Party oatmeal baked to a brown sugar crunch, chewy, juicy raisins and crunchy almonds. So much to savor, no one can race through a bowl. Oatmeal Crisp with Raisins. The taste that refuses to be rushed. And here's news about oatmeal crisp. It's now Oatmeal Crisp with Almonds. Twice the almonds for a double crunchy taste. New Oatmeal Crisp with Almonds. What's fire engine red? Non-electric and made to pull in the dirt. Guess again. It's the Dirt Devil Sweeper. It picks up little messes quickly and quietly and empties in a snap. And you can store it anywhere. So get the Dirt Devil Sweeper. It always pulls through. I can't keep a secret. So when I heard Lipton Recipe Soup Mix changed its name to Lipton Recipe Secrets, because it makes terrific recipes, I had to tell Joan. They didn't want to change the name. Now there's a new flavor. Savory herb with garlic made specially for chicken. I couldn't keep that to myself. We love chicken. And those herbs, a touch of garlic, makes any chicken taste... Well, see for yourself. Lipton Recipe Secrets. The secret worth passing around. Hey. Hmm? You hear that? What? It's quiet. There's no coughing. Oh, uh-hmm. What'd you give her? Something new. Really? Where'd you get it? Payless drugs. The pharmacist recommended it. Well, that's what I call a good pharmacist. Uh-huh. Maybe now she'll get some sleep. Lucky her. What do you mean? Honey. Oh, oh. Good night. Good night. Hey, Les. The drugstore. Worth talking about. So, have you priced a base Geo Metro lately? Hahahaha! This is solitary confinement. No visitors. Not my kids? No. Not even my husband? Sorry, no. Then throw away the keys. Roseanne, weeknights at 7. I'm Mike Malman. Tonight on 5 o'clock live, the Lower Valley takes one step closer to improving trade with Japan. Then on Newsbeat at 6, Nancy Ferran talks about living with cancer in Heidi O'Malley's series, Not Ready to Quit. Only on KIMA News. What sexy safe sex. Maury, I've never faked a orgasm and uh... Hahahaha! How did you become such an expert in this subject? Hahahaha! This woman is gonna get it. I hope so. Hahahaha! Here's the good news. Torrid, sweaty sex. He's getting into that. Tomorrow. We've heard a lot on this show about what's more dangerous. That caesarean birth is dangerous. That V-back birth is dangerous. And all these messages are coming out about how dangerous birth is. I think what we need to get back to, doctors, mothers, fathers, everyone, is that birth is not a dangerous process. Birth is a very dangerous process. And that when women can start to believe that again, and rather than a doctor saying there's a 1% chance of uterine rupture, we can say there's a 99.5% chance that your uterus will remain intact and that your V-back is going to be very safe and beautiful. Unfortunately, doctors... And more women will want to, will be encouraged and will want to have a V-back. Unfortunately, doctors don't trust this natural process and that's part of the problem. In fact, even the American women don't trust this natural process. And a big part of our educational effort is to help women to understand that birth is safe. Let me say something about obstetricians very quickly. An obstetrician is the only doctor in the world who has two patients. The mother and the fetus. We're in the middle of these political action groups, the malpractice attorneys, the family, and trying to do what's right. And I think the majority of obstetricians are doing that in this country. I think that's the bottom line. Now listen to this. I'd just like to comment, I have never had a child and... You're maybe the only woman here who hasn't. When I do decide to have a child and I do think that this is my decision, I would decide to have a cesarean section just because I am not the type of person, I've listened to the birth stories, I've listened to the labor, and it's something I wouldn't want to go through. I don't think it would be beautiful in my eyes. Well, wait a minute. Well, wait, just don't shout her down all of a sudden. This is what she feels. What's wrong with this? I can't wait to meet the doctor who will exceed to your wishes because if he's dumb enough to do that, in his career he's going to make a ton of business for me. Would a doctor allow me to have a cesarean section by choice on something like that? We would educate you as to why you're afraid and the fact that there's nothing to be afraid of, there's no reason why you can't have a bad... So perhaps there could be a medical reason to have a cesarean section. Sure, absolutely. I would hope so. Thank you. Now then, we want to thank all of you for being with us. We have to break now because when we come back, aha, the greatest of all moments in life begins after this. Marshall Home Furnishings and Lexington Furniture Industries are proud to present The World of Bob Timberlake. It is more than a collection of furniture or one man's artistic extension. Timberlake designs are an honest representation of an important era. They are a heritage of tangible values balanced with utility and natural beauty with reverence. It is the world of Bob Timberlake and the pride of turn of the century United States of America. Shown at Marshall Home Furnishings, exit 73 Grandview just minutes from anywhere. Ah, the halibut. One of the best fish of the sea and only $18.95. Halibut, we've got a special catch at Skippers for just $3.99. You get our tender halibut, fresh-baked or golden-fried, served with coleslaw and baked potato or fries, just $3.99 for a limited time. Did I mention it comes with tartar sauce? Ah, Skippers get good seafood without getting soaked. The excellence of cabanadas at Yakima Center, the tradition of Johnny's Lounge. Now, introducing Libby's, Yakima's newest dining experience. Libby's atmosphere is wonderful. Our menu is absolutely delicious with tempting specialties plus Yakima award-winning wines. Now, everything you need can be found at Cabanadas at Yakima Center for your next business lunch, family dinner for that special occasion. Experience Libby's Restaurant, located in Cabanadas at Yakima Center. When you're looking for action, adventure, excitement, X marks the spot. It's Wolverine, Colossus, Dazzler, Nightcrawler, Storm. It's the most popular team in superhero history. Every month in Marvel Comics. Look for Marvel Comics, where X marks the spot. At Yakima's comic headquarters, thousands of people come to see the show.