We're turning up the heat! I think I can take the heat. When Savage Dragon returns on the USA Action Extreme team. I had just pounded down a spoonful of my Berry Berry Kicks, when suddenly I got buried. And it's very fruity taste. I was strawberry, raspberry, crepe and cherry-berry. And I wanted more! Berry Berry Kicks, a very buried part of this good breakfast. One bite and you'll get...Buried. Now you can find the Marvel Overpower Card Game featuring the X-Men. Buried in Berry Berry Kicks. 21 cards in all. Three free in each marked box. That's our camp counselor, Shawn. He loves to tell scary stories. Leap out of the woods! Yes, but can he tell why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch? It's spell-binding. Look out for this, Chubb. Cinnamon Sugar swirls, sparkling on every awesome bite. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, an intriguing part of this balanced breakfast. It's so good, it's scary. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, the taste you can see. Now you can scare up some fun with two Aureal Monsters flip-flops. With in each specially marked box, a Cinnamon Toast Crunch. When I first started working out with the Nordic Track, I lost a lot of weight in a very short period of time. I went from 226 to 172 in just a few months. The combination of the Nordic Track exercise along with a low-fat diet has really helped me trim my waistline and my weight. I look good, I feel good. I've gone down two dress sizes. I feel sensational. Call for a free video and brochure to find out what a Nordic Track workout can do for you. You want me to talk about my experience with Nordic Track? I had become a couch potato. We all know what they are. Ended up talking to my doctor who said I had to do two things. Watch my diet and exercise regularly. So as a result of getting on the Nordic Track, I brought my weight down considerably. I lost 12 pounds. Now I want you to go right out and buy one. Call now to get a free video and brochure that tell how you can achieve your fitness goals with Nordic Track. Call right now without cost or obligation. Stop, look and listen on USA for tunes packed with adventure and true first thing at last. For tunes full of wacky critters, cool dudes, creepy characters and funny guys. Doing excellent stuff, silly stuff and superhero stuff. So stop, look and listen for tunes that tickle the fancy and bottle the mind. For tunes that crack you up and make you say things like cool. So stop, look and listen when the USA Cartoon Express comes your way. Monday through Friday starting at 7, 6 Central. Savage Dragon is back on the USA Action Extreme Team. Get ready to be slidin'. Arachnid like dragon. When Savage Dragon continues on the USA Action Extreme Team. That's our camp counselor, Sean. He loves to tell scary stories. Out of the woods. Arachnid. Yes, Bikadito. Why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. It's spellbinding. Look out for this, Chops. Cinnamon sugar swirls sparkling on every awesome bite. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, an intriguing part of this bounty. It's so good, it's scary. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, the taste you can see. Now you can scare up some fun with two our real monsters flip flops. One in each specially marked box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. My name is Power Rangers. Lord Z is planning the ultimate destruction of Earth. Power Rangers summon Ninja to receive the amazing Ninja powers. Whirling and kick action. Sword swinging and net launching action. Now the transforming Ninja pieces restored. But there's no peace for the wicked Ninja. Ninja Rangers and the evil space aliens. And now the Power Rangers fighting edition video game. With Ninja Megazord and Shogun Megazord for your super NES. From Bandai. I had just pounded down a spoonful of my Berry Berry Kicks. And suddenly I got buried. And it's very fruity taste. I was strawberry, raspberry, crepe and cherry berry. And I wanted more. Berry Berry Kicks, a very buried part of this good breakfast. One bite and you'll get buried. Now you can find the Marvel Overpower card game featuring the X-Men. Buried in Berry Berry Kicks. 21 cards in all. Three free in each marked box. A message from United Way. United Way is continually evolving to meet the changing needs of America's urban, rural and suburban communities. Because of United Way's long history of community involvement, they were selected to help next year's Olympic Torch Relay. A salute to community heroes. Your generosity can make the great American dream a possibility for the millions who need a second chance or a helping hand to get them back on their feet. Hate, fear, dislike, barriers, prejudice, hurts, holds you back. Hate stands for lack of self-esteem because it's hard to love other people when you hate yourself. You're thinking about hate and you're thinking about fear. Someone, someone has to teach you to not like people. And hopefully you're thinking about it a little bit differently than you did before. Educate the young ones and they won't grow up to be haters. It's much easier to build a child than it is to repair an adult. Maybe the kids have to teach the parents, like, this is what you gotta do. All this hate is tearing us apart. The Itsy Bitsy Spider. Ahhh! I'm back! Oh! The funny little web spinner is back. Only on USA. Tomorrow at 7.30. We're back with more Savage Dragon on the USA Action Extreme team.