Good morning. A soft touch meets a hard case. I ain't deprived. I'm delinquent. And Fink's, she's found her long lost granddaughter. Welcome to Candleshoe. Because a con man has bribed a con girl into conning a con artist. You had two stuffed animals, and you call them Teddy and Piggy Wink. I think I'm gonna throw up. They combed Candleshoe Castle. The house is full of secret passages. For clues to a hidden fortune. But a bunch of orphans living in the castle will defend their home against all comers. They've got some sharp tricks up their sleeves too. By who's conning who? And who will find the treasure first? Jodie Foster, Helen Hayes, Leo McCurn, David Niven. David Niven or David Niven. In Candleshoe. I found the clue. Next. Hey, Follies fans, pull up a chair and sit down. Because you don't want to miss Sports Illustrated's fabulous Follies Fun Pack. Featuring two amazing new videos. NBA Rewind, Basketball's Funniest and Finest Plays. Plus, the NFL's 100 Greatest Follies. 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Stories that shock the nation. The plane caught fire and literally blew apart. Shook the sports world. There will be no World Series. And made Hollywood headlines that brought political peace and political change, memorable images and unforgettable faces. I'm Chuck Scarborough. Join me for a look back at the images of 1994, the year in review. Sunday evening at 5 here on CAP 35. Escape across the sea to beautiful Hawaii through the musical magic of the most loved Hawaiian singer of all time, Don Ho. Lovely land, blissful land. Don Ho presents 30 all-time Hawaiian favorites for you to enjoy. Purling shells, purling shells, from the ocean, from the ocean. Shining in the sun, shining in the sun. Covering the shore, covering the shore. Reducing the, reducing the. My heart tells me that I love you more than all the millions. You get the greatest Hawaiian hits ever written. Tiny bubbles, tiny bubbles. In the wind, in the wind. Make me happy, make me happy. 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Call 1-800-641-9911 right now to arrange for your free in-home estimate on new energy efficient windows from Sears. Call now and save 10% up to $500. Sears' construction methods make cold weather installation virtually draft free. Call 1-800-641-9911 now. Tip the scales in your direction by reducing the fat and calories in your favorite recipes. Just watch Northwest Now at 5 o'clock on Monday for our Cooking Light Quiz. Send us your answer by Friday of that week. If you have the correct answer, your name will go into the Cooking Light Quiz bin. On Friday, we'll randomly pull two names from the bin. Each winner will receive a copy of Company's Coming Light Casteroles cookbook from Jean Paré. So be sure to watch the Cooking Light Quiz on Northwest Now. Send your Cooking Light Quiz answers to this address. And now, back to Candleshoe. Oh, my dear, return it when you're finished with it. Time Life gives you a searing look at the truth about war. The power. The weapons. The people. 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Every detail of Mary's apparition is lovingly reflective here. From the golden halo, the luminous robes, even the roses that adorn Mary's feet. The plate is carefully crafted in full color on fine porcelain and bordered in lustrous 22 karat gold. Now you can enjoy this unique oval shaped icon for the issue price of $29.90. This inspiring plate by award winning artist Hector Garrido can be yours if you call now. You'll also receive priority rights to the next plate in the Visions of Our Lady series, Our Lady of Medjugorje. Each plate is individually hand numbered and comes with a certificate of authenticity. Call now, you risk nothing. The Bradford Exchange will refund your money, including postage, anytime within one full year if you're not completely satisfied. But act now. This edition is strictly limited to 95 firing days. So call now to be sure you get this inspiring collectible at the issue price. Bring the healing spirit of Lourdes into your home with Our Lady of Lourdes. Call now. Call 1-800-976-5577 now to order Our Lady of Lourdes at the issue price of $29.90. The number again is 1-800-976-5577. Have your credit card ready to save COD charges. Call now 1-800-976-5577. That's 1-800-976-5577. Why is it no matter how old a child is, when they come back home they're instantly ten? How can you be celebrating peace on earth and still fight over who sits at the card table? When will the people you've known since you were born know what you really want? Why is it the one kid who couldn't wait to be on her own can't wait to get home for the holidays? Every family, every tradition, every woman. Good morning.