today is that film star Kim Basinger has finally gone batty. In a move which insiders say is sheer lunacy, the Batman co-star has fired her agent, lawyer and management team, has packed her bags and made a beeline for the Batcave of Rock star Prince. Rumour has it that their relationship fired when the dynamic duo met on the Batman set and they have been inseparable ever since. Prince has taken over the reins of Basinger's career with plans for them to star in a movie and release a record together. And while Batman was breaking box office records it was also making millions of dollars for its leading men but in Tinseltown these days many of the big stars are making their money by moonlighting. Elizabeth Taylor hasn't appeared in a movie for years but with perfume and diet books she hasn't gone hungry raking in seven million dollars in the past three years. Joan Collins made it bigger than ever when she departed primetime television to write about it while Jane Fonda's fortune can largely be credited to her workout books and videos. And proving that Pepsi pays, pop stars Madonna and Michael Jackson have sung all the way to the bank on the proceeds of their soda sponsorship. Not so happy however is Wako Jako's sister Latoia who has had her Malaysian Valentine's Day concert cancelled. The country's officials claim that Jackson who appeared nude in Playboy last year would violate the values of the Malaysian culture. You like snakes? No. No neither do I. I think she was doing it for the photo. Oh yeah, artistic. What about, can we just go a minute, what about Michael do you think, he's too pretty, do you think as a girl looking at him he's too pretty? Michael is not the problem Prince is. What does Kim Basinger see in Prince? I don't know. He hasn't even got a good body. He looks like a bean. Something we haven't seen I suggest. I don't see anything in him. We've seen all of it. His costumes are so tight. Yes go on. And another Hollywood story with his career now in top gear Michael Douglas has certainly shaken the tag of being Kirk's son. Ray Martin spoke to the actor producer via satellite and asked him what was the appeal of his latest movie War of the Roses? Well I just thought it was a great sick script. Sick. And I was very sick and I was glad to see that the Australians share the same sick attitude that I do about about marriages. I want a divorce. No you don't. You can't have one. I've thought about this a lot. I really don't want to be married to you anymore. I think I need I I think you owe me after this many pretty damn good years of marriage a solid reason. I work my ass off to make enough money to provide you with a good life and you owe me a reason that makes sense. So let's hear it. Come on. Let's hear it. Let's hear it. Because when I watch you eat, when I see you asleep, when I look at you lately, I just want to smash your face in. Smash my face. Come on. Wanna smash my face? The truth of the matter is I've been married 12 years and I think maybe I'm gonna be doing a trilogy between fatal attraction about adultery and war of the roses about divorce. So it's I think it's a way that sort of purges my own any doubts I have my own marriage. I can get it all out of my in my work. Do you blame Danny DeVito for this black comedy? Is he is he responsible for this? Danny DeVito is one of my oldest friends. We've been friends since 1968. We're roommates in New York City. We first began as actors in 1970 and he used to make these these little eight millimeter dark dark movies even then. So I think that he has a unique sense of comedy. This is torture. This is torture. Work him off. Worst experience I've ever had in my life. He's a big star. You know what I mean? You can't control him. Danny DeVito, very funny man. And the second part of Ray's interview with Michael Douglas in which he talks about his political ambitions will be on the midday show tomorrow. But now a serious story with a warning for anyone planning a trip to Great Britain on a limited budget. In London some Australian backpackers are offering themselves up as human guinea pigs and it's a pretty dangerous business. Two people died about between five and six years ago who were associated with drug trials and you know one's always concerned that it might happen tomorrow. Okay. Can we have 16? Going now. One, two. It looks like an intensive care unit and in many ways it is. Except for one major difference. All of these young men including several Australians are in every way perfectly healthy. Okay, no more on the patient. We're just recording. You're looking at human guinea pigs. Volunteers renting their bodies to test drugs. Most of which have never been used on humans before. There's a chance it could cost them their lives. This is a new drug. Although the animal data suggests the drug will not do you any harm at the dose we're going to give, we can't be certain. Dr. Tim Mant is medical director of the drug research unit at London's Guy's Hospital. Today he's issuing warnings to new volunteers here to test an experimental heart drug. There's always a risk with any drug you may cause harm. There's no doubt about that. As I mentioned before, penicillin can kill you if you give someone enough aspirin or enough paracetamol, you can kill them. The Guy's testing unit is one of the most reputable in the world. But what's worrying doctors at Guy's and a lot of other people are those who don't follow the rules. It's rumoured a hundred freelance drug testing clinics operate in Great Britain today, testing everything from antidepressants to weed killer, even radioactive isotopes. I've heard that people have carried out trials in hotel rooms with drugs that lower the blood pressure. Are you surprised that more people haven't died? It says a lot for the tolerance of the human body rather than for how well things have been organised. Well the bottom line is at the end of the day the drug could kill you. Chris Massey, a medical student, is spokesman for the student union at the University of London. What sort of horror stories if you like have you heard? Well they range from a student in a college where they were put on a tilt board and given a drug, their heart stopped and they had to be resuscitated to people being given skin testing for cosmetics and it turned out that bleach was put on a patch and their skin was permanently burned. So why would healthy young people volunteer for this kind of work? Well the answer is simple, probably predictable, money. Depending on the drug you're testing and the amount of time you're in hospital you could walk out with a thousand dollars, sometimes more in your pocket, for just one week's work. Dozens of Australians backpacking their way around Europe find that kind of pay packet irresistible. Because the more money you earn in the short amount of time the quicker you can get out of here. Russell DeLewis and Glen Moore are two backpackers from Perth trying to make enough money to travel. So far they've only tested comparatively safe drugs in safe clinics but they're open to suggestions. If you're offered enough money is there anything you wouldn't do? The more money they offer you the more like the more you think about it. The more risk you will take? Depends how desperate you are for money. Desperate for money and in the case of this Ozzy, desperate his mum doesn't find out what he's up to. What do you think your parents would think if they saw you lying here like this? Mum would probably get freaked out by seeing the first hospital room and then she'd say what a bloody fool I am for doing it. You think you're a bloody fool? I know, it's alright. I mean beats hell out of working you know. Oh yuck, one thing's for sure it's certainly bad for your skin. We continue after this break celebrating Nelson Mandela's release. These guys are hot. Real quick with the phone games. See the masters in action. Seven o'clock tomorrow on Sale of the Century. Flag hotels, motorins, resorts and executive apartments. For bookings 24 hours a day. Call Super Sally. Carpet Calls sensational summer sale is now on. Red hot savings on the whole range. Fuel wool twist pile in seven delightful colors $99 per meter or carpet three rooms for only a thousand and ninety nine dollars fully laid and 100% New Zealand wool loop pile verba $86 per meter or carpet three rooms for only $999 fully laid. They really are the best in a stroke. The experts in the trade. For the past week these speakers have been tuned to Fox FM. Now the Fox plays even more great rock and roll so these speakers have been playing one great rock track after another for seven continuous days. Let's see what happens when we switch from 101.9 Fox FM to a station that plays a lot of weird songs. The incredible all-new Honda Accord. Unless you drive it you'll never believe it. The all-new Honda Accord. Brilliant technology beautifully applied. Some people still think the ambulance service is free. It isn't. Non-members have to pay hundreds of dollars for one ride. $480. The only way to avoid these high charges is to be a member. Ring 848 0000. It's only $36.50 for a family, less for singles and pensioners who need cover. Ring 848 0000 and you're covered. It's worth it for the peace of mind. And now the subject that we guarantee will be on everyone's lips at some time tomorrow, the weather. A fine day in Brisbane and 30 degrees showers once again for Sydney and a top of 25. Mainly fine day in Canberra and 23. Fine 2 in Melbourne and 26 degrees. Hobart will be sunny with a top of 22. Adelaide fine and 32. Darwin mainly fine with a top of 34. Perth fine and 26 degrees. While in Alice Springs a fine day with a top of 36. And that's our show for tonight. And I want to know how you new kids enjoyed it. It's good for me. Gretel? Yeah put it this way I'll be back tomorrow night. I'm glad to hear it. So will I. You better be. Let's go out tonight. We hope you enjoyed the program. Let's go out with the special AKA song. Free Nelson Mandela. Their plea has been answered. Good night. His body is used but his mind is still free. Are you so blind that you cannot see? Free Nelson Mandela. I'm ready to free Nelson Mandela. He's the cause of the ANC. Only one man in a large army. Are you so blind that you cannot see? Are you so deaf that you cannot hear? Free Nelson Mandela. I'm ready to free Nelson. 7.30 Wednesday and Thursday online. Family and friends. You're very beautiful. You know that? Amazing eyes. Just see the way you look in it. Their love has started a fire. All you can think about is when the lover boy is gonna get into your pants. He was one thing. He's not like that. You stop seeing this girl immediately. Won't do that dad. Is this right? You two are gonna run off together. Dad. Now love could cost them their lives. Family and friends. 7.30 Wednesday and Thursday on the Nine Network. Bye bye. Say bye bye. One spray of Morteen and you'll never be free. We knew I wanted more tea but stick to it. Fred was up to his usual tricks off a good leaf of rot. He got a flaming great sense as it flew through the air. Blue lead out of raw. Oh. 080114444. There's no point crying. Call Windscreen's O'Brien. They'll fix it. How may I help you? For sure. Windscreen's O'Brien. The windscreen specialist with over 80 branches and 200 mobile units that'll come to you to replace door glass and front and rear windows at no extra cost. So remember the number. 080114444. Windscreen's O'Brien. There's no point crying. Oh no. I'll get it. They'll fix it. Oh sure. Live on Nine's Wide World of Sports. Australia takes on Pakistan. Porter's voice out to prove that the top guns. Pakistan will shake to Aussie thunder. Day and night excitement live from the Sydney Cricket Ground. Australia versus Pakistan. Tuesday from 2.20 exclusive to Nine's Wide World of Sports. Come on Aussie come on. Pardon. That's my copy. Mark. Wouldn't expect to see you here. I'm serious. That's the last herald. If it means that much to you. Yes. I want to see what Murdoch has to say about Fat Boy. So what's the scuttlebutt? I had a very emotional reunion with a member of my family. I meant my being absent as chief of surgery. That must have created a few waves. To be honest I haven't heard a ripple. Oh. How do you think Stan between you and Weigert? Well the corporation has settled with Mrs. Spooner leaving me holding the smoking scalpel and looking down the barrel of financial ruin. Then you're still locked out. I'm here to get the rest of my books, surgical instruments. I may have to find a new job. Dr. Craig. What the hell is that? The Weigert 2000 operating arm. Research and development say it's going to revolutionize precision techniques in the O.R. Watch now we get called doomcuffs for believing in high tech medicine. Certainly not like you in the Craig 9000 is it sir? I'll take the stairs. Excuse me. Any news on your lawsuit? So you think you know it all now? No. And the surgical department is better off without me? Well at least it's a happier place to work. This is our floor. Oh and thanks for never saying a kind word when Lucy was losing her baby. Ma'am I cannot help you unless you tell me what's wrong. Now the nurse charted here that you're experiencing an irritable bowel. Is that supposed to be a yes? Mrs. Goldman why don't you just give us both a break okay? All right time out. Wayne. Every one of your patients has been a problem this morning. I'm beginning to think it's you. Can I help it if I'm a bit muddled? In a week or so I've got to decide on a specialty and I have no direction. North by northwest. Oh wait I'm serious. Okay east of Eden, south pacific, how the west was won. Mrs. Goldman Dr. Axelrod has asked me to examine you. Can I help it if I'm a bit muddled? And joining me on the midday show with Oscar winning superstar Michael Douglas who pulls no punches. Wanna smash my face? That's midday with Ray. It's a break from the everyday. A feeling not coming your way. Nothing beats food with a Coca-Cola. Godfrey's have just released another fabulous batch of these late model used Electrolux cleaners with double filtered air, easy moving wheels and dust indicator and famous Electrolux suction. You can choose from a host of optional extras like this turbo powered head or this easy to use shampoo unit or this clip on spray gun. For this week only Godfrey's slashed the price to just $79. Yes $79. So be early at Godfrey's tomorrow. Corfield South, Ringwood, Footscray, Frankston and Branches. Since 76 Fleetwood Mac have delivered the hits. From the breakthrough albums Fleetwood Mac and Rulers to Tango in the Night and their greatest hits, the Mac have touched us all. And now Fleetwood Mac are coming to town. Catch them live at the National Tennis Center. Tickets for concert number four Saturday March 31 are on sale now. Fleetwood Mac live in concert. The Mac is back. How many times have you said to yourself I wouldn't mind one of those Ford lasers and how many times have you heard your friends tell you how good their laser is? Well right now your Ford dealer will offer you a great deal on the laser you want because there's a new model coming and that means lasers are running out. Your laser is at your Ford dealer right now but if you don't hurry someone else will run off with it. Today's news doesn't have to be tomorrow's garbage. Recycling is just part of the answer. Well I know you've enjoyed bundling our trash all week but all good things must come to an end. Your sodium level is back to normal. I'm discharging it. I plan on continuing my protest. Staying on your hunger strike. And picketing until this hospital changes its waste disposal policies. You went to a coma once from dehydration. If we hadn't brought you out you'd already be a sanitary landfill. I'm not quitting my crusade. St. Allegius is a large institution. It's going to generate waste. Of course. I was a garbage man remember? The question is how much waste? What kind? Where does it all end up? Responsibility doesn't stop where curbside pickup begins. Will those bandages be incinerated properly? Or will they end up washing ashore at Cape Anne? We've had this conversation. Mr. Chavez has a leg wound and while I love spaceship earth stopping his bleeding is my priority. You're buying Mr. Pickle. I thought Pickle wasn't due to leave till tomorrow. He's well enough. Besides, Wigand wants him out before he causes any more trouble. Our corporation. It's like working for Papa and Baby Doc and I hate idiots. Hi hon. Hi Phil. I don't know who's got the most personality. Gideon or his new robot. Did you see the look that Lucy gave me? Did you see the look you left on Craig's face coming out of the elevator? Please. Besides I thought you told him off a couple weeks ago. I don't think somehow we betrayed him. Because our lives have gone on without him? Craig's been beating the bejeebers out of us the past couple years and personally I'm enjoying this no day so relax. Luther. Hi. Hi. You know what? Of all the instructional videos I've shot for the hospital channel the patient poll ranks you as tops. Number one with the bullet. Sorry about last night. It was fun. Finally worked up the nerve to ask you out and then I remember I had class in Northeastern. I learned a lot. You scored high on the test too. Really? Got it back this morning. Hey how do you know so much about physiology? I don't. I Christmas treat the test. You're amazing. How amazing? Hey, the counselor's looking for you. Yeah. Okay. You are so pretty. Do you have any other girlfriends? Nobody I give a riddance about, maybe. Luther. I talked to Dr. Ashlander and Dr. Gideon. Your request to join rounds has been granted. Thanks Dr. Keeam. I guess this isn't the right time for us to have our first kiss. And I have to too. Woke up, got out of bed, tried to come across my head. If you want to read your journal out loud, why don't you go in the lounge? Three different chemical dependency units and you are the most intolerant roommate yet. What assignments? I haven't written this much since I was in university. Where? Kent. Speaking of which, I need a cigarette. You know, if you worked in a hospital and you could see the horrible effects that smoking has. One addiction at a time. Helen, please. Booze is my current bugaboo. My drug abuse took place over years. Muscle relaxant, painkillers. I was unaware the effect was snowballing, but drunkenness, how could you not know? What this place is all about. Overcoming denial. Barbara, is that you? Barbara. Say hello to Grandpa. How did you drive down all the way from Clinton? I picked her up on my way back from New Hampshire. Oh, thanks for taking an extra week. I got stuck driving Carol Novina and Lizzie Westpole all the way back to Boston. I had to think some things out. Alone. Look at you. You're almost old enough to go to your high school prom. How long is Barbara going to be here? At least till the weekend. The bond's gone in for some intensive physical therapy. Uh huh. No girls allowed where I'm staying at the Ivy Club. Guess I'll have to come to the house to visit. So how did you spend your week's vacation in Peterborough? Being reacquainted with my hometown. You really were alone. That's what I said. I tried sorting out some things. Any conclusions? A few. Would you mind watching Barbara? I just need to check out today's menu with the chef. I'll see you around. Grandma's about to ask me back. Okay. 不起 영상isters