But Boy, I always want everything to be checked by the doctor. And I'll do it anyway, picture to paper! THE HISTORY OF DOG After I finished my check on the doctor's highest rank어서 I started taking a pity exam which resulted in numerous failures. But what changed my lines? All our science, all our technology, all our mathematics, our computations, somehow they all add up to moments that are beyond any calculation. The handsome, dashing Ford Aero Star for 1989. It's really quite a van about town. Playing with the sports crowd, playing the market, escorting ladies, pulling its own weight, staying out all night, and powering its way to the top. Ford Aero Star. It's in a class by itself. Get a $400 cash bonus on 89 Ford Aero Star. I never understood some of these computer companies. You call in their service people and they give you an attitude. If I had even a couple of pieces of somebody else's equipment anywhere in my organization, they acted like I made a terrible mistake. The problem always seemed to be in the other guy's equipment. But that's all history now. I just signed a new agreement with IBM. They've taken full responsibility for servicing all my computer equipment, no matter whose name is on it. The moment. It is born of the things we live for and sometimes made of the things we live through. So whether it's the moment you need cash or the moment you've been waiting for, you can count on MasterCard. In nearly three times the number of places as American Express, wherever you happen to be, from sea to shining sea, MasterCard, Master the Moment. And when all of company B heads for the phone, it's no problem for Gale Godfrey. Delta Airlines, Gale Godfrey. You're off out of Lubbock, Texas? Yes, that is confirmed. I got some friends I want to talk to you now. Just hold on a second. Thank you. Cincinnati, Ohio. New York City. Monroe, Louisiana. Albuquerque, New Mexico. San Jose, California. Portland, Oregon. Rio Montana. You're all set. Thank you for calling, Delta. Bye-bye. Hi, Gale. Did you get many calls this afternoon? One. Delta, we love to fly and it shows. Mercury introduces Kuga XR7. Supercharger, speed sensitive steering, anti-lock brakes. All this and the quality of a Mercury. In 1918, a small team of GE engineers set a new high altitude record for an aircraft engine. What made it unusual was that they did it without an airplane. Back then, no plane could fly high enough to test a new turbo supercharged engine. So they did the next best thing. They hauled it 14,000 feet up Pike's Peak. After several fits and starts, this remarkable new engine roared to life. And it is the same ingenuity and team spirit that has brought GE from America's first jet engine to the world's most advanced. Ladies and gentlemen, if you look out the left side of the cabin, you'll see Pike's Peak. Which proves when people work together, there's no telling to what heights they can soar. Here's today's leader in big pickups, Ford. Ford leads in the important advantages that Chevy can't talk about. Ford leads Chevy with a longer, wider, deeper box that carries more maximum payload than Chevy. This Ford cost $715 less than a comparably equipped Chevy. And that's leadership in solid value. Get up to $750 cash bonus on selected 89 Ford F-Series trucks. Herman Woke's war and remembrance will continue in a moment. This is ABC. From Minnesota's News Channel, this is an eyewitness news brief. Is there a plot to bomb judges' homes in Minnesota? Tonight at 10, you'll find out why police think bombs cause fires at the homes of two judges. Also tonight, the chemicals they spray on your yard may make the grass green, but those chemicals could also pose a danger to your family. You'll find out why tonight at 10. Do you know the one company more people trust when investing in a personal financial plan? IDS. Yes, IDS. Award-winning pan pizza from Pizza Hut. Now get one medium-pan pizza for $6.99, or better yet, two for just $3 more. So come on, get a slice of America's best. Pizza Hut, make it a drink. Soviet friends, Minnesota comrades, this week at 5 and 10. Stay tuned for scenes from the continuation of Herman Woke's war and remembrance. Don Davis loves what he does for Delta, and sometimes it loves him back. Hi, boy, how you doing? Dear Delta, please take care of Spooner. He's never been on a plane before. New windows today, boy. How about a mile seat? Spooner! Spooner! Dear Brian, I thought Spooner would like his wings. Hey, Spooner, you got your wings. I have to cancel. I keep canceling. I have to cancel. Why do you keep putting it off? Mother, I'm not... GE's breast cancer detection system. I keep meaning to. Did you go? I'm too busy. Too busy. It can detect tumors too tiny to be felt. It's such a busy week, I'm gonna go next week. I can't find the time. I'll just have a night time. When? It can help increase the survival rate to 91%. I'll go when I have the time. Next week. Oh, I can't next week. Don't talk. I'll go when the time will go. But there's one thing GE can't do. We can't make you go. There's nothing to worry about. I just couldn't go. A cheese riddle. Hey, Mom, what do you get when you add melted cheddar cheese to ordinary broccoli? Oo's and ah's. Yes, cheese makes it taste better. So don't forget the cheese. Another cheese riddle. Say, man, what do you get when you add Monterey Jack cheese to plain chili? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.