Listen to the heartbeat of America Listen to the heartbeat of America Listen to the heartbeat of America It's the season in the air The color of open space On the lake, magic place Feel the heartbeat of America When your heart beats for the great outdoors, see your Chevy dealer where you'll find over 90 different ways to enjoy it all. On the heartbeat of America That's today's Chevy truck. Welcome to the Sportsman's Workshop Brought to you by the Heartbeat of America Today's Chevy Truck Okay kids, we're going to have your attention for a minute We're going to spend a few minutes here talking about fishing, about some instructional methods then we're going to give you some individual casting instruction and then we're going to move over to the pond and we're actually going to go fishing and we hope we're all going to catch a bunch of fish We've got some people helping us and I want to introduce them to you First we have a Mr. Doug Harbor Doug has been fishing and hunting all of his life, avid fisherman and he's going to help some of you kids when we single off into little groups now Doug, I'd like for you to stand up and let the kids see you Okay, there you go Next we have a Mr. Gary Klein Gary is from California, been hunting and fishing I guess since he was four or five years old, all of his life Grew up with a rod and reel in his hand He is a national professional bass fishing champion Gary is sponsored on the pro staff of the Zebco and Zebco, as you see, has put all these rods and reels here for us to use today Gary, come on down here We've got a pretty good shore ahead of us today with these kids and I think, you know, with you and I and Doug I think we're going to be able to really help these kids I think there's a few things that the kids need to know before we put the rods in their hands and send them off to the pond to go fishing and one of the things, I think one of the important things is to watch littering Now, when we give you kids these rods we don't ever want you to litter wherever you go fishing whether it's a public lake, a pay lake, or a big private pond on a friend's farm, something like that Don't ever take anything out and leave trash laying around the lake And when we get through here and you get these rods and reels and you take them out of the packaging be sure and take all the paper and the trash and put it in the back of the pickup truck Now Gary, what do you think is another thing that's really important as far as when these kids go out fishing? Well Roger, one thing that we might want to add is safety Safety is something that we should always be thinking about One thing today, we're going to be fishing with a lot of live bait We're also going to be using some artificial lures So kids, we have to be real careful when we're casting Be aware of who's behind you and how you're flinging your outfits out there because those hooks are sharp and what they get caught in, they hurt They're awful, awful painful And let's not forget, probably the most important thing I don't care how good a swimmer you are You can't swim if you're knocked out And when you're fishing around a pond And remember, some of the best fishing you can find is real close to your house A little farm pond Everyone that lives in the big city can't fish a little farm pond because it's on private property So if you've got a friend that's got a farm pond you can probably catch all the fish you want right there But try to remember this Even if you're a good swimmer When you go fishing, always go fishing with a buddy A friend, a parent Fish with someone else And wear a life jacket Especially if you're around a river where there's current Or if you're someplace where you're in a boat Or you're on a bank that's rather steep Anything like that Because if you fall in the water You just see it every day in the paper Extremely dangerous to be around the water without a life jacket on Something else, Roger, that I might add Is that every time you go fishing or you plan an outing Be sure that somebody knows where you're going And what time you do back in That's important Let someone know where you're going And when you're going to come back Now, as we finish these things We're going to move to another area A little ways And we're going to break you up into groups For some individualized casting instruction As Gary mentioned, it's very important That you learn how to cast correctly And that's what Gary and myself and Doug are going to do Is show you the proper way If you learn right Then you've got it right the first time Practice doesn't make perfect Practice makes permanent Perfect practice makes perfect Okay, now I want you kids to come down here And each of you get a rod and reel And take it out of the packaging Put it in the truck Let's go for it Let's go Okay, Lindsay This is the rod that you're going to be using today It's a push button or a closed face spinning outfit And the first thing we have to do is put the reel on the rod Which you see we've already done And then put the fishing rod together Slide it together Make sure that the guides of the rod are lined up Once you've got that done Then you push this button back here To release the line You take the end of the line Into this line here Thread it out through the guides You have to come all the way out Make sure not to get around behind the rod Or to get it all wrapped up As you thread the line through the guides Okay, we'll get out here to the end Okay Now that we've got the line threaded through the guides Twist the reel handle so the line doesn't go any farther See, now the line is tight Okay, next thing to do before we go fishing Is to set the drag on the reel Now this is important because If a fish is big and he goes to make a run away from you If you don't have your drag set right He'll break the line And once the fish breaks the line You don't have any chance of catching him So you set the drag to where your line will strip off of the reel Just before it breaks Now if you set this little twist button right here You'll see it says drag plus and minus Okay, that was a little bit loose So let's put a little more drag on it Okay Make it a little tighter That's a little bit Try it again, let's see here A little bit more See, that's tight That's plenty tight enough to set the hook Which is what you need But loose enough that it will strip before the fish breaks your line Okay Understand it so far? Yes Now we need to take We need to get some fishing lures And we'll show you how to tie a lure on And then we're going to show you how to cast I'm going to show you a little trick before we do that though Okay Lots of times when I've been fishing I'll find my line kind of like this After I get it all rigged up I'll notice that I've got a loop around the rod You see how I've got a loop The line is looped around the rod there Now if you've got a fishing lure tied on you see that What most people think you have to take the fishing lure off And pull the line all the way back through the guides And loosen, unwrap it You don't have to do that If you just pull the line up like this Over the back of the rod Like that Now let me show you Pull it back tight See there, the loop is gone And that will work for you if you've got a loop around here If it's looped around the rod from here to here You can just take the line and pull it over the end of the rod And pull it back through just like you do on this end of the rod And you just have to think about it Which way is it wrapped around That's the way I want to unwrap it But I have to take it around the end of the rod to do it Okay? Any of you have any questions on what we've done so far? Do you understand it so far? The next thing we need to show you is how to make a cast And this is where most people make a lot of mistakes When they first start fishing Is they want to go sidearm And it's really dangerous You've got to learn how to cast the correct way at first The first thing you need to do is hold the rod correctly Make sure each of you have a finger One finger behind that trigger That keeps the rod from being jerked out of your hand if a fish hits Or if your hand is slick and you make a cast So always keep one finger behind that trigger Okay? Step number two Put your thumb lightly on the button Don't push it hard Just lightly for now So you've got the right position Then hold your rod right out in front of you All of you Okay? Now you'll notice that if you lift your rod up You can't lift it very far That's because your wrist doesn't break very far this way But put them back down now If you turn your hand over to where your palm is facing the ground All of you With your palm facing the ground Now lift your rod back See how far you can come back over? Okay Now that we've got that much I'm going to make this back and forth easy a few times Now Now that you've got that Bring your elbow in to your side Hold it kind of in close here It's just a wrist action And don't be afraid to go back a long ways with that back cast Okay? Back and forward And you know we're standing about shoulder to shoulder here And I don't hear any rods clicking together So I guess we must be making the fault cast right Okay We got that much done The next thing we need to do is show you how to set that drag Remember? You don't want that fish to break the line We might have been through this But I'm going to make sure all of you have your drag set right Okay? Pull that line out Wind it up a little bit If it feels real loose Tighten your drag There's a little button right here on top or on the side Depending on your reel Makes it tighter or looser You don't want to be able to jerk it like that And break the line Because that means a fish could break the line But you don't want it real loose Because you need enough A tight enough drag To make sure that the hook gets set When you jerk and set the hook Got that much done? Okay now Now that we've got this much done The actual cast And we're going to let Gary Show you how to tie the lures on And let you determine what you're going to fish with But the actual cast is made by Pretending that we have a lure tied on We're doing this now so no one gets Hooks down in the grass and so forth When you have your arm out in front of you here With it kind of up against your side Push the button in and hold it Okay? Have your wrist turned over a little bit like that All of your wrists turned down Now when you make the cast Make sure that even if you're casting into an open pond Make sure you have something that you're throwing at Don't just throw at the water Look at a spot and try to hit that See how close you can come to that spot you look at You come back Straight And forward and release it as soon as you start forward That's it Now two things will happen The first thing will happen You'll come back And you'll go forward and your lure will hit the ground behind you That means you let your thumb off the button too soon The other thing that happens You'll be out here like this You'll come back And you'll go forward And the lure will hit the ground right here in front of you It means you held your thumb on the button too long It takes a little bit of timing A little bit of practice But pretty soon you'll find that you'll come back And forward and release at the right time And your lure will just shoot out there Then you've done it right One other thing we need to talk about is the fact that You all are the oldest of the group of kids that are here today And most of you have a hand and a wrist That's physically big enough and strong enough To handle with one hand However, if you feel comfortable using two hands to make a cast You will see Roland Martin and Gary Klein and some of the other guys On occasion using two hands to cast The two handed casting method Does not mean that you're not a good fisherman I learned when I was a youngster to fish By fishing with two hands Because my hands were so little That I had to And I learned by this, like this I put my left hand in front Now I'm left handed If you're right handed you would reverse this I put my left hand in front My right hand in back And I came over my left shoulder And cast like that Now if you're right handed it would be just the opposite It would be your left hand back Your right hand in front And you would come over your right shoulder and throw If you feel more comfortable doing that Then you can go ahead and learn that way Eventually you'll get to where you use one hand Let's get Gary Klein in here With his group of people And we'll let him show you how to tie your knot And a knot is probably the most important thing That we can teach you today If you don't come away from here with anything Come away from here with a knot That you can tie consistently The knot is the weakest part of your fishing tackle It needs to be done the best Okay thank you very much Roger Well kids what we're going to cover here Is we're going to cover how to tie A hook on the end of our lines okay And that way those big fish aren't going to break our lines Or pull our hooks off hopefully And the knot that I use is just a real simple basic knot We call it a palomar knot okay Some of you all have casting plugs and stuff here in your hands And maybe just try to follow me as I tie this All we're simply going to do is take the end of our fishing line And go back through the eye of the hook Or the artificial lure that we're going to be using We actually want to go back through the eye twice okay So bring it back through once Bring it back through twice Now what we're going to do Is we're just going to do like a basic overhand knot If I can do this here real quick And we're going to loop it back through And we're going to have our hook hanging like this With our loop up here And we're going to reach back through Grab a hold of the hook And pull everything down real nice Smooth and easy And we're going to form what they call the palomar knot Which is a very strong knot Okay and it's a real easy knot to do You have to spend a little bit of time practicing with it It took me quite a long time too But whenever you come home from school After you do your homework and stuff Just sit down and practice that knot a little bit Before you go out and practice your casting Okay now what I'm going to rig up here Is probably the rig that I'm going to end up fishing with And I'm just going to fish with a bobber A split shot And I'm probably going to find me one of those nice lively red worms And the bass and the crappie and the bluegill That's out here in the pond You usually can't resist that What I'm going to do is I'm going to take a little split shot And I'm just going to put it up about 12 to 14 inches from the hook Squeeze it shut Okay And then just up a little bit above that I'm just going to put myself a little tiny bobber Now this bobber here is just going to float My live red worm Above the grass out there And above the bottom, keep it up off the bottom And while I'm sitting here talking to everybody And watching everybody else catch fish I'm going to keep my eye on my bobber too And when it goes under There's something tugging on the other end And hopefully it's going to be a big old fish And I'm going to be able to reel him in with my Mickey Mouse rod here Don't laugh, okay I'm going to catch me a nice fish on my Mickey Mouse rod Everybody ready to go fishing? Yeah Oh Oh These kids faces It's really a sight to behold The expressions it's genuine. You can tell they're really excited. They're really having a good time I just can't impress upon myself how important it is to To take a youngster and see him catch that first fish It's an expression that that'll stay with you the rest of your life. I Can I can almost close my eyes and remember back when I started fishing it seemed like It was so important every fish like it was the only fish. I was ever gonna catch and I was Interested I guess from the time I Put my first hook in the water Until today I still maintain that enthusiasm and I can see some of these kids have that same type of enthusiasm that I had When I first started fishing that's something that will grow within the rest of their life and Today we are really starting some new lifetime hobbies for some of these youngsters and most of these Kids today as you look out here, you would expect you to be all boys, but it's just pretty much the opposite I think probably of the 15 or 20 kids here. We've got today. I Imagine 15 or so of them are girls. It's strictly not a boys sport That's for sure and they don't mind putting the worm on the hook that surprised me this morning when we first started out They just dug right into those boxes and pull the worms out and started putting them on the hooks as a matter of fact I think the only one of the whole group that was a little bit reluctant to put a worm on the hook was one of the boys so The girls are into this as much as the boys are that's for sure You want me to show you how to take it off the hook Okay, here you go. You trust me, huh? Let me see. Let me see this hand. Give me this hand Okay, now take I'm gonna hold him so he can't get you Trust me. It'd be okay. Put your thumb put your thumb right there. Now. See he can't move when you do that Okay, now put your thumb right there on his lip and put your other finger down below put your thumb in his mouth Okay, now pinch now. I'm gonna let now push down hard with your thumb. He can't bite you Okay, no, no, not on the hook. Get your get your hump thumb off to the side Okay, get your thumb off to no get it in his mouth a little farther Now push now hold on hold on to him hold on to him now, I'm gonna let go there you go Now hold him up so he can take a picture. There you go Okay, now we're gonna take the hook off Now I want you to do this I want you to give me your pole Give me your pole. Okay. Now take put your thumb in his mouth again, like I showed you They pinch down hard Hold on to him now take the hook with your other hand and pull the hook out backwards. Can you do it? Just shake that hook backwards Hold on tight. Oh Tight in here I'll give you I'll help you a little bit. There you go, huh? How's that now? What do you want to do? You want to keep anyone throwing back? Most of the kids today are fishing with live worms but I see a few of the youngsters are starting to pick up some of the artificial lures we've got and Tie them on and I think maybe it'd be interesting to go to Gary now and let him talk to us a little bit about a selection of artificial lures Remember that not only can you catch a lot of fish out of farm ponds and little lakes and stuff on live bait like night crawlers and red worms but artificial is also an awful exciting way to fish and Really the artificial baits that we make today just copy Mother Nature's creatures like this little jitterbug It's supposed to look like a little frog gurgling across the surface Old plastic worm, you know, it doesn't look like one of the real ones But it wiggles in the water pretty good and these lures that we use Primarily for largemouth bass and they really add an awful lot of excitement to your fishing and you can catch them awful big fish We have some chugger type baits too and these chugger type baits you can catch some large fish not only bass but actually a whole variety of Sizes and different species and stuff But anyhow artificial lures you need to learn how to fish them because you can catch fish all year long cold water warm water and then clear water and in dirty water and don't be afraid to buy something that looks kind of Ugly-looking or different something that you've never seen before because bass like Stuff that that moves the water and gurgles and makes bubbles and wiggles kind of weird But like this buzzbait right here I've caught a lot of big bass on ponds fishing with this type of a buzzbait and You want to fish it on pretty heavy line like these outfish that we're catching bluegill on here We're using eight pound test line when I fish a buzzbait I like to use 15 or 20 pound test line on a level wind reel or even on some of the spin casting reels But a buzzbaits awful fun because you can watch the fish strike the lure and you catch a lot of big fish on that And the same thing with a spinner bait with these bright orange blades in the white skirt It's real visible right underneath the surface So when you cast around the stumps and the logs and the bushes and you're bringing it right by the cover You can actually see the fish come out and grab the lure And that's what makes my fishing an awful lot of fun for me is I get to see the fish and that really gets you excited and keeps you going Another lure that we use an awful lot Especially on lakes is like a little plastic worm or a grub and we usually throw this on six and eight pound test line We can fish it in real shallow water We can fish it in real deep water to we catch a lot of smallmouth bass on it Spotted bass and largemouth bass so a little grub like this works pretty good at sometimes also And probably the last but not least is a crankbait a crankbait is something that almost everybody has and it's easy to fish with Almost everybody has a crankbait in their tackle box All you have to do is tie it on cast it out and just reel it in But remember that the fish is usually swimming behind the lure or he's pretty close to it So what you want to try to do with your crankbait is always deflected off of some type of an object So don't be afraid to bang it into a piling Knock it off the rocks reel it right into the cover Because the bass is usually sitting there ready to ambush his prey and when this little crankbait comes Wiggling by like this and it hits a branch or something and it gets deflected that makes it looks like it's wounded And that's usually when the fish will grab it. So Artificial lures is an awful exciting way to fish Prior to on in the Chevrolet I had a Ford well I switched to the Chevy because I like the look better than the Ford I found out that they had completely redid the truck. You need a four-wheel drive truck You don't want to have to get out and lock your wheels in if you want to go into four-wheel drive You can just shift into it. This Chevrolet truck is the best vehicle I have ever owned If you don't believe it just go out and try it yourself We started out fishing this morning at the upper end of the pond in the shallow water and It was a little bit muddy up there And as you can see we've moved down to the dock area now and this is something that you'll notice when you take kids fishing To a pond if there is a dock on it that may be about the only cover in that pond that means that the fish in that area in that little pond itself will migrate to that dock because that might be the biggest source of cover and That'll be the best place to fish We mentioned earlier today about the importance and the necessity of children wearing life jackets whenever they're around the water We don't have the jackets on the children today But we have a lot of adult supervision here and the water around the dock is only a couple of feet deep Certainly if we were in a situation where there was any danger at all we would have had life jackets on them When you take youngsters fishing They certainly don't have the attention span that an adult has Don't try to rush them. Don't try to push them when you take them fishing. Just let them do it at their own pace You can probably maintain their interest span by taking them someplace Where you know, there's a good population of fish as long as there's something pulling on the other end of their line Those kids will stay interested for a long period of time Oh Look at here. We got a good one. Look at this. Oh, look at that fish. Not a good one. Oh That's a nice bass Let's get him over here. I'm gonna reach down here and see if I can get a hold of him Oh, okay. Okay. Oh Boy ain't that pretty huh? Oh That's a nice bass He'll weigh about two and a half pounds good eating fish Get that lure out of his mouth Look at that little lure You know, I guess maybe I fished all over the United States and I probably fished with almost every lure that's ever been made And as far as I'm concerned, they just don't make him any better than that. Mr That'll catch all kinds of fish all over the country all the time I'll tell you what that's a nice fish. We're gonna keep that one. That'll make good supper. Don't you think okay? You want to take him and we'll take him over there Can you carry him over there and put him in that live well for us? Yeah, there you go. Get a hold of him right there. Take him over that live well and put him away Well, there's one right there you got him. All right, go ahead real is he still on there You know folks Zepcos been around since 1949 and you know I haven't been around quite that long But I got my start and bass or actually in bass fishing at a real young age But I started out catching bluegills little panfish like this and my first rod and reel combo that my parents ever bought for me Was a little Zepco 33 and I know that I caught an awful lot of fish on it but folks what I'm saying is take your kids out fishing get them out in the Afternoons and if you can't take them a little private pond or a public pond or a creek or something Just get them in the outdoors take them fishing and get them hooked on a very neat sport Fishing and thanks to Zepco. I think there's going to be many more young fishermen coming up here in the future You know Doug you've been out here with us all day just slaving away And I noticed that you haven't been up in the foreground very much But you've always been with a kid helping them. What what can you say about today? Well, I'll tell you the whole name of the game is get every one of these little ones to catch a fish and this was My ultimate goal Brandy's. What are you three years old? Yep, and by golly she caught two or three fish today. All right. We had a good time Brandy You want to come back out here and do it again? Okay, yeah, we're really proud of you Tomorrow This is what it's all about for my money. It just don't get any better than this Remember this when you get a chance Take a kid and take a fish You You You