Hello? You have a patient. Who is this? She has a number locked in her troubled mind. I need that number. What's your worst fear, Nathan? We have your daughter. Daddy. Don't think. Wherever you go, you will be watched. Just get her back. I need you to help me. Don't question. Is it a telephone number? No. Is it a call? Michael Douglas. You want me to say what? What is it? Don't say a word. I'll never tell. Any of you. Rated R. Friday, only in theaters. My first love, Angus Young. Hey, love, can't wait to see you tonight. Hope you're taking care of Monroe. Monroe? Great. Oh, Monroe looks lovely. Yeah. What was that? Hmm? Well, something just fell off of Monroe. Oh? What is going on? Uh, it's autumn. Thursday, on the premiere of ER. Before this man was a patient, he was a killer. What happens when a doctor takes justice into his own hands? The premiere of ER, NBC Thursday at 10, 9 Central. Look through the eyes of those who kill, of those with criminal intent. A brand new long-order series. You had to have her. Shut up! For the first time, witness the circumstances behind the crime. Put your hands on your head and sit down! Vincent D'Onofrio. With room for five adults in fold-and-tumble seats, make room for the Chrysler PT Cruiser. Buddy? Here, buddy. Buddy. Oh, no. Get a PT Cruiser starting at 16.5. Now at your Southern California Chrysler dealer. All right, I remember you from a few years ago. The reinvented Camry. Trust us, you're going to want one. Tell your own fortune. Post your resume and see what tomorrow holds. Even if you already have a job, it's free, easy, and confidential. You control who sees your resume and who doesn't. So log on and leave nothing to chance. We all fall in love. And we all get colds. Hopefully not on the same day. Thank goodness for the next issues. Ultra Soft 3Germ 1. Here's how to share feelings, not germs. One tool rack. 36 tools. Get the long-handled tool rack from Rubbermaid. Destiny won't find you. Send out a search party for your next job. Tell us what you're looking for. Like a specific city or industry. And we'll email you every day with personalized updates. More. That's what you get with Verizon Wireless. Right now, you get 3,000 more night and weekend home airtime minutes. Free every month for life. And there's more. Now through September 30th. Get a Motorola StarTac on sale for just $50. And get this great value in more places. Visit a Verizon Wireless communication store. Log on to verizonwireless.com or call 1-800-2-Join-In. So hurry in and get the Motorola StarTac at our lowest price ever. Only from Verizon Wireless. Join in. NBC Wednesday. We called the police! The season premiere of Law and Order. You know what this dog did? It ripped the throat out of a young schoolteacher. A case ripped from the headlines. A new DA. A crime so twisted, so bizarre. Who's down there? With a surprise ending that goes for the throat. Law and Order premieres NBC Wednesday, 10, 9 Central. You were wrong. This is hands down my favorite place to catch a movie. Nice company seats. And it's got great RCA digital technology. You know what I like best, Bing? What? I never have to get up to get popcorn. Come to Radio Shack and get a seven-piece RCA. OBE Digital home theater system for just $2.99.99. And bring the movie experience home. Radio Shack. You've got questions. We've got answers. Know how to spot a diehard battery owner? Look for their jumper cables. Diehard. 30 years of starting power. How much do you trust your battery? Is your long-distance bill more than $25? Get Sprint 500 anytime. 500 state-to-state minutes to use any day, anytime for $25 a month. It's the smarter way to cut your monthly bill. Sign up now. Call 1-800-PINDROP. Table for 27. Right this way. Where's the restroom? Hey, what is that? Oh, it's a pool. Yeah, one of those. Excuse me, what kind of a restaurant is this? It's a turtle. Oh, man. What kind of a restaurant is this? Want to get a great $6 restaurant burger without the restaurant? The $6 burger. $3.95 at Carl's Jr. This house to homestore has such great prices, they have the exact woven placemats I needed on sale. Oh, actually. Oh, and a fabulous walnut table, also sale-priced. None of that. Oh, and those great goblets I've been looking for all over town. On sale. And the most adorable shutters. This is some great sale. It's not a sale, these are our everyday prices. Yeah, right. House to home, great prices guaranteed on everything for inside and outside your home. Feels like a sale to me. He must be new. House to home, the incredible home decorating supers. A consumer's digest best buy. Five-star government-friendly home decor. A consumer's digest best buy. Five-star government crash test rating. No wonder a million have switched to Dodge trucks. And with low 0.9 financing or $2,000 cash allowance on Dakota, this switch thing is really going to catch on. See, compare, drive, Dodge during the Team Dodge sales event. You know, if you're looking for something to wear when you're headed out, come on in. From leather coats to raincoats, men's warehouse. You're going to like the way you look. I guarantee it. Hey, there, little red riding hood. My, what big calories you have. My, what low calorie taste you have. Listen to me. My, my, my, this one's just right. My, what big eyes you have. You have no idea. Great tasting, one calorie Pepsi one. This one's just right. Tonight on 17 News at 11. Good evening, I'm Charlotte Stark. New tonight, the latest on the hunt for the most wanted, most elusive man in the world. Is he hiding in the rugged mountains of Afghanistan or is he on the run? Tonight, some speculate he may want to go down in history as a martyr. We'll have details. Plus, you may have seen this musical fundraiser on television last week, a first collaborative effort between numerous TV networks. So, how much money did they raise? Find out tonight. We'll have that and your forecast and sports at 11. It's the start of a season. It's the final days of the fall sale at JCPenney. Fall in love with all the best looks for the season. Rich leather. Cozy knit sweaters. Kicky flats. Saturday's the last day to save 25 to 50%. There's no better time to stock up on great fall fashions. It's all inside. Last chance. The fall sale at JCPenney. We didn't just build a better SUV. We built a better Mercedes. Producing the redesigned 2002 M-Class. Hey, what you doing? Playing solitaire. I can take a hint. Any chance you get... Ugh, I chipped a nail. Try to hang on. I'll go for help. ...any way you can. Wouldn't you love to go to Europe? Yep. Get to McDonald's now and try some of the unexpected new tastes on McDonald's New Taste Menu. Honey, do we have a... Trombone? No, I'll go buy one. Unexpected new tastes at your favorite place. Now on McDonald's New Taste Menu. At Scott's, we just made the best Scott towel ever. With new wide ridges. So we thought we'd take him to lunch to try them out. They're great with chowder. Super on slaw. See, only Scott has these unique ridges that absorb even faster than you know who. From shrub to sea bass. A better Scott towel just makes more sense. New Scott towels with wide ridges. And when do we... The 20th century was one of widespread progress and invention, except when it came to cleaning the floors. But all that changed with Swiffer WetJet. Push the button. WetJet helps dissolve and absorb dirt, cleaning places you never imagined you could before. And when the job's done, so's the dirt. Swiffer WetJet. Changing the way America cleans floors. Whistling Yesterday, allergies took you out of it. Today, Allegra can help bring you back. Only Allegra has Vexafenadine for once daily relief. For people 12 and older, side effects include headache, upper respiratory tract infection, and back pain. Call your doctor now for more information. Allegra. Enjoy your world. Tonight, Jay's all new with Mira Sorvino from the new NBC show Emeril, Emeril Lagasse, and headlines. Then Conan's all new with Al Roker, John Lithgow, and what if they made it tonight? This Sunday, NBC is dramatically different. First, the series premiere of a new long-order criminal intent. We got her. Then, the series premiere of UC Undercover. Federation! Two new dramas making NBC Sundays dramatically different. I'm all right. Stay tuned for scenes from the next all-new Crossing Jordan on NBC. Coming up next at 11, they've been grounded for several days right at their busiest time of the year in Kern County. The local crop duster's once again preparing to take to the skies. And will we have enough energy to meet our winter demand? The news begins in two minutes. I just called to ask how are the kids, and she flowers. The kids. But if I heard right, then you'd come home and say, why didn't you flower my kids? Am I here right now? This is just me. No ma'am. It's the static on your cell phone. Here. Sprint PCS built the only all-digital, all-PCS nationwide network. So your calls are clear. So no more of this, right? Not on my watch, ma'am. 2,500 minutes for $39.99 from Sprint PCS. It's allergy season again. Where should you turn for relief? Benadryl? Or the leading prescription? It may surprise you to know. Medical studies prove histamine-blocking benadryl to be a full 54% more effective than the leading prescription. 54% more effective at relieving even your worst allergy symptoms like runny noses. It's a real eye-opener, isn't it? Benadryl. Proven 54% more effective. So far away Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore It would be so fun to see your face at my door I can't stop believing My first love, my mom Love makes the world go round Love makes the world go round On the next crossing Jordan This was an execution Two separate murders, two grieving wives, one unusual clue I want to find out what my corpse's license plate was doing on your corpse's ass Even if you guess who did it I found something Perfect murder You'll never guess the motive Mackenzie Phillips guest stars on Crossing Jordan and be seen next Monday