We'll be right back with Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island on Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theater. Jump in the hyper space! The Star Wars Millennium Falcon CD-ROM playset. The galaxy will never be the same. Whoa! Comes with CD playset and handsolo figure. All other figures each sold separately. Requires Windows 95 or higher. Hey, where's Tommy? Get his console down. That's okay. He gets older and that's the quick he wants. All the quick he wants? Time out! You're Tommy Depp, well soon. But until you do... Share the wealth! Coming down, guys. Heads up! Good, Tommy! Chocolate milk? Think quick! Bye! Power Rangers in the lost galaxy. Elastran Morpher on your wrist. Cargalax and Dorthmite Bits. All around the five-zone tube. So is Evil 2, thank you! Power Rangers in the lost galaxy. Power Splice! Then Great Lock! Now it's time to really rock! Power Rangers in the lost galaxy. The Megazord! Awesome light! Impressive everything is science science science science! Transmorphers and Deluxe Galaxy Megazord. Each sold separately. Batteries not included. From Bandai. Baby love, baby love. I need your, oh how I need your love. What makes this thing so fresh and irresistible? Try Pamper's Baby Fresh Wipes with Moisture Pillow Quilting. They contain just the right amount of moisture to help these skin clean and fresh. And they're gentler than the other leading brands. Baby love, baby love. Pamper's Baby Fresh. Pamper the Skin Maron. For Littlefoot and his friends, life is about to change in the Great Ballad. Something is wrong. Grandpa is very ill. And if our brave hero is to save the day... We have to get the night bar for Grandpa! ...then he and his friends will have to face their most important adventure ever. Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theater presents The Land Before Time 4. Next Sunday at 10 on Cartoon Network. We now return to Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island on Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theater. Next time on Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theater. The Land Before Time 4. Only on Cartoon Network. Nestle Sweet's success. Lose the way, find yourself. Huffines definitely took the worry out of buying my pre-owned car. They gave me a 90-day warranty and they definitely backed it up with their name. Huffines does have a large selection of great-looking pre-owned vehicles. They definitely... I didn't find anything in the Metroplex that was a better selection. See the Ray Huffines Discount Supercenter at Coyote Road and Plano Parkway, Plano. Huffines! Huffines! Loves when I make Hi, Mommy! Huffines! Say hi to Billy. Billy's just been to Chuck E. Cheese's. And it seems he's got just one thing to say. Awesome! Thanks. Thanks for Chuck E. Cheese's. The world is a cool Chuck place. Nice shape. The new Star Wars Episode I movie is coming to theaters next summer, but you can get a sneak preview now. An army of Trade Federation battle droid pilots comes alive aboard their new staff patrol vehicles. Take cover. Liar! The staff with battle droid can be yours now from Hasbro. Staff comes with figure, eat souls, everything. See where it all begins. Star Wars Episode I. Huh? What the... You're such a brat, Bart. What? Yeah, you won't share your Butterfinger BBs. Oh, we're taking them. Ooh, bite size. Ah, man, sir. No, Maggie, no! Groovy, munchy men. Ah! Bag a bunch of crispity. Crunchity. Peanut buttery Butterfinger BBs. Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger BBs. Ah! For Littlefoot and his friends, life is about to change in the Great Valley. Something is wrong. Grandpa is very ill. And if our brave hero is to save the day... We have to get the night bar for Grandpa! ...then he and his friends will have to face their most important adventure ever. Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theatre presents The Land Before Time 4. Next Sunday at 10 on Cartoon Network. We now return to Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island on Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theatre. We'll be right back with Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island on Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theatre. Baby love, baby love, I need your, oh, how I need your love. What makes these things so fresh and irresistible? Try Pamper's Baby Fresh Wipes with Moisture Pillow Quilting. They contain just the right amount of moisture, to help these skin clean and fresh. And they're gentler than the other leading brands. Oh, baby love, baby love, I need your, oh, how I need your love. Pamper's Baby Fresh, Pamper the Skin They're In. It was the day after my 40th birthday when my daughter was born. I was breathless about this miracle that had come into my life. I had all these wonderful expectations. I had a lot of dreams. I had all these wonderful expectations. I pictured her looking so perfect. Her little dresses, well, they don't stand a chance. For tough stains, there's Tidewood Bleach. It has more stuff to get out more tough stains better than other detergents. Some moms my age have kids studying geometry. We're working on the Issy Bitsy Spider. Young Andrew is about to discover just how strong Charmin Ultra is. Strong enough for this. The strongest bathroom tissue there is. And it's still facial tissue soft. Charmin Ultra, where softness and strength are in perfect combination. Charmin, you will do it, got it? Charmin Ultra, Charmin Ultra, Charmin Ultra. Charmin Ultra, Charmin Ultra, Charmin Ultra. Charmin Ultra, Charmin Ultra, Charmin Ultra. It's a beautiful moment. Bounce gives clothes, linens, and towels a freshness you can't help but notice day after day. Because Bounce has time-release freshness. So put a little Bounce in your morning and house. Beautiful moment. I've got a fresh secret. You can add Bounce's time-release freshness to all kinds of places. Try putting a new sheet of Bounce in your closet or gym bag. Isn't it great finding a new use for a product you already love, Bounce? Sometimes the freshest ideas are right under your nose. We now return to Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island on Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theater. The land before time four. Only on Cartoon Network. You know, ideas and inventions come from people in all walks of life. Do you have an idea for a new product or invention? If so, Invention Submission Corporation has information to help you get started. ISC is America's largest inventor service firm. Call now and learn how to submit your idea to companies through ISC's data bank. And apply for a patent. Even if your idea is just to improve an existing product. Call for ISC's free information. Want more channels? More movies? More great programming? And a great way to find it all? Get TCI Digital Cable. With our on-screen guide, it's easy to find out what's on and what's coming on. Browse other channels without leaving the one you're on. Or just go right to your favorites. Even lock out what's not for your kids. Get TCI Digital Cable. You don't just get more television. You get more out of it. Call to hook up. Nobody in this house ever gets diarrhea. My stomach okay? Or nausea. I was sick to my stomach. Or even indigestion. Oh my stomach. But for all those stomach problems, I'm ready with Pepto-Bismol. It's a whole first aid kit for stomach. As it coats, Pepto relieves most any stomach problem. Not just a few like these other leading medicines, Pepto-Bismol. Whether it's their stomach, stomachs or stomachs. It's first aid for heartburn, diarrhea, nausea, indigestion and upset stomach. It was the day after my 40th birthday when my daughter was born. I was breathless about this miracle that had come into my life. I had all these wonderful expectations. I had pictures of her looking so perfect. His little dresses, well they don't stand a chance. For tough stains, there's Tide with Bleach. It has more stuff to get out more tough stains better than other detergents. Some moms my age have kids studying geometry. We're working on the Issy Bissy Spider. Baby love, baby love, I need your, oh how I need your love. What makes his skin so fresh and irresistible? Try PAMBER's Baby Fresh Wipes with Moisture Pillow Quilting. They contain just the right amount of moisture to help leave skin clean and fresh. And they're gentler than the other leading brands. Baby love, baby love. PAMBER's Baby Fresh, PAMBER the skin they're in. Cartoon Network dot com has turned your favorite cartoons into online games. Pull some frames with Fred or get screwy with Hong Kong food. It's up to you. Exclusively on Cartoon Network dot com. The best place for cartoons online. Connect. Make a breakaway. First you make them, then you break them. Break away, smashers power. Power. Rock Connect. Break them, remake them. Break away, speasers power. Power. Rock Connect. Break away, speedsters and smashers, each sold separately with figure. Need Ed. Don't try to follow him. Seriously. You don't want to be downwind of that boy. Tonight at 10.30 on Cartoon Network. Ed and Nettie. We now return to Scooby Doo on Zombie Island on Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theater. We'll be right back with Scooby Doo on Zombie Island on Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theater. Baby love, baby love, I need your, oh how I need your love. What makes his skin so fresh and irresistible? Try Pampers Baby Fresh Wipes with Moisture Pillow Quilting. They contain just the right amount of moisture to help leave skin clean and fresh. And they're gentler than the other leading brands. Baby love, baby love. Pampers Baby Fresh, pamper the skin they're in. It's a beautiful morning. Bounce gives clothes, linens and towels a freshness you can't help but notice day after day. Because Bounce has time-release freshness. So put a little Bounce in your morning and house. Beautiful morning. I've got a fresh secret. You can add Bounce's time-release freshness to all kinds of places. Try putting a new sheet of Bounce in your closet or gin bag. Isn't it great finding a new use for a product you already love and found? Sometimes the freshest ideas are right under your nose. Stay tuned to receive your free trial version of America's number one accounting software for small businesses. Hi Chuck, how's business? Okay. Hey, what's on your screen? QuickBooks accounting software from the makers of Quicken. I called a toll-free number and got a free trial version. My system works fine for me. That's what I thought. But if you have bills to pay or customers who owe you money, you really ought to try this. Yeah, I really don't have time to learn new software. Well, if you can write a check, you can use QuickBooks. Answer a few questions and it tailors itself to your business. Now I create invoices like these. Yeah, but my business is so different from yours. Ah, but that's what makes QuickBooks so great. It's the number one software for any small business. It has accounts payable, accounts receivable, even payroll and inventory. And you never have to enter information twice. There's over 60 customizable reports that put you in control. Know if you're making or losing money. I'm gonna get that free trial version. Nothing to lose. Try QuickBooks in new multi-user-ready QuickBooks Pro Free. Just call 1-888-489-5900. Call today. For Littlefoot and his friends, light is about to change in the Great Valley. Something is wrong. It is. Grandpa is very ill. And if our brave hero is to save the day... We have to get the night bar for Grandpa! ...then he and his friends will have to face their most important adventure ever. Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theater presents The Land Before Time 4. Next Sunday at 10 on Cartoon Network. Watch Ed. Watch Ed. No, no, no. Over here. Just read the line. Watch Ed, Edd, and Eddy. Go on Cartoon Network. I'm sorry, best friend. Okay. Tonight at 10.30 on Cartoon Network. Ed, Edd, and Eddy. I can name three cheaters. Thank you. Uh-huh. We now return to Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island on Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theater. Next time on Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theater. The Land Before Time 4. Only on Cartoon Network. A new dark age has finally begun. The kids will be mine. They came to kidnap Gohan. They would steal a child for the key to immortality. But now they must face his father, the Earth's greatest champion. Where's Gohan, you cat-win? Let's go! His name is Goku. If you can't beat me, I'll take you all on. This time I'm gonna finish you off for good. Bring it on! He will see the return of his son. Pray for those who took him. I will rule this and every other world! This Friday, the battle for our planet begins again. I will never die! Cartoon Network presents a special Dragon Ball Z movie, Dead Zone. Friday at 4. Only to Nami. That is no ordinary kid. Blast. Here's the new crispy ham and ham time. Crispy center, chocolate, delicious. Mother must be proud. Pig. Huh? Do you see? Could you just for one second put yourself in my place? Yum. Yum. Whoa. That's funny. There goes your sister. There's your cousin. That's your first date. Cheryl. Some racy new changes are coming to Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Now there's checkered flags on every bite for an unbeatable full throttle cinnamon sugar taste. A winning quarter to complete breakfast. Racing new Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Now with Chappy and checkered flags. The take, you can see. But they're going fast. Hey, where's Tommy? Get his console down. That's okay. He gets all the Nestle quick he wants. All the quick he wants? Time out. Dear Tommy, get well soon. But until you do, share the wealth. Come and get outside. Heads up. Here's Tommy. Chocolate milk. Think quick. Mom. Mom loves when I make forks and cupcakes. Hello? Hello, Daphne. Do you like Scooby movies? What do you think, Shaggy? I'm not Shaggy. I'm hanging up now. Wait, can I come over? I hear a popcorn. Scooby movies today at noon on Cartoon Network. Meet Eddie. You, uh... You don't want to know where that tongue's been. Tonight at 10.30 on Cartoon Network, Ed and Eddie. We now return to Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island on Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theatre. What if you had no home? Nowhere to eat and nowhere to sleep? Well, that's just the problem that Littlefoot and his family are facing. Forced from the Valley of the Mists, they must search for a new life far from the dangers that threatens the last of the dinosaurs. Watch The Land Before Time 4, Valley of the Mists, next Saturday on Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theatre. What makes his skin so fresh and irresistible? Try Pamper's Baby Fresh Wipes with Moisture Pillow Quilting. They contain just the right amount of moisture to help leave skin clean and fresh. And they're gentler than the other leading brands. And they're gentle. And they're gentle. And they're gentle. And they're gentle. And they're gentle. And they're gentle. And they're gentler than the other leading brands. Baby love, baby love. The brains of the operation, huh? Soon see. So tell me, do you have the satellite dish or TCI digital cable? I got the satellite. No brain. All that dough on a dish and he can't even watch different channels on different sets at the same time. Not without spending a lot more. With TCI digital cable, he'd have got lots more than before. More champs. More movies. More sports. More cable he already had. Back to the street. TCI digital cable. It's smarter. These are cars. This is your Internet. How can you use the Internet to find your next car? Just type automallusa.com. Simple. Automallusa.com. 598-0404. Call now. Baby love, baby love. I need your, oh how I need your love. What makes his skin so fresh and irresistible? Try the TCI digital cable. What makes his skin so fresh and irresistible? Try Pampers Baby Fresh Wipes with Moisture Pillow Quilting. They contain just the right amount of moisture to help leave skin clean and fresh. And they're gentler than the other leading brands. Baby love, baby love. Pampers Baby Fresh. Pamper the skin they're in. Come on, boy. Bart's Butterfinger is so butterfingery. Get a homer, dude. Crispity Crunchity Butterfinger from Nestle. Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger. Is your child getting Cs and Ds when you know he or she is capable of As and Vs? I wasn't getting good marks in reading. It was painful for me as a parent to see Jessica struggling with reading. First game was a fun way to learn how to read. First I thought it was too good to be true, but there's a money back guarantee. Here's the Phonics game promise. One full letter grade improvement on your child's next report card or your money back. Using the Phonics game, I saw an improvement in two weeks. Her teacher came up to me at school and told me that she had seen a great improvement. Reading is fun and easy for her now. She's proud to show me her report card. I really like school now. I'm getting good grades. The Phonics game is worth every penny. The Phonics game is fast, it's fun, and it works. Call. Consult with the Phonics game representatives. Soon your child will be playing his way to better grades in reading. See results on the next report card or your money back. Go back to bed with the Flintstone tonight at eight on Cartoon Network. Toon Extra! Hi-ho! Do you know the names of the U.S. residents who then became the president and got a view from the White House loo of Pennsylvania Avenue? George Washington was the first you see. He walked up down a cherry tree. President number two would be John Adams and then number three. Tom Jefferson stayed up to write a declaration late at night. So he and his wife had a great big fight and she made him sleep on the couch all night. James Madison never had a son, any fault the war of 1812. James Monroe's colossal nose was bigger than the Nokia. John Quincy Adams was number six and it's Andrew Jackson's butt he kicks. So Jackson learns to play politics next time he's the one that the country picks. Martin Van Buren number eight for a one-term shot at cheap update. William Harrison, how do you phrase that guy was dead in 30 days? John Tyler, he liked country folk. And after him came president folk. Zachary Taylor liked to smoke his breath-killed friends whenever he spoke. 1850 really nifty Miller Bill Moselle. Young and fierce was Franklin Pierce, the man without a chin. Follows next up period's Spen and four long years with James Buchanan. Then the South starts shooting cannons and we got a Civil War. A war, a war down South to Dixie. Up to back comes old Dave Lincoln. There's a guy who's really thinking. Kept the United States from shrinking, saved the ship upstate from sinking. Andrew Johnson's next, he had some fighty decks. Congress each would impeach. And so the country now elects. Ulysses Simpson Grant who would scream and rave and rave. While drinking whiskey, oh the risky cause he's bailing on his pants. It's 1877 and the Democrats would gloat. But they're all amazed when Rutherford Hayes wins by just one vote. James Garfield, someone really hated cause he was assassinated. Chester Arthur gets instated four years later. He was too young to be a politician. He was instated four years later. He was traded. Mark Grover Cleveland really sat elected twice as a Democrat. Then Benjamin Harrison after that is William McKinley of the fast. Teddy Roosevelt charged up San Juan Hill. And President Taffy got the bill in 1913. Woodrow Wilson takes us into World War I. The Warren Harding next in line. It's Calvin Coolidge he does fine. And then in 1929 the market crashes and we fight. It's Herbert Hoover's big debut. He gets the blame and loses too. Franklin Roosevelt president who helped us win in World War II. Harry Truman weird little human serves two terms and when he's done. It's Eisenhower who's got the power from 53 to 61. John Kennedy had Camelot. Then Lyndon Johnson took his spot. Richard Nixon he gets caught and Gerald Ford fell down a lot. Jimmy Carter the camping trip. And Ronald Reagan speeches scripts all came from famous movie clips. And President Bush said read my lips. Now in Washington D.C. There's Democrats and the GOP. But the ones in charge are plain to see. The Clintons, Bill and Hillary. The next president to lead the way. Well it just might be yourself one day. Then the press will distort everything you say. So jump in your plane and fly away. You're watching Beetlejuice. On Cartoon Network. Beetlejuice? That sounds like a disgusting soda flavor and yet I'm curious as to the taste. Do you think I'm weird? In every heart speed lies in wait. To be unleashed by only the bravest few. Get out of the way Cartoon Network is taking over the race track. Vroom vroom everybody. Get geared up for the first ever Daytona 500 on Cartoon Network. Hang on as your favorite cartoon stars battle it out for the win. Hong Kong food. Scooby and Velma. Tooby. Dexter. And Jane Jetson. To get in on the action race to your local grocery store now. To collect specially marked General Mills snack products like these. Then look inside for your game piece. Race around your game piece wins. You drive away with a Cartoon Network mini racer. And a chance to hang trackside with the Pig Crew in the Winston Cubs series race. Catch all the speed and fury of the Daytona 500 on Cartoon Network Saturday, February 13th between 4 and 7 to see if you win. This is a mighty gassy blimp. Practice and I'll take you to Chuck E. Cheese's. The non-stop fun of Chuck E. Cheese's. What a youth who deserves it. God damn it. CDEFG. You know some boo-boo. Like what, Yogi? I'm bored with this park. I am Pinto. Away! It's Yogi Bear. Weekdays at 11 only on Cartoon Network. And now performing another classic movie. The The Animaniacs. Tonight at 7 on Cartoon Network. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice is back. Coming up next, it's the Addams Family. Followed by Road Rovers on Cartoon Network. The tough lines definitely took the worry out of buying my pre-owned car. They gave me a ninety-two dollar car. I'm gonna have to get a new one. I'm gonna have to get a new one. I'm gonna have to get a new one. I'm gonna have to get a new one. I'm gonna have to get a new one. See the Ray mend discount broker. See the Ray mend discount broker. We've gone a long way. Right bueno. All the way through it. See the Huff Ive. I'm feeling great. See the Huff Ive. No, I'm not feeling great. I hope it does. Not today or tomorrow. When it comes. Not tomorrow. I had a great time. Me too. Wanna come in? Sure. I just got a satellite dish. What? Instead of TCI Digital Cable? You spent hundreds of dollars and you can't even get the local news? Not unless she gets a separate antenna or an extra dish. With TCI Digital Cable you get lots more channels than before. Well, a lot less money than a dish. I loved you for your mind. What is this? Now I know better. TCI Digital Cable. It's smarter. In every heart, speed lies in wait to be unleashed by only the bravest few. Get out of the way. Cartoon Network is taking over the racetrack. Vroom, vroom, everybody. Get geared up for the first ever Daytuna 500 on Cartoon Network. Hang on as your favorite cartoon stars battle it out for the win. Hong Kong food, Scooby and Velma, Tooby, Dexter, and Jane Jetson. To get in on the action, race to your local grocery store now to collect specially marked General Mel's snack products like these. Then look inside for your game piece. Race around your game piece wins, you drive away with a Cartoon Network mini racer, and a chance to hang trackside with the pig crew in a Wincy Cubs series race. Catch all the speed and fury of the Daytuna 500 on Cartoon Network Saturday, February 13th between 4 and 7 to see if you win. This is a mighty gatsy blimp. ***��aidсы peque в�세им manufacturers *** He may be used to dealing with freaks and monsters, but I'm a little new at this. Look out! You should've warned me! You have to think on your feet. That's it. You're showing me everything. Batman Beyond. Weekends on Kids WB. You know, you'd think at some point he's got to over-tighten that thing. Dexter's Laboratory. Weekdays at 7.30 on Cartoon Network. Meet Ed. He uses Post-It notes to remind himself to buy more Post-It notes. Tonight at 10.30 on Cartoon Network. Ed and Nettie. Welcome to Pick Your Marsupial! Today we have a cute, cuddly koala and Kaz. I'll compare our contestants' attributes, then our audience will pick their favorite. Here we go! The koala lives in peaceful harmony with nature. Kaz devours nature! The koala eats eucalyptus leaves. Kaz eats? Uh-oh! We've got a winner! Let's give a hearty congratulations to Kaz! You have media. Today at 4 on Cartoon Network. Finally, the people around here have come to their senses and want to feature someone with real talent in the commercials. Ah, the script. Let's give it a go, shall we? The serendipitous Billy... What the? The serendipitous... The serendipitous Billy Shnategan on the Bugs and Daffy Show. That does it! This script is impossible to deliver. You'll be hearing from my lawyers. Bugs and Daffy, today at 5 on Cartoon Network. Watch Ed. Watch Ed. No, no, no. Over here. Just read the line. Watch Ed, Ed, and Eddie. Go on Cartoon Network. I'm sorry, best friend. Okay. Tonight at 10.30 on Cartoon Network. Ed, Ed, and Eddie. I can name three cheaters. Thank you. Can I play with this? No. That? No. How about this? No. You're watching the Addams Family on Cartoon Network. You know what they say? With friends like Fester, who needs a hunchbacked assistant named Igor? That's so true. The star-studded Denver Broncos are a super team once again. Sports Illustrated salutes the Broncos back to back with an exclusive super pack. The great new video Denver Broncos Super Bowl 33 Champions. Plus this special hardcover Sports Illustrated commemorative edition. This limited edition is available on the Internet. This commemorative edition, this limited edition individually numbered classic, features a special tribute to John Elway and includes his replica signature. Both are free with your paid subscription to SI. Treasure forever the Broncos sensational season, the playoffs, and their second straight Super Bowl victory. It's all free in SI's super pack with your order of 55 issues of SI for only $1.59 an issue. Save over 45% off the cover price. Get this super sports watch free when you use your credit card. It features both the Super Bowl and Broncos logos and keeps super time. Call now to get all three super collectibles free from Sports Illustrated. It's a sports experience like no other. Sports Illustrated. You can't beat it. Are you ready to have some fun? Well now you can create colorful works of art in just seconds with Marvin's Magic Drawing Board. It works like magic. Wonderful colorful creations come to life right before your eyes. It's easy and it's fun. And look when you're done a few quick swipes and you're ready to create another masterpiece. Great for any age. It's fast, it's easy, and kids love it. Think of it. No paint, no paper, no mess at all. Perfect on the road or in the air. You can pack it anywhere. But wait, you'll also get Marvin's amazing pens. Invisible, erasable, absolutely amazing. They even change color right before your eyes. Now that's magic. Get this complete set for $19.95. Must be 18 years or older to call. But get your complete magic drawing set on this special TV offer. Call 1-800-313-5454 and order your Marvin's Magic Drawing Board for just $19.95. Must be 18 years or older. Call 1-800-313-5454. Call now. The Powerpuff Girls tonight at 1130 on Cardboard. Now back to the Addams Family. That's Addams with two D's. Freaky, huh? Look what's coming up next. It's Grover's, followed by Godzilla on Cartoon Network. For information on products and services, turn to the Everything Pages directory from GTE. You'll find what you're looking for. For the best summer of your life, visit Smooth Contours for laser hair removal, cellulite treatment, microderm abrasion, and MD Forte and Celex C. For full skin services and a complimentary consultation, call 972-424-2424 today. Under Beauty Services in the Everything Pages. GTE directories. Shopping's right this way. Ta-da! It takes a revolution to make a solution. I was looking for a solution, then an air and noise pollution. Yesterday she came around and said, step out of revolution. I said, I don't wanna go. I wanna hang around at home. Let's go! In every heart, speed lies in wait to be unleashed by only the bravest few. Get out of the way. Cartoon Network is taking over the racetrack. Vroom, vroom, everybody! Get geared up for the first ever Daytuna 500 on Cartoon Network. Hang on as your favorite cartoon stars battle it out for the win. Hong Kong food, Scooby and Velma, Tooby, Dexter, and Jane Jetson. To get in on the action, race to your local grocery store now to collect specially marked General Mel's snack products like these. Then look inside for your game piece. Racer on your game piece wins, you drive away with a Cartoon Network mini racer, and a chance to hang trackside with a pig crew in a Winston Cup Series race. Catch all the speed and fury of the Daytuna 500 on Cartoon Network Saturday, February 13th between 4 and 7 to see if you win. This is a mighty gassy blimp! They are America's dreamers, builders, leaders. They are the future of America's companies and communities. They are students, teachers, machinists, programmers. But we're more. We're more. One weekend a month, two weeks a year. We're the men and women of the U.S. Army Reserve. We're proud of what we do and who we are. You can join us in the Army Reserve. As a full-time citizen serving part-time, you can train in one of almost 200 career fields, learn high-tech skills, and earn up to $25,100 toward a college degree. While you're still in college, serve part-time. Feel the pride that's full-time. Can you see yourself? This could be you. Call this number for more information. You'll receive a free brochure in the mail. There's no obligation. No matter where you are in your life, the Reserve can help you be better in life. Call now. Be all that you can be in the Army Reserve. How about it? Mysteries are very solving. So here's how to do it. First, recognize trouble before it recognizes you. Trouble. Trouble. Maybe. Now watch history sing. Tonight at 6, case closed. Oh, my darling, oh, my darling, oh, my darling, honeybee. I have to go poppy. With all the chicks. Come on. Did you fall in? Oh, yeah. Has anyone seen my hair removal cream? I think bald is a very good look for you. Animaniacs. Tonight at 7 on Cartoon Network. Shine your head for a cold ass. You know. You know. Go back to bedrock with the Flintstones. Tonight at 8 on Cartoon Network. You're watching Road Rovers on Cartoon Network. Evil is their chewy toy. Undanger that dog biscuit. Not that they don't like real dog biscuits, too. Wimble the craving. Come over you. Honeycomb. Me want honeycomb. Crunchy. So good. Honey. Both Stoneycomb cereal is part of this nutritious breakfast. Where were you? Listen. They're all twisted. It's Toon Twister to the rescue. Watch it untwist twisted tunes. And twist up everything else. Twisted. One Toon Twister and booklet free. The Toon Twister and the Honeycomb and Golden Crisp cereal. Big news. The ants you love are back. We're the lords of the earth. There's Z, Bala and Weaver. Big guys coming through. Ants. It's insectopia. You can own one of the coolest movies of the year on February 9th. Rated PG. Babies are bundles of energy. So Pampers found a way to use that energy. That's why in all of our diapers there are stripes of lotion that form the gentle touch liner plus aloe. It uses a baby's movement and warmth to release a layer of lotion that helps protect against wetness. And helps skin stay soft and smooth. Pampers premium and baby dry. They keep on working and babies keep on going. Ampere the skin they're in. Come on boy. Bart's butterfinger so butterfingery. Hit a homer dude. Crispity crunchity butterfinger from Nestle. Nobody better lay a finger on my butterfinger. It's the coffee selection Ted gives us here. Oh look. Spongecake dot com. Bob's Carburetor page. Well let's just see about that. Not here Chester. No no. Carnifleik World. Now there's a site worth checking out. Cartoonnetwork.com. My work is done here. Your source for entertaining news daily. They came and kidnapped Gohan. They would steal a child for the key to immortality. But now they must face his father. Where's Gohan? You can't win. He will see the return of his son. Pray for those who took him this Friday. The battle for our planet begins again. Cartoon Network presents a special Dragon Ball Z movie. Dead Zone. Friday at 4. Only to Nami. That is no ordinary kick. Flash. Play and fetch with hand grenades. The Roe Rovers are back. For Cartoon Network's latest cartoon, take three friends. A sweet yet compulsive knee freak. A lovable smelly mono brow. And a good-hearted loudmouth who thinks she's a stud but isn't. Now put them in junior high. If that's not chaotic enough, let's give them all the same name. Now if that's not funny, I don't know what is. Ed and Eddie. Mondays at 8. The Earth's greatest champion. Where's Gohan? You can't win. Let's go. His name is Goku. Can't beat me. I'll take you all on. This time I'm gonna finish you off for good. Bring it on. He will see the return of his son. Pray for those who took him. I will rule this and every other world. This Friday, the battle for our planet begins again. I will never die. Cartoon Network presents a special Dragon Ball Z movie, Dead Zone. Friday at 4. Only to Nami. That is no ordinary kid. Flash. Cartoon Network offers this form for opinions and editorials from our cartoon stars. Hi, I'm Zan. And I'm Jaina. And we're the Wonder Twins. Today we'd like to talk about what's real. And what's make-believe. That's right, Jaina. You see, some people might watch our show and think that they too can change into a big sheet of ice. Or a giant gorilla. Right again, sis. The thing of it is, we're superheroes from another planet with lots of special powers that most of you Earthlings just don't have. Wonder Twin powers, activate! So before you go and try to mutate into an algorithm rhythm tiger. Or a giant bucket of ice water. Remember this simple phrase. Wait a minute. How come I always change into something lame like ice? I'm always a waver, a puddle. I don't know, Zan. This isn't the time or the place to get into this. Well, when are we gonna talk about it? What kind of superpower do I really have? I mean, when you get right down to it. Zan, relax. I could get beaten by a sponge. It wouldn't even have to be an evil sponge. Just drop it, Zan. I'm serious. The opinions expressed in this editorial are not necessarily the views of cartoon network employees. Coming up next, it's Godzilla, followed by Super Friends on Cartoon Network. There's one place to go. To get beyond the sound box. To see the political process for yourself unfiltered as it happens. C-SPAN. Provided as a public service by America's cable company. At no cost to the taxpayer. And available free to our schools. For 20 years. C-SPAN. The cable industry's gift to America. When buying a used car out of the paper, you're not really sure what you're getting. But with Huff Lines, they take the worry out of buying a used car, because they have mechanics that go over it. And if you're totally confident about what you're buying, they do back their cars with a 90-day warranty. I would tell family or friends to buy a pre-owned vehicle from Huff Lines, because they're getting a good car, and it's worry-free. See the Ray Huffine Discount Supercenter at Coyote Road and Plano Parkway, Plano. Huffine! Hanging! Hook up with the Department of Cartoons and find out how your favorite cartoons were born. Check out Storyboard scripts and hear from the creators themselves. One of the comments was that it was too scary. Cartoonnetwork.com. The best place for cartoons online. Wayne, you there? The boss isn't watching. Hmm, you know what that means. Fun time! Woohoo! Let's see, we can spin out for a joyride, kick up a little mayhem, take down a few bad guys all before the big guy can... McGinnis! Uh-oh. Here's where I'm grounded for life. Batman Beyond Weekends on Kids WB. You scratch it, no allowance. In every heart, speed lies in wait to be unleashed by only the bravest few. Get out of the way. Cartoon Network is taking over the racetrack. Vroom, vroom, everybody! Get geared up for the first ever Daytuna 500 on Cartoon Network. Hang on as your favorite cartoon stars battle it out for the win. Hong Kong food, Scooby and Velma, Tooby, Dexter, and Jane Jetson. To get in on the action, race to your local grocery store now to collect specially marked General Mel's snack products like these. Then look inside for your game piece. Race around your game piece wins, you drive away with a Cartoon Network mini racer and a chance to hang trackside with the Pig Crew in a Wincy Cubs series race. Catch all the speed and fury of the Daytuna 500 on Cartoon Network Saturday, February 13th between 4 and 7 to see if you win. It's the mighty Gatsy Blimp! Say hi to Billy. Billy's just been to Chuck E. Cheese's. And it seems he's got just one thing to say. Awesome! Hey, thanks for Chuck E. Cheese's. The world is a cool Chuck place. Nice shape. The Super Friends, today at 3, only on Cartoon Network. Remember, the power is young. We're the planet's peers. You can be the truth. I'm not done. Because saving our planet is the thing to do. Whoa, I didn't finish my catchphrase. Oh, keep rapping. Looting and polluting just got away. Must replenish my strength. Fireman! Godzilla will return because man hasn't made a weapon yet that can stop him. Whoa! Remember, they cram all that graham into golden graham. Hey, maybe they take this big graham cracker. Wrong. How do they get all that crunchy graham cracker taste into every honey sweet square? Or maybe they... Part of this complete breakfast. Golden graham's crammed with graham. But how? All right, cookie trick. Cookies for breakfast? Time out! Uh-oh. See, I make the calls, and I say cookies aren't for breakfast. Oh, yeah? Hey, uh. Whoever says cookies aren't for breakfast hasn't tried cookie trick cereal. It's the only cereal that tastes like real chocolate chip cookies and is a chocolatey part of this good breakfast. So what you call now, uh... Doggone good cookies for breakfast. Woo! Cookie trick. Is your child getting Cs and Ds when you know he or she is capable of As and Vs? I wasn't getting good marks in reading. It was painful for me as a parent to see Jessica struggling with reading. Phonics game was a fun way to learn how to read. First I thought it was too good to be true, but there's a money back guarantee. Here's the phonics game promise. One full letter grade improvement on your child's next report card or your money back. Using the phonics game, I saw an improvement in two weeks. Her teacher came up to me at school and told me that she had seen a great improvement. Reading is fun and easy for her now. She's proud to show me her report card. I really like school now and getting good grades. The phonics game is worth every penny. The phonics game is fast, it's fun, and it works. Call. Consult with the phonics game representatives. Soon your child will be playing his way to better grades in reading. See the results on the next report card or your money back. Watch Ed. Watch Ed. No, no, no. Over here. Just read the line. Watch Ed, Ed, and Eddie. Go on Cartoon Network. I'm sorry, best friend. Okay. 10-30 on Cartoon Network. Ed, Ed, and Eddie. I can name three cheaters. Thank you. Erupting from the ocean, Godzilla is back on Cartoon Network. Coming up next, it's the Super Friends followed by Tasmania on Cartoon Network. Want more channels, more movies, more great programming, and a great way to find it all? Get TCI Digital Cable. With our on-screen guide, it's easy to find out what's on and what's coming on. Browse other channels without leaving the one you're on, or just go right to your favorites. Even lock out what's not for your kids. With TCI Digital Cable, you don't just get more television, you get more out of it. Call Doug Obam. When they dared to dream, they had no idea how high they would go. Modern Marvels takes you to the top of history's highest high rises. What sends them soaring so high? And why do they risk their lives to break through the clouds? Find out how high we will go. Be there as Modern Marvels presents Reaching New Heights Week. Begins Monday at 9, only on the History Channel. Looks like we got company. Rawr! Watch out for the monster event of the year. Rawr! On February 12th. Aren't you one of the Spice Girls? Rawr! You! Don't talk to strangers. Rawr! What's going on? Is it an alien? Isn't it wonderful? And whatever you do, don't eat the Nerflex. What time do you have? I've got... Ah! Disney's My Favorite Martian. Pretty PG starts this Friday. Wow. Don't eat that Oreo. I just want to see it. Kids are taking a closer look at Oreo cookies. If you find an Oreo like this, you're an instant cash winner. Other specially stamped Oreo cookies trigger thousands more prizes, including Oreo cookies for life. Two more packs are right here. More please. No, no. Close please. Don't eat it! But closely, there are lots of prizes. Show it to me. Rawr! Only Oreo. I haven't been up here in ages. Ah, an old friend. Remember when we first learned to fly? Three, two, one. Pull your nose! Oh, boy! Orange, lemon, cherry, lime, and berries. Cool! A breakfast flight. Kellogg's for loop cereal, a fruity tasting part of this complete breakfast. Boy, they good. Yum, yum, yum, yum. We ate it all. We were both stuffed. Huh? What the? You're such a brat, Bart. What? Yeah, you won't share your Butterfinger babies. We're taking them. Ooh, bite size. Ah, man, sir. No, Maggie, no! Oh, groovy, munchy man. Ah! Bag a bunch of crispity, crunchity, peanut buttery Butterfinger babies. Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger babies. Ah! Need ads? Don't try to follow him. Seriously. You don't want to be downwind of that boy. Tonight at 10.30 on Cartoon Network, Ed and Nettie. Welcome to Pick Your Marsupial. Today we have a cute, cuddly koala and Taz. I'll compare our contestants' attributes, then our audience will pick their favorite. Here we go. The koala lives in peaceful harmony with nature. Taz devours nature. The koala eats eucalyptus leaves. Taz eats? Uh-oh. Is that a winner? Let's give a hearty congratulations to Taz. You have media. Today at 4 on Cartoon Network. They would steal a child for the key to immortality. Where's Gohan? This Friday, the battle for our planet begins again. Cartoon Network presents a special Dragon Ball Z movie, Dead Zone. Friday at 4. Only to Nami Flash. Yee-haw! You're watching the Super Friends on Cartoon Network. There's one thing that weakens Superman more than kryptonite. Advertisements. Be strong, Superman. We'll be back soon. Are you ready to have some fun? Well, now you can create colorful works of art in just seconds with Marvin's Magic Drawing Board. It works like magic. Wonderful colorful creations come to life right before your eyes. It's easy and it's fun. And look, when you're done, a few quick swipes and you're ready to create another masterpiece. Great for any age. It's fast, it's easy, and kids love it. Think of it. No paper, no mess at all. Perfect on the road or in the air. You can pack it anywhere. But wait, you'll also get Marvin's amazing pens. Invisible, erasable, absolutely amazing. They even change color right before your eyes. Now that's magic. Get this complete set for $19.95. Must be 18 years or older to call. But get your complete magic drawing set on this special TV offer. Call 1-800-313-5454 and order your Marvin's Magic Drawing Board for just $19.95. Must be 18 years or older. Call 1-800-313-5454. Call now. It's the number one software for any small business. It has accounts payable, accounts receivable, even payroll and inventory. And you never have to enter information twice. There's over 60 customizable reports that put you in control. Know if you're making or losing money. I'm gonna get that free trial version. Nothing to lose. Try QuickBooks and new multi-user-ready QuickBooks Pro Free. Just call 1-888-489-5916. And you'll get the free trial version. Multi-user-ready QuickBooks Pro Free. Just call 1-888-489-5900. Call today. They would steal a child for the key to immortality. Where's Gohan? This Friday, the battle for our planet begins again. Cartoon Network presents a special Dragon Ball Z movie, Dead Zone. Friday at 4. Only to Nami. Flash. Fighting crime by land, sea, and air. The super friends are back. Wonder Twin powers activate. Form of a commercial break. Stay tuned. We'll be back. Huffines definitely made our experience much easier with their worry-free guarantees on their used cars. We were very happy with that. And we'll go back again. After shopping around, I felt like I had the best choice of selection, shopping at Huffines with free-hand vehicles, because these guys were very helpful. They were willing to work with me. It was the best deal that I've come across. See the Ray Huffines Discount Supercenter at Coyote Road and Plano Parkway, Plano. Huffines. Huffines. Radio Disney. Kicking back or on the go? I'm turning on my radio. They play the tunes that I wanna hear. Radio Disney, we're all here. Radio Disney. Radio Disney. Radio Disney, we're all here. Pump it up! Wow, look at that great giraffe. Children love animals, and they enjoy learning everything about them. That's why your children will love Zoo Books. Grandma, look at this. This exciting magazine for children will bring the most wonderful animals into your home. Animals that do the most amazing things. Your children will meet incredible new animals and read fascinating new facts about them. Hey, what are you reading, son? I just got my new Zoo Books in the mail today. Look. A camel's head has built-in sun visors to keep the bright sunlight out. That's better than sunglasses. Month after month, a grand new Zoo Book will arrive, packed with beautiful pictures that will encourage your children to read and learn. Fantastic new magazines with captivating animals, colorful pictures, and facts that even you may not know. Imagine your child's very own Zoo Book in the mail every month. Make Zoo Books a part of your family today. Call this toll-free number now. You'll receive 12 full months of Zoo Books. Plus, this stunning tiger poster and animal stickers to put anywhere. Even cheeks. And you'll even get this extra elephants issue absolutely free. Just think. 12 big Zoo Books that will show your kids hundreds of amazing animals. Many they've never seen before. Beautiful pictures that bring incredible facts to life. Call now and send Zoo Books to someone you love. 12 great books. 13 including this extra elephants issue. Plus poster and stickers. These days, it's rare to find anything that will bring your children so much fun and knowledge for such a small price. Call now and start Zoo Books coming to your children today. To order, have your credit card ready and call 1-800-213-0100. That's 1-800-213-0100. Call now. They would steal a child for the key to immortality. Where's Gohan? This Friday, the battle for our planet begins again. Cartoon Network presents a special Dragon Ball Z movie, Dead Zone. Friday at 4. Only to Nami Flash. Watch out, Legion of Doom. The Super Friends are back. We'll be back soon. Cheer up! The Bizarro World Super Friends is all commercials. In every heart, speed lies in wait. To be unleashed by only the bravest few. Get out of the way. Cartoon Network is taking over the racetrack. Vroom, vroom, everybody. Get geared up for the first ever Daytona 500 on Cartoon Network. Hang on as your favorite cartoon stars battle it out for the win. Hong Kong Food, Scooby and Velma, Tooby, Dexter, and Jane Jetson. To get in on the action, race to your local grocery store now. To collect specially marked General Mel's snack products like these. Then, look inside for your game piece. Racer on your game piece wins, you drive away with a Cartoon Network mini racer. And a chance to hang trackside with a pig crew in a Winston Cubs series race. Catch all the speed and fury of the Daytona 500 on Cartoon Network. Saturday, February 13th between 4 and 7 to see if you win. This is a mighty gassy blimp. Are you ready to have some fun? Well, now you can create colorful works of art in just seconds with Marvin's Magic Drawing Board. It works like magic. Wonderful colorful creations come to life right before your eyes. It's easy and it's fun. And look, when you're done, a few quick swipes and you're ready to create another masterpiece. Great for any age. It's fast. It's easy and kids love it. Think of it. No paint, no paper, no mess at all. Perfect on the road or in the air. You can pack it anywhere. But wait, you'll also get Marvin's amazing pens. Invisible, erasable, absolutely amazing. They even change color right before your eyes. Now that's magic. Get this complete set for $19.95. Must be 18 years or older to call. But get your complete Magic Drawing Set on this special TV offer. Call 1-800-313-5454 and order your Marvin's Magic Drawing Board for just $19.95. Must be 18 years or older. Call 1-800-313-5454. Call now. Welcome to Pick Your Marzupials. Today we have a cute, cuddly koala and Taz. I'll compare our contestants' attributes, then our audience will pick their favorite. Here we go. The koala lives in peaceful harmony with nature. Taz devours nature. The koala eats eucalyptus leaves. Tazzy! Uh-oh, we've got a winner. Let's give a hearty congratulations to Taz. You have media. Today at 4 on Cartoon Network. Welcome to the Hall of Justice. The Super Friends are back. A new dark age has finally begun. That kid will be mine. They came to kidnap Gohan. They would steal a child for the key to immortality. But now they must face his father, the Earth's greatest champion. Where's Gohan? You can't win. Let's go! His name is Goku. Can't beat me, I'll take you all on! This time I'm gonna finish you off for good. Bring it on! He will see the return of his son, praying for those who took him. I will rule this and every other world! This Friday, the battle for our planet begins again. I will never die! Cartoon Network presents a special Dragon Ball Z movie, Dead Zone. Friday at 4. Only to Nami. That is no ordinary kid, Flash. Birdman! The Birdman, a daring ambush of an armored car carrying our... Is something wrong, Falcon 7? Are you sure you should let him sit on the console like that? Avenger? He is always by my side. His claws are right next to the doomsday button. It's dangerous. Poppycock, he's fully trained on the console. Watch this. Avenger, get Birdman coffee. Come on. You can do it. Get Birdman coffee. Wait, first... I told you, Avenger would never... Coming up next, it's Tasmania, followed by the Bugs and Daffy Show on Cartoon Network. The phenomenon that's rocking the nation is hitting the ice. It's Grease on Ice, the North American tour with a special guest appearance by Nancy Kerrigan and Sandy. TCI Cablevision and 98.7KLove proudly welcome Grease on Ice to Dallas and Fort Worth. Buy your tickets now at the box office and old ticket master outlets for call to charge by phone. Get ready to skate, rattle and roll at Grease on Ice, brought to you by Chevrolet. Coming for a limited time only to Reunion Arena February 18th and Fort Worth Convention Center February 19th through 21st. For information on products and services, turn to the Everything Pages directory from GTE. You'll find what you're looking for. For the best summer of your life, visit Smooth Contours for laser hair removal, cellulite treatment, microdermabrasion and MD Forte and Cellex C. For full skin services and a complimentary consultation, call 972-424-2424 today. Under Beauty Services in the Everything Pages. GTE directories. Shopping's right this way. I'm looking at a dress and an address. Five thirty. Be there. Jack, you know I hate surprises. Prizes? With surprising strength. Without all those messy white marks, they're secret sheer dry. PH balanced for a woman's chemistry. So, what is this all about? Ten years ago, our first date. We met right here. You wore that little black dress. I want to live the whole night again. I love it. Of course, that means you'll be sleeping alone. Actually, we could rewrite history a little. Bingo. Shut your eyes. You're so brave. Zigzags. Bring in the stunt double. Shouldn't there be some sort of safety net? Action! Oh, this is humiliating. Wow. Dangerously cheesy. Practice and I'll take you to Chuck E. Cheese's. The nonstop fun of Chuck E. Cheese's. What did you do to deserve it? You've got talent. Hey, you. Give me back my fruity pebbles. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Give me back my fruity pebbles. Blah, blah, blah. You all right? Honey, I gotta save them. And my fruity pebble cereal. Hard as good breakfast. I'm coming, Bond. But I can't see. Only you can help Fred see how to save me with his free poster and Secret Sea Dakota. See what I see? Fred's pebble. One Secret Sea Dakota and poster free in each marked box of pebbles. We'll see you soon. Okay, fellas, what are the three fundamentals of baseball? Be a team player. Keep your eye on the ball. Never play without a contract. Change is bad. The Hershey Bar. Unchanged since 1899. Buttercup. Just don't say she throws like a girl. Powerpuff Girls. Saving the world before bedtime. Tonight at 1130. What I want to know is what right anyone has to my private life. Has What's Behind the Curtain become the better show? What in the depths of your ignorance do you want now? Here's your latte. Without makeup, is it really a funnier clown? I can't say that word. Can't you write something with some silent foul language? You know, some people like thinking there are quarters hidden behind their ears. That's who I'm doing this show for. They would steal a child for the key to immortality. Where's Gohan? This Friday, the battle for our planet begins again. Cartoon Network presents a special Dragon Ball Z movie, Dead Zone. Friday at 4. Only to Nami. You're watching Tasmania on Cartoon Network. As he's just about anything, but give him a choice and he'll go for the Fetch-A-Mipe sandwich every time. Delish. They are America's dreamers, builders, leaders. They are the future of America's companies and communities. They are students, teachers, machinists, programmers. But we're more. We're more. One weekend a month, two weeks a year. We're the men and women of the U.S. Army Reserve. We're proud of what we do.