time and I mean I'm sure it's a beating on my ears one day I'm sure I'll start losing some but as of now I haven't yet but Lee's wife Heather Locklear believes Tommy has suffered some hearing loss. He calls me mumbles he thinks I'm mumble and I'm like get a hearing aid dude because it's damaged it has damaged his high end I think and he's like oh yeah well just a little but at home either he's like playing a trick on me and doesn't want to hear what I say or he's going deaf. Well that suggests that he certainly has a hearing loss and the kind of hearing loss that he has is a high frequency hearing loss he's lost some of the high frequencies and the high frequencies where the consonants are like since you can't get your hearing back once you've lost it the key to preserving your hearing is prevention if you don't want to turn it down it's got to be loud it's got to be you might want to do what pros such as Metallica, Faith No More and Kings X do wear earplugs. If you want to see me in terror is if I have forgotten my earplugs right before we go on I have to have him now. He's a mess. With my hearing is something that I can't prove to anybody you know I haven't got any lacerations I can't lift up my shirt and show you the scars I just know how it feels to not be able to hear what people are saying half the time. Speaking of losing vital bodily functions according to the news agency of Nigeria six men have been killed in that African country in riots over the mystical theft of people's sexual organs. According to several bizarre claims many men have had their penises pilfered through contact as casual as a handshake with sinister charm and potion makers and some women have had their breasts lifted in the illegal sense. One tribal chieftain and his driver for example were beaten to death by a mob in the eastern town of Aba after a secondhand clothing merchant complained that someone in a car with Lagos plates had stolen his private parts. A local police official however says that medical examinations of alleged victims have so far shown that quote organs were in their natural place and functioning. Whatever this is let's hope it doesn't spread. That's about it for this edition of the Week in Rock. Next week we'll have...