. . . . G'day. I'm John. This is my wife, Berris. You guys want to learn how to line dance? We're going to teach you the fun and easy way. Line dancing has become very popular. . And the good thing about line dancing is Linedancing is you don't need a partner for most of the linedancers. We're going to show you some country and rock and roll linedancing, our partner and progressive linedancers, but the first one that we're going to move into is an easy one and it's our boot scooting linedance. John and I are going to show you how to do it, then we're going to break it down into nice easy slow steps. Okay, are we ready? Let's have a look at this. That was nice and easy. What do you reckon? We'll break it down into slow easy steps and it'll make it easier for you to learn. We're going to turn our backs to you and then we'll start. Okay, we're ready to go. Now, starting with our right foot and swiveling on our heels. Are you ready? It's one, two. The same thing with your left foot. One, two. I mean nothing could be more simpler. Let's do it again. Are you ready with your right foot? One, two. Left foot, one, two. That's easy. Let's move on to the next step. Okay, starting with your right foot again with your right heel. It's heel, heel, toe, down. With your left foot, same thing again. Heel, heel, toe, down. Let's run through that again with your two heels. Are you ready? Right foot, heel, heel, toe, down. Heel, heel, toe, down. Let's join the two moves together. Are you ready? From the start, I'll count you in. One, two, then we'll start. One, two. It's one, two with your left foot. One, two. Now your right heel. One, two. Toe, down with your left heel. Toe, down. We can do that again. Then you'll be sure of what you're doing before we move on to the next step. One, two. It's one, two with your left foot. One, two. Now your right heel. One, two. Toe, down with your left heel. Toe, down. OK, the next move, it's called the star. We're going to start off with our right foot again and with your heel first. It's heel, toe to the side, toe to the back, toe to the side again. We have to add the next part, is slap leather. It's slap, slap, down. Let's start again. You ready? With the star and the slap leather. With your right heel. It's heel, toe to the side, toe to the back, side, slap, slap. Now if you notice, when you do the slap leather, you have to swivel on the ball of your left foot. So we'll do just the slap leather. You ready? It's slap, swivel, down. OK, let's join those two moves together and see how we go from the start. I'll count you in. One, two. Then we'll move into it with our right foot first swiveling. Are you ready? One, two. Right foot. Two. Left foot. Two. Right heel. Toe down. Left foot. Toe down. Star. Toe, toe, toe. Slap, slap, down. Just to be sure, we're going to have to do it again from the beginning. Are you ready? One, two. Right foot. Two. Left foot. Two. Right heel. Toe down. Left foot. Toe down. Star. Toe, toe, toe. Slap, slap, down. Now the next part, we call it the vine. You've done your slap leather. Now you have to take a vine to your right. You've done your slap leather, which is one, two, down. You do your vine with your left foot behind. Behind your right foot and slap in front, down. We've done the vine to the right. Now let's try it to the left. You've finished off your vine where you've gone across. You've had your weight on your left foot. Your right foot's ready to go. And you went there. Behind the right foot, slap. You've put your foot down. Transfer your weight to your left foot. Go in front. Step and tap. Behind. Scoop. Turn. Let's do the two vines again and we'll get it right. The first vine, the left foot goes behind. The second vine, the right foot goes in front. And you turn and you're ready to start the whole move again. So we've finished off the slap leather with the weight on our left foot. We've got our right foot ready to go to the right for the vine. Are we ready? And we'll get it right. The first vine, the left foot goes behind. The second vine, the right foot goes in front. And you turn and you're ready to start the whole move again. So we've finished off the slap leather with the weight on our left foot. We've got our right foot ready to go to the right for the vine. Are we ready? First right foot behind, right foot slap, down in front, slap, down, scoop, turn and you're ready to start again. We've done all the moves to the boot scoot and line dance. We're going to run through them from the beginning slowly. Okay? I'll count you in, one, two, and we start. One, two, right foot, two, swivel on your left foot, two, it's right heel, heel, heel, toe down, left heel, toe down the star, toe, toe slap leather, swivel down behind, tap, in front, down, scoop, turn and you're ready to start again. Okay, let's do it again. One, two, right foot, two, swivel on your left foot, two, it's right heel, heel, heel, toe down, left heel, toe down the star, toe, toe slap leather, swivel down behind, tap, in front, down, scoop, turn and you're ready to start again. You ready? Let's do it again. I'm going to do it three times, turning to your left each time. Let's do it and we'll do it just a little bit faster. I'll count you in, one, two, then we'll go for it. Are you ready? One, two, right foot, two, left foot, two, heel, heel, toe down the star, toe, toe, toe slap, slap the vine, slap in front, behind, down, scoop, turn, one, two, heel, heel, toe down, the star, the vine behind, tap in front, down, scoop, turn, one, two, right heel, left heel, the star, slap, slap one behind, in front, down, scoop, turn. Okay, as I said before, that's easy. Okay, let's try it to a little bit of music, but we'll just have to bop it up a fraction. You ready? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, With the line dances that John and I teach, we pick out particular songs, which means you go out dancing somewhere and that song comes on, you'll be able to get up and know straight away, that's either the boot scooting or another line dance. And the other thing you've got to remember with line dancing, when you're doing it and you have a group, is you line up, you line up across, with ways you line up lengthways and it looks good. And don't forget, you're out there to have fun, so smile, that's what it's all about. Okay, for now we're going to show you the progressive hillbilly rock. John and I will run through it a couple of times first, then we'll break it down. Because it's a progressive, you'll see some of our dancers doing it to music. Are we ready? Now, this is the hand position for the progressive hillbilly rock. The man's right hand is at the back and it's flat hand to flat hand. The lady's left hand is across the front of the man. That's the position for the hillbilly rock. And again, you start off on your right foot. Okay, let's do it. Let's turn around and start the other way. Let's have a look at this dance from a different angle. Okay, let's do it. Let's turn around and start the other way. Now we're ready with the footwork starting again on the right foot. And it's your right heel. It's heel, toe, up, down. Left heel, toe, up, down. Let's do it again. With your right foot again on the right heel. Heel, toe, up, down. Heel, toe, up, down. Adding a little bit more called the flick. You're going to flick across the front of your body with your right foot. It's flick, down, flick, down. Don't kick straight out in front. Okay? So kick across the front of your other leg. You're ready. That move again with your right foot. It's flick, down, flick, down. Let's put the two moves together. Are you ready from the start? One, two. Heel, toe, up, down. Heel, toe, up, down. Flick, down, flick, down. You've done the first two moves. Let's move on to the sachet. Now the sachet is starting off with your right foot. And it starts off right foot, behind, step, scoop. You do the same thing again with your left foot. It's left foot, behind, three, scoop. Let's go back to the start of that move. Now remember, you're in a big circle. The men will be on the inside. The ladies on the outside. So when you do this dance, you'll be going around in a circle. Let's try it again with your right foot in the sachet. It's right foot, lock behind, step, scoop. It's left foot, lock behind, step, scoop. That's easy. Let's put it all together from the beginning. Are you ready? Starting with your right heel. I'll count you in. One, two. It's heel, toe, up, down. Heel, toe, up, down. Heel, toe, up, down. Heel, toe, up, down. Heel, toe, up, down. Heel, toe, up, down. Heel, toe, up, down. Heel, toe, up, down. Heel, toe, up, down. Heel, toe, up, down. Heel, toe, up, down. Heel, toe, up, down. Flick, down. Flick, down. Sachet behind, three, scoop. Left foot behind, three, scoop. Let's do that move. I'll count you in. We'll put the three moves together. Are we ready? From the beginning. One, two, right foot. foot. Flick, flick, right foot, scoop, left foot. We've finished with our right foot like this. Now you turn to your left. At the same time, the man lets the ladies right hand go from behind the back. So you go one, two, three, four. Now if you look at that move again, you'll find that the left foot does not move. You're just moving the right foot. So it's one, two, twist on your left foot, three, four. At the same time, the hand will go over the man's head. Look at it again. With your right foot, it's one, two, three, four. And you'll end up in the position that you started with. Notice our right foot is back. We're ready for the next move. We're going to try that move again. You've finished off your sachet in this position. It's a left turn. It's one, two, three, four. Let's try that move again. Are you ready? Let's do it. You've finished in this position. Turning to your left and twisting on your left foot. It's right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot. Let's put those moves that you've learned so far together from the beginning and I'll count you in. One, two. Are we ready? From the beginning, one, two, heel, toe, up, down, flick, flick, right foot, scoop, left foot. Turn to your left. One, two, three, four. Now this is going to be the start of the next move. To make it easy for you to learn, we have to move back to the middle again. Are you ready? Let's do it. Now we're finished in this position. There's only one more move to go and that's when the lady moves from the partner she has now to her next partner. You ready? Let's do it. You've already done the move. It's a sachet but the lady claps after the first sachet. Starting with your right foot. Are you ready? It's right behind, three, clap. It's left behind, three, stand. Now you've got your hands in the position, ready for your next partner and John is waiting for his next lady. Let's do it all again. You ready? Let's do it. You've already done the move. It's a sachet but the lady claps after the first sachet. Starting with your right foot. Are you ready? It's right behind, three, clap. It's left behind, three, stand. Now you've got your hands in the position, ready for your next partner and John is waiting for his next lady. Let's do it. It is right, two, three, clap. It's left, two, three, stop. You're all ready for your next partner. Now that's the progressive hillbilly rock. Let's go right back to the start and do the whole move. Ready? Let's do it. Let's have a look at this dance from a different angle. Now we've taught you this as a progressive line dance but if there's only one or two couples we'll make it a partner line dance. Our dancers and ourselves will show you how to do it. We're going to show you another rock and roll line dance. Good old rock and roll, it will never die. This line dance is called rockaboogee. Let's do it. Two, three, clap. Now for your benefit we're going to turn our backs to you so we're all moving the same way. The rockaboogee starts off by using our right foot. You're going to do little flicks. This is how it goes. It goes kick, kick. Then you change. Kick, kick. Let's do it again. Using your right foot going kick, kick, down, kick, kick. The next follow on move is we're going to be swiveling to our right. So you've got to get up on the balls of your feet with your heels leading to the right like this. Twist, twist, twist, twist. Now reverse leading off on your heels. Twist, twist, twist. Together. The next move after this, you've done your kick, you've done your twist. We're going to do four heels moving forward. You're going to go right, down, left, down, right, down, left, down. Now let's put all those moves together from the start. Leading with your right foot. Kick, kick, kick, kick. To your right. Swivel, swivel, swivel, swivel. Going back. Swivel, swivel, swivel. Together. Right heel down, left heel down, right heel down, left heel down. Let's do it again. Leading with your right foot. Kick, kick, kick, kick. To your right. Swivel, swivel, swivel, swivel. Going back. Swivel, swivel, swivel. Together. Right heel down, left heel down, right heel down, left heel down. Now the next move after you've done your four heels is a shadow step. Just watch. It is one, cross, back, together, toe in. Forward, cross, back, together, toe in. Let's do it again. One, cross, back, together, toe in. Forward, cross, back, together, toe in. Now let's put all those moves together again right from the start. Are we ready with that? Two counting. One, two, kick, kick, kick, kick. Twisting to your right. Twist, twist, twist, twist to your left. Twist, twist, twist together. Right heel. Two, three, four. One, cross, back, together, toe in. One, cross, back, together, toe in. Let's do it again. One, two, kick, kick, kick, kick. Twisting to your right. Twist, twist, twist, twist to your left. Twist, twist, twist together. Right heel. Two, three, four. One, cross, back, together, toe in. One, cross, back, together, toe in. Now the next move from here, you are going to twist to the left. Starting off on the boards of your feet. You're going to go left, right, left, right, right, left, right, left. Let's do it again. Moving to the left. Left, right, left, right, right, left, right, stop. The next move now is with your right knee, you lift up, crossing to your left. You will go knee, knee, down to your right. Knee, knee, down. Let's do this one again. With your right knee, knee, knee, now left. Knee, knee. Now there's only one more step left in this move. With a four step around, pushing your toes in, turning, facing back the same way we started. Are we ready? One, two, three, four, then kicking back off again with your right foot. Let's do it again. One, two, three, four, then kicking back off again with your right foot. Now let's put all these moves together. On a two count, we will start. Are we ready? One, two, one, two, one, two, twisting to your right, twist, twist, twist, twist to your left, twist, twist, twist, and it's heel, heel, heel, heel. One, cross, three, together, toe, together. One, cross, three, together, toe, together. To your left, twist, twist, twist, twist to your right, twist, twist, twist, twist. Knee, knee, knee, knee. The four turn. One, two, three, four. Let's do it again. On a two count, we will start. Are we ready? One, two, one, two, twisting to your right, twist, twist, twist, twist to your left, twist, twist, twist, and it's heel, heel, heel, heel. One, cross, three, together, toe, together. One, cross, three, together, toe, together. To your left, twist, twist, twist, twist to your right, twist, twist, twist, twist. Knee, knee, knee. The four turn. As you're stepping around, do the heel rock and roll wide. Now, let's put this together to music. El, you follow. Now this next line dance is Boys from the Bush. Don't worry I'm not prejudiced, the girls can be in it as well. I'll show you how it's done. Now this next line dance is Boys from the Bush. We're going to show you how to do the Boys from the Bush line dance. So we're going to break it down into easy steps for you to learn. Notice how we've got our thumbs hooked in our belts? That's the country stance. So you're doing line dancing, this is what you do. Okay, let's turn around, we'll break down the steps to Boys from the Bush line dance. Now starting with our left foot, let's move across to the left. It's left foot, right foot in front, left foot, stand. Now this next move you swivel to the right. You will be swiveling on your right heel and the ball of your left foot. And another little thing to remember is keep your knees pressed back and your legs straight. Otherwise you'll find it a bit hard to do this move. Okay, swivel to your right. Right down, do the same thing to your left. Left down. Okay, let's run through that move again. Are we ready? Moving to the left with your left foot. It's left, right in front, left, stand. Push your knees back, down. Push your knees back, down. Once more. Moving to the left with your left foot. It's left in front, there, stand. Swivel down. Swivel down. The next part of this move is moving to your right. So move across with your right foot to your right side. It's right behind. Three, stand. Now we do the swivels again, but you swivel to your left. Swivel down. Swivel down. Let's do the move again. It's one thing to remember when you do these swivels, the foot that you stamp down is the way you turn. Are we ready? Moving to the right side again with your right foot. It's right foot, left behind, right foot, stamp. Swivel to your left. Swivel down. Push your knees back to the right, down. We're going to do that move again, but this time to finish it off, we're going to do a toe in at the end of that move. It's a simple toe in. We go back and we're going to move across to our right with our right foot. Right foot behind. Right foot, stamp. Swivel to your left. Down. Swivel to your right. Down, toe in. Righto? Let's put those two moves together. Are you ready? We're going to start off on our left foot and remember when you move across to the left, you stamp your right foot. That's the way we want you to swivel. When you come back and you stamp your left foot, it's to the left that you swivel. Are we ready? From the beginning, I'll count you in one, two, then we'll move into it. One, two. It's left in front. Stamp. Swivel to your right. To your left. Down. To your right. To your left. Push your knees back. Toe in. Now, the next part of this move is with your right foot. So it is right toe, slap in front. Left toe, slap back, down, toe in. Let's do that part again. Are you ready? Starting off with your right foot. Right foot. In front, slap. Put it down. Bring it to the back, slap. Down, toe in. Let's try the same moves with our left foot. Starting with your left toe. Left toe. In front. Left toe. Behind. Down. Toe in. Let's try that move again. Starting with your left toe. Left toe. In front. Left toe. Behind. Down. Toe in. Let's put those two moves together. Your right toe. Toe in. Then your left foot. Toe in. Are we ready? It's your right toe. Up. Down. Up. Down. Toe in. With your left foot. Up. Toe. Back. Down. Toe in. Let's try it again. It's your right toe. Up. Down. Up. Down. Toe in. With your left foot. Up. Toe. Back. Down. Toe in. Let's put those moves together that you've learned so far from the beginning. Are we ready? Starting off with your left foot. One. Two. One. In front. Same. Same. To your right. Down. To your left. Down. Right. Behind. Swivel to your left. Swivel to your right. Toe in. It's right toe. Behind. Toe in. Left toe. Down. Toe in. Let's run through that again. One. Two. One. In front. Same. To your right. Down. To your left. Down. Right. Behind. Swivel to your left. Swivel to your right. Toe in. It's right toe. Behind. Toe in. Left toe. Down. Toe in. We're going to move on to the next move. This move looks really good in country line dancing because that is what it's about. It's a lot of heel slapping and toe slapping. So we're going to step back on our right foot. Back. Slap your left heel. Step forward. Slap your heel at the back. Step back. Slap your left heel. Put your foot down and this is the position you finish in. Okay. Let's run through that again. Are you ready? Stepping back on your right foot. Right foot. Slap. Left foot. Slap. Right foot. Slap. Down. Now I think we better run through that move a couple of times. So we're going to step back on our right foot. Back. Slap your left heel. Step forward. Slap your heel at the back. Step back. Slap your left heel. Put your foot down and this is the position you finish in. Let's run through that again. Are you ready? Stepping back on your right foot. Right foot. Slap. Left foot. Slap. Right foot. Slap. Down. Now, are we ready? Let's put all those moves you've learnt so far together. I'll count you in. One, two. Then we'll move off to the left with our left foot. Let's do it. One, two. To the left. Turn. Turn. To the right. Turn. Turn. Toe in. Right foot. Toe in. Left foot. Back up. Left foot. Up. Now, let's move on to the next step. Now you've finished your last move in this position. Your weight is on your right foot, your left foot forward. We only have a little bit further to go and that's the end of our Boys From the Bush line dance. All you do now is transfer the weight to your left foot. You lock behind like that. It's step, scoop and turn to your left. Toe in. Let's do that part again. You've finished in this position with the weight on your right foot, your left foot forward. We do a lock with your right behind your left. Transfer your weight. It's lock. Step. Scoop with your right foot. Turn at the same time and toe in. Let's put all the moves you've learned so far together and that's the full moves to our line dance Boys From the Bush. We're starting from the beginning, moving to the left. Are you ready? I'll count you in. One, two and then we move. One, two. To the left, in front. Stamp. Press those knees back. To the right. Swivel. Swivel. Toe in. Right toe. Behind. Toe in. Left toe. Toe in. Now back up. Tap those heels. Forward. Lock. Swoop. Turn. Toe in. And you're ready to start again. Let's try it again. We're starting from the beginning, moving to the left. Are you ready? I'll count you in. One, two and then we move. One, two. To the left, in front. Stamp. Press those knees back. To the right. Swivel. Swivel. Toe in. Right toe. Behind. Toe in. Left toe. Toe in. Now back up. Tap those heels. Forward. Lock. Swoop. Turn. Toe in. You've learned all the moves to our line dance, boys from the bush. Let's put it to music. We're going to have to bop it up a bit though. Are we ready? One, two, three, four. Go. Yeah! Woohoo! Woohoo! Yeah! Woohoo! Woohoo! Woohoo! Looking good! Woohoo! Woohoo! Woohoo! Woohoo! Woohoo! Woohoo! Woohoo! Woohoo! Woohoo! Yeehaw! Yeehaw! Yeehaw! Yeehaw! Hurrah! Yeah! Woohoo! Woohoo! Yeehaw! Yeehaw! Yeehaw! Woohoo! Yeehaw! Woohoo! Yeehaw! Woohoo! Yeehaw! We're going to slow the pace down a little bit for our next line dance. It's called Slow Twisting. It's a rock and roll line dance. Okay? John and I are going to show you how it's done. For this line dance, both partners face one another. This is the stance. Like this. Leave yourself enough room between the partners so that you can do the moves. Now, every time we start off, we twist. And we twist to our right side. So we do the count of four is a twist. Goes like this. One, two. Twist, twist, twist, straighten. Now, if you've noticed, we've bent our knees. You try doing this move with your knees straight. It makes it a little bit hard. Okay, let's do that one again and you have a look. Keep your feet together and twist. Now, when you start off, you twist to your right so your heels go to the left. You ready? Let's start it. One, two. It's twist, twist, twist, straighten. You're ready to move on to the next move then. But let's run through it again just to make sure you've got it right. Are we ready? One, two. Twist, twist, twist, twist. Have you noticed that we did it on the balls of our feet? Otherwise, you can't do it. You ready? We'll move on to the next step. The next move is easy to do, starting with your right foot and on your right heel. Are you ready? It's heel, toe, heel. Up in front, flick it and down. You'll be doing the same move with your left foot, but we're going to do that move again. Are you ready? One, two. Heel, toe, heel. Up in front, flick it and down. Now we're going to try that same move with your left foot. Let's do it. It's left heel, toe, heel. In front, flick it and down. Right, let's put the whole lot together. From the start, I'll count you in. One, two. Remember, four twists and you twist to your right side. Every time we twist in this line dance, it's to your right side. You ready? One, two. It's twist, twist, twist, twist. Heel, toe, heel. Up in front, flick it and down. Left foot, toe, heel. Up, flick it and down. Stop there, then we'll move on to the next move. But let's try all that again. Are you ready to go? One, two. It's twist, twist, twist, twist. Heel, toe, heel. Up in front, flick it and down. Left foot, toe, heel. Up, flick it and down. Stop there, then we'll move on to the next move. Now the next move, starting with your right foot. Now this is why we've got the space between us. If you don't leave that space, you're going to collide in the middle. So starting with your right foot, you're putting your right toe out. To the side, in front. To the left side, in front. Now you've got to go back. So your right foot out, come back. Your left foot together and twist, twist, twist, straighten. Let's do this move again with your right foot and in front. Don't take big steps because you haven't got the room to do it. Are you ready? With your right foot. Right foot out, in front. Left foot, in front. Right foot back. Left foot together and twist, twist, twist, straighten. Okay, let's put those couple of moves together. Are you ready? We're going to do the twist, twist, twist and we're going to do the walk-in. Are we ready? Twisting to your right. And I'll count you in. One, two. One, two. It's twist, twist, twist, straighten. Right foot in front. Left foot in front. Right foot back. Left foot together and twist, twist, twist, straighten. We're going to join those moves together. You're facing your partner and we'll go right from the start. I'll count you in and we're ready. One, two. It's twist, twist, twist, straighten. Right foot, toe, heel, up, flick it down. Left, heel, up, flick it down and twist, twist, twist, straighten. It's right foot in front. Left foot in front. Right foot back. Left foot together and twist, twist, twist, straighten. We're going to have a look at that again. One, two. It's twist, twist, twist, straighten. Right foot, toe, heel, up, flick it down. Left, heel, up, flick it down and twist, twist, twist, straighten. It's right foot in front. Left foot in front. Right foot back. Left foot together and twist, twist, twist, straighten. We're going to slide to the right on the next move. We're going to slide, two, three, clap, turn and slide back the other way. Now remember you're going to your right side. Let's do it. It's one, two, three, clap, turn to your left. Slide, two, three, clap. Let's do it again. Turn to your right side and slide. Drag the other foot if you have to. Ready? It's slide, two, three, clap, turn to your left. Slide, two, three, clap. We're going to join those moves together again including the slide. So from the start, one, two, twist. Right heel, flick it. Left heel, flick it. Twist, twist, twist, twist. Right foot, left foot, go back. Together, twist, twist, twist, straighten and slide. And slide. On to the next move. Now the next kicks are done with both people having their hands behind their back. And it's called the kick steps. Now when you do this move, don't jump please. Could you imagine when I do this move if I'm hopping around? So just watch it. It is kick, two, three. Kick, two, three. It's simply a change of weight. Don't do this. Okay, we want to keep it smooth. So this is how it's done. It's kick, change your weight. Kick, two, three. We add a little bit more to that where you turn around. And if you watch this move, the left foot does not move off the spot. So it is from your kick, it goes kick, two, three. Kick, two, three. Now turn. It's one, two, three, four. Now if you've noticed what I said, your left foot does not move. It stays on the spot. You just swivel on the ball of your foot. Let's have a look at those moves again. It's kick, two, three. Kick, two, three. Now turn around, but remember, don't move your left foot. Only swivel on the ball of your left foot. So go one, turn your backs to each other, two, three, four. Now you've finished your last move in this position. We're going to sachet across to the right side of your partner and go to the other side. Starting with your right foot, are we ready? It's right lock behind, tap. Left lock behind, tap. Kick, two, three. Kick, two, three. Turn and face your partner, and you're ready to start again. Let's do it again. One, two. Right lock behind, tap. Left lock behind, tap. Kick, two, three. Kick, two, three. Turn and face your partner, and you're ready to start again. Now let's try all those moves together. One, two, twist, right heel. Flick it down, left heel. Flick it down and twist, twist, twist, straighten. Right foot, left foot, right foot. Together, twist, twist, twist, straighten, slide. Slide back. Kick, two, three. Put your hands behind your back. One, two, three, four. Sachet. Left, two, three, tap. Kick, two, three. Kick, two, three. One, two, three, four. And you're ready to start again. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Kick, two, three, four. Kick, two, three, four. Kick, two, three, four. Kick, two, three, four. Kick, two, three, four. Kick, two, three, four. Now this line dance is a Caribbean. You thought the others were fun. This one is no different. I'll show you how it's done. Now this progressive Caribbean line dance, as John said, is a lot of fun. The ladies start off this one, and when we say wriggle, we mean wriggle. So the ladies start off with their right foot, and they'll be tapping their right heel. So it is one, two, three, four. Turn to the left with your left heel. One, two, three, four. Now there's nothing more easier than that. Okay, let's try it again, and then we'll move on to the next part. With your feet together is how you start. Then tap with your right heel. One, two, three, four. Turn to your left. One, two, three, four. Now wriggle four times, starting to the left. One, two, three, four. That's easy, but let's run it over again. You're ready? With your right heel. One, two, three, four. With your left heel. One, two, three, four. Wriggle, wriggle, wriggle, wriggle. Then we stand there and look pretty. Put the hands on the hips and watch the guys wriggle. Now you cowboys, we can do it just as good as the little cowgirls here. We will start off with our right foot tapping with the heel. We're going to go one, two, three, four with the left. One, two, three, four. Now we will also wiggle with our hips kicking off with the left. One, two, three, four. Now that was easy. Let's just try it once more, starting off with our right foot. One, two, three, four. Left, two, three, four. Left, right, left, right. Now that was just so easy. The next thing to add on to this, we're going to be tilting our hats, but we're going to lean into each other. Just watch. We're going to lean in. We're going to tilt, tap, come back, tap, lean in. Tilt the hat, tap, come back, tap. Okay, let's do it once more. We both lean into each other. We lean in, tilt the hat, tap, come back, tap, lean in, tap, back, tap. Now let's hook those two moves together. The little cowgirl will start first, followed by us. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Guys, two, three, four. Left, two, three, four. Left, right, left, right. Tilt-in, back, tap. Tilt, in, back, tap. Now let's do this once again, we'll tie it all together. But just remember, when we lean into each other, we both head to our left sides. Are we ready? One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. To the left, right, left, right. Men, two, three, four. Left, two, three, four. Left, right, left, right. Tilt, back, tap, in, tap, back. Now it wasn't that easy. The next section of this move is, will we do our roll turns to the right. The lady will spin to her right, the man will spin to his right. They are three turns with a clap on the end. This is how it goes. One, two, one, two, three, clap. One, two, three, clap. See what I mean? Real easy. Let's do it once more. One, two, one, two, three, clap. One, two, three, clap. Now let's put all those moves we've learned together. I'll count you in. One, two, before we start. One, two, one, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Left, right, left, right. Men, one, two, three, four. Left, two, three, four. Left, right, left, right. Step in, tap, back, tap, in, tap, back, tap. Tap, tap, tap. Roll turn. One, two, three, clap. Left, two, three, clap. The next move we're going to do now is we're going to take four steps back with a clap and come in four steps back in again, finishing onto a handshake. This is how it goes. One, two, one, two, three, clap. One, two, three, and you finish on your handshake. Our next lead on from here is after our handshake, we are going to go one, two, three, four. Now we've done our four handshakes, and we will go back on our left foot. We'll go one, two, three, four, five. Change, one, two, three, four, five, six. Let's try it once more. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four, five. Change, one, two, three, four, five, six. Now for our last move, the lady will step back on her right foot. The man will step back on his left foot. This is how it goes. One, two, one, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Notice how the man went straight back and straight forward to his own position. The lady went into a V-shape. She went back and moved on to her next partner, hence the progressive dance. She really was quite nice in the paradise that I lived in the sea. To find a friendly face amongst a different race, she sold company. A dance she did despite the heat of her night, really made us warm from the heart. So we lived disco cause we were quite disposed to take a lift to the 14th floor. The sun was shining, it was hot, it gave us all the sky. It wasn't time to jump on the shop. When the bombs were swinging, the girls were singing, it's time to get on out. Well, it was the dark of the 14th floor, the candles were glowing. It took us back an hour to have a shower, doing everything we saw. It was all in your life, it was out of sight, time was waiting for. So we waited out so we could sing in the shower, and back to the floor. The sun was shining, it was hot, it gave us all the sky. It wasn't time to jump on the shop. When the bombs were swinging, the girls were singing, it was time to get on out. The problem was you see the red sky, it wasn't time to jump on the shop. When fighting the swaying of the girls and singing there's time to get on out. The problem was you see it just keep샛the wind getting paid. That is why we were drinking fine Didn't know the story we said Being far apart though we had to start Alotting in love and I And the words she said still linger in my head And I still wonder why The sun was shining, the sun was shining Thanks for watching!