Like the VIP, it's Pamela Anderson Lee. And wanna look like Allie McFeel? Dress like Dharma? Or buy cool clothes like they wear on Dawson's Creek? Well, check out live fall fashion frenzy. Plus, even the Rugrats are getting hip with her help. Teen superstar Maya sings her new hit song. All next on live. Now here are Regis Philbin and Kathie Lee Gifford. Nice to see everybody. It's Wednesday, November 11, 1998. Veterans Day. Salutations to all you vets out there. Hi, Daddy. Oh, yeah. Microphone. We'll start that over then. What day is it again, Regis? One more round of applause, please. We're not used to this. Just saying it's Veterans Day, and happy Veterans Day to all the vets out there. Hi, Daddy. What are you probing at this? You know, Maya is one of our young guests today. 19-year-old darling little girl. She's a young woman, but when you're my age, she's a little girl. And she has got her single, I guess. She featured in the Rugrats movie. Soundtrack. So she gave me these little gifts for a code and Kathie. And Gellman wanted me to get them out of the box. But it's an adult-proof box. Children have no trouble getting into them, but they're a little rough. This is what they look like? Yeah, well, I guess they go on an adventure. Anybody that has little ones knows all about Rugrats, and it is really a charming, wonderful show. So thank you, Maya. I've never seen it. Regis, it is the most adorable show. This is Tommy. It is his friend, Chuckie. So five-year-olds. Excuse me, and 45-year-olds. It's my favorite show on television, along with Hey Arnold. Why would I want to see this? And Doug. Why would I want to see him? And the new one, the new one, the Adventures of the Thornberries is really good, too. Oh, boy. Even Frank likes that one. Ooh. That's got crocodiles and stuff. Lots of fun. Big heavy wind last night here in New York City. I'm telling you, it really whistled around the building last night. Wow. You know what I thought about? You're way up there in the sky. You see Margaret Hamilton going by on her... Right? I thought about my bird's house that I left out up in the country on a ledge on the patio. It's gone. That bird house is in New Hampshire right now. Wham! Yeah. We have a lot of wind up there. I was stunned that there would be a leaf left on a tree this morning. And there are. There are. How do those little guys hang on for dear life? Let's take a look outside, Magrue. Show me what's going on. Look at the foreboding skies. Even the camera's wet. Yeah. I hate it when that happens. Ooh, coming to work. It was the first really dreary, dreary day there, wasn't it? Yeah, too bad. Well, they say it'll brighten up early later today, as a matter of fact. But you know who's got it, you guys? So much worse than we do. Our poor neighbors down south in Central America have just had... We're finally seeing the pictures of the devastation. There's a gentleman in our audience today that I've been working with. He has something called Mercy Corps. His name's Dan O'Neill. He's right there. He's... Dan, hold up your hand so he'll know which one. Dan, they just do unbelievably great work. And I know that I've personally been looking for a place. Where can we go and really help our neighbors in Central America who need everything? And I want to give you a 1-800 number if you've been thinking the same thing. And know that your money is actually going to get to these people, because they do an unbelievable job. And if they don't, you call me because I'm on the board. 1-800-766-4040. Dan, and what did you tell me here? $31 will help 70 hurricane survivors read food, receive food, water, medicine, blankets, clothing, and shelter. Just $31. So how about a check for $310, right? And that'll help a whole lot of people. Thank you, Dan. They do great work all over the world, but specifically when there's these kinds of horrendous natural disasters, they're just right there. Thanks, Dan. President Bush was on with Larry King last night talking about that damage. Oh, it's devastation like we can't even, you know, comprehend. Well, listen, if you got a lot of problems, why in the world would you come to New York City to hide out? I mean, it just doesn't work. Monica Lewinsky is being seen everywhere, darting in and out of restaurants. And hardly low-profile places. I mean, I'd go to McDonald's. Nobody bothers me. But you're going to go to 21. You're going to go to all these places. You're going to—I don't know, Rach. Having tantrums in posh eastside restaurants. Well, Joan Rubin was here yesterday talking about her experience at 21. Yeah, but she hadn't thrown a tantrum there. She didn't. She didn't. But that's what the papers say anyway. But you know, if you've got a problem, stay out of New York, right? Well, her mother lives here, and I guess they're still trying to get— they're deals made wherever they can before these tapes are released, which is going to lessen, they say, her value in terms— because her voice will then have been heard. Look at you right into this story, huh? Whoa! It makes sense. There's still a great deal of mystery about her because so few people have heard her voice. But once these tapes are released, probably by the end of the week, that's one more mystery over, done. In-depth analysis right here. And you heard it. Such as it is. O.J. Now, O.J. may lose his kids. That custody ruling has been overturned by the appeals court. Looks like a third trial, if you can believe this, a third trial would develop over this, and within that, a little mini murder trial might develop in that. Well, I was stunned that the first judge didn't even think that that was, you know, important information to have. I know, yeah. A lot of people were. When are we ever going to put children first in our country? About, I mean, ever? You know? Excuse me. I don't have an answer for that. I— Ask Gilman. Ask Gilman. I have no answers today. Somebody has started a whole thing called Put Children First, and I'm trying to think who that—is it ABC? Well, we haven't done enough about it because I didn't remember who did it. We need to—it's what we really need to do as a nation, definitely. And if that isn't enough for you, the president's dog bit his helicopter pilot. Missed this. No, even Buddy's had it. Buddy drew blood. Why, Rach? What happened? Well, I think the helicopter pilot just put his hand in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Buddy didn't mean to. He's a very— Buddy took umbrage. Yeah, and, uh, boom. Wow. And he put the choppers on him, and it wasn't a bite, says the White House spokesperson. It was probably more accurate to say that his hand was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was playing ball with Buddy. Apparently he went for the ball when Buddy did, and Buddy wanted that ball. So— That happened to me with Chardonnay once over a popsicle. Chardonnay wanted that popsicle. Yeah, oh sure, that's right. We had the grandchildren over, and they were eating at the dining room table, dropped. By the time I was worried about it staining the rug, I was quick for it to get that cherries popsicle. Chardonnay beat me to it, took off half my finger. Yeah, see? Yeah. It could do that. I have a funny feeling that we're edging closer and closer to another police action with Iraq. Don't you get that feeling? Oh, yeah. More and more ships are going into the Gulf. I wouldn't be surprised any day now. We, uh, we cut loose. What would you do if you were President Clinton, had to make a decision, and your allies— Why is it always me? I don't watch Rugrats. I'm sorry. I'll tell you what Tommy'd do. He'd take them on, baby, and suck you to death. I don't know, Tommy. It's probably very dangerous. I don't think so, Tommy. The problem is how far to go. You know, do you knock them out altogether? Well, some would say we didn't go far enough, and they both wore. I know. Do you slap his wrist? Do you give him a bloody nose? Haven't we been doing that? Do you back away? This guy keeps coming back, you know? I don't know what to do. I just don't know what to do. Did Larry King ask President Bush that? Because President Bush acknowledges that perhaps they should have been a little bit more— Well, the part that I saw that we're talking about Honduras, you know, so they didn't bring up Iraq. Hey, big show tomorrow. We have—all this week we have a fashion frenzy, you know? Fall fashion frenzy. And tomorrow it's men's coats. Now you may say, what's so frenzy about that? It's the guys who are wearing them. New York City firehouse hunks. This is their 1999 calendar. And you know what's interesting? Here's Mr. January. He looks like a little like Ken Olin at first, doesn't he? Terrence Coyle, his name is. Yeah, he does. Yeah. But look at the hair on his chest. See? A lot of these hunks come with no hair on their chest. He doesn't need any. He's doing just fine. Joseph Williams, this guy could put out a fire just looking at it. Yeah. Another guy without hair on his chest. What's happening to the— I've got more hair on my chest than he's got. I hate that in a guy. You know, I thought that for a long time. Another one. Stephen Lobowski. Boy, these guys have great shape. Here's a guy with an axe. I'd let him in anyway. Got a problem with no hair? Take this, buddy. They have hair on their face, though. Jack Gerber. Another one. Do I really want to be a fireman or shall I be a movie actor? Christopher Mongols, right there. Yeah. I can't believe this. Now that guy— Christopher Gonzalez. Looks more like a wrestler. There's a little hair on the chest. And throw in a tattoo, too. Anyway, many of these guys— Are these guys coming tomorrow? How many of them coming? Six? Six out of the 12. Six out of the 12. Yeah. Every other month? Every— Can I pick the months I want? They've been picked, sorry. You can have the whole year if you want about badly. I have my toby doll. He's man enough for me. You like that little thing, huh? Well, I just— What's so engaging about these rugrats? Because you see your own children in them, and they have a whole little world that, apart from the adults, that is just so adorable. There's always Nasty Angelica, who never gets hers enough. And I mean, all the mothers, they're going, I'm dads, too. They know what I'm talking about. But you, you don't know a word of what I'm saying. I don't watch rugrats. You're missing out. And I never will. You might someday. No, I see it. It's right at the top of the list of all the kids' programs. There's a reason for that. It's true. All right. Next week we have Young, Hot, and Hip Week. That means we won't be here. Because we are not young, we are not hot, and we are not hip. Some of our hot and young and hip friends will be here. Alyssa Milano from Charm will be here. Luke Perry, Beverly Hills 90210. Kristy Turlington, the Red Hot Model. And Carson Daly from MTV. Yep. I'm also going to play a little low hoops and take a workout with Shaquille O'Neal over at the Reebok Center. We're going to show you the hippest hairstyles and some hot music groups like Divine. They have the number two song on Billboard's number 100 chart right now called Lately. Lately. And tomorrow on live we'll have Richard Dean Anderson, pop singer Deborah Cox. That's Deborah. And live fashion frenzy continues with the hottest men's coats with the hot hunks of the fire. Now, this is going back a while. I don't know about this question. John Gage and Roy DeSoto with two characters on a popular 1970 series about a group of paramedics assigned to a squad at the Los Angeles Fire Department. A group of paramedics assigned to a squad at the fire department in LA. 1970, name that series. The characters with John Gage and Roy DeSoto. I don't know that one. And I'm looking at the answer. I remember the show. One of the most beautiful women on TV, Pamela Anderson Lee coming out here in just a moment. We shall call VIP. And our fall fashion frenzy continues. Nobody can stop it with TV inspired fashions with Philip Block, stylist to the stars. That's what he says, yeah. And Maya, terrific singer. She's got a CD called Maya. I think it went platinum in how many weeks? Like three weeks or something. Yeah, this kid is going to be the next big superstar in America. Let's go up to Rome, New York. Charles Page. Hi, Charles. How you doing? Hi, Regis. Hi, Kathy. Hey, Charles. Nice to talk to you. A lot of wind here in New York City last night. How about up in Rome? Yes, there was a lot of wind here, too. Any damage? No, I don't see any. I heard it's going to be a rough winter. Yeah. Compared to the, you know, it was a breeze last year, wasn't it, Russ? Well, we had a couple of nice winters in a row. So, Charles, what do you do up there in Rome? I'm retired. From what, Charles? What did you used to do? Griffiths Air Force Base. I used to be the management analysis officer. So you're a veteran? Yeah. Happy Veterans Day to you. Happy Veterans Day to you. Yeah. So what are you doing now, Charles? You're retired. I mean, how do you spend your day? Besides watching TV. That's funny. That much fun, huh? Let's go up to Rome and hang out with him. Absolutely. Right now I'm getting ready to go up to my VFW post, and I'm the chaplain there, and I have a little duty to do. Oh, well, that should be a big day at the VFW post, huh? Veterans Day? Yep. And how? All right, Charles, tough question, but I hope you have the answer to it. I don't. Charles, you probably love the music of the 30s and the 40s, right? All those, Tommy Dorsey, all that stuff? Charles cracking himself up. I've got a hair in my mouth. I hate that. It's one of the little... Oh, Tommy doesn't have any hair. Oh, no. Charles, I'm going to send you a sentimental album if you don't get this, okay? Okay. All right, try not to be too excited there, Charles. Well, I don't think Charles is going to get it. Do you want to give up, Charles? Yes, I do. All right, well, thanks very much. Have a great day. Thank you for calling. Nice to talk to you. Can I have this card, please? Yes. Jean Davis from Westminster, Maryland, right outside of Baltimore. How are you doing, Jean? I'm doing good. How are you? Hi, Jean. What happened to the Ravens this year? They were my surprise pick. Hey, they won on Sunday. I know they did. What's their record? Three and six, something like that. Really? Yeah, not too good. But they've lost some tight games, but those are the games they should have won. Anyway, I think the schedule favors them for the next two or three games, so they'll have a better record into next month. He knows everything. So, Jean, what do you think about our question? I shouldn't like it much, I can tell. Emergency. Yes, she does. Good for you. You got it. Congratulations. Emergency, yeah. I wouldn't have gotten that. Jean, please pick a number between one and 124. My daughter was born on December the 13th, so I'll pick 13. 13. Lucky 13. Congratulations, Jean. You and our lucky audience winner have each won a Bush Entertainment Center. Elegance and convenience are combined in the Bush Entertainment Center. Glass doors, adjustable shelves, and concealed storage for all your CDs. From Bush Furniture, the prize is valued at $799. Great. Alright, I hope you enjoyed that. We'll be right back with that beautiful blonde, Pamela Lee. Pamela Anderson Lee. I forget now. Yeah. Still ahead on Live, pop singer Maya performs her latest hit. Live's fall fashion frenzy continues with a look at television-influenced fashion. And coming up next, actress Pamela Anderson Lee. The issue of details. Now, remember that classic Farrah Fawcett poster way back in the 70s? Let's take a look at that right now. Now, there she is. And here is the magazine. Almost the same pose. Wow. Alright. Let's split screen and just see how close they came. Kinda. Well, your suit's a little redder than hers. But you know what? Everybody thinks that Farrah started that whole thing. And it really kinda, you never get credit for anything in this world. But the truth is, I had my own poster a long, long time ago. A long time ago. And Farrah stole it from me. So here we go. Here's mine. That's mine. Farrah. You can never compare to the original. No. No. And so, you know. That's right. It's tough being a trailblazer in this world. Now that poster of yours is not for sale, right? No, it's just a cover. It was just a spooky thing. Just for fun. They made me do it. I said, oh, you can never be as good as the original. So I'm gonna get a lot of heat for that. Oh, I think it's a tribute to her. I think you can hold your own. If you'll pardon your expression. So you have a band now, huh? Yeah, I have a band. I didn't know you were a singer. When did that happen? That's why I'm singing in a band called Wig. And you like the name? Why not? There's weirder ones. I mean, why Wig though? No, just a couple friends of mine. A friend of mine, Jackie Dee, and Natalie Rotano on the show. She plays Nikki. We've just been fooling around on the set. And now everyone wants to produce us. We're just having a lot of fun with it. We're having a lot of fun with it. We went to Lenny Kravitz's concert. He said he'd do a song. And we were talking to Bryan Adams the other day, and he said he'd do a song. Well, who knows what could happen from this, right? So it's like a big... It's actually just something really fun we've been talking about and just playing around with. But it's becoming... It's actually kind of happening, so it's kind of hysterical. Sometimes things happen like that. That's right. Alright, let's take a break. When we come back, we'll talk about Wee-I-P. Wee-I-P. Just a moment. $I don't know. I just feel like something's missing. Here. Oh, isn't that clever? When you serve French's traditional green bean casserole, made with the tasty, crispy crunch of French's French fried onions, it'll disappear as quickly as the holidays. Smile, you've got French's! A preview of the shopping special, when good pets go bad. Then, who's really splitting up and who's getting back together in Hollywood on E.T.? Tonight at 6.30 on KOVR 13. It will change the way we think about personal computers. One of the coolest accessory packages anyone's ever seen. It's the first thing I'm buying when I get Windows 98. Clever, stylish, and utterly useful. Gizmo's 98 makes Windows better. This entire commercial was produced on a personal computer with Gizmo's 98. Available now at Fry's Electronics, CompUSA, and Electronics Boutique. Or to order, call 1-888-888-PLAY. This is no place for imitation butter, not at all. I'm not an amy dinner table. Try your benchmark when you're easy to gaming. will match your donation for Sacramento Food Bank Services and give you free installation. Plus, you'll get your first month of preferred service for only $4. Be sure to ask about our new digital cable service. 150 channels and no equipment to buy. You get great TV and Sacramento Food Bank Services gets a ton of food. Everybody's happy! So call now to get Comcast cable installed for free! Anderson has a guest about to launch a brand new show in which he is the executive producer, so you've got no excuses this time, right? It's all going to be yours. Well, I mean they tell me I'm the boss, but they don't let me do what I want to do. So let's talk about this character. VIP, she's a small town girl. Small town girl, she moves to Los Angeles, she works at a hot dog stand, and then a, you know, a big action movie star asks her out on a date, and he takes her to a premiere. And at the premiere, a guy pulls a gun on him, and instead of him, you know, saving me, he throws me in front of him as a shield, and I kick the gun out of the guy's hand, and he cowers behind me and says, don't hurt me, don't hurt me. The paparazzi go nuts on the cover of all these magazines, and to save his face, he tells everybody that I'm his bodyguard, and so I go along with it. Now, every celebrity wants me to be their bodyguard. Sure. And I don't know what I'm doing. Oh, really? We've had everybody on the show from, you know, Jay Leno, we have Pauly Shaw on the show, we've had all these, like, really great cameos. You guys gotta be on the show. Well, I think if Pauly Shaw's on the show, you should consider us. We had Coolio. Coolio. So it's sort of a Cinderella thing, huh? Yeah, and it's really, I think it kind of is, it's fun for me because I get to play a character really close to myself because there's a lot of, you know, there's a lot of similarities to the character, you know, kind of a small town girl kind of thrown in the midst of, you know, glamour and prestige and money and fame all at once, and so she's just the character. And that's exactly what happened to you when you came down from British Columbia. You really do have an amazing story, just sitting there in the stands watching a football game, right? Yeah, and then someone pulled me down the 50-yard line, and then the Playboy cover from there and went to L.A. It was all just, you know, crazy like that. It happened so fast. Yeah, so that's exactly what happens to the character, and so you kind of see, it's kind of like an every-girl kind of situation where it's like people at home or anyone can watch and go, what would it, if that happened to me, how would I react? And so I'm kind of just going through day to day. How have you coped through the whole thing? It's, I mean, I'm fine. You just deal with things as they come. I don't really sit and think about it too much. You know, my brother, every once in a while, because he runs my website, he's like, 600,000 hits a day on your website. He goes, do you ever think about this? I mean, this is really bizarre that you're here and that we're all here, and the whole family is in California actually. But it's overwhelming sometimes, but it's, you know, I'm a mom and I have two beautiful children, and that's really my focus and my priority, and I just love being a mom, and my personal life is really simple. I can't believe I said that. Well, it's nice that you have those two kids, because that kind of grounds you, you know? Oh, yeah. And your and Tommy's relationship is pretty good. You're both parenting. Well, we're trying. I mean, it's not, we're working on a friendship, and we still have a ways to go, I think, with that. But you know, it's kind of, it's going to be a roller coaster. That's just the way, it's just human nature. It's just going to be that way. So if Tommy changes his ways and comes out of this changed guy, do you think you could ever resume your life together? Not as a couple. I just want to be able to parent, co-parent our children together, but I'm beyond our relationship. I'm moving on with my life. I deserve a happy life. Sure. So, please. All right, let's talk about VIP now. Do you have to learn the tricks of the trade, a little karate, to be able to handle yourself? Well, I learned a lot of that before for another movie that I did, and I learned all that, and I said, just forget everything. I don't know how to hold a gun, you know, I don't know what I'm doing, and always through some kind of common sense way, I saved the day. Yeah, because you're not a professional bodyguard. So now you could punch David Hasselhoff's brains out if you wanted to. Right. Hey, who couldn't? Anyway, let's take a look at a clip now. Here's Pamela learning the tricks of the trade, VIP. Observe. Wow. One of six places you can neutralize a man and still keep him alive for interrogation. Now you try. Okay. So remember, at this distance, the knife should make three full revolutions. Three revolutions. Left foot forward. Left foot forward. Thank you. One of the six places. All right, seven. But she wanted to do that a couple of times. That's Molly Culver who plays Tasha. It's a great cast. It's a really fun cast. We're so close. It's like we're best friends. It never happens on a set where we hang out on the weekends. We hang out on the weekends. We hang out at night. Everyone's over at my house. Everyone knows my kids. You're all in a band called WIG. You're all in a band called WIG, and yeah, it's great. Can't get better than that. All right, VIP, you have to check your local listings for it. It's indicated all over the country, all over the world for that matter. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Good luck to you. Thank you. Good luck to you. I appreciate it. We'll be right back in just a moment. You use it every day, but have you ever wondered what's on your toothbrush? KLBR 13's Diana Penna took this family's brushes to the lab to see what's hiding in those bristles. Are your kids brushing up on bacteria? And wait until you see who else got their toothbrushes put under the microscope. Find out if your brush would pass the toothbrush test tonight at 5 and 10 on KLBR 13 News. So, Domar, how many chickens we got on this farm? Fifty thousand. Sometimes you get so busy on the farm you ever miss having breakfast? Sometimes we'll have breakfast for dinner, yeah. Well, how about IHOP's new scrambles? Our ranch scramble is stuffed with ham, tomato, and onion, then smothered with cheese, served with hash browns and buttermilk pancakes from $3.99. I'd like to try it. So this is Cliff in America's heartland, reminding you that anytime's a great time for breakfast at IHOP. So, Domar, which did come first, the chicken or the egg? I don't know. Shh, somebody's coming. Oh, Super Sale, Oh, Super Sale, at Mervin's California. Oh, Super Sale, Oh, Super Sale, it's not long, we'd like to warn ya. It's Thursday, Friday, Saturday, almost everything's on sale. Mervin's California Super Sale, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Hey, that's no way to do dinner. Schilling has an easier way. Serve up a delicious dinner in just five minutes with Schilling's Pasta Pesto. It's a tasty blend of Parmesan and seasonings, for the taste you want in the time you have. Schilling, simple solutions for delicious dinners. TV, and see what your favorite stars are wearing. With us now is Hollywood's stylist to the stars, Philip Block, whose new book is called Elements of Style. And Philip seems to have dressed just about everybody in the business. And undressed. Oh, really? These are great photos in here. Great pictures in here, yeah. We gotta get you in there. Well, let's get started. First of all, these fashions are based on the kind of show that the people are appearing in, right? Yeah, I think TV really influences how people dress. People relate to characters that you see on TV, and they sort of take their style, and they kind of mix it up and make it their own. I think, you know, like the nanny of Veronica's closet, it's not necessarily the look you'd want to go for, but you can take those ideas and get inspired. But it sure looks good on them, doesn't it? It looks good on them. Yeah, sure does. Alright, let's take a look at our first show down here. Dharma and Greg. Yeah. Right? I think this is great. Dharma's all about funky and eclectic, and we've got our own model here that's gonna show you how you can get that style at home. Let's take it out there, though. I love her style. She's got really a lot of stuff in the funky hair clips by Noir and the little sexy little jewelry. It's all about sort of faux antique jewelry, and the mixing and matching of patterns is really important. Sort of a Moroccan influence. She's even got her incense with her, which is a very Dharma thing. And her blue toenail polish. And her blue toenail polish with those funky shoes. It's all about being funky but eclectic. And what is the little wrap around her? Is that a, not a chemisol, but what is it? It's a little dress and then the little cardigan over it. It's about layering. The girls love layering, and Dharma's look is very eclectic. It's mixing matching fabrics and different kinds of things. Thank you. All right, Dharma. Thank you very much. Let's take a look at our next show. Let's take a look at her for Ali McBeal. This is a woman with a pow back in the power suit. All right. Yes, she is. And we've got our own model. Let's take a look at our model in it. That's a hot suit. Now, Regis, you must like this because you see a lot of legs, no? Wow. Boy, that's really short, isn't it? It's so lawyerly. And this is actually a suit that she wore on the show. It's a Tahari suit, and I love it. You can do this yourself. You take an old suit that you have and just shorten the skirt, and you can have that power look too. In simple shoes, it's all about bare legs, no stocking, no jewelry, very minimal jewelry. The only accessory you need is a cell phone and sexy legs. Are the skirts that short, though? Shorter. Shorter on Ali McBeal. On Ali McBeal, they're shorter and shorter. Shorter than that? Yes. Ali McBeal should be arrested. She might be. The day is young. Dawson's Creek. Now, I'm even too old to know so much about this show. Well, it just came out of the season, but they just get younger and younger and younger. Yeah, we sure do. Katie Holmes is the girl out there. She's so cute. Clean is sexy. It's all about being fresh, clean, and natural. Let's take a look at our version. We have Alexandra. Look at your little back to school look. Now, this has a lot of hot trends for fall. The cashmere and lycra blends, by theory, the sweater with the little hood. The hoodie is a big blend, is a big new trend. The cashmere lycra blends are great because they're affordable cashmere, but they last a long time. And then last but not least, you got the cargo pants. Yeah, everybody's wearing them. The cargo pants are really good. Didn't you have those when you were in the military? Not really. Not like that. But they're really hot this year, right? And the little black converse sneakers. They're wearing them really long and, like, hanging over the edges, you know, and all the frayed edges. The idea is you can fray these things. Who decides these things? Guys like you. Guys like me. Guys like me. And I love the little school bag and everything. It's a great look. It's fun and it's very fresh. Yeah, and clean. It's clean. It's not that grunge look like it was in a year or two ago. It's like clean. Let's take a look at our next show. Can't wait to see this one. Oh, the nanny. Now, Fran always says the bigger the hair, the smaller the hips. But who's looking at the hips and the hair? They're looking at the fashion. Let's take a look at our model. I love this. She's got these DNG, Dolce & Gabbana, do these great animal prints. Now, you might not want to put all these animal prints together. You might want to try just, like, the one shirt or a leopard shoe or a zebra coat. And this girl's got that whole pile of... She knows. And again, the mini skirt. But Fran does the mini skirts a lot of times with leggings. For those of us who don't have those great legs, you do have short-shirt skirts with a legging on with it. And I love the sexy little shoe. Just that extra little touch. Where do you get a shoe like that? That's...oh! In malls, everywhere. Charles, David. And they're very affordable. I think the thing... I think the thing that's really important is you don't have to spend a lot of money to look really good. You don't have to go to the big, big names. There's secondary lines and there's just getting the sexy little accessory to make it sexy. Sure, absolutely. Next show is Felicity. Felicity. Yeah, this is very similar to Dawson's Creek. It's very young, very clean, very fresh. But she's got a more boyish charm. Let's take a look at our model. Banana Republic. We did everything in Banana Republic because it's very affordable and you've got this great pea coat that I love. It's kind of got a mask and stuff, but it keeps you warm and keeps you on campus casual, cool. Everybody in school wants to look cool and casual. And the sweater set, another really big trend. If you took that sweater set, mix it with a little skirt, you've got a great look for the office. Another big trend, the corduroys. The thin cords, big trend. You take those cords, mix them with something else. They all mix and match to give you a great look that you can do at home. And you don't have to be a movie star or TV star to dress like this. She makes me miss Julia Louis-Dreyfus in Seinfeld, which is gone. It's the curly hair. Pea coat is in this winter. Pea coats are in. Military has played a big, big influence in the past couple of years. I guess because we're not at war, we're bringing it into fashion. Fashion is the war. It's a battleground. It sure is. Every day of our lives. Thank you very much, Felicity. Thank you. And then lingerie, outerwear, innerwear. It mixes all around. Veronica's pleasant. Let's take a look at Veronica. See, now her look is very sexy. Now, we might not wear this look to the office. Everybody might have to do this, but Veronica does. Let's take a look at our model. I love this. Again, big, big trend, the faux fur. Faux fur on the trim. Velvet is really big for fall. This ultra jacket. And then this notary. The notary is actually lingerie. The bustier in the pants is lingerie. But they look like office wear or evening wear. And another fun accessory, the gloves. With the faux fur on there. Actually, it's more feathers, which is a really big trend again. Feathers and fringe. She's not going to sell those. These girls were great. We have really, really great models here. But you know what? There's a show. Most of my celebrities have their favorite show that they want to look like. When John Travolta calls me or Fran Drescher calls me, they say, I want to look like my favorite TV stars. And we didn't have any models. But you guys, Regis and Kathie Lee, you are the look that I get requested most. I want to see you up there. Let's hear it. Yes. Now, today, ladies and gentlemen, we have Regis modeling his monotone tie and shirt and suit. And Kathie Lee giving you ladies who lunch. Very upscale, folks. Work it, work it, Kathie Lee. Work the runway, baby. Now, this is the bomb, right? This look is the bomb. There you go. There you go. She's working it. Thank you. Thank you. That was great. Thank you very much. Thank you, our girls. We'll be right back in just a moment. Here they all are. Great collection of models. Tomorrow on Live, Hot Youngs singer Deborah Cox. Ralph? Come here, give me a hand. Good boy. Thanks. For those of us with only two hands, Scotch brand brings you Pop-Up Tape Strips. Scotch Pop-Up Tape Strips free up both hands so wrapping has never been easier. Pop-Up Tape Strips from Scotch brand. Great ideas that stick. I look at flowers differently now, not just for their own beauty, but as patterns for flowers I create, stitch by stitch. 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From one corner to another. Like a story of a baby mother. Creeping out your back door. You ain't got no money. I should have left you long ago. And you're lying self-in-sheep. And I can't take it no more. I'm moving on. Moving on. Moving on. I'll be moving on. Moving on. Moving on. I'll be. Whose clothes I'll be. You know I'll wear a size four. And if you say that you've been faithful. Then who was that show back door? You ain't got no money. I should have left you long ago. And your work ain't working no more. So I've been sleeping all alone. You know what I mean. I'm moving on. Moving on. Moving on. I'm moving on. I'm moving on. I'll be moving on. Rosie Kay! Rosie's on Sesame Street. Nice to see you, Oscar. Right to see you, too. With Whoopi Goldberg and Roberta Flack. But there's one mystery. Rosie! Ellie, where's Julia? Julia Roberts is missing! Will she miss the bird calls? Whoo! The craft corner? The alphabet blues? I can't believe we're lost. I'm gonna miss the show. 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Well, I've always been singing, you know, that was with me. But my father was a singer in the family and that's why I held it back. I was a little intimidated by him. And then what brought it out? I just, I had to do it. You know, it was a part of me that I couldn't hold inside anymore. But what I did was develop myself before I took it to him because he was so good at it. I didn't want him to criticize me. Is he a professional singer? Yeah. And how does he feel about you now? He's proud. Tell me about Spike Lee, where did he find you? Well, I auditioned right here in New York for the movie. It's just a small part to start off with and we record, actually tape the movie this month in Canada. What's the name of the movie? It's called In Too Deep. In Too Deep, right. Spike Lee movies are always big, you know, big hits. So Maya, you know, you made one little dance here that was so effortless. It's like the moon dance, remember? Yeah, like Jackson's moonwalk. Is that where it comes from originally? It's not the moonwalk. It's just, it's actually going forward. Instead, the moonwalk, you know, it goes back like this. Do it in slow motion for us. Okay. What do you guys want? It's just, she hardly makes a sound doing it. Go ahead, your turn. I cannot do that. Go, just try it. I've tried for years to do it. I can't do it. Show us something we can do. Hey, I heard you guys tap dance too. So we just, you know, the time step. Oh sure, yeah. Yeah, we both do that. Yeah. Not bad. We're young, we're young. I'm going to do something with the guys. You two with these big stars up front. Go ahead. Here we go. I got this. I got this. Cathy Lee, turn around and take a look. Not bad, huh? I got it. I love it too. Thanks very much, fellas. Maya, thank you very, very much. Good luck to you, okay? Got to be a big, big star. First CD, platinum in just four months. Maya. We'll be right back. Thank you. Friday on Live, actor Kenneth Branagh. I got it, Maya. Bye, mom. Bye. How can she be so shy and self-conscious? She always covered her mouth when she spoke. I know and she never laughed or smiled. Now she's always smiling and she seems more confident. What's your secret? We owe it all to our orthodontist. He used the most up-to-date braces which meant fewer office visits and then he set us up with a great payment plan. Who is your orthodontist? Dr. Robert McClurg where there's never a down payment for your braces. Call 1-800-252-1223. So, Delmar, how many chickens we got on this farm? 50,000. Wow. Sometimes you get so busy on the farm you ever miss having breakfast? Sometimes we'll have breakfast for dinner, yeah. Well, how about IHOP's new scrambles? Our ranch scramble is stuffed with ham, tomato, and onion, then smothered with cheese, served with hash browns and buttermilk pancakes from $3.99. I'd like to try it. So this is Cliff in America's Heartland reminding you that anytime is a great time for breakfast at IHOP. So, Delmar, which did come first, then the chicken or the egg? I don't know. Imagine always having the time to bake the golden crusty bread your family loves. Well, today you do have the time because today's bread is bread du jour. Breads you bake fresh in about 10 minutes, hot from the oven, with that unmistakable aroma make any dinner special because now it only takes 10 minutes to bake your family's favorite bread du jour. Applause You have a favorite look here, Easton. Applause They're back. We had a lot of fun with Philip Locke at that fashion show. I thought the models were just terrific in the way they were dressed. It was exquisite, too. What is the hot color this year? Gray. It's all about gray. Gray is the new black. It's the old brown, the new neon. What do you see right here? Gray. Thank you very much. You are a style meister. What is this? Beige out. That is the bomb. She looks like the bomb. Other trends before. What are the other trends? Long skirts, really long skirts. Yeah, but somebody was walking with a short skirt here. But the trends are long skirts. Designers have their own little thing and they pick what's going to be hot. And girls have sexy legs. They want to wear short skirts. How is it that all of you guys... People are going to do what they want to do, ultimately. Basically, if you have bad legs. That you all decide the same color and the same size. Do you get together and have a meeting? We're coming to your house next week. How does that happen? They have the different fabric shows that are in France. Premier Vizion is one and people go to France. And then that's the fabrics. You get the choices there and the colors that the fabric companies are producing are really what produces the trends. And did you go to all the shows for spring? Yeah, last week they just had the shows at the dance. And what trends do you see there? Pink. Pink's the new color. Good, finally. Pink's the new gray, which is the old black. Pink for spring. And sheer. A lot of sheer things. What about your favorite star to dress? Who's that? Selma Hayek. She's a lot of fun. She always says, Philip, there's not enough gowns to wear. There's not enough events to wear all the gowns to. I want to go. She goes out a lot, doesn't she? She doesn't really, but there's so many gowns. She loves all the gowns. She loves to dress up. Isn't it easy to dress all of these beautiful people with their perfect bodies? As you may know, you see everybody, everybody's not perfect. Everybody has flaws. And that's what our job, then I know I've done my good job. If you think my clients look perfect, then I've done a good job. Because we're sewing them in the dresses when Kristen Johnson went to the Emmys just recently. Like the dress, the snap popped in the back and we had to sew it in. And you know, it's always that last minute tension. You go to a lot of things. It's always that excitement. But you're also a personal shopper, right? Oh, yes. Yeah. Guy like Jim Carrey. He's a pretty good dresser. He's a great dresser. He has great style. What does he like? What designer does he... He wears a lot of Donna Caron, a lot of Armani. Donna Caron fits him really, really good. I like that. It's so funny. When he puts on a Donna Caron suit, he'll try on other things. He'll go, oh, this looks good. But he puts on a Donna Caron suit and he goes, hmm, this is really good. I like this one. Who's this one by? And it ends up being her. Oh, it never fails. Who else do you do? Sandra Bullock. I love Sandy. She's really fun. She's just such a sweet person. We just did her for Practical Magic and she was so funny because the movie's about witches. And so we had these Dolce & Gabbana shoes with little black spiders on them. And she's like, oh, I want to wear those. They're kind of witchy. She follows her theme. I noticed from every movie she does, that's the theme. When she was doing Hope Float, she felt flowers. And I got one final question. Who dresses you? Who's responsible for this? His mother. Thanks a lot, Bill. Thank you so much. Thank you. We'll be right back. Some members of our studio audience will receive the following. Electronic slingo from Tiger. The addictive combination of slots and bingo. Now your favorite online game comes in handheld fun for the whole family. Honeysuckle White Turkey. Guaranteed to roast perfectly with plenty of moist white meat. Honeysuckle White. Movies are all about Todd.