We'll be right back on TNT. Catherine Hepburn tells the stories of her life. This is the spot where I met Spencer Tracy. Catherine Hepburn, all about me, Monday, January 18th on TNT. Have a lunch. We'll be back in a moment. Excuse me, yes, you. Can you remember the last time you sat down as a family and watched something that brought you closer together? Well, then maybe you'd be interested in a new video that does just that. It's called Family First, and it's yours free, simply by calling 1-800-652-8484. Family First shares ideas like setting aside one evening a week for the family to spend together. It shares principles that are part of Heavenly Father's plan, creating a better world for the family. Heavenly Father's plan created for families to find lasting happiness. Principles that help teach values, promote service, and keep lines of communication open in your family. The ideas are simple, fun, and important. But best of all, they build stronger families. 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TNT celebrates Elvis' birthday with five days of movies, live events, and more. Now, back to Elvis, the early years.