Then, Judy gets the urge to sing when Gene Kelly camps out in her barn. Summer stock. TNT remembers Judy Garland on her birthday. For some Outer Limits fans, the thing that hooked them in every show was the monster. Be they alien invaders or mutant beings, scary creatures meant good ratings, and that's the way the network wanted it. But when you watch episodes like Soldier or Demon with a Glass Hand, you'll see aliens that look a heck of a lot like humans. This is not a human being. It's from another planet, another solar system. He wants to kill me. Fantasy writer Harlan Ellison broke the monster mold with his unusual scripts. In fact, the aliens were supposed to look exactly like human beings because when they come back in time, they don't want to disturb anything in time because it would alter the future. In Soldier, Michael and Sarah and his enemy are future warriors with a bad case of time warp. He's from somewhere or some when that's completely outside our knowledge. He's a walking challenge. He's a walking bomb. I was writing an anti-war story. Find the enemy. Kill. Kill. Kill. There's a story about a soldier from the future who is trained for nothing but war. Give me the gun, Quallar. Trooper never gives up a gun. An absolute fighting machine with no other quality, no humanity, no nothing. For I come from its true, its right, no two ways. Only us and them, the enemy. That's nice about Outer Limits. Mostly these kind of stories would get a fundamentalist the heebie-jeebies because they're all ideas that question the nature of the universe. Some question and here's another who is the demon in Demon with a Glass Hand. Everybody in it looks pretty normal, sort of. Are you from this time or from the future? We are from the future. We come from Kaiba. Well, in this one, there is no strange looking weird monster. The closest the network could get to it was painting those stupid round black circles around the alien's eyes. Robert Culp plays Trent, an ordinary looking guy with an extraordinary appendage. The population of Earth, 70 billion people, were turned into electrical impulses. They're all gone. Every last man on Earth. Just you. You know what they say. Big hand, big brain. It's a very bizarre episode and somehow, it's one of those things where it catches some place, it catches audiences some place where they are not expecting to be captured. Harlan Ellison's formula for success is imagination. The idea that what you don't see can scare you the most. The Outer Limits can be scary, but it's only scary while you're watching it. In the real world, if there are no booga booga monsters that will come and eat your head, nothing is what it seems to be. Everything has a little different kind of magic going for it, which is what you don't get today in film or television. Saturday night's TNT Night Watchman, Penn and Teller shot Monster Vision back to life with a salute to the Outer Limits beginning at 8 Eastern on TNT. I saw my doctor because the pain was so bad. I was afraid I needed surgery for my hemorrhoids. I was itching. The burning was awful. But my doctor said my hemorrhoids weren't serious. I didn't need surgery. He told me it was time I started using Preparation H. Preparation H helps relieve the symptoms of inflamed hemorrhoidal tissues, often bringing relief from itching, burning, and painful irritation for hours. What a difference Preparation H makes. Doctor recommended Preparation H. More than the leading cleaner, new Clorox Clean Up Spray wipes out tough stains. Great salads here. But try it with Bacos. Oh, Bacos? Mm-hmm. Better? Oh, my, my. Oh, I am in love. Cholesterol-free Bacos makes every bite better. Summer is my favorite, favorite time in the whole world. You get to make new friends. New friends. This summer, 35 million families will go on vacation to rediscover the world and each other. I have my parents. I have my parents. I have my parents all to myself. Who would know family is better than Holiday Inn? Kids don't just stay free. Kids 12 and under eat free at participating hotels. Pancakes. Pancakes. Every day. For 1,800 Holliday. Or you travel it. Holiday Inn, the official hotel for family fun. From the creator of an American tale comes the story of three courageous friends and their search for a magic potion. You only have two days time. Let's go. Now, they're off on an incredible journey. The only path lies that way. It's magnificent, riveting, whole family fun. Kids are sure to be delighted. An animated classic. Once Upon a Forest, Rated G, starts Friday, June 18th at theaters everywhere. Frankenstein will be unleashed. Sunday night at 8 on TNT. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. For shoulder length hair, now for less than the cost of one visit to the hair salon, you can order Topsy Tail. Complete with Glamour Guide for just $12.95. Order now and we'll also send you secrets to French braiding. Create a whole new look and a whole new you. Order Topsy Tail today. Credit card users call toll free 1-800-421-2000. Sorry, no CODs. Or send just $12.95 plus $3.50 shipping and handling to the address on your screen. Credit card users call now. 1-800-421-2000. Garland sizzles. Kelly's swashbuckles. All this and Cole Porter's music, too. TNT pays a special birthday tribute to Judy Garland with a night of our favorite Judy Garland movies. Judy, Judy, Judy continues with the Pirate. Be a clown, be a clown, be a clown. On screen, it all looks so effortless and lighthearted. Judy Garland and Gene Kelly knocking themselves out and having a ball doing it in the 1947 musical about a girl, a guy, and the pirate known as MacCoco. MacCoco. But behind the scenes, it was a different story. The Pirate had been a Broadway hit for Alfred Lunt and Lin Fontane, the masters of high comedy. Director Vincent Minnelli thought it would be an ideal vehicle for his wife, Judy Garland. With Cole Porter providing the score, Arthur Freed producing, and Gene Kelly as the flamboyant actor, it seemed the Pirate couldn't miss. Seraphine the Great, the master juggler, conjurer, dancer, and singer of songs. But the Minnelli marriage was shaky, and so was Garland's emotional state. Her absences were frequent, and when she did show up, she arrived late, left early, and was often under the influence of studio-prescribed medication. During the shooting of One Number, she was so impaired that she was unable to complete the scene and had to be sent home. Garland was absent for 99 of the 135 production days, but she was so loved by cast and crew that everyone tried to protect her. Kelly even faked illness a few times to cover up for her absence. And when Judy was good, there was no one better. You can do no wrong. The mounting costs of the production weren't all Garland's fault. The sets and costumes were intricate and expensive. The cast was large, and the musical numbers elaborate. Ninya, ninya, ninya. For Kelly, the Pirate was a departure from his all-American musical hero image, and a chance to pay affectionate tribute to some childhood idols. The dashing Douglas Fairbanks and the sometimes-hammy John Barrymore. Even in the lonely wastes of the Sahara Desert, the sands would rise up and follow you. Tell me, what is your name? While waiting for Garland's storms to pass, Kelly huddled with Minnelli on all aspects of the production. He even helped invent a device that allowed the bulky technicolor cameras to shoot from low angles. And Kelly fought the front office to use the legendary dance team, the Nicholas Brothers, in one of the film's most memorable numbers. Even though some southern theater owners would later cut the number before showing the film to segregated audiences. Now think again. Pure soul. Don't call me pure soul. It irritates me. The Pirate's sophisticated wit and exquisite visual style, combined with Kelly's over-the-top performance and Garland's sexy and sassy one, was something new for their fans in 1947. But over the years, it has become a cult favorite, confirming Arthur Freed's opinion that The Pirate was 20 years ahead of its time. Hello, Arthur! Overcharge! And now, one of our favorite Judy Garland movies, The Pirate. Our favorite movie, The Pirate, starring Judy Garland, will return on TNT after these messages. This presentation is brought to you by Oldsmobile. Ah, thank goodness we found you. Because we'd never forgive ourselves if we let you miss this opportunity. You can now buy an Oldsmobile Achieva special edition with air, automatic anti-lock brakes, and more for only $14,695. Well, your neighbors certainly thought it was a good deal. It's your money. Ordinary light can rob your milk of essential vitamins and good taste. But paper cartons block out harmful light and protect your mouth. So always buy milk and paper cartons. Lock light out, keep vitamins in. Last year, over 50,000 women found families to adopt their unexpected children. We have a daughter. They decided instead of abortion to bring their babies into the world, they held to their belief that nothing is more precious than human life. To all these mothers, the families who adopted these children would like to say, Thank you, life. What a beautiful choice. Great glasses. Thanks. Everyone likes my glasses, but they weigh a ton. You don't have to put up with heavy glasses anymore. Because at LensCrafters, we have so many new ways to make glasses more comfortable. LensCrafters' exclusive featherweight lenses. Lighter, slimmer, and LensCrafters will still make your glasses in about an hour. I never knew glasses could be this comfortable. LensCrafters' featherweight lenses. Lighter weight for greater comfort. Eye exams available. If you have just too many remote controls, get a One For All Universal Remote. It combines all your others into one simple single remote. Now buy any One For All remote in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit video and get a $5 rebate. Sunday night at 8, he will be released. I made him. I must destroy him. Who is he? The devil! He's not dead. He's here. I'll destroy him. Randy Quaid. Patrick Bergen. I will destroy you! Frankenstein. A terrifying motion picture from TNT. Premieres Sunday night at 8. State for your trade factory wholesale prices savings and range end of the thousands. Eliminator Ford. This Friday, Saturday, and Sunday when the valleys top four dealers join at the Valley Mall to eliminate their invoices. The terms broke. Isokinetic exercise is positive resistance only. Cheating you out of half the exercise. Cheating out of building muscle. Solarflex will allow you to do those negative reps. the negative reps that are responsible for virtually all muscle growth. SoloFlex. If you're serious about your body, now only $39 down and $39 a month. Call now for a free SoloFlex brochure. We now return to The Pirate, starring Judy Garland on TNT. The Pirate, starring Judy Garland, will return on TNT after these messages. Pirate, starring Judy Garland, will return on TNT after these messages. NT engineers working around the clock have discovered 4 o'clock is a great time to watch a movie. Really scary movies with monsters and guys wrapped up in tape every day at 4 o'clock all next week on TNT. A night for Excedrin PM. Why can't I turn off this day? You backed into my car. Everyone else is going. I am still your mother. My head aches and I can't sleep. You want Excedrin PM. Strong aspirin-free headache medicine you can feel good about, plus a gentle ingredient to help you sleep. Lovely lake. 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Hallmark has the ways to say you care. They ruled the Earth for 200 million years. Now, they're back. 10 classic Jurassic movies. All day, all night. The Day of the Dinosaur. Dinosaur's. Beginning 10.05 Eastern. Wednesday on TBS. Saturday night. All night. The next MonsterVision brings you nine of the best outer limits ever made. Saturday night on TBS. How can I get a better job? Where can I find an affordable home? Why can't I send my kids to college? When will I ever get ahead? Will I ever have my own business? How can I make my money grow? Who do I talk to? What's happened to the American dream? Join CNBC in an unprecedented cable TV event. Achieving the American Dream Week. Starting Monday, June 14th. Only on CNBC. Go 1-800-SMART-TV for local cable channel. It's so easy to leave me And say, oh, share with me One love, one lifetime The power of the music of the night The power of the music of the night We now return to The Pirate starring Judy Garland on TNT. After these messages. This is a little complicated. She's Barbara Streisand and she's a she with a really pretty voice. Where is it written what it is I'm meant to be? But then she becomes a he so that she can get an education. So I studied secretly. Now, he thinks she's a he and they become best friends. But she falls in love with him. Only he's in love with her who's definitely a she. We're TNT and we're delighted to run this. Yentl. Tomorrow at 8 on TNT. Say goodbye to messy toothpaste. And say hello to the Colgate Clean and Easy Stand Up Tube. It's pullback nozzle lets you measure out just the right amount. The Colgate Clean and Easy Stand Up Tube. Now at a new low price. Yeah! Maybe you never thought of a backup system for an airbag. But that's how we build the Mazda 626. Because we thought a little extra safety might feel good to you. At the first tickly inch of athlete's foot, Desenex do not stall. Desenex intercepts athlete's foot before it turns ugly. Killing those grungy fungi before they get cracking and burning. There's a can at the store with your salvation in it. Come get it or else don't play Desenex. And for Jockitch, Cru-X is the number one cure. Cru-X kills Jockitch fungus. These slip down one more time. I'm fed up with glasses that don't fit. You don't have to put up with glasses that don't fit anymore. Because at Lenscrafters we have so many new ways to make glasses more comfortable. Lenscrafters glasses fit your snug points with features like new self-adjusting snug fit pads that flex to gently and securely hug your nose. Lenscrafters, for that cushion of comfort you've always wanted. I never knew glasses could be this comfortable. Lenscrafters, better fit for greater comfort in about an hour. Roaches. They keep coming back because they may be immune to your insecticide. So we developed new Combat Superbait insecticide. Both our lab and home tests prove no roach is immune. Here's how it works. Roaches take the bait back to their nest and start a domino effect. It keeps on killing for three months. We guarantee it or your money back. New Combat Superbait in the gold box. We've made a science of killing your roaches. Frankenstein. Frankenstein will be unleashed. Sunday night at 8 on TNT. In the end, I'm here to go. Now, for what? The only return. The Valley's top four release. Sunflare, Valley 4, hot and late. A womanator 4. Over 1,000 new units of construction land. A womanator 4. In the Sears parking lot at the Valley Mall. Top dollar paid for your trade. Factory wholesale prices. Savings that range into the thousands. A womanator 4. This Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, when the Valley's top four either join in the Valley Mall or to eliminate their inventory. TCI strongly believes in investing time and resources into the children of our community through education. That's why we support the Hispanic Academic Achievers Program, recognizing academic excellence by students who have maintained a 3.0 grade point average or better. PAP supports students like Lupe Bravo, Lupe wants to become a physician, and fighting the odds with a 4.0 grade point average, Lupe's dreams can become a reality. That's why we support HAP and Lupe Bravo and the rest of these kids. Thanks.