Behold the beer belly, the old spare tire, the bulges. Six million Australians need a shortcut to a trimmer looking figure and here it is. It's called the Gutbuster. It's the ultimate fitness machine specifically designed to firm and flatten the stomach as nothing else can. Just watch this easy exercise to turn ordinary sit-ups into tummy tightening power stretches. Each time you activate the resistance coil you're on the way to a trimmer looking sexy figure. Just slip into the stirrups, curl your fingers around the molded hand grips and roll your way to a trimmer you. And ladies, if you're as serious as he is, that flat stomach you had at high school can be yours again. Minutes a day is all it takes. Basic spring-ups like these work the upper abdominal region. Reverse for tension-assisted high rises that exercise lower stomach muscles. This light but sturdy unit weighs in at just 27 ounces and travels easily so you can exercise anywhere. Forget about gyms, expensive rowing machines and exercises you don't need. If your stomach's the problem, Gutbuster's the answer. CopyCat devices may look similar but with regular use nothing fights the battle of the bulge like the original Gutbuster and it's yours with a 15-day money-back guarantee of satisfaction. So go ahead Gutbusters, if you're serious and you're serious about a flat stomach, just pick up the phone and exercise your right to call now. COD and credit card customers ring this number now. Save on COD charges and send your check or money order direct to Televend 28 Gremfool Street Adelaide 5000.