You got a problem. You come to me, Ganon. You got that? Why would I have a problem with you? You stay away from my brother. Wow. Never more than two syllables at once. What economy. You think Bobby Ganon gave you a beating? Listen, did you come here to threaten me in uniform? You mess with my family, and I'll gladly give up my uniform. A Christian does not get hassled because you're not man enough to come to the source. It's just endless machismo. Since when are you a source of anything? Since I came this close to putting you away. Since I blew your little scheme to get Bobby Ganon with Jeff Barnes. I'm sorry. I thought paying attention. What were you saying? You know, you couldn't get anywhere near those DNA tests, could you? I'm only sorry I wasn't able to get the evidence against you personally. So let me sum up then. You have no proof of anything. No, I got proof of one thing, RJ. You're a slimy, slithering, conniving snake. You sneak around. You try to get it both through Sam's kid. You try to get it me through my brother. You've been warned. Stay away from my family. And if I happen to have business with Christian? You don't. And just for the record, RJ, you mess with my partner, you mess with me. Well, I guess that should about do it. Why don't you two run along now? You have a nice day, RJ. Interesting. Then to what are you referring? Well, I may not have the receipt for that drug, but I don't mind telling Bo and Sam what the price was. Information about Matthew's DNA test. Bo's been finding a way to tie you to Barnes and to tampering with that test. Seems to me I can give it to him. And what do you think that would get you? Probably not much, but at least I can make Bo happy as I'm going off to prison. But they still can't prove that I tried anything with that test. But maybe my testimony will take the scales. You want to take that chance? We should be hearing from forensics any time now. You want to say anything before we get the new evidence? There's plenty I'd like to say to you, Commissioner. Unfortunately, none of it has anything to do with these ridiculous questions you keep asking. Please, please, Mr. Gammage, can we discuss the bail hearing now? Well, looks like I'll be out on bail shortly. Let's face it, there's no evidence against me. Well, maybe there is. Gotcha. Welcome to a hot spot, where pain and discomfort dwell. It's down at the end of acid street, the hot burn holds hold well. Your stomach's a-burning, baby. The acid's a-churning, baby. You're getting hot burns all the time. When you crave the way you're eating, you're getting exercise. You're treated for two days a week for more. The acids are to rise. Prescription Prevacid can mean 24-hour relief from acid reflux disease. Prevacid turns off tiny pumps that produce acid. It has a low occurrence of side effects, such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and nausea. Ask your doctor if Prevacid is right for you. Don't leave your hot burn behind. Wish there was an easier way. Now there is. The new Ziploc Easy-Fill Bag. The bag that stands up, stays open, and closes Ziploc tight. The new Ziploc Easy-Fill Bag in three easy-to-fill sizes. asanic Mrs. Who's this? You could say it's an Air Freshener. Or, you could say it's a Bowl Cleaner. Actually, it's both. Introducing Ambipure, the only 2-in-1 liquid air freshener and bowl cleaner. Ambipure revitalizes your entire bathroom with a constant fresh scent. And, flush after flush, Ambipure cleans the bowl for up to 30 days. New Ambipure. No matter how you look at it, it's a whole new way to freshen your bathroom. I wasted way too much time doing that. I would go up and down and up and down. Look at me. I lost over 50 pounds on this Limp Fast Plan. And I kept it off for over 15 days. I didn't know I looked like this underneath. It's not only about being thin. It's about feeling good and having energy. I exercise. I eat right. I have a shake for lunch every day. It helps me stay this way. If you know your ABCs, you know the vitamins in Limp Fast. It's a fun way of rejuvenating your body. Limp Fast. Every day. Get healthy. It shouldn't happen to you. What's for lunch? Chicken and star soup. Oh, wow. There's a better tasting soup. Progresso chicken noodles. All white meat chicken and bigger vegetables. See the difference? This is better. Now she can just eat without this. It's time to go to the better taste of Progresso. Hey! Now nobody can see that new Ultraclorox bleach gets whites even whiter than before. Nice try. But new scented Ultraclorox bleach gets even the dirtiest whites whiter. Bless off! New scented Ultraclorox bleach gets whites even whiter. She has a chance at love. But I promise you that I will never ever hurt you and I will always keep you safe. You don't do exactly what I say. Bang! Leo is dead. I want you to leave me alone. You wanted to stay here with me forever. What's going on? Will she sacrifice everything to save him? Tell me what you're scared of. All the big children. ABC Daytime. Oh, the look on his face. You never have a camera when you need one. What happened? You should have been there and Tony was great. There's no way that RJ is going to be stopping by here again anytime soon. You've got to wonder what Lindsay was doing over there. I know. This is the first time we've seen her alone with RJ. I wonder what they're up to. I don't know, but I don't like it or anything else RJ does. You know what? We should brainstorm, figure out when we've seen them together. Maybe we can come up with something that makes sense on those two. Good idea. Alright, come on. Maybe I can help. I could get some information on RJ. Uh-uh. Stay away from RJ. You leave this to Sophie and I. I don't want you getting hurt. You either, Christian. You stay away from RJ. Alright? Lindsay's had it hard ever since we were little. She's been looking for love her whole life. Well, I think she found it with Bo. She thought she found it with Bo. Well, she must have. I mean, Bo must have loved her because they were getting married and then they didn't. And what happened there? Well, I wasn't here for the breakup, but I do know that Lindsay tried a little bit too hard to hold onto Bo. I mean, she told him lies and told him a whole bunch of other things that later she regretted. But I do know, Lindsay, even the craziest schemes are motivated by the best intentions. Do you believe that she's responsible in helping Colin do what he did to me? I can't believe it. It's hard to imagine Bo with Lindsay, but then again, it's hard for me to imagine Bo with any other woman. Well, how about it, RJ? Do I tell Sam and Bo everything I know? Colin knows everything, and knowing him, he'll try to get out of it by pinning everything on me. Well, if the shoe fits. I have no intention of letting him talk, so you have to make sure that he doesn't. Are you suggesting that I kill a man? Do whatever you have to do. Just do it quick. You still haven't learned. You have to be careful what you ask for. Nora was in Colin's bedroom, just the way Will said. And by the time I got there, she was completely out of it, barely conscious. And Will saw Nora earlier, confined in that same bed. She was physically incapacitated, but fully alert. That means that the drug that Nora was given was administered in your bedroom, Doctor. According to you. Well, we have another witness, your wife. She can pinpoint the time you got your hands on the antidote. I didn't take anything from the med room. I've already told you that. And I'll bet that in the evidence that Forensics brings in, there'll be traces of the drug that you gave Nora. I'm not the one who gave the drug to her. Then who did? Stay tuned for scenes from the next One Life to Live. McCormick, recipes for your life. Hi, honey. I'm running late, so can you start the pot roast? Just open the bag and season, toss in some vegetables, add water and seasoning. The roast bases itself in the bag, so it'll come out tender and juicy. Need a mouth-watering meal without the mess? Try McCormick Bag and Season. Ten delicious recipes for real life that you'll find at the McCormick Meal Idea Center. I'll be home soon. Think you can start without me? McCormick, the taste you trust. Now any kid can get behind a wheel of Jeff Gordon's race car. What? It's Jeff Gordon's Tonka Racing Thunder. Oh. The steering wheel really steers. To the right, to the left. I'm really racing. Jeff Gordon's and Dale Earnhardt's Tonka Racing Thunder. He's sold separately. That's tough. That's Tonka. The girls are going to be here in ten minutes. Search powerful mints. The freshening power of wretzit and frosty mint taste for clean, fresh breath. Hi. Be certain, research. Hate to compromise? 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There's a beat, a pulse, a magic that is new all. It feels like music, but it tastes like jambalaya. Saturn. Jazz it up with Saturn. On the next One Life to Live. You guys are still working on the crossroads. You're still working on it. I'm working on it. Did Todd say he was going to move in here? Mm-hmm. He can't let him. Lindsay masterminded this whole thing with Nora, didn't she? Why are you protecting her, Colin? Go to and visit the soap store today. Next Saturday, it's the beginning of a whole new season of the ABC Big Picture Show. And it all starts with this. I'm offering this money as a reward on your head. You kill him, you kill yourself. Give me back my son. ABC Saturday at 8, 7 Central, parental discretion advised.