Thanks for watching! Great news! Capricorn, America's favorite alien exchange student, is starring in some other new fun educational films. Capstone Entertainment and Safe Kids have created a whole series of Capricorn's adventures. In future movies, Corny will learn from Earth friends like you about all kinds of great things like honesty and self-esteem. Don't miss Corny's future movies, and remember, Safe Kids are no accident. Stop, think, listen to your heart. Don't be scared, hey get street smart. Strangers pose their smiling friends, cause you danger in dead ends. Don't be scared, hey get street smart. Strangers pose their smiling friends, cause you danger in dead ends. Don't be scared, hey get street smart. Strangers pose their smiling friends, cause you danger in dead ends. Don't be scared, hey get street smart. Thanks for watching! I'm surfing! This is the Bud and Judd Show, I'm Bud, that's Judd, hey Bud say something. Hey Rise and Shine folks, don't forget that sunblock today cause it's gonna be a hot one on K-Cruz. That's right, K-Cruz, the big crud, hey it's gonna be sunny, it's gonna be cloudy, sunny, cloudy. Ready to blast into orbit son? Duh dad! Duh, does not compute, does not compute. Want an energy pack Capricorn? Oh no thanks mama, I'll just have one of these. That's a good boy Capricorn, goldfish make your skin nice and scaly. Remember now, don't talk to strangers. Yeah, yeah mom, I compute. Greetings earthlings! Come on children, hustle! As long as it's not compute, then kick it into warp speed, left, I mean right. Want some candy kid? Oh no thanks, it rots my ears. Take a flying leaf buster, spit out your radar Carney, avoid unidentified beings. Your mom told us to take care of you. Good thing it's safety week at school. Ah, who needs it, a smile goes a mile you know. Hi, hey where are you going? On your way to school? See, he likes me, hello. Interesting boy, where do you come from? That yellow house over there. Nice. You never give out personal information to a stranger, do you know that guy? No, but he has a friendly smile. Yeah, and now he knows your address too. He's a stranger Carney, do you have any clue about strangers? Yeah, green, mean and hairy with a big red eye right here. That's a boogeyman Carney, on earth strangers can seem very nice and very friendly. Most are, but a few aren't. A friend would never do anything to hurt you, but a stranger you're not too sure about. A stranger could be a clown, or even a delivery person might try to hurt you or take you away. Being too friendly can get you in big trouble. Me? Well if a stranger bothered me I'd poke him in the eye, I'd zap him in the nose. I'm real, you can't drop kick a 200 pound man. Look, I've got insurance, my fail safe device, it just zaps me away. Awesome, then I guess we don't have to worry about you anymore. Well, the only problem is that I'm never exactly quite sure where I'm going to end up. And as I was saying, the world is a beautiful place when you're street smart. And if you were listening, you would know the three rules that can save your life. Capricorn, safety rule number one is... Correct, the buddy system. Always stay with a buddy, even when you visit the public bathroom. Well, I got my buddy. And safety rule number two is... Right, keep away from strangers. And rule number three... Yes, follow your gut feeling. Yes, Capricorn. Um, I don't think I have any guts. Anyway, what's a gut feeling? It's like radar, Corny, it's trusting your heart. It's a funny feeling, like something isn't right, you can't trust someone. It's like something inside of you is saying, no way, Jose. I get it. It's like, no, no, no, no. Right, Corny. So remember kids, this is safety week, so practice being street smart. Stop, stop, think, think, and listen to your heart. And listen to your heart. Someday you'll find out that the best defense is your own defense. Capricorn! Remember kids, trust your heart, it will always tell you when something is wrong. Corny, you caught me, remember the buddy system? I'll catch up with you later. You're not the boss of me. Just trying to take care of my buddy. Rough day? Oh, it's just my alien exchange student. It's like he's on another planet. Well, he is. Wherever you walk, take the safest, direct route. Stay out of alleys, vacant lots, parking lots, and construction sites. Great, a shortcut. This is a picture of my puppy. He's lost. Can you help me find him? I just know I'm never going to see him again. The poor lady. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. The poor lady. This must be that gut feeling. Sure, I'll help you. It's going to be sunny. It's going to be cloudy. Ready to blast into orbit, son? Want an energy pack, Capricorn? That's a good boy, Capricorn. Goldfish make your skin nice and scaly. Remember now, don't talk to strangers. Being too friendly can get you in big trouble. Didn't you say that yesterday? Where you at, Corny? You're so spacey today. What day is it? Monday. Monday? I thought that was yesterday. How many Mondays are there? One, duh. I'm stuck in a time warp. I'm living the same day over and over. Be aware of what's happening around you. How many of you like to fish? I like fish. Capricorn, would you please sit in your desk? Strangers like to fish for children and aliens. They have their favorite fishing spots. Isolated church and school grounds. Parking lots. Empty lots. Dark places like alleys and lonely streets. Parks at night. Construction zones. Who do you think kidnappers look for? When convicts were asked, what do you think they said? Space cadets. Right. Children who don't pay attention. Who appear out of control. Tuned out. Fearful. Preoccupied. Kids who are starved for affection. Who have few friends. Loners. Now, class. You know that stuff about not calling attention to ourselves? Yeah, like not wearing our names on our stuff? Check that out. Corny, you're walking latch key advertisement. Put your key inside your shirt. That big key says you go home to an empty house. Hey, Corny. How you doing, bud? Hey. See you around, bud. See, now he knows your name. Yeah, he must be my friend. Some friend. Do you know his name? He's pretending to be your friend the trickiest. Don't trust him. I'm too big to be tricked. Kidnappers use tricks that sound so good and so real, they could fool anybody. Hey, where'd everybody go? Never get in a car unless the driver knows your secret family code word. Apricot, your mother's been hurt in an accident. She sent me to come get you. Get in the car. Oh, no. My mom? I'd better help her. Oh, no. Oh. Hey, you're listening to the Beach Bingo Boys with I'm Surfing. Hey, this is the Bud and Judd. Yo, I'm Bud. That's Judd. Hey, Bud, say something. Hey, rise and shine, folks. Don't forget that sunblock today, because it's going to be a hot one on K-Cruz. That's right. K-Cruz, the big crud. Hey, it's going to be sunny. It's going to be cloudy. Sunny? Cloudy. Sunny and cloudy. Hey, you're listening to K-R-U-D. That's right. K-Cruz. K-Cruz. K-Cruz. How you doing today? Well, we got a pile of crud to play. Help me trick. Help me trick. Drive trick. Drive trick. Make you famous trick. Make you famous trick. Emergency trick. Emergency trick. Fun and games trick. Fun and games trick. Love and affection trick. Love and affection trick. You better or else trick. You better or else trick. Official uniform trick. Official uniform trick. Hero trick. Hero trick. Playmate trick. Play date trick. Job trick. Job trick. Okay, what kidnapper trick is this? Hi, you want to come and play with me? Spinning games trick. Gotcha! In you go to the dungeon with my first victim. You really wanted that dollar I offered you, didn't you, Corny? What trick is that? Fibery? Right. Okay, what's this trick? Hello, would you like to be on television? We're interviewing kids who say no to drugs. You would look great on the news. Oh, I'd do it. Make you famous trick. Right. What if I wore an official police woman's uniform and said, come with me? Official uniform trick. Yes, what would you do? Well, that's a toughie. Anyone can buy a badge or a uniform. Ask a trusted adult if the official is for real. I know one. What if a strange lady asked you to put some packages in her car? Help me trick. Right. What should you always remember about the help me trick? Adults you don't know should ask other adults for help, not kids. There are so many ways to kidnap kids. Yeah, I know all about it. Oh, sure you do. Corny. Corny's not getting it. He'd fall for any of those kidnap tricks. Where'd Corny go? He's always disappeared. Doesn't he know we should always let our parents know where we are? My mom's supposed to pick us up here at three. Let's see. Was I supposed to run? With traffic, away from traffic, in traffic. Always walk against traffic. If someone in a car stops and tries to talk to you, be friendly, but take two giant steps back and be prepared to run in the opposite direction. Hey, kid. Can you help me out? I gotta push my car over to the gas station. I'll let you steer. He'll let me steer? Okay. I get to drive the car. I get to steer away. He's turning down the road. He's going fast. He's driving. Hey, hey, what are you doing? Hey, hey, shut up. What are you doing? Oh, no thanks. Not my color. Something I said. You guys, you gotta listen to me. I got kidnapped. Oh, sure. So where are you? Daydream on Zarkon, too, I guess. No, I really did. Three times. First by a lady who lost her dog. Then by a lady who said my mom was sick. And then yesterday by a guy who let me steer his car. Sure, who let a kid drive? Square cuz Zarkon. Whoa. You really are being straight with us. What did you think? So how'd you get away? With my fail-safe device. It zapped me, too. Well, forget it. You're lucky you've got that device, Corny. You'd be a goner. Hey, yeah. What am I worried about? I can zap out of any stranger danger situation any time I want. We're not that lucky. And you shouldn't depend on that either. You'll have to watch out for yourself. See? Come on, guys. You too, Spacey. Stop. Think. Listen to your heart. Don't be scared. Hate cats. Pretty good, Corny. Snipe. Stop. Think. Listen to your heart. Don't be scared. Hate cats. Sweet smile. Strangers pose as smiling friends. Cause you danger in dead ends. Don't take shortcuts all alone. Go with buddies. Call mom at home. Never tell a stranger your name. Don't give out your number of names. Stranger danger. What's going on? I'm going to get you. Get yourself something. All right. Thanks. Ailing pups are just cruel tricks. To kidnap kids who have pet sticks. Stop. Think. Listen to your heart. Don't be scared. Hate cats. Sweet smile. Strangers pose as smiling friends. Cause you danger in dead ends. Stop. Think. Listen to your heart. Don't be scared. Hate cats. Sweet smile. Strangers pose as smiling friends. Cause you danger in dead ends. Stop. Think. Listen to your heart. Don't be scared. Get street smart. Come on. Get street smart. Yeah. Get street smart. Yeah. Get street smart. Hey, you're listening to the Beeps Bingo Boys. I'm surfing. Hey, this is the Bud and Judd Show. I'm Bud. That's Judd. Hey, Bud. Say something. Hey, rise and shine folks. Don't forget that sun block today. Cause it's going to be a hot one on Cacra. That's right. Cacra. The big crud. Hey. Another do-over day. Please. And if someone bothers you, who should you go to for help? Parents. Right. Teachers. That's good. Police. Good. Store clerks. Right. Neighbors. Yes. Church people. Yes. Very good. Okay. You've got it. Remember grandmothers or mothers with small children are usually safe bets too. But what do you do if someone really scares you? You all have permission to be rude and loud. Make a scene. Your voice is your best weapon so let's hear it. My best weapon is my zapper. Where is your zapper? My zapper. My zapper. Oh no. Where's my zapper? Where's my zapper? Oh no. What am I going to do? I can't get home. Someone's going to get me. I'm going to die. Stop. Are you all right, Capricorn? Well, you know, I'm feeling pretty sick right now. Got to get home. No. No. No. Lost my zapper. Got to get home. Got to get home. Hey, Corny, where are you going? No. No. No. Hey, talk to me for a while. Maybe we can get some ice cream. I don't know. Well, here. Maybe this gum will make you feel better. Thanks. No. No. No. Okay. We'll see you later, Corny. Got to get home. No. No. No. Got to get home. Lost my zapper. Now, let's see, what were those important home safety tips? Lock the door. I did that. Oh, Mom and Dad. Hello, Mom. It's Corny. I'm home. Great. Is everything okay? You sound funny. Oh, well, I lost my zapper. You'll be fine. Just don't answer the phone unless it rings twice. Stops and rings twice again. You know our code. Well, let the answering machine take the call. I'll let Dad know you're home safe. And remember, don't let strangers into the house. Okay. Sure you're okay? Huh? Yeah, no. Yeah, no. Yeah, I guess. Hello? Corny, two rings. Now, what would you say if it wasn't me? My mother is in the shower and my dad is mowing the lawn. Capricorn, you've got to pay more attention to what you're doing, okay? Okay. I'll see you later. Okay. Bye. Who is it? Delivery. Um. Um. Dad, send it on the porch. Somebody's got to sign for it. What is it? I don't know, just sign, will you? I haven't got all day. I'm sorry. I can't open the door. You'll have to come back later, please. I did it. I did it. I'm straight smart. I thought I told you to come back later. Corny, open the door, Corny. No. Stop. Think. Listen to your heart. Oh. Oh, I. Most often, kidnappers are people you already know. Yeah, like that guy you always talk to. Not. What are you doing? I've been watching you for days. I know every move you make. And your parents, too. I thought you were my friend. That's just what I wanted you to think. And you went for it. The gum, everything. All right, we're going to go out to my car and get in it. You'll be good. You won't get hurt. If you give me trouble, I'm going to come back and take care of your parents, too. No. No. No. What are you doing? Don't panic. Think. Yell. Kick. Scream. Act crazy. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.