Hello, I'm the video professor, and you are about to learn software by means of a creative new concept in the computer industry. I'll take you step by step through learning your new software package. On the screen now are some other tapes available in my series. With them, you can watch and learn at your own speed, stop and practice any time you want and review topics you don't understand. I suggest that you view each tape in its entirety, then go back through the lesson with your computer and your software and practice each step. All of my tapes are designed to get you up and running quickly. Once you have viewed and practiced everything that is on these tapes, I think you'll find your software manual much easier to understand. And now, let's get started. Welcome to my introductory tape on WordPerfect 5.1, one of the country's most popular word processing software programs. Whether you are a word processor needing a user-friendly system for letters and memos or a power user working with newsletters, scripts and wraparound graphics, you'll be delighted with WordPerfect's efficiency and versatility. During the next hour, we'll guide you through installing software and printer files. You'll learn basic WordPerfect word processing, including editing a document, moving text, spell check, thesaurus, reveal codes, saving and printing, simple file management, using the mouse and much, much more. Before we get started, I'd like you to meet my student helper, Linda. Are you ready to get started, Linda? Hello, professor. I'm ready. Good. Then let's begin. WordPerfect 5.1 needs a minimum of 512 kilobytes of free random access memory to operate. This means that you need at least 640 kilobytes of total RAM to operate WordPerfect 5.1 and two and a half megabytes of hard disk space for the program and files and for this lesson a mouse, although it is not required to operate WordPerfect 5.1. Here is what you'll need, your WordPerfect 5.1 diskettes. There are 11 or more, depending on the number sent to you for multiple printer usage, enough blank formatted disks for backup copies and your 5.1 template. To make backup copies of your WordPerfect 5.1 diskettes, use the disk copy command from DOS. It is always a good idea to make backup copies of your original disk and to properly label and use your copies. If you have two floppy disk drives, the command is disk copy space A colon space B colon. If you have only one floppy disk drive, the command is disk copy space A colon space A colon. In either case, when the disk copy command is finished, it will ask you if you wish to copy another disk. Enter yes until all the disks are copied. For this lesson, we will be demonstrating primarily with a mouse. If you don't have a mouse, we'll also be demonstrating how to achieve the same results using the function and arrow keys. Position the keyboard template over the function keys. Each function key has four different options that are selected by pressing the function key alone or in combination with the control, shift, or alt key. The template is color coded to tell you which key to use for what. For example, red means you press the F4 and control key to move text. Green goes with the shift key to indent text from the left and right. Blue uses the alt key combination to block text and F4 alone is used to indent text from the left. One helpful key I'd like to point out here is the F1 cancel key. F1 cancels an operation you may have selected by mistake. If you select a function and realize that's not what you wanted, the F1 cancel key will cancel that operation and return you to the previous screen. Pressing the right mouse button does the same as pressing the F1 cancel key. Okay, let's install WordPerfect. You'll install WordPerfect onto your hard disk by putting the install learn utilities one disk in drive A and make drive A the default drive by typing A colon and pressing enter. Type install and press enter. After the install program has loaded, you will be presented with the install procedures in the order that they should be performed. WordPerfect has already selected the drive and path name for WordPerfect to be installed to. If this is not where you want these files to go, then press the number one and you may change the drive and path name specifications of WordPerfect. If this subdirectory does not exist, then WordPerfect will create it. With that finished, move on to each procedure and follow the screen prompts. WordPerfect has made it as easy as possible to install. If there are any changes needed in your config.sys or your autoexec.bat files, WordPerfect will prompt you concerning this and ask you if you would like it changed. WordPerfect will then update these files so that it can run properly. When you come to the printer installation procedure, WordPerfect has outdone themselves in printer selections. Find your printer from the extensive list and select it. WordPerfect will ask you if you want to install another printer. If you have more than one printer connected to your computer, then go ahead and select another. Pause or stop the tape to get this accomplished. WordPerfect automatically detects the presence of a mouse driver and will engage the mouse system. With all of that finished, let's start WordPerfect. Type CD WP51 and press enter. Now type WP and press enter. Okay, now let's talk about the mouse. A mouse is an input device with two buttons. We'll call the left button button number one and the right button button number two. As the mouse is moved around on your tabletop, notice that the little rectangle called a pointer moves in unison with the movement of the mouse. This is one of the ways to manipulate text and use the pull down menus and select options from the many menus WordPerfect provides. The left button is the action button. It will move the cursor, block text, and select items. The right button is for activating the menu system. The three basic actions with the mouse are click, double click, and click and drag. In all these cases, button one is the action button. As you can see, the click action is a simple press and a release of the button. The double click is used to confirm a selection instead of pressing enter in some cases. When these types of situations come up, we will inform you of them. The click and drag is used for marking text and turns on the block feature of WordPerfect. The action is to press button number one, the left button, and hold it down and drag the cursor to the desired place in the document and release the button. You may then choose any of the many text editing features of WordPerfect and apply it to the selected text. Linda to get to the menu, simply press button number two and release it. To call up this menu with the keyboard, hold down the alt key and press the equal key. The menu then appears at the top of the screen with all of the features that are available by using the function keys. The wonderful part is that you no longer have to remember all the function key strokes to accomplish your task in WordPerfect 5.1. With the menu on the screen, we see nine pull down menu selections to choose from. They are file, edit, search, layout, mark, tools, font, graphics, and help. Linda move your mouse pointer to file and hold down the mouse button. As each selection is highlighted, a box appears below filled with other choices. The little arrow to the right of a choice is there to let you know that if you select this choice, another menu will appear with still more choices. Linda hold down the left mouse button and notice it highlights different menu items as you glide it along. There are two ways to select options from a menu using the mouse. First, just click on the menu of your choice and then click on the selection of your choice. Second, put the mouse pointer on the menu of your choice, hold button one down, and glide the mouse cursor down the selections. When you have the highlight on the selection you want, simply release the mouse button to engage it. We will cover some of these menus and their choices in this lesson. In WordPerfect the mouse pointer does not appear until you move the mouse and when you are finished using the mouse and start typing, the mouse pointer disappears. Linda press alt and the equal sign to bring up the menu. There are two ways to select items with the keyboard. Use the right and left arrow keys to highlight options from the menu bar. Pressing the down arrow or highlighted letter in the word will display the pull down menu. Use your arrow and enter keys to highlight and select options or simply press the highlighted letter like P for printing. Every menu selection has an alternate function key command that invokes the same commands as the pull down menus. Linda, move your pointer over to the help menu and click. Now click on index. You are given access to an alphabetical listing of all of the keystroke commands available in WordPerfect 5.1. Another way to access the help screens is to press F3. Here everyone needs to use the keyboard. Pressing the first letter of the function you need help with brings up that screen. Press the letter V Linda and the screen moves to the commands that start with the letter V. Now press the letter B and the screen moves to the commands that start with the letter B. Notice at the bottom of the screen where it says more, press B to continue. This is to let you know that there is more to see in the B section of the index. To see the next screen of B's, press a lowercase B. The index shows you the name of the command and its key sequence to execute that command or function. Take some time to explore the index at your leisure and discover the many possibilities WordPerfect offers you. There are three ways to leave the help index. You can press the space bar, enter, or you can press the right mouse button. Anyone will take you back to the document screen. Go ahead and do that now. Now Linda, press button number two and pull down the file menu and select print. Each part of WordPerfect is menu driven, so expect many menus like this, each with several choices. Again, WordPerfect offers several ways to choose a function. To print the full document, you can click on it with the mouse, press number one, or press F, the highlighted letter here. We'll primarily be using the mouse, but feel free to choose options the way you're most comfortable with. Our letter F is set in the boldface style. Don't be concerned if yours looks different. Yours may be a different color or underline depending on your computer system. To print on an alternative printer from the Shift F7 print menu, call up the select menu, click on that printer, then click on select. By the way, 5.1's intelligent printing means that if you switch points or character styles, the system will print the same document with automatic font changes. You'll be able to print on different printers with great results. After selecting printers, print the printer.tst file located on your hard drive to make sure that everything works correctly. Select print from the file menu and click on three for document on disk. Type printer.tst and press enter to start printing. To the prompt pages, press enter for all. If the printer that is selected does not match the printer format of the document being printed, WordPerfect will ask you if you want to continue. Press Y for yes and WordPerfect reformats the document for the printer before printing. WordPerfect's test document will give you an idea of how graphics, styles of characters, and page formats will look after printing. Here's an example of our printed document. Exit the print menu if you are still in it by clicking the right mouse button. WordPerfect's empty screen is like a blank piece of paper. This paper is governed by pre-established settings called defaults, which ensure that you don't have to worry about margins, line spacing, and tab stops. WordPerfect assumes that you want one-inch blank margins on the left and right edges of your paper, giving you a horizontal line width of six and one-half inches. When you print the document, there will be one-inch margins on the top and bottom, although you won't see them on the screen. Tab stops occur every half inch. Other defaults include single spacing and right justified margins. We'll show you how to change the format of your page a little later in this lesson. The only thing that appears on your screen before retrieving or creating a new document is the status line at the bottom and the cursor in the upper left corner. Doc 1 shows that we are now on document 1. Page 1 shows that we are on our first page of text. Line tells us that we are on the first line of text, which is one inch from the top margin. Press Enter. WordPerfect default settings gauge margins, tabs, lines, and characters in inches. Creating the single spaced line with Enter moves us to 1.17 inches, give or take a decimal point from the top margin. Position is also set in inches, in this case one inch from the left margin. Watch as we press the space bar to move across the page. With left and right margins set for one inch each on our standard 8.5 inch form, our line length will be 6.5 inches. Since we started with a left margin of one inch, the end of the line should occur at 7.5 inches. Sure enough, one space bar passed 7.5 and we move to the position one inch of the next line. Entering text in WordPerfect is like typing on a typewriter with two differences. Just as when we use the space bar to cross the page, when your cursor reaches the right margin WordPerfect starts a new line. This is called WordWrap. Just return or enter only when you want to begin a new paragraph or end a line, for example at the end of an address. If you make a mistake while typing, use the backspace key to make corrections. It has an arrow pointed to the left on it and will sometimes say back or backspace. It deletes the previous character and moves the cursor back one space. Keep in, we are learning WordPerfect. Linda you have a typo here so backspace six times. Now enter the correct spelling. You can also backspace a word at a time by holding down the control key and pressing backspace. Linda hold down the backspace key and watch as it quickly erases the characters. With a clear screen we are ready to type a familiar document. Type it just as you see it, mistakes and all. Let WordWrap do your end of lines. Press enter twice at the end of the paragraph. We'll leave the text on the screen for a while so you can pause or rewind the tape to enter all of the text. After typing in any text, no matter how rough the draft, you should save it to disk or drive. This is a wise precaution in case of power failure or some other problem that may cause a loss of power to your system. Your document is then safely stored on the hard drive. Select save from the file pull down menu. WordPerfect prompts you for a file name for the document to be saved. At the prompt type in onePractic so that we will know that this is our first practice document. Make sure you don't put a space after the one. It's spelling but it makes sense and it will be easy to recognize later. Like DOS WordPerfect can only handle names of up to 8 characters and optionally a period and extension of 1 to 3 characters. Now press enter. The file now resides on disk or drive memory. Note our drive and file name on the screen's lower left hand corner. The save command does not affect the document on the screen so we can continue to edit. Our cursor still appears at the end of the document. Let's move it around. Place the mouse pointer anywhere in the document and click and your cursor appears there. When you change the position of the cursor notice that the line position and the POS position in the lower right hand corner changes. To scroll the document hold button 2 down and move the mouse pointer to the top of the screen to scroll up or to the bottom of the screen to scroll down. With less than a screen full of text this will not work. If you have multiple pages you may also use the go to command located in the search menu. You may use this to get to the first page of your document by typing a 1 at the go to prompt or the last page by typing that number. If you're not sure of your last page typing a number you know is higher will still take you to the last page. With our current document this won't work as you need more than a screen full of text and it will only scroll as far as the text goes. The arrow keys can also move the cursor in the direction that the arrows point. One position each time it is pressed. Press the left arrow several times and the cursor moves left that many spaces. As you press the right arrow key notice in the lower right that the position in inches changes. Now press the up arrow and then the down arrow and watch the corresponding changes to line. Can I move the cursor in larger increments? There are two ways to do this Linda. You simply hold down the control key and then press the left arrow key. The cursor jumps to the first letter of the word to the left. Hold the control key and press the right arrow four times and you move the cursor that many words. Home key which is located on the keypad number 7 also gives you cursor movement. Press the home key and the right arrow key and the cursor jumps to the far right of the line. Press home and the left arrow and the cursor jumps to the far left of the line. Another way to quickly move to the far right of the line is to press end. The home key is also a shortcut to cursoring up and down the screen. By pressing the home key and then the up arrow key the cursor moves to the top of the screen. Press the home key and the down arrow key once and you are at the bottom of the screen. Or if you do not have a full screen then this will take you to the end of the document. The gray minus key also moves you to the top line of your document and the gray plus key will move you to the bottom. Sometimes you want to cursor through lines in smaller chunks than a full screen at a time. Press the escape key. We see a repeat value of 8. This represents the number of times that the next key stroke will be repeated. If you strike a letter or a space it repeats 8 times. Likewise if you press escape and left arrow the cursor jumps 8 characters to the left. With the repeat value triggered press the left arrow and the cursor jumps 8 characters to the left. Press escape again and then up arrow. The cursor moves up 8 lines. You can change the repeat value for one execution. Let's demonstrate. Press escape and input 4. Press the down arrow and the cursor drops down 4 lines. Change the repeat value to a larger number like 20 or 50. Then hit the up or down arrow if you have a long way to go. Remember to change the repeat value before hitting the desired key. So far none of these options quickly move the cursor directly to the beginning or the end of the document and when editing those are important. Here are 4 more cursor shortcuts. Press home home up arrow and the cursor jumps to the first character of the first line. Press home home down arrow and the cursor jumps to the last character of the last line of the document. Page up and page down found on keypad numbers 9 and 3 move the cursor up one page and down one page. As you create much longer documents occasionally you will see the word repositioning on the status line when using home home up or down. Well I'm impressed with how easy it is to move the cursor around but there sure is a lot to remember. Linda you'll learn by doing but suppose you can't recall how to get to the top of a document. How many homes and arrows do you use? Remember WordPerfect contains what amounts to a manual on disk. There are two ways to get to it. You can bring up the menu anytime you need to by pressing button number 2 on the mouse and select the help menu or you can press the function key F3 for help. Stored in help is all of the information to operate WordPerfect 5.1. Press the home key. Here you are presented with a different home key combinations recognized by WordPerfect. Most any key will bring up the information associated with that key or combination of keys. Now press the up arrow. This screen shows us that home arrow moves the cursor to the top or bottom of the screen while home home arrow moves to the beginning or end of the document. Still in help try left arrow. Here are cursor controls for the left and right arrow keys used in tandem with the home and escape keys. These screens will serve as a study guide at your fingertips. Try a function that we haven't explored. Control F2 for the spell checker. Some of the menus are complete at a glance. Cursors like this let you call up more by pressing another menu option. Now press F3, the help menu and you see the 5.1 12 function key template. To exit the help menus simply press the space bar or the enter key. Now let's use these cursor movements to help us edit our document. Press home home up arrow to cursor to the top of the text. In scanning the first line it appears that we have a double S in fathers. Turn the mouse pointer on the second S in fathers and click the mouse button. This will put the cursor there. The delete key pressed once erases the character where the cursor is located. Do that Linda. Holding it down would keep erasing the characters to the right. Whoops is that proposition? Place your mouse cursor on the letter T in this word and click the mouse. Word Perfect's editing default is set for insert mode, meaning that we can simply type in or insert missing letters. Enter the letters OSI. Notice how each new letter moves the old characters to the right. Do the same thing with the missing space in created pretty much the same at the end of the second paragraph. Position your mouse pointer on the P in pretty and click. Then press the space bar once and the two words are separated. To delete an entire word position the cursor on the first letter of the word and press home delete. Try it. Make sure your cursor is on the first letter of the word pretty and press home delete. The word disappears. Now type the word equal followed by a period and press the space bar once. Here are four more advanced deletion commands for you to try along with us. Place your cursor anywhere on the word much. Home backspace deletes the word at the cursor and if this turns out to be a mistake you can press the F1 function key at this time which is now the undo key. Notice that the deletion that was made has returned and is highlighted. At the bottom of the screen are two choices restore and previous deletion. Click on restore. You could also press one or the letter R. Place your cursor on the C and much. Home backspace deletes the part of the word from the cursor back to the previous space. Try it and then restore it. Control N deletes all of the characters from the cursor to the end of the line. Place your cursor on the S in same and try it. Now place your mouse pointer on the M and much and hold down button one. Move the pointer to the end of the word the. Notice that down in the lower left corner of the screen the words block on are flashing and the text is highlighted. This tells you that you are selecting this section for an action. This is called blocking text. Now pull down the edit menu and click on delete. You are asked if you want to delete this block. Click on yes and the text is gone. Control page down deletes all of the characters from the cursor to the end of the current page. Go ahead and try it. For an action this drastic WordPerfect will ask if you really want to do this. In this instance click on yes so that we can demonstrate. Now press F1 and R to undo this deletion. Place the cursor between men and created and press the space bar and type the word R. Now this makes more sense. Now take a look at the word conceived. Did you notice this common spelling error? You know I before E except after C. Put your cursor on the letter I in the word conceived using your mouse pointer and click. We could always delete the IE and insert the correct EI but WordPerfect offers another time saving mode called type over. Press the INS key located on the zero key on the numeric keypad on standard keyboards. Notice that the word type over appears on the status line. Type the letter E and I is replaced by the letter E. Type the letter I and E is replaced by I. Type over is very useful but must be used with care or you could find that you have typed over important parts of your document. Make sure that you press the INS key again to switch back to the insert mode. Put your cursor on the letter A in all and delete all men. Linda how do you delete a word at a time? I place the cursor on the word and press delete. Hold on Linda remember a faster way? Oh right press home delete and then home delete. Good suddenly you realize that you like that phrase. What do you do? Press F1 cancel. The two words that you deleted appear highlighted. We're not sure about all men so press zero which lets this deletion stand. Add a different word people and a space. Now cursor back to the last E in people. Now press control backspace to delete it. Now press F1. There is the erased people. Previous deletion lets you recall a previous editing action. Click on previous deletion and we see all men. We decide after all that we'd like to keep this so click on restore. Word Perfect holds in memory up to three previous deletions. Cursor to the first character of the first paragraph. We forgot to indent our paragraphs normally done while typing in the document. But Word Perfect is very forgiving when it comes to editing. Make sure that you are still in the insert mode. Press tab and the first line indents half an inch. Cursor down and notice how the paragraph repositions itself. By the way pressing the tab key and type over will move the cursor to the next tab stop without indenting text. While you're at it Linda tab the second paragraph. Excellent. While we're here Linda I want to show you how to set and delete tab stops. Pull down the layout menu and select line. In this menu select eight tab set. A tab stop ruler appears at the bottom of the screen. Use the mouse pointer to place the cursor on the place where you wish to place a tab or remove a tab. The menu selection allows you to set your tab as left justified, centered, right justified or decimal. You can select any one by clicking on it. Deleting a tab is done the same way and clicking on delete. Okay press the right mouse button twice to cancel this operation. Should I fix the rest of the mistakes now? You could correct them one by one referring to your dictionary for the words that you are not sure about but WordPerfect has a built-in dictionary of 80,000 words called spell. It works efficiently wherever you are in the text. Just select spell from the tools menu. You can spell check the single word that your cursor is on by clicking on the status line selection word. Check the words on a single page by clicking on page, useful when you are working on a multi-page document and only need to check one page at a time. Most often you will want to check the first entire draft by clicking on document. Let's do that. WordPerfect detects that continent is misspelled and displays what it thinks is most likely the correct spelling. Option A tells us that the highlighted word could be spelled C-O-N-T-I-N-E-N-T. Simply type an A or click anywhere on the word and the correct continent is inserted. The word that T-H-A-T is one of those typo pitfalls we all fall into. WordPerfect knows that something is wrong and one of the possible spellings that it suggests is T-H-A-T. Click on the word that by the letter F in the selection box. Again you could simply type the letter F. T-A-H-T is corrected as spell runs across it. However, spell senses a double to that's and gives us the option to delete the second word. Surely you've repeated repeated a word word and had to erase the repetition. There are times when a repeated word like this is grammatically correct. Spell cannot distinguish this difference and will stop at this repetition. To delete the second that just click on delete second and the second that disappears. I'm sure that you know that Lincoln wrote this speech. We use Lindsay, a correctly spelled name to make a point. Had you typed Lincoln spell would have recognized it as a famous name. Spell also recognizes frequent names like Smith or Jones but it will occasionally call up a word or a name that is not in its vocabulary which you know is correct. Spell is neither famous nor common so word perfect tells us that this word is not found. You could click on skip once but word perfect would highlight it again if it should occur again or you could click on to skip this word for any and all subsequent inclusions. This way spell will accept this word as a correctly spelled word but it will not add it permanently to your spell database. The third option adds the highlighted word to a supplemental dictionary. With the word where a frequently used name or a correctly spelled technical word common in your documents you could click on add word to add it to the spell database. We recommend adding only essential words so as not to clutter up the spell database and slowing down the response time. In this case we don't want to add this word to the database but we do want to correct the word. For these words we need to edit the word so click on edit. Press delete until Lindsay is erased. Now type in L-I-N-C-O-L-N. When finished press the right mouse button or you could press F7 exit to continue. If the word was still misspelled word perfect would again highlight it and offer its list of possible corrections. Spell gives us an accurate word count. This is the signal that the spell check is complete. As instructed press any key to continue and we exit the sub program. We missed a mistake. True Linda but spell checks your spelling not correct usage. Our H-O-U-R is properly spelled and you'll have to rely on your own common sense to realize that the correct word is our O-U-R. Use your mouse and place your cursor on the H in our and press delete and we're finished with our manual spell checking. It's a good idea to save the document when you finish using the spell checker. Let's save our document and finish editing the document. Get in the habit of saving your document to disk or drive every 10 minutes. Click save from the file menu. The document to be saved is one practic. If we want to keep the original on file and also store the current version we would click on the number one and change the file to two practic giving us two drafts. In our case let's replace the first draft that is stored on drive or disk with the edited version. Note that we want to save this version by double clicking on the file name. Word Perfect asks if you want to replace one practic. Since we don't want to keep our earlier draft of our document press Y or click on yes. Now let's edit our original editorial comment at the end of the text. The statement is correct but somewhat bland. Let's see if our thesaurus can add some verbal zip. Place your cursor on any letter in the word speech. Select thesaurus from the tools menu. Of the available synonyms to the word speech the word address strikes us as appropriate. To replace the word click on replace word. Then press the letter A the letter next to address. Address inserts in place of the original. Now put your cursor on the word is and select thesaurus again. There is nothing wrong with the word is but the word endure sounds better. Click on replace word and press E. Of course we have to add an S for syntax. One problem though the stronger verb requires us to revise the rest of the sentence. Hold control and press page down to erase the clause and Y to confirm the erasure. Now add in our patriotic knowledge. Let's see if there are any suitable synonyms to the word patriotic. Put your cursor on the word and call up the thesaurus. Good words but nothing that really seems better than what we have. Exit by pressing the right mouse button. Now put your cursor on the word knowledge and call up thesaurus. Consciousness seems to be closer to the spirit of what we are trying to say. Let's call up the synonym of a synonym. Press I the letter next to the word consciousness. Of the new synonyms nothing seems quite right. We could continue to call up more list of synonyms but let's return to the first column by clicking on clear column. You could also clear the column by pressing 4. We want thesaurus to replace the word knowledge. So click on replace word and press the letter I. Back of the text screen the sentence reads this famous address by Abraham Lincoln endures in our patriotic consciousness. Hopefully this demonstration gives you a good idea of how a good built in thesaurus can enhance your writing ability. Now let's look at some of the other functions provided by word perfect. Although we've only filled a portion of a page suppose we wanted to go to the second page before entering any more text. Linda any ideas on how we might do that? Should I press enter until the status line says page 2? That would work but suppose that you later deleted a line in page 1 then line 1 of page 2 becomes the last line of page 1. Here is a more secure method to ensure that the text appears at the top of the next page. First make sure that you are at the bottom of the document by pressing home home and the down arrow. Now hold the control key and press enter. The lines of dashes signal a hard page return. This means that any new text will always start on the next page. Note that the status line indicates page 2 line 1. Before we go to work on page 2 let's set it up just a bit different by formatting the page first. Pull down the layout menu and select line. As you see we've been here before setting tabs. This time we are going to set the right and left margins for our page. Click on margins and your cursor appears to the right under the number. Linda type a 2 and press enter. Your cursor jumped to the number below. Type another 2 and hit enter 3 times and we're back to our blank page number 2. Now we'll duplicate page 1 with a few changes. First a title but this time centered. Select the layout menu then click on align. Now click on center. Press the caps lock and type your title the Gettysburg address. Press the caps lock again to release the function. Your title is capitalized and centered. You'll still need to exit the center function. Press enter which makes it centering adjustments. This engages center and moves to the next line. Press enter again to give us two lines below our title. We're duplicating something that already exists so let's go back to the original. Press home home up arrow to get to the top of the document. Suppose that we want to capture the first two paragraphs and copy them to page 2. All we need to do is mark or block the beginning and ending points of the desired text. Position your mouse cursor at the beginning of the paragraph including the tab. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor down to the end of the second paragraph. Notice that as soon as you start to move the cursor that in the status line the words block on appear and start to flash on and off. Everything that is highlighted can now be changed by any number of functions. If you press the backspace now WordPerfect deletes the entire block of text after checking with you first as to whether you really want to delete the block text. To copy the text without changing anything in the block text pull down the edit menu and select copy. Instructions appear on the status line telling us what to do next. Press home home down arrow to get to the bottom of the document. Now press the enter key to retrieve the block and our text is copied. Notice it also copied to our new page format with two inch margins. Be careful to place your cursor exactly where you want it to copy or you could cause yourself a lot of extra work. Press home home down arrow to move to the end of the text and then press enter twice. Use the mouse and block mark by Abraham Lincoln. Now let's make the author a distinctive bold face. Pull down the font menu under appearance select bold. Now everything that you highlighted will be in bold face. Don't worry if your color to indicate bold is different than ours. Let's finish with our editorial comment but underline it. Backmark the editorial comment. Pull down the font menu again and under appearance select underline. Again your colors for marking underline may be different than ours. You can also bold and underline existing text with the block function. Put your mouse cursor on the title of the second page. Hold down the left mouse button and highlight it. Release the mouse button and pull down the font menu. Select appearance and select bold and it reappears in bold. Let's block it again but this time from the end of the title. Hold the left button down starting from the S in address and move the mouse to the left until the entire title is highlighted again. Now select underline from the font and appearance menus. Since we made some significant changes we should save it again Linda. Pull down the file menu and select save and double click on the file name in the prompt that is asking document to be saved. Click on yes to overwrite the document on the disk with our updated version. It's time to see a printout on your HP Linda. With one practice on your screen pull down the file menu and click on print but now you are familiar with the print menu. To print a document that is currently retrieved on the screen print either the full document or just the page where your cursor is positioned on the screen. First consider text quality. Click on text quality you have several choices. Some old style printers require that graphics be printed separately from text in which case click on do not print for do not print text. For quick and dirty printouts click on draft. Draft is the fastest characters per second and provides a low grade printout. Medium is the next grade. High is your printer's near letter quality or letter grade. Click on draft for draft quality. Now click on full document for a full printout. Note Linda while your printer is printing you return to your text screen. Remember that your default printer is the HP LaserJet. Professor the printout looks fine. Of course Linda and WordPerfect makes it all so easy. Now let's talk about those invisible codes I talked about earlier. Let's make those invisible codes visible by pulling down the edit menu and clicking on reveal codes. This function splits the screen into two windows. The top half shows a part of your current document. The status line moves to the center of the screen and includes a tab ruler line. Beneath this line is a combination of your text and the usually hidden format control codes. These codes will be an intense video or alternate colors to distinguish them from text. Where the cursor blinks in the upper window a small red block appears in the lower window. Let's take a closer look and decipher some of these format codes. Most are self-explanatory. HRT is the hard return code which means enter was pressed here and the tab code is tab. SRT at the end of lines stands for a soft return code WordPerfect uses to enable word wrap. Cursor through the text Linda. If you cursor through the text fast the reveal code screen may lag slightly but within seconds of pausing the two cursors match again. There you see an HPG code for a hard page break. Some codes like bold require a double code. One to start the function and one to end it. In this case start bold is all capitals and end bold is all lower case. Your cursor is on the T and the word the in your centered title. Press the left arrow key until the reveal code center code is highlighted and delete it by pressing delete. The code disappears and the end code will too. Note that on the screen the title is no longer centered. Of course opening the edit menu and clicking on the undelete command will restore the control code to the document and click on restore. Reveal codes allows you to change codes without guessing where they are. Press the page down key. Now place your cursor on the T of this on the last line. Your UND underline code should be highlighted if not arrow over until it is and press delete and our underline is gone. We'll use another way to highlight the editorial. Under the layout menu click on align and click on the second indent. This inserts an indentation on both the left and right margins of the text as you can see in the text window. When reveal codes you may add text expect the cursor to move a bit slower. Type two spaces then type one newspaper editor wrote read it over it will repay study as a model speech and press enter. Wouldn't it sound better if the sentences were reversed. You're right Linda let's move them around. Make sure that your cursor is somewhere in the second sentence. Pull down the edit menu and click on select and click on sentence and it highlights much like the block. Previously we copied a block which left the text intact. This time move the entire sentence by clicking on move. Sentence two disappears but is held in memory until we press enter. Now place your cursor at the head of the first sentence and press enter. The sentences are reversed although you may have to cursor down to permit that indent to reconfigure the text. Move is a powerful editing tool for rearranging sentences paragraphs and entire pages in regular text or reveal codes. Use the block feature to rearrange text with the move command to underline center and bold face text and experiment with word prefix many other text enhancing features like font. Check out appearance and see what italics outline shadow and the other options due to your text. Then look at them and reveal codes. When you are through with reveal codes pull down the edit menu and click on reveal codes to return to the main text screen. Good. Let's exit this version of the document but save it as a separate file. Pull down the file menu and click on exit. Click on yes to confirm that you want to save this document. Word Perfect wants to know what to call this draft. Click on the one in the file name and then press the delete key once and type a two. Double click on the file name and the file is saved. Now when the exit word perfect prompt appears click on no. We now have two drafts one practic and two practic. Word Perfect's file management helps jog your memory and find your document. You'll find it under the file menu called list files. Go ahead and select it. Word Perfect wants you to confirm the drive and path name you want. You can change to the drive you want by clicking on the equal sign pressing the equal key or simply typing it in. This is the directory we want so Linda click twice on it. The top line lists the date time and directory. The document size shows the size of the last document you were working on. Free and used indicate the available and use space in the current directory in bytes. Files indicates the total number of files in the current directory. Press the down arrow at the bottom of the files listing. This indicates that there are more files to be viewed in this direction. Pressing the down arrow key will move you down the directory listing and highlight the different files. Holding the down arrow will scroll the whole list of files. To highlight a file on the right side of the screen press the right arrow key. The arrow and speed keys will move you through the directory the same way they move you through a document. The files appear in alphabetical order from left to right and from top to bottom. To the right of each file is the file size, the date and time the file was originated or last saved. Our cursor highlights current directory which represents the directory we are in. You can also select the file you want by clicking on it with the mouse. Once your file has been selected the bottom of the screen displays the many options you have to manipulate that file. Let's cover a few, retrieve brings to your screen that file for you to continue to work on. You must have fully exited any other document you may have been working on or you'll be asked if you want to add the new document to it. Delete allows you to remove unwanted files. You'll always be asked if you are sure. Move rename allows you to move and change your file name. Print will send the selected file to your printer. Look gives you the opportunity to quickly look at a file to see if it's the one you want. You cannot do any work on this file but it's a little quicker coming up than retrieving it. You can also just look at a file by double clicking on the file name with the mouse. Copy lets you copy this file to another directory or a floppy disk. Let's retrieve our two-practic file by highlighting it then clicking on retrieve with our mouse. And there is our document ready for further editing. Select exit from the files menu and click on no to show that you do not want to save any files. This time click on yes to the prompt exit word perfect. After a moment or two we see our old friend the DOS prompt telling us that we have left word perfect. We've covered a lot of ground Linda enough to prepare you for basic word perfect word processing. On the screen now are some other tapes available in my computer learning series. Don't be afraid to go back and practice and experiment with the many concepts and commands we've covered in this tape.