What time is it kids? It's Siren Light's Time! Did you hear that Ken? It's Pooley Bugs Time! Pooley Bugs, Pooley Bugs, they're living at the Pet Porpoise Pool They love you when you're happy and even if you're sad, Pooley Bugs are always there for you They love to play and swim and run and dance and sing and have some fun So let me introduce you to the Bugs that rule at the Cops Harbour, Pet Porpoise Pool Hey, he's the leader to keep them all in line. Tevo is dancing all around Ozzy's always there to help and lend a hand and I'm split and I just get splattered all the time Pooley Bugs, Pooley Bugs, Pooley Bugs are always there for you Pooley Bugs, Pooley Bugs, they're living at the bottom of the Cops Harbour, Pet Porpoise Pool It's Pooley Bugs and you! Hi everyone, I'm Hick Hi kids, I'm Turbo G'day, I'm Ozzy And I'm Splat We're the Pooley Bugs Hey, look, bubbles! Every time I move I make lots of bubbles They tickle me I've got a great idea If I blow some bubbles, will you help me count them? Okay, here we go One Two Three! Three bubbles! Let's go up to the surface and see what Solomon the Sea Lion is doing Wow, Solomon sure is big! And he sure looks like he is enjoying his breakfast Let's count the fish One Two Three Four Five Six One Two Three Four Four fish Hey Hick, look at me! Wee-hee! It looks like Turto is enjoying his breakfast It's Turto! Turto! Turto! Turto! It looks like Turto is having fun riding on Zippy the Dolphin's back That Turto is all laid up to something I wonder what Ozzy and Splat are doing Oi Splat, I wonder where Turbo is? Wooo! Wee! Ah, sorry Splat! Are you okay? Yeah, I'm okay Turbo The water slowed you down a bit Did you have fun riding on Zippy's back? I sure did! You should try it sometime Oh, I don't know about that Turbo Your rides seem to keep us both busy You know the dolphins at the Pet Porpoise Pool are really good at doing tricks Would you like to see them do some tricks? Okay, let's ask them Hey Zip, will you, Calamity and Buck do some tricks for the boys and girls? Did you hear that gang? The dolphins are going to do some tricks Let's go up to the surface and watch Wow! I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so excited! Wow, the dolphins are really clever and they can jump very high in the air Wooo! Wooo! Wooo! Wooo! Wooo! Wooo! Wooo! Right, up he goes now down to the pool, round the corner he goes now up the straight and through the loop and the way that he's going he's straight off down the end for another run up, round the corner, up the straight and through the loop Here's the water Hey, where did Turbo get to? Weehee! Wooo! Look out Splat! Oh sorry Splat, are you okay? Yes I'm okay Turbo. I think it's time to teach Turbo a lesson. Now if Turbo would only keep still for a second. Okay, here goes. Bombs away! Wee! Uh oh. What are you doing down there Splat? Oh, nothing Turbo, I'm just enjoying the show. Hey gang look, the seals are playing over there. They look like they're having fun. Let's count them as they go by. One. Two. Three. Four. Four seals. One, two, three, four. S-A-I-L. S-A-I-L. Hey, Hic! We'll see you at the bottom. We've had lots of fun playing with the seals and dolphins today, but now it's time for the poolie bugs to have a little sleep. Yeah, but don't forget, you can come back and visit us anytime you like. Yeah! Thanks for having fun with us today. We'll see you very soon. See you later! Hey, he's the leader to keep them all in line. See you later! See you later! See you later!