If you have a question, please ask it and read it out loud. The time is one minute. Zoltán Pokorni doesn't think that Fidesz uses the term citizen as a verb with a clear social democratic view and continues to attack the current government parties. First of all, he leads to schizophrenia. He has a question. My wife is a psychologist, but... but she didn't diagnose these symptoms on me. The question is... I don't think... The question is what is the social democratic programme? Of course, it can be a list of institutions, a package of institutions. One thing is certain. There are many tools in the Fidesz programme, some elements, which improve the strengthening of social mobility, its maintenance, and re-opening of many places. In this respect, it is close to the ideas of the social democratic party, which also considered social mobility more important in the face of a closed, strict, and narrow-minded party structure. In Hungary, we are on the road before what kind of social structure a European or Latin American type is forming. And these mobilizing tools must be used here. Gábor Konce, can you turn to the second round of the SDS? No way! Józsi, don't start from yourself. Thank you. What will happen between the two rounds depends on the results of the first round. But we can say with confidence that there is no discussion about the cooperation between the two parties. And as long as the targets are clear, the Fidesz wants to change the government and the SDS is still in the position of the government, so I don't see any chance. Next question. Mr. President, I have a few more questions. I can summarize in one word. What is it? I think that the state movement must be greatly affected. As I mentioned before, the amount of 840 billion HUF paid after the internal state after the internal state was paid, and I haven't discussed who is responsible for this 840 billion HUF. Please think about it. I said that the value of the FDT was 2,300 billion HUF lost. In this year, it is 300 billion HUF. Please consider the total of the different bank consolidations, what is the star-like height. Consider that we have spent 360 billion HUF on the capital, and the Hongyulans wanted to spend another 600 billion HUF on it. And I haven't discussed the state-owned record and the different state regulations. Thank you. If you have a comment, then Hongyula has a comment. I just want to return my offer. There is no point in arguing with you on these terms. I didn't notice that you are talking about the end of the day. I didn't notice that. I don't want to make such a big fuss about the numbers. I don't want to make such a big fuss about the lack of transparency. If you are talking about this, then I think you should look at the budget. This transparency is the result of your government's data. Thank you. Mr. Prime Minister, the question is not far from the MSP. What is the reason that despite the extremely popular but unparalleled economic and stabilizing institutions, according to the data from the public opinion research, the MSP is more popular than in 1994? What is the reason? Is it true? I think there are basically two things. One is that the people of this country are much more rich than many politicians. This made it clear that things are in order, that they are unparalleled. It made it clear that this is not without victims. And I have to say that we were able to rely on these very strict institutions. Because the two parties of the government coalition were completely single in the Hungarian parliament. They were practically in the four years. The other thing is that people are starting to feel the national improvement in their everyday lives. I don't mean the big improvement, but the improvement should be felt. So the victim that the country brought was not without a reason. I would like to ask one more question towards the end. How do I ask you to tell me a number, a number, a number, a number, that would be enough for you? Mr. President. I think I have already discussed this in detail. The small-scale economy, which is worse than 25% and better than 35%, cannot reach the number now. This will be sufficient for the first or second place. Mr. President. I think that in the percentage, the party's list election result is asking. I can determine our target fire and our expected result in the percentage of mandates. Fidesz is struggling with it, and it is seen as realistic, that the MDFL together reaches the 50% plus 1% of the mandates. I am not asking you to tell me which is sufficient for the third place. This is a parliament-like approach. Mr. President. I have discussed several times that I believe that the SDS can approach the 90-94 election result with a 20%-plus result. After this, I am in a big trouble, because we have divided the vote in several places. I have to say that this will mean a place, which the voters will be able to reach, with the possibility of judging the others. Mr. President. I have the same opinion that voters will start to decide. The current situation of the MSP is realistic, as is the current situation of public opinion research. The MSP can achieve this, so it loves the majority. Mr. President. Thank you for your attention.