is not the only strong evidence in the region giving reason to believe that this area is the resting place of the ark. As Ron begins his search, he meets, befriends and talks to villagers. The mysteries of the region begin to unfold. This leads Ron to an amazing series of discoveries. He finds eight enormous anchor stones, all weighing several tons each. They are all identical in shape and size and all are in alignment with the ship on Doomsday Mountain. All are marked in a similar fashion with eight iconographic crosses which Ron and other experts believe refer to the eight survivors of the flood. These massive stones were used to help guide the vessel and keep it on an even keel during rough weather. Also, they are of the proper weight and size in proportion to the ship. The villagers tell Ron that the village one of the stones rests in is called the Place of Eight. Also the valley the village rests in is known as the Region of Eight. None of the inhabitants know how these names came to be. They've been passed down from generation to generation. Again, he clearly finds reference to the eight survivors of the flood. In addition to these finds, Ron discovers a series of Hewwright third millennium B.C. markings near the ship. He finds that these inscriptions again clearly refer to the eight survivors of the flood. They depict a river over a mountain, eight survivors in a boat, and the mountain ridge exactly above the resting place of the remains of the ship. Once again, here is a strong indication that someone from antiquity has left record of the landing place and survival of Noah and his family. At long last, the mysteries of the legendary story of Noah's Ark begin to unfold. At long last, Noah's Ark found. Do you believe Noah's Ark actually existed? Did the legend that sounds like a fairy tale really become proven fact? Well, the search has been going on since biblical times, and in a moment you're going to meet some people who are positive they have found the Ark. Now, we know such claims have been made before, but a few months ago these people came to 2020 with some new and intriguing scientific findings. We followed them to the mountains of eastern Turkey, and what you'll see is a bizarre adventure with a host of unlikely characters. Tom Gerald's story takes many twists and turns. That's the seductive beauty that brings them here, Snow Cap Mount Ararat. The explorers look for the Ark there since that's the highest point around here, and as the flood waters receded, presumably that's where it would have landed. But the Bible describes the mountains of Ararat, mountains plural. Is it possible that the Ark came to rest on one of the smaller sister mountains to Ararat? The boat-shaped site was first found and photographed by a Turkish army captain back in 1959. It was quickly explored and dismissed as a freak of nature. But Wyatt, an amateur archaeologist, rekindled interest in it a few years ago. He brought in Dave Fassel, a marine salvage expert, to assess it. The Doomsday Mountain team brought in some high technology to explore the oldest legend of man. They began scanning their site with a molecular frequency generator. It's a device used by surgeons to pinpoint cancer tumors, and it's been used by Fassel to locate underwater treasure. This time, the molecular frequency generator began to pick up a unique pattern of iron lines beneath the earth. They began placing ribbons along those lines. The finished shape outlined by the ribbons was that of a huge ship, the approximate length and width of Noah's Ark, as described in the Bible. The fascinating field of ribbons attracted higher academic interest. That looks like iron, OK? Dr. John Baumgartner, a physicist with Los Alamos Laboratories, sent samples back to the lab for analysis and confirmed that the metal they were tracing with the ribbons was indeed iron. With the width and the length known, the only remaining question was depth. By locating the depth of the hull, they could determine if the boat-shaped object had the cargo capacity described in the biblical Ark. To resolve this final issue, Wyden Fassel brought geologist Tom Finner to Turkey with his company's heavy-duty subsurface radar equipment. Gear like this located the black box cockpit recorder on the floor of the frozen Potomac River after the Air Florida crash. Suppose this rock were a foot or two feet underground. Would it give you a reading as to where that was? Could you locate it? Yes, we could. Is it possible that there will be a moment at which you'll say, this is a man-made object? The symmetry of the feature suggests it's a boat. I hope to prove that the underground structure is in fact that of a boat. It was here, several miles short of a boat-shaped site, that a waiting game began for Finner and the others. The party needed a final go-ahead from the Turkish government to complete their probe of Doomsday Mountain. Anyway, we're going to hang in like smell on a skunk until there's nothing left to get this done. Hang in like the smell on a skunk. The Turkish government stopped the exploration. What now? Since we were there, Barbara, things have cooled down and they've sent their own team of scientists in to take a look at this site. It's a very fascinating location. In August 1985, he receives the necessary permits and clearance to perform the radar examinations. At long last, they perform the scan and the results are stunning. Before their very eyes, the machine tells the story of what lies beneath the surface of the object. There are massive keelsons, deck timbers, open chambers, gunnels, and other various configurations which Ron and other specialists believe identifies the object as the remains of an ancient man-made ship. Indeed, there is something beneath that rock besides rock. A radar device developed by geophysical survey systems in Hudson was used on the mountain. The device called SUR is used by energy exploration companies to analyze what's below the earth's surface. According to SUR, something man-made is under Mount Aridog. This data does not represent natural geology. It's a man-made structure. These reflections are occurring very periodic, too periodic to be random natural type interfaces. The governor of Ari had Ron demonstrate the radar. When he found what looked like a broken timber near the surface, the governor had it dug up and gave it to Ron to be verified. The lab test revealed organic carbon. It was petrified wood. But the final proof was when it was sectioned. The evidence was obvious. Not only could the internal wood structure be seen, it was also clearly laminated wood. Three separate layers could be seen. The adhesive material or glue had seeped out and hardened on one end and was perfectly aligned with the internal layers. Our last trip out there this past June, we found this very impressive rivet. And if you'll notice here, the plate itself is just a little more than a quarter of an inch in thickness. That's approximately three and a half inches in diameter, the plate itself. And then the shaft of the rivet is roughly an inch to an inch and a quarter in diameter. And if you'll notice here, it was struck while it was hot and flared out the end of the shaft so that it would not slide back through the hole in this washer. And this shows that their abilities to use metal was quite advanced, quite sophisticated. And folks, there are thousands of these rivets on this boat. In fact, at every joint with the wooden structures are held together. They're held together by large metal plates, which are predominantly iron. And then these rivets. Good morning. I was just wondering how the size of the structure compared with the dimensions in the Bible. OK. Moses was educated in Egypt. We're told that in the New Testament and also in the Old Testament. And the royal Egyptian cubit, which he was familiar with and we believe used in giving the dimensions of the ark, is 20.6 inches. And 300 of those is exactly 515 feet. And that is the length dimension of the boat. The boat has splayed some. And this is to be expected in an aging boat. So the width is a little greater than that specified in the Bible. But you figure the degree of splaying and you come up with very close measurements, very similar to those in the Bible. We're delighted with the results. And at this point in time, personally, I can look anybody in the eye and say that this boat shaped formation in eastern Turkey is actually the remains of Noah's ark. Music The cities of the plain. In Genesis 19, we read how these cities were destroyed by God with brimstone and fire from heaven, the first biblical record of God's vengeance upon evil since the Great Flood. Theron Wyatt never planned to search for these cities. But in 1989, while working on another project, he was suddenly impressed to stop and examine some odd shaped whitish colored formations along the western shore of the Dead Sea. After driving past these at least 30 or 40 times in the past 12 years, this time they suddenly looked like the shapes of city walls and buildings. Pulling over, he and his crew closely examined these desolate areas. Taking samples of the material, they discovered that they broke right off in their hand and disintegrated into dust, the consistency of talcum powder, as Greg Brewer shows us here. In August of 1990, Ron returned to these sites to thoroughly explore them, five sites which he had thus far located. I accompanied him this trip along with Marv and Renetta Wilson of Garland, Texas. As we approached the first site we examined, we all could easily see the shapes Ron had described. As no road slid into these areas, we pulled our car off the road and began the long, difficult hike. There was no doubt that these areas were unique to the immediate surrounding area. It was very difficult to walk there for the loose material made walking an arduous chore. Following what clearly looked like the shape of an outer wall, we soon met with the most breathtaking sight. The wall had ended and we were now looking down into what appeared to be the entrance into the city. But before we entered, our interest was captivated by a most unusual find. About 100 yards from the entrance, upon a high level, was a singular shape. As we viewed it from all angles, we all agreed it plainly bore the shape of a sphinx. We later found more of these sphinx shapes, which we'll see later in a film. As we entered the open section, we soon found ourselves walking along very distinctive paths which communicated with one another just as our streets today. As we approached what appeared to be a dead end, we found it turned to the right and continued along until it met another street. There was distinct order here. These were clearly once streets. And along these streets were the shapes of buildings. Even to our untrained eye, the evidence was undeniable. The ziggurat shape near the entrance was almost perfectly preserved. Our research had yielded the fascinating fact that substances burned with sulfur or brimstone had a remaining ash that was heavier than the initial unburned substance. That explained our question as to why the ash of these cities had been able to remain all these 3,900 years. The layering present in all the formations was another positive evidence that whatever these once were, they had been burned at temperatures exceeding 4 or 5,000 degrees. This layering effect was the result of thermal ionization. Whenever a substance is burned at extremely high temperatures, the ions of the various substances being burned attract and repel, distorting the flame. Ron drew our attention to features present here which simply do not occur naturally. He showed us a section which revealed a broken double wall which extended towards us at a perfect 90 degree angle. The site we were examining was located at the base of Masada, and soon we all decided that we should go to the top of Masada and film these areas from there. As we took the cable car to the top, the view was breathtaking. The shape of the city was perfectly revealed below us. Here we saw a giant platform-like area, perfectly symmetrical, which was identical to the temple areas of other ancient cities such as the biblical Shushan or Susa located in present-day Iran. Then we saw the raised section which we had climbed upon earlier with the sphinx shape and the ziggurat. We were all convinced, but we also knew there had to be more evidence than this to convince others. Now the Bible tells us that it rained fire and brimstone upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. What you see in front of you here is the results of large and small, well varying sized chunks of sulfur, burning sulfur that have hit. What we find here is that God rained this burning sulfur down upon this city, and rain is a perfect description of it. It landed just in the pattern that rain would fall. The stuff, of course, the accumulative heat of all of this upon the city set the entire thing ablaze, the flashpoint of every material there, metal, stone, of course the people, and everything burned. This sulfur continued to burn and it vitrified the material around it after it had burned it all up, sealed itself off from the oxygen, and then of course smothered itself out. In each of these little crystalline capsules here is a varying sized chunk of sulfur, and there are millions of these in these ashes that we have here. Now some of them we have cracked open so you can see the sulfur inside, and others we have left intact, but there are millions of these here. So this shows that God indeed rained fire and brimstone upon these cities, and if you'll look in your dictionary under brimstone you'll find that it is sulfur. As soon as he got home from that trip, Ron took several of the samples to Galbraith Labs near Knoxville, Tennessee. The yellow balls in the center of the reddish rings proved to be 95.72% sulfur with traces of several other elements, all of which he was told would contribute to an extremely high temperature fire. When Ron asked them if they could perform a BTU test to determine the degree of heat this would give off, he was told that they couldn't because it would damage their stainless steel testing chamber. The material surrounding the encapsulated sulfur was also tested and proved to be ash. At home we did our own small test and burned some of the sulfur in a spoon. The purplish flame is indicative of the intense heat which prohibited our holding the spoon as it burned. We later discovered our spoon had holes in it from the fire. Then we placed a small piece of the outer material also in the spoon and attempted to burn it, but it wouldn't burn at all. It didn't even darken. It was already completely consumed by fire and nothing was left to ignite. In 1978, temporarily unable to continue work on Noah's Ark, Ron Wyatt took his two sons, Danny and Ronnie, to a site in Egypt he believed might be where the Red Sea Crossing took place. When they arrived at the site on the Gulf of Aqaba, they found a Phoenician style column lying on the beach. The water had eroded away the inscription, but in 1984 Ron found a matching column on the opposite shore in Saudi Arabia, still standing with the inscription still intact. He was later able to translate the words Pharaoh, Miserum, Death, Edom, Yahweh, and Solomon from this second column. And from this he believes these columns were erected by King Solomon and dedicated to Yahweh for the great miracle of the crossing of the sea on dry land. Israel was occupying the Sinai Peninsula at this time in 1978 and moved this first column from the beach and set it in concrete across the road, as you can see here. Diving at this site, they filmed numerous coral-encrusted chariot parts, such as these two chariot wheels still attached to an axle, one wheel flat on the ground and the other in the air. This is a six-spoked wheel. They found a vast amount of artifacts which loudly attest to the miracle which occurred here. Horus and human skeletal remains are still preserved by the coral, as are chariot cabs without wheels, wheels without cabs, some wheels on axles, and some not. He retrieved a chariot wheel hub, which he presented to Nasif Mohammed Hassan, who was the director of antiquities in Cairo, Egypt. But the most astounding find was this gold-veneered four-spoked chariot wheel, which he was able to video in March of 1988, but he was unable to retrieve it, as the wood had disintegrated, leaving only a thin, gold shell. There were many factors which led Ron to this site, but three were most compelling. First, in order for the Israelites to have left Egypt proper, they would have had to have begun their journey to the Red Sea on the eastern side of the Gulf of Suez. This left only the Gulf of Aqaba. Second, there is only one place along the shoreline of the Gulf of Aqaba, which could hold the perhaps three million people. This area is so large, it can be seen from this satellite photo. And finally, when Ron studied the bathymetric maps of the British Admiralty in London, he saw a perfect underwater pathway led across the Gulf at this point. On either side of this line across the Gulf of Aqaba, the waters were 5,000 feet deep, dropping off like a deep gorge. But here, at this precise spot, was an area leading across, which gently sloped at a 6-degree angle to a depth of only 900 to 1,000 feet in the center. As Ron and the boys journeyed across the Sinai to this site, they noticed large boulders pushed over to the sides of the wadis or canyons, allowing caravans and travelers to pass through. As they dove into the Gulf, about one and a half miles out and 200 feet deep, they were thrilled to see this same stone-cleared pathway continued and was still evident in the crystal-clear waters. Exodus 15, 8. And with the blast of thy nostrils the waters were gathered together. The flood stood upright as a heap, and the depths were congealed in the heart of the sea. Now, while we aren't saying that God is limited in the way He can accomplish His purpose, we are suggesting that should He have directed a jet stream down into the sea at the crossing site blowing from east to west, that this would have driven back the sea and frozen it in place. And the word congealed in Exodus 15, 8 agrees with the thought of the water freezing. And then as the pillar of fire passed through between the Israelites and the Egyptians, it could have melted the ice to the point that it gave way when the Egyptian army was in the sea and the Israelites out on the other side. With the overwhelming evidence of the chariot parts scattered across the Gulf, Ron knew that Mount Sinai was in Saudi Arabia. Studying maps, he saw that Jabal El-Lawz fit the biblical description of this holy mountain. Unable to get a visa to enter Saudi Arabia, Ron and his two sons finally decided to enter without one. He had learned that the normal procedure if someone were caught without a visa there was to escort the visitor to the border and see that they did not reenter. They found Mount Sinai with the altar and much more still intact in this uninhabited area. But as they were leaving, they were abruptly arrested and imprisoned for 78 days accused of being Israeli spies. When they were finally released, they were told that a man had contacted the Saudi embassy and reported the Wyatt's to be Israeli spies pretending to be archaeologists. This man had been a trusted friend who had worked with Ron on Noah's Ark. Ronald Wyatt and his sons are with us in the studios of our Nashville affiliate WTVF to tell us all about it. Gentlemen, good morning. Good morning. Mr. Wyatt, you there in the middle and your sons on either side. Why did you, I didn't know that Mount Sinai was in Saudi Arabian territory. Why did you think it was? We found some chariot parts that looked like the chariots found in King Tut's tomb in the Gulf of Aqaba west of this Jabal El-Lawz. We found these at depths from 60 feet out to 200 feet and over a stretch of about a mile and a half. And we believe that that was the crossing site. And so in the biblical narrative, they arrived at Mount Sinai after crossing the Red Sea. The language in the Bible indicates that they stayed in a mountain, enclosed in a mountain. And so an aerial map showed that this Jabal El-Lawz had a large valley enclosed in the rim of an ancient volcano. There's about 5000 acres in there. We felt this was the place. And in Exodus 24, 4 and in Leviticus 6, 28, 11, 33 and 15, 12, it tells of some artifacts that were to be found. There used to be 12 pillars of stone and an altar and some pottery. And so this is why we looked at that particular mountain. Just as the beach on the Egyptian side is certainly large enough to accommodate several million people, here we can see that this beach also contains a tremendous plain. In Exodus 14, verse 30, we read, Thus the Lord saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the sea shore. In 1984, when Ron and his sons were imprisoned here in Saudi, Ron directed his captors to this beach in a helicopter where he showed them a Phoenician style column on this beach with inscriptions in archaic Hebrew that said that King Solomon had erected this column in honor of Yahweh to commemorate the crossing of the Red Sea on dry land. Today, all that remains there is this marker noting the location of that column. And while we do not know where they have taken it, we feel sure it is protected and will be located soon. As we look out into the sea, we can see the end of the tongue of the underwater land bridge and that it leads across to this very beach just beyond where the column once rested. We find an area which fits the biblical description of Rephidim, the last encampment of the Israelites before they reach Mount Sinai. Exodus 17, 6. The Lord tells Moses, Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb, and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel. This scripture continues to tell of Amalek attacking the people and of Moses standing upon a hill with Aaron and her holding up his arms. Again, we can see that there is certainly enough area for a great battle to take place here. But the most incredible evidence for this sight is the giant split boulder upon a hill with evidence that large streams of water flowed from it. The rocks still display the erosion pattern of tremendous amounts of water descending from this rock. And as we travel through the split in the boulder, we soon can see the channels cut in the rock from the water flow on the other side. And panning outward, we can see these channels continue out into the plain. After the battle, when Israel had defeated the Amalekites, the Bible tells us, as we go to Exodus 17, verse 15, and Moses built an altar and called the name of it Jehovah-Nesi. Here are the remains of a very ancient altar, part of it fallen, perhaps from an earthquake or better ones looking for treasure inside. But enough is still intact to show it was indeed an altar, as it is not hollow inside, but solid all the way through. Panning to the left, we see the position of the altar and the rocket horrib just a few hundred yards away, and to the left the high peaks of Mount Sinai. Finally, we can see this majestic mountain where God's own presence once rested, Jabal El-Lawz in northwest Saudi Arabia. In Galatians 4.25, the apostle Paul tells us, for this agar is Mount Sinai in Arabia. Exodus 19, 18, and Mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke because the Lord descended upon it in fire. Could this blackened peak be the result of the consuming fire of God's own presence resting upon it? As we view the holy precinct, the area at the foot of the mountain, we can see a large fence and a guard house, which was erected immediately after Ron Wyatt showed this site to a Saudi archaeologist in 1985. This fence follows along the line of 18-foot diameter boundary markers, which Moses was directed to erect by God. This sign by the guard house states that this is an archaeological site passed by royal decree and that it is unlawful to trespass, subject to penalty. And as we pan to the left, here we can see where the fence ends on the other side. And now as we pan away from the holy precinct, we look out into the area of the camp of the Israelites. There are several archaeological remains still here, but this one is of particular interest for us. In Exodus chapter 32, we read of the golden calf and how Aaron fashions it. And in verse 5, And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it, and Aaron made proclamation and said, Tomorrow is a feast to the Lord. There is little doubt that these are the remains of that very altar which Aaron built to the golden calf. When the Saudi archaeologist from Riyadh University saw this, he was very excited. The 12 petroglyphs of cows and bulls captured his interest because they are found nowhere else in Saudi Arabia. The style of their horns and bodies is distinctly ancient Egyptian, the same style found in the temples and tombs of ancient Egypt. Unable to enter the holy precinct from the front and climb upon Mount Sinai, we now approach it from the backside. Climbing the mountain here, we soon find ourselves on top of a large sheltered plateau. Here we have a better view of the blackened peak. Panning the area, we find it to easily be large enough to accommodate the 70 elders who accompanied Moses up into the mountain at one point in time. And just ahead, over that ledge, lies the holy precinct. Looking down, we see the fence which follows along the bounds set by Moses, and just beyond that fence is part of the camp of the Israelites. Zooming in closer to the holy precinct, we can see the remains of an ancient foundation. And directly adjacent to this foundation are the remains of an altar built of stone. Exodus 20, 25, and now wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone. Panning further, we stop to look at the tracks made by the Bedouins' trucks before the fence was erected. This gives you a better idea of the size perspective of the enormity of this area. And here we see the guard building and archaeological sign which we saw earlier from the front. Returning back to the foundation we saw earlier, the camera begins to pan outward where we will be able to see the location of the altar to the golden calf. Exodus 32, 19, And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf and the dancing, and Moses' anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands and break them beneath the mount. Still visible today also is the stream bed which descended from the mountain to give the people abundant water for themselves and their flocks and herds. Returning to the front of Mount Sinai, we view again the holy precinct. I am the Lord thy God, which hath brought the animals into Egypt out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath. In October of 1988, Ron returned to Israel to begin excavation again after an absence of several years on the Ark of the Covenant. Since the last time Ron had worked there, the Department of Antiquities had had a complete turnover of personnel and policy. Permits to excavate were tough to get for institutions and tougher still for individuals, but Ron took his crew over and went to apply. He had been told years earlier that his permit to excavate the site was permanent, however it didn't look so good this time, so he reapplied and for three weeks they all waited. Finally Ron took the crew to the Mediterranean Sea at Ashkelon to go for a swim in October. Here Ron stubbed his toe on something in the waist-high water. Diving to see what it was, he discovered the mouth of a giant stone pot. Soon they discovered the area to be littered with these pots with sealed mouths. Prying one open, they discovered that they were burial pots full of human remains. Ron went directly to the Department of Antiquities with the find. They were greatly excited, for it turned out that these were the ancient Canaanite burial pots of Ashkelon. The great Kathleen Kenyon had bulldozed through the entire Roman level here searching for the burial site of these ancient people. Yet no one thought of looking just a few hundred feet out in the shallow waters of the Mediterranean. While no one could wonder the significance of this discovery as compared to Noah's Ark or the chariot parts, we must say there is no significance in that respect. However, Ron immediately got his permit to excavate in Jerusalem. Unlike his other projects, Ron was digging in this site based only on a statement he had made one day in 1978 to a head of the Department of Antiquities in Jerusalem. While walking together in this area, they were discussing Roman antiquities when Ron's left hand pointed to a site and he said, that's Jeremiah's Grotto and the Ark of the Covenant is in there. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he realized that was the first time he'd ever thought about finding the Ark of the Covenant. He had never even researched it, much less thought of the possibility of excavating for it. Immediately his companion said, that's wonderful. We'll not only furnish you the permit, we'll put you up in a place to stay, have your laundry done, and furnish your meals. But Ron was perplexed. The only reason he was in Jerusalem was because he had gotten severely sunburned while diving for the chariot parts in the Red Sea and had come here to await his apex ticket back home. He told his friend that first he'd have to go home as he was due back at work and also he had to figure out why the Ark of the Covenant would be in that location. He came back time and time again with Danny and Ronnie and dug throughout the cave system having little idea where he was even supposed to look. In 1982, he found out. In January of 1982, after steadily digging in a cave system since 1979, he busted through the rock into a chamber which contained a gold table and several other articles which Ron believed to be from the first temple. Then, further back, he saw the top of a stone case which appeared to be the correct size to contain the Ark of the Covenant. Overwhelmed with emotion and double pneumonia, Ron passed out in that chamber for 45 minutes. He knew what was in that case, but now what? He attempted to photograph it with a Polaroid camera, a 35-millimeter camera, and video. In every case, the photos were a whiteout. He returned home to cover and work until he could afford to return. In May, he borrowed a colonoscopy and went back, drilling a small hole through the case. He was able to see enough to positively identify the contents of the stone case. It was the Ark. On January 6, 1982, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I broke into a chamber beneath the Calvary Escarpment, north of the city wall of Jerusalem. In that chamber is the Ark of the Covenant, the table of showbread, and several other things that I didn't see. They were covered with animal skins, with boards, and then with stones. We had excavated down that Escarpment. We had found three cutouts in the wall, like a recessed bookcase. We know from the valley north of Jerusalem that the ancient kings and rulers cut these things out in cliffs near populous areas, or where a lot of people would be going by, and they put plaques of stone and whatever else in there, bearing messages. We found the cutouts. We found the crossholes. You read in the book of Matthew, the Gospels, where it talks about Christ's death. It says, the earth shook violently, and the rocks were rent. Right to the left of the crosshole, at the base of where Christ died on the cross, the rock was rent. After Christ died, and the centurion stuck his spear into Christ's spleen, and the blood and water came out, it went down through that crack. It went on to the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant that God had arranged to be hidden in that chamber 600 years before Christ died. Now, what is the significance of this? Psalm 77 13 says, Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary. On the day of atonement, the goat that represented Christ as the sin bearer, after all of the sins were figuratively transferred to its head, was killed. Its blood was taken into the most holy place and sprinkled on the mercy seat. Those folks looked forward to the fact that Christ would die. They confessed their sins on the head of lambs and took the lives of these innocent little animals. We, by faith, believe that Christ has indeed died. And we, in praying to God in Christ's name, receive forgiveness of our sins by faith in that fact. North of the city wall in Jerusalem, several feet below the current ground level, rests a perfect explanation and demonstration of the Old Covenant, the sacrificial system, and the New Covenant. You and I are living in the most exciting time in Earth's history. We have an opportunity to blend our voices with the voices of our fellow believers in raising the last warning message to planet Earth. And let me say this, friend, as we happily contemplate the thought of Christ taking us away from this place and that we do not get struck by the seven last plagues, if when you think of those pleasant things and the pleasant prospects for the Christians, if you are not concerned for your neighbors and your family and loved ones and other people's families and loved ones, those for whom Christ died who are ever as important to him as you and I are, then you won't be whisked off anywhere. We have to have the same loving, tender heart that Christ has. We cannot feel that we are more important, we're better than others. You can be used of God to save souls and there's no greater privilege and honor that a human being can have than that. So you may not be on the platform tonight, but you're on God's platform and he wants you to help him. Hi, I'm Ron Wyatt. Welcome to the Ark of the Covenant dig. We've been working in this area since 1979 and shall we say it hasn't been an easy job. In 1982 we were able to get into the chamber where we saw some of the furnishings from the first temple. Now we accomplished that by going down through this hole here that's about 40 foot deep and then coming out of there back up into a chimney in Spelunker terminology and then squeezing on into the chamber. We know that the chamber lies right in behind us here. This is from subsurface interface radar scanning. And as you can see, it's not easy to work our way through this cliff. So what we are doing is using a jackhammer to cut our way through here. Now we have arrived within approximately 18 inches of the chamber out through the hole just above me. This is where we first found our way into the cave system and out there approximately 50 feet from where you are at this point in time. We have a plug there that is plugging a doorway that leads on into the chamber. The actual doorway is out under some debris from where we are, but we are within 18 inches off going through there. The only problem with cutting through that area is that the jackhammer would create enough vibration to bring the overburden down on our heads and effectively bury us. Now we will let you listen to some of the sounds that we have grown accustomed to over the years. As you can see, this is very slow work and it has taken us quite a long time, but the object that we are looking for certainly merits a lot of extra effort. Now we will take you back into the upper chamber and into the area where we are 18 inches from the chamber and let you get a look at the scaffolding that we have built to try to protect ourselves from cave-ins. Look, this just caved in a little bit earlier and that is why they had to put these boards up. Behind, I don't know if you can see, there is nothing. There is the air hose. There is Frank laying the drill down and I am going to very carefully try to scoot down a little at a time. You can see it straight down, straight with a bucket of rocks. I guess I need to get out of the way, don't I? How old was Harold's daughter when she died? How long ago was that? Oof, sorry. A couple weeks from now she will be 17. Can you see the full depth of it over there where Bob is? It is pretty far down in there. There is Bob. About another four feet. Now what is he doing down there, Frank? He is cleaning off, we hope, right to his right hand side. The face of the cliff goes straight down and we are hoping that that will be the chamber to the right if we can find our way into it through solid rock right there. You can't see it too well from where you are at but it has been plain straight down. But it is just a matter of time. Probably try to find the entrance because to use a jackhammer with all this loose material would be almost impossible. We have already had one cave in. So we will have to go for finding some way into it if we can, like a door or some kind of an entrance. It is hard to believe, it is really hard to believe. Behind me an exit so they can get someone in here to... Oh, okay. Don't fall in the hole down there. Okay. Get the deals. Be sure and get all of that down there. Did you enjoy your trip into the depths of the earth there? Yeah, it was interesting. Okay. Did you see the wall and all that? Well, yeah. I didn't go very far. I just went down to about there. Okay. You can see how small that hole is. Then it comes out a lot faster than it goes in. I don't know how to get in there. I can hardly get in there. We greased the sides of them. Here is the air hose, which doubles as the communications now. Telephone. I'm going to show you this whole chamber. At times there would be... How many men in here, Dale, at one time? Seven, eight, nine, ten. I'm looking straight up now. Oh, I hear... Bucket coming up. Oh, bucket. Yeah, now this is what they do. They haul the buckets up and then... Dale puts them on. And Ed up there is hoisting it up through the hole. And Simon is grabbing it and handing it to Nathan. And Nathan is giving it to Mark, who is hauling it off to the dump. Incredible. Wow. And that one... Dale, you got any buckets empty out there? Uh, yeah. One down below? It is straight down. Mine says about 40 foot down here. See, we're just standing on... We're in a hole. We're standing on boards that have been laid across to the ledges. Up. Lower down. Coming down? Alright. Up, go up. That's how the buckets come down. There's the hole. You can't see anybody up there. I'd have to move over a little bit more to get that. There's the radar transceiver that they've been using inside here. I have a request for 22 inch 2x4. I need a 22 inch 2x4. Alright, at this point you are 45 feet under the ground. All of the debris above us is from the many different destruction levels of Jerusalem. In antiquity, when a city got destroyed, instead of coming back, moving all the debris away, and starting from bedrock, they would just level off what was left of the city and start it from that point on up. And Jerusalem has been destroyed at least ten times throughout antiquity. And we are down right here is the pre-Babylonian area. Or strata. What I wanted to point out to you here is in front of me you see some large stones that are blocking an entrance into a chamber. Now in order to conceal the chamber, they couldn't just block the chamber entrance itself. Otherwise this would call attention to it. So they put up a veneer that went around the escarpment some distance. And this would at least confuse anybody that was looking for an entrance and perhaps make them believe that the stone veneer was there for some other reason. Now this wall here was put up very hatefully. They have had mortar back to Babylonian and pre-Babylonian times. And this wall, as you will see, instead of mortar, they used some red clay. Now this tells us that they did all of this in quite a hurry. So given all of this information and the fact that I was in a chamber in this general location, however it is a little confusing once you crawl around through these tunnels to try to keep oriented if you don't have a compass on you. Alright, now as we are down here with a lot of debris over us, quite enough to bury us, and some future archaeologists if time lasts long enough would find our remains, that is too much vibration down in this area and would trigger earth slats, which we have experienced several of. So we are going to close this operation down at this point in time and go back and get some metal framing material or shoring material to shore this up so that we can come in here and do this reasonably safely. Okay, Randy, what do you think of the situation there? I think we have got a deep hole we are working in. I am hoping for success soon. I am praying for it. Thank you.