Music Tonight, American troops mass in Saudi Arabia in the biggest military buildup since the Vietnam War. And police storm a city gun shop to end a six hour siege. Next on A Current Affair, how to join Britain's blue bloods simply by a title. No further bidding on rates. $25,000. What's the attraction? Oh, to get class, you know, you get a title, my goodness. You're there. Adelaide's leading hour of news and current affairs, tonight from 6 on Channel 9. Saturday, you can enjoy a night of classical music and culture. It's enough to make me drool. Hold you more stick. Or you could go bananas on Hey Hey It's Fruit Day. An extra special show from Brisbane with guess who? Jackie McDonald. Back for the craziest reunion ever with special guest Simon Gallaher, Shane Howell and the Big Heart Band, the unbelievably funny Vince Serenny and the Ted Mulry Gang. Hey Hey It's Fruit Day, you'll be dropping them as at 6.30 Saturday. Yahoo! Time to raise the rookies. Channel 9 has a weekend of great animated fun for everyone. Fantastic! On Saturday morning, there's plenty of fun with the Devlins, Jabberjaw, Bravestar, Cops and the real Ghostbusters. On Sunday morning, catch up with Marine Boy. Calling the P-1. Marine Boy calling the P-1. Funky Phantom and that cute little ghost Slimer together with dinosaurs. Top animated action, weekends at 6 on 9. Tonight, a special tribute to one of the world's most adored and admired women, the Queen Mother's 90th birthday. A premiere special at 7.30 on 9. This program is proudly presented by Hoover, holders of the Australian Design Award for dryers and top loading washing machines. Now the world don't move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you may not be right for some. On many a phone, he's a man of means. Then along come two, they got nothing but to change. Everybody's got a special kind of story. Everybody finds a way to shine. It don't matter that you got none alive. So what? You'll have theirs and you'll have yours and I'll have mine. And together we'll be fine. Cause it takes different strokes to move the world. Yes it does. It takes different strokes to move the world. What's all the excitement? He's coming to our class. Who's Netsaw? Gazintite. Willis, whose Netsaw is nothing to sneeze at. He is the world famous ballet choreographer and he was a great dancer. And he's going to be at our class today. So what? So what? Willis, outside of Balanchine and maybe Baryshnikov, well he's only the most important man in the world of ballet. He was fantastic in his prime. I saw him once in London. You won't believe this. He did a leap that was so high he had to get an air traffic controller to bring him down. Dad, who cares about a guy who runs around in his panty hole? Yeah, what's the big deal anyway? I mean it's not like who's Netsaw for someone really important like Sugar Ray Leonard. How can you even mention them in the same breath? Willis, you're so immature. Immature? I shaved twice last week. We know, once free of chair. Let's go. Daddy, your oldest son is culturally and ignoramus. Honey, just because Willis doesn't like ballet doesn't mean that he's dumb. That's right. He was dumb before he hated ballet. As the name suggests, the Hoover frost free refrigerator is completely frost free. So the only ice you get is the ice you make yourself. Hoover, put you ahead of the rest. No other chocolate looks like fake looks. No other chocolate tastes like fake tastes. Full upon fold of capritary milk. Feel it crumble and melt in your mouth. No other chocolate does it to you like flake does. Create it like no other chocolate. Mobile's new F1 premium unleaded will keep your entire fuel delivery system clean. Ordinary unleaded and left these inlet ports coated with dirty carbon deposits. New mobile F1, clean them up and cap them spotless. New F1 premium unleaded. It's made to drive your engine clean. Another reason why mobile is the number one team. Do you have a contact? Well, that wraps it up. You feel like a bite of lunch? Honey, if it's quick. I've got a two o'clock. I don't want to spend a lot. Then you're ready for a great lunch at Sizzler with juicy steaks, mouthwatering seafood and the incredible all you can eat salad bar. Or try a Hibashi chicken lunch for just $6.39. A tender breast of chicken basted with our tasty barbecue sauce. Where's the best place for a great value lunch? Sizzler. Tonight at 7.30, Channel 9 invites you to a unique and intimate portrait of one of the world's best loved royals. The Queen Mother, marking the celebration of her 90th birthday. Cameras have been allowed into the very private world of this charming and dedicated lady. We see inside Clarence House, the headquarters for more than 35 years, brought to you by AMP, a momentous event. The Queen Mother's 90th birthday special. Tonight, 7.30 on Channel 9. That is it for the bar. I'm sorry I'm late, Madame Ruffalo. We got caught in traffic. Oh hi, Becky. I'm so excited I can't stand it. Is he here yet? Not yet. I think I'm going to die when I meet him. Me too. Please, if you must die, die like swans. I thought it was funny. Children, the great Kuznetsov is our guest. We will not ask him a thousand questions. We will just dance for him. Dance for Kuznetsov? Uh-huh. He'll laugh at us. No, he will not laugh at you. He might sneer a little, but for me Russian that is a compliment. Let us go back to work. Hey, there's a big limousine out front. I bet it's his. He must be on his way up. Here come the great man himself. Thank you. Thank you. Tell me what I did and I'll do it again. It's just my brother, Madame Rakova. Let us go back to work. What are you doing here, Arnold? You left these in limo. Oh, thanks. Goodbye. Man, look at the size of that mirror. Willis would love that. Arnold, I said goodbye, that means split, get lost, out the door. Get the feeling you want me to leave. Go with your feelings, Arnold. I can take a hint. I'll just get my little tutu out of here. Again? What a weird group. You applaud everything I do. Mitri, darling. It is so good to see you again. And you, you look marvelous. Of course I do. My students have been dying to meet you. Oh, and I trust they have been dying like swans. I tell that swan joke, I get silence, you tell it, they laugh. Of course I am a very funny man. Let us go back to work. Well, young man, why are you not in tights? I'm not in the class. Anyway, you're not going to get me in that long underwear. It doesn't even have a flap in the back for emergencies. Please excuse my brother, Mr. Kuznetsov. Your brother? Oh yes, now I see resemblance. Well, it is nice to meet you, young man. What are you doing? That is old Russian custom. Oh, well in that case. That's as far as I'm going. Well now, what have you got against ballet? I'm just not into ballet. Anyway, that's one more thing I'm too small for, like basketball, football and baseball. Too small? Oh, why, I was already dancing a whole year when I was half your size. Sometimes I would leap out of my diaper. You're not kidding? I'm not too small? Oh, not at all. Here, Arnold, sit down there, my boy. Now, Arnold, tell me, don't you wish to be rich and famous like me? I don't care about famous, but you can run that rich by me again. How much do you think I make? Ask me. Oh, I like to hear it myself. Okay, how much do you make? From ballet, I have made the big bucks. Many millions. But there are more important things than money too, such as doing something that gives you satisfaction here. A million bucks is my kind of satisfaction. But there are other kinds too, such as dancing in front of an audience. When you hear the applause, it can make you feel like giant. A giant? I could use some of that feeling. Yes, I am very glad my parents let me take ballet when I was a little boy. And you grew up to be the great Kuznitsa whom the world adores and who is keeping my class waiting. Oh, projt me, dooshe maya. Arnold, what is taking you so long? We've been waiting in a limousine ten minutes. I was talking to my pal Dimitri. Who? You know, the guy who sounds like a sneeze. You mean Kuznetsov? You met the great Kuznetsov? Well, like that. There he is. Well, you could talk to him some other time, Arnold. Come on, let's go, Dad. No, wait, Willis. I would like very much to meet Kuznetsov. No problem, Dad. I'll introduce you. And don't be nervous. He's an ordinary millionaire just like you. Oh, Mr. Drummond. Madame Rakova, nice to see you again. Mr. Kuznetsov, if you don't mind, my dad and brother would like to meet you. Well, any relative of Arnold's is friend of mine. Don't worry, Willis. He's old, washing costume. When you were dancing, I saw you many times. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it. Don't be silly. You can tell me. So, you like ballet? Yes. You have danced yourself? No. But you speak Russian? Just those two words. I've been waiting for years to use them. Mr. Drummond, would you like to stay and watch the children dance by Mr. Kuznetsov? Oh, thank you. We'd like that very much, right, Willis? I could hardly wait. Please, make yourself comfortable. Thank you. Please continue practice. Did you see that, Willis? He looks like Magic Johnson, born of Presley and Dunn. Except after Magic does this thing, he doesn't kiss the other guys. Maybe not, but I've seen him pet a few fannies. Come on, sing. I'm going to be a ballet dancer. Are you out of your mind? That's crazy. Why, Willis, there's nothing wrong with taking ballet lessons. And I'm going to be real good at it. Well, you've got to start somewhere. If you'd like to play the Winners Board, maybe win a car, simply send a stamped self-addressed envelope to contestants, site of the Century PO Box 711, Richmond, Victoria, 3121. I'm going to be a ballet dancer. I'm going to be a ballet dancer. Let's see who gets tickets from Bass. Are you ready? Are you really ready? James Morrison can find out on his new album, Snappy Doo. You told me you were ready. In today's driving conditions, you need to be confident about your tyres. Especially when there's only this much thickness between you and the road. Computer generated tread features and advanced rubber compounds mean that bridge stone tyres shift water. Put maximum tread on the road, corner, stop, and last. That's bridge stone confidence. Hi, I'm Michael Landon. You see me play a father on TV and I'm a father in real life. And recently I've become a father again through Foster Parents Plan. Now let me tell you why. You see, I know that there are children in this world who are growing up in desperate poverty. Who aren't even getting one square meal a day. So don't wait. Call the number on your screen now. And join me in giving a child a chance at a better life through Foster Parents Plan. Please call today. Arnold, Arnold. I'm getting tired of seeing you jumping around like a kangaroo with hot feet. Oh, well it's Arnold just giving us a preview of his recital. You are going to be in a recital? Want my autograph before the price goes up? Dad, you mean you're actually going to let him do this in front of people? Knock it off, Willis. You're being unfair. I'm proud of Arnold. So am I. Me too. A few weeks ago I was nothing. Today I'm a toe-dancing fool. Yeah, well you can leave out the toe-dancing. Oh Willis, get off his case. Dad, why don't we put him up for re-adoption? Willis, don't you think you're coming down a little too hard on Arnold? Oh, but Dad, I mean, you've seen him dance. Haven't you noticed something? What? He keeps falling down. He's terrible. Well, what do you expect after just a few weeks that he'll dance like Baryshnikov? He can't even dance like Donald Duck. Look Willis, it's just a phase Arnold's going through. At the moment he likes ballet, he's having fun. What's the problem? Well Dad, real guys don't take up ballet. Everybody knows they're all, we know, kind of sweet. Well in the first place, who cares? In the second place, you're wrong. Ballet is a beautiful creative art. Well not to me. Anyway, Arnold's too young to know what he's doing. Now listen, I want you to stop hassling Arnold. Do you understand? Yeah, I understand. But don't be surprised if he starts plucking his eyebrows. Time for bed, twinkle toes. I'm practicing for my recital tomorrow night. Practicing? I thought you were drying your nails. Willis, what is going on? This morning when I was getting dressed you said I should pick out something pretty from Kimberly's closet. Why are you hugging me? Because I want a little brother, not a little sister. You mean Dad's thinking about trading me in? Arnold, if you keep doing this ballet stuff, you know what guys are going to call you. Did you ever hear the word effeminate? Sure. You know what it means? Of course I do. Diana Ross is effeminate. Brooke Shields is effeminate. Menjo Green ain't. No, no, no. That's not quite right, Arnold. Effeminate means a guy is like a girl. What are you talking about, Willis? Who heard me? Who are you calling a girl? Coodle up, Willis. You're just a little girl. Calm down. You're calling me a girl? This is your hair blowin'. Not mine. This is your cologne. Not mine. This is your cologne. Not mine. These are your bikini shorts. Next to you, I'm Mr. Universe. Get off, Arnold. All the jocks have these things. Anyway, I know you're okay, but it's what other people think that gets you in trouble. They're going to call you a sissy for the rest of your life. Are you serious? That's right. They're going to call you all sorts of names. Boy, you're dancing moon lousy ballet. And I'll tell you another thing. If you dance in that ballet recital tomorrow night, I won't be there to watch. I couldn't stand to see you ruin your reputation. You mean it? You really wouldn't come? That's right. Oh. Well, I guess I won't be dancing. All right. But how am I going to get out of it? Hi, guys. Hey, Arnold, this is for you. I was going to give it to you tomorrow, but I just couldn't wait. Thanks. What is it? You'll never guess. I'll guess after I open it. You can wear it tomorrow night for your big debut. Everybody will notice you. You can say that again. Hey, you better hit the sack, everybody. Arnold, it's a big day coming up tomorrow. Okay, Dad. Arnold, what's the matter with your leg? Nothing. Nothing? You're limping. I am? Arnold, what happened? Hey, don't try to hide it now. Well, it's nothing. It only hurts when I move. Oh, sit down, bro. Hey, let me look at that. Looks pretty bad to me. It feels a little swollen, Dad. Let me see that. Ooh. How did you do this? Um, it must have been that last plie that got me. I hope it's not a confounded fracture. What a shame, Arnold. Well, I'm afraid you better not be in the recital. You can't dance with a bad leg. But I gotta dance. It's in my blood. No, I'm sorry, Arnold. It'll probably just make it worse. I know how disappointed you must feel. Yeah? The best thing for you to do now is get right up into bed and stay off that ankle. Okay, Dad. I'm sure it'll be much better in the morning. Good night, son. Good night. Good night, you two. Good night, Daddy. Good night, Dad. There'll be other recitals, honey. Sure. Night, Kimberly. Night. Smart move, bro. You did good, Dad. If I did so good, how come I feel so bad? This is Burke's Backyard. And this is Bailey's Backyard. Come along to famous actress Lorraine Bailey's home. You're growing old looking at all the bad things in my place. Are you dreaming of a bigger house? If you're not, then your present home could be the answer. We look at how to avoid those renovation traps and giving new life to a dingy side passage. When you move house, here's how to move your pets. Fortunately, the pets themselves handle it a lot better than the owners do. Burke's Backyard, just for you Friday, 7.30, online. Now you can be friendly to the environment, but tough on grease and dirt. Down-to-earth cream cleanser from the new Down-to-earth range that's clean and biodegradable so you can have a cleaner home and a cleaner world. We'd like to remind you that all Hoover refrigerators come with self-closing doors. You may find it hard to get used to. Hoover puts you ahead of the rest. Gillette presents another great moment in Nines' wide world of sports. After her triumphs at the pool in Brisbane back in 1982, Lisa Curry settled down to married life and motherhood. After six years' retirement, she returned to the pool in triumph. Auckland and the Commonwealth Games of 1990. Curry's in front. Curry's gonna win. Yes, Curry! 25-8 is the record. One of four gold medals to Australia's favourite sporting mom, Gillette. The best a man can get. I feel the magic, can't wait no more. Hey, world, we're having a great time. Watch us roar, come on, we can't wait to Grand Prix. We can't wait for some more energy. Buy a gold ticket now and SAFM gives you the chance to win your money back or a trip for two to the Monaco Grand Prix. Grand Prix! Grand Prix! We've had a disaster at the convent. Cook served some soup and 52 sisters died of botulism. Miraculously, five of us survived, but we have to raise enough money so we can bury the last four dead sisters. So we're putting on this show. That's Nonsense, the divine musical I'm appearing in at present. In Nonsense, you'll see the sisters tap dancing, singing, even doing a ventriloquist act. I guarantee Nonsense will be the happiest night you've had out in ages. Mr. Brown. Madame Marikova. So pleasant to see you all again. Thank you. Well, little one, your sister tells me of your ankle. I am deeply sorry. I will have a recital, Arnold, just for you. Excuse me. Certainly. Arnold was terribly disappointed. He was really looking forward to dancing for you. Weren't you, Arnold? Yeah. I never thought I'd be hanging on my tights so early in my career. It's not forever, Arnold. You will dance again. No, no, he won't. Well, I mean, you know, it's like with athletes. Once you hurt yourself, you're never the same. Let's sit down, bro. Arnold, is the pain worse now than it was this morning? Well, it comes and goes. Ooh! Here it comes. That's very interesting. This morning you were limping on your right leg. Now you're limping on your left. Was I? Maybe one leg caught it from the other one. I think I know the name of this disease. It is called Mugelloznik. Mugello-whatnik? This means fear of being called Sissy. That's what I thought it meant. I speak Russian better than I realize. Well, Dad, I don't want to be called names. I mean, who wants to go through life with people making fun of you? I don't like Arnold being made fun of. Willis, what other people think of you is far less important than what you think of yourself. Listen, Arnold, if you like ballet as much as you say you do, don't let Willis or anybody else talk you out of it. You listen to your father. He is a smart man, even if he is not Russian. You know, Dad, I think you're right. Well, then, you will dance tonight? Da! Ha-ha! Excellent! Good for you, Arnold. You know what you're doing, Arnold? Yeah, I'm going to go look for a pair of tights in size 8 short. Look, Willis, I would like for you to stay, but if you want to walk out on me, they're your feet. Willis, why did you do that to him? I was only thinking of Arnold, Dad. If you ask me, I think you were thinking about yourself. What do you mean by that? You were worried that Arnold was going to be a reflection on you. You don't want your friends to tease you about your brother. Well, maybe I don't. I'm surprised at you, Willis. I thought you were mature enough to take a little ribbing. Well, if you want to leave, it's okay with me too, but one day you'll realize how wrong you are. All right, all right, I'll stay. Good. That's my daughter, the one on the right. That's my daughter, the one on the left. That's my daughter, the one on the right. Now the world don't move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you may not be right for some. But then it's both these are better means, better laws come to. They got nothing but the genes, but they got different strokes it takes, different strokes it takes, different strokes to move the world. Yes, it does, it takes different strokes to move the world. This program was proudly presented by Hoover, holders of the Australian Design Award for dryers and top loading washing machines. Sunday night, our world presents the final episode of Unknown Australia. African animals in the bush isn't the only oddity around brood. From the world's oldest picture theatre to the world's richest diamond mine and the bungal bungalow. A freak of nature that must rank among the world's greatest natural wonders. A fascinating conclusion to a spectacular series. Who knows what else lies waiting to be discovered. Unknown Australia, the secrets unveiled 6.30 Sunday in our world. From 8.30 this Saturday, be watching the programs designed especially for you. First up we have Denver the last dinosaur. Followed by Sea Company's new program Book Tower and on Professor Poopsnaggle, Count Sartor and Dingles plans to foil the children backfire once again. And our mischievous four footed friend in wolf is off on another adventure. The Curiosity Show and KTV will be sure to amaze you with fantastic facts and fabulous stories. Join your Miss Sea Company this Saturday from 8.30 right here on Channel 9. Mad Crusaders working overtime fighting crime, fighting crime. Secret Raiders who will neutralize soon as they arrive. The track is gonna leave the mission and Spectrum's got such super vision. Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad. Mad is the mighty power that can save the day. Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad. Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad. No one knows what lies behind their mad charades. Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad. Always riding on Venom's trail. Come see the laser race. Run away. Even with the falls, the water here still needs purification. But with the help from the tracker foundation, it will be cleaned up in no time. Look, big magic from the gods. I can't believe it. Angel Falls has stopped in midair. Incredible. Wait till Matt hears about this. We've been here all day, T-Bob, and not a bite. Ouch. Fire ants, they're biting me. It's an all-out attack. Help. Help, T-Bob, help. Whoa. What are you doing, T-Bob? Hurry, help me. What'd you do that for, T-Bob? Fire ants don't start fires. Oh, well, at least something's biting today. Look, Scott, the river is drying up. It won't be long, Dusty, before everyone can have a glass of clean drinking water. Thanks to your program for purifying the Churun River, it's gonna mean good health and new jobs here in Venezuela. Matt. Sam, you look like you've just seen a ghost. That's easier to believe than what I'm going to tell you, Matt. Angel Falls stopped flowing just like this. Hold on, partner. You're trying to tell us that a waterfall almost a mile high stopped running? I've been an environmentalist for 10 years, and I've never seen anything like that. Dad, the river water level went down in two seconds flat. You should have seen it. It was far out. You mean to tell me the water level of the river dropped because the waterfall has stopped flowing? Sounds far-fetched. I'd like to look into this, Dusty. I want to see what puts a waterfall on hold. Good food, good health with Tony Barber. You know, a lot of people make a lot of fuss about what you should eat, but it's not that hard. Just remember balance, moderation and variety. If you eat moderately from these five groups, breads and cereals, fruit and veggies, meat and its alternatives, dairy products, butter and margarine, you really can't go wrong. Bon appétit. Good food, good health with Tony Barber. You really can't go wrong. Bon appétit. Good food, good health brought to you by the Australian Dairy Corporation. David Atkins in Dynamite, a song and dance explosion, a new musical from the creators of Danson Man, from George Gershwin to Michael Jackson, from Dirty Danson to Tap Danson, from the Majesties Theatre from August 21 for four weeks only, Book at the Theatre or Bass. Throughout the world, Flinders is known for its excellent patient care, research and teaching. Here was established the first purpose-built pain management unit in Australia, the first Lyons Eye Bank and the first research unit for drug abuse. There are over 200 such research projects in operation at Flinders right now. Medical research is costly and time-consuming, but the rewards are better health for everyone. You can help. Please send your financial support. The need is urgent. Looks normal as a back 40 on a summer day. Yeah, maybe it was only an optical illusion. But we saw it, Dad, and so did Sam. And that's why Dusty and I are going to go behind the scenes and have a look. You and T-Bob, stay here. Let's try to find some good fishing bait while we're waiting for Dad. Great idea. Let's look for some Spanish-speaking worms. These South American fish ought to go for them. Look, let's check behind the waterfall. I don't see anything that could stop the waterfall. There might be something in that cave. Let's take a look. Take a look, Dusty. Laser burns are all over those rocks. Guess gravity didn't take a vacation after all. Of course not. Water was obviously evaporated by the lasers. I get the feeling we're smelling fishy water. And the fish smell like venom. I wonder what kind of scheme they've got cooking in. I don't know, but I have a friend who might be able to help us. Zuwater. He lives in the Temple of the Parrots. Wow! Yet a load of all the birds. Sure glad I don't have to clean their cages. Imagine the cracker bill this dude must have. Matt Fraken, far too many suns have set since we last met. It's good to see your smiling face again, Zuwater. And yours, Matt. How may I serve you? I'm not a man of honor. I'm a man of honor. I'm a man of honor. I'm a man of honor. I'm a man of honor. I'm a man of honor. How may I serve you? I have a reason to believe there's something worth a lot of money near Angel Falls. Our legends speak of a huge statue called the Scarlet Empress. They claim she was hidden beneath the falls over a thousand years ago. But she has never been found. If there's any truth to the legend, she's gotta be worth a lot. Yeah, just think of all the bait she'd buy. Matt, do you think this Scarlet Empress really exists? If Benham's here, she's gotta be more than a legend. I'm just afraid they might already have her. We've got to summon the team. Scan personnel files for mask agents best suited for this mission. Personnel selected, Calhoun burns, experience in construction and demolition, vehicle code named Raven. Amphibious vehicle could be helpful. Additional personnel, Dusty Hayes, preselected. Personnel approved. Assemble mobile armored strike command. We'll meet Calhoun at the camp when he gets here. Look, everybody! Benham, Dusty, I'll drop you off at the camp so you can get Gator. Let's roll. I want to get a closer look, T-Bob. I know what you're gonna ask me, and the answer is no. I'm not going to convert to motor scooter mode and drive you to the fall. Never, never! Never say never, T-Bob. At least never around you. Okay, Dusty, let's get behind this natural phenomenon. That's a Roger, Matt! One high drive, coming up! You were right, Matt. Mayhem's got a laser show going to evaporate the waterfalls. Well, let's see if we can get front row seats. Rats, you're out of time. Get moving! Wow! My engine took a bad man. It won't start! Dusty, get away from the falls! Dusty, get away from the falls! Do you read me? Taking care of a Mitsubishi needs dedicated training staff. Use anyone else, and they may upset your car. After all, who else but Mitsubishi should take care of a Mitsubishi? When Lindsay's opened back in 1917, we planned to be around for a while. But we had no idea that we'd become a family institution. In the 50s, we looked after a second generation of South Australians. And now, in the 90s, the grandchildren of our first customers still enjoy the same affordable prices and old-fashioned service we got back in 1917. Lindsay's of Kilkenny. Opposite the Kilkenny rail, Mr Asher. This is Hillbank, the dress circle of the North, and you could be living here in the 1990 Fairmont Pacific Telethon home. Hillbank is a beautifully elevated subdivision with wooded hills rising above the plains. Yes, you could be living at Hillbank in a 1990 Telethon home. $2 tickets are available now from the home. Fairmont Pacific offices, Field Chemists, Karrana and Real Bottlers, First National Real Estate offices, Mitre 10 stores, ANZ Bank branches, coupons in the news and radio rentals. Feel the magic, can't wait no more. Hey, world, we're happening, watch us roar. Come on, we can't wait for Grand Prix. We can't wait for some more energy. Buy a gold ticket now and SAFM gives you the chance to win your money back or a trip for two to the Monaco Grand Prix. Grand Prix, RG, Grand Prix. Oh, wait, that was close. The biggest raindrops I ever had falling on my head. Well, looks like we've lost Benham and the Scarlet Empress. Ah, we missed it. The falls are back to normal now. Good. Now let's get back to the temple before we get into trouble. Uh-oh, which trail did we take? Let's see. Eenie, meenie, miney. T-Bob, that'll never get us to the temple. Are you saying there's a better way? It's only an anteater, T-Bob. I sure could have used him earlier. Boy, oh, with a nose like that, I sure wouldn't want to be around him if he sneezed. He uses it to look for food. Hey, let's follow him. Maybe he'll lead us back to the ant hills where we were fishing. And we can find the way back to the temple of the parrots from there. Snap it up, Gory. I know grandmothers who work faster than you. Okay, Mayhem, anything you say. Make sure you cover the frame with a lot of bushes. I don't want anybody seeing the impetus when we float her downriver, or I'll make a river rat out of you. Now speed it up. Rack should be here any minute with the Red Lady of Fortune. Boy, these sure are heavy. Then use your mask, Mr. Quick-Wit. Hey, that's a great idea. Why didn't I think of that? Because you don't have all your eggs in the frying pan. Samson on! Since there's no roads in this area, then I'm sure to float the Empress downriver. How about my under-apparition? That statue must weigh tons. Just keep scanning with spectrum. That big red gumdrop shouldn't be hard to find. Roger, Dusty. I got a feeling it won't be much longer. Guess what, Scott? We're still lost. Maybe even more lost. Yeah, even Lewis and Clark would have had trouble finding their way out of this. Shh! Someone's behind those bushes. Let's get moving before those masked fools start snooping around. You took long enough getting here, Rack. I was conserving fuel. Venom! Yeah, and they've got the Scarlet Empress. You're three quarts low in the brain, you know that? You'll be able to buy an oil field when we sell the Ruby Lady. Selling her to a jewel mogul was a good idea, Mayhem. We've got to stop them somehow, T-Bob. We've got to save the Empress. Sorry, but I didn't bring my Superman out there with me. We may not need Superman, T-Bob. Some little old ants could do the trick. Ants? Against Venom? Yeah. All you got to do is sneak over and knock the tops off those ant mounds. Me? Those fire ants can fight like a pack of wolves. They won't fight, you silly. You're made of metal. You're ant-proof. Now go on. I'll get away from you. Whoa! Hey, what do I look like? An overgrown ant? Ha ha ha! Oh, there. It better fit like a glove, Cory. It will, Mayhem. You know I always do a good job for you. Ah! Ah! Knock it off, Racks. The jitterbug went out with the 20s. Ah! Ah! I've got ants in my pants. Help! Racks, you do any antics to get attention. Oh, they've got me too. We've got the jewel deal of the century and you guys want to join an army of ants. I ought to... Ooh! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ah! Ah! Ah! I think they're acting very antisocial. Ha ha ha! Get off me! I've got a match. Roundup's over, Dusty. About a quarter mile ahead, we should find the emperors and venom too. Give me five, T-Bot. We still have venom long enough for Mast to get here. Ow! You have to be so heavy-handed. I've been stung already, Mast. Now it's your turn. When I played basketball in school, Venom, I was pretty good with a rebound. One down. Yow! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Here's a pitch you don't see in the majors. Sampson, on! Galaga, on! Oh, no! Oh, no! The emperors got shrunk! Guess you'll have to live in a dollhouse from now on. Whoa! Ooh! Whoa! You okay, Galaga? Wake up! Huh? Don't move, T-Bot. You can't scare away the parrot while he's got the empress. Don't worry. I'll be still as a statue. Ah! Ah! Ah! The statue! It's gone! Mast, next time I'll send you up the river. Uh, well, what happened? Let's just say you struck out today. Dad! A parrot flew away with the empress in his beak. How are we ever going to find the empress now? We may not be able to, Scott. Looks like she's lost again. Even though the shrinking ray will wear off, there's no telling where the parrot will be when it happens. Who knows? Maybe the scarlet empress is meant to remain a legend. Yuck! He must be thanking me for helping him get his ant lunch. Yeah, but he ate it so fast, he's probably looking for an ant-astic. Why are more and more people going to trust Scott Hi-Fi? Oh, because it's 12 months interest-free. Because it's interest-free. Adelaide's lowest prices. With 12 months interest-free terms. And who can argue with huge savings this month on TVs? Like these NEC 48cm push-button models, save $73. A super selection of the latest videos saves $72 on these remote-control Akai VCRs. Top-brand up-to-the-minute camcorders like these new Panasonic models save over $200. And Hi-Fis of all kinds. Just check this month's big $103 savings on these Tiac MIDI systems. Adelaide's lowest prices. With 12 months interest-free terms. No wonder more and more people are turning to Trust Gods. Trust Gods for TV, video, camcorders and Hi-Fi. 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The following program is classified C, made especially for children. Hello! Want a cup of tea? Time for fun for you and me Put me in the picture KTV Things to do, things to see I get the picture You're in the picture Who's gonna keep in touch for me? Who's got the story? Who's got the picture? Who's got the answers? You're in to get you KTV KTV KTV KTV For kids Hi everyone, welcome to KTV. Today on the show we're going to learn a lot about...