This is CapTV, Channel 35, Yakima. Welcome to Northwest Nightcast, a final update on the day's top stories. Prosecutors say a man has confessed to his part of a Tri-Cities murder and will testify against his uncle. Some budget problems forced the Yakima School Board tonight to make some difficult choices. With news for the great Northwest, this is Northwest Nightcast. Good evening, I'm Kevin Schaub. And I'm Tiffany Peters. The Yakima School Board has unanimously approved their budget for the upcoming school year. The district has taken a conservative approach to this year's budget. Last year, the depletion of their reserve funds caused a change of administration halfway through the school year, and the district has learned through its mistake. The new budget is based on a smaller projected student increase, and a lot of fat has been trimmed down from the administration. Superintendent Larry Petrie has set an example. It has forced this district to take a look at our priorities and who our clients are and where we spend our dollars. And I think in that process, we found that we were spending our dollars, in some cases, in some unwise areas. Administration was one of those that I think was pretty obvious. Board members say the new budget will help rebuild its reserve fund to the customary 5 percent. Police are searching for an 81-year-old Prosser man last seen in Hermiston Sunday night. Maynard Cohen is also known as Friday to his friends. Cohen is 5'9'' and weighs around 150 pounds. He also has a speech impediment. Police in Hermiston, Oregon say around 10 o'clock Sunday night they received a complaint of a vehicle traveling north in a southbound lane on I-82. The description and license plates match Cohen's 92 Ford Ranger pickup. If you have any information about Maynard Cohen, you can call the Prosser Police Department. Prosecutors say a man has agreed to testify against his uncle in an upcoming murder trial. 21-year-old Mario Paz Ramirez was arrested last June in the death of a Pasco man who had been bludgeoned with a 2x4. Today prosecutors say Ramirez has agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of second degree murder in exchange for his testimony against his uncle. That's 29-year-old Miguel Paz. Paz's trial is scheduled to begin next week. The King County prosecutor says he will not fight the release of sex predator Vance Cunningham. Last week the State Supreme Court upheld the state's sex predator law. This is the law that allows the state to keep a violent sex offender behind bars even after he's done his time. But the court ordered Cunningham free, saying prosecutors couldn't show that Cunningham is still dangerous. King County prosecutor Norm Mayling says the convicted rapist could walk out of prison in Monroe within 24 hours. Two men accused of killing a Pasco teenager have been granted more time to prepare their cases. 18-year-old Javier Martinez and 21-year-old Ruben Salas have been charged with second degree murder for the death of Joey Mendoza. Police say the two were involved in shooting the 18-year-old Pasco high school student while he was riding with friends in the back of a pickup. Today the suspects were granted a one week delay and deputy prosecutor Ann Marie D'Lembo says that will make it harder to try them in. It's frustrating when they have more time after they've read our police reports to get together and figure out what kind of defense to present. So that makes it more difficult for us. That as well as the fact that we aren't able to prepare in enough time without that information. Joey Mendoza is survived by his parents, four brothers and two sisters. Yakima police and local FBI agents are still looking for a man who robbed a Yakima bank this afternoon. Around two o'clock a white man about 45 years old walked into Pioneer National Bank in downtown Yakima and pulled out a handgun. Police say bank employees gave the man an undisclosed amount of money. The suspect was last seen walking on West Spruce Street in Yakima. He has short blonde hair and a mustache and was wearing a turquoise coat, navy blue shirt and blue jeans. Well tonight Boeing has received some good news for a change. Today NASA selected Boeing to be the prime contractor for the redesigned space station. Boeing edged out three other contractors for the $22 billion project. The competitors will now serve as subcontractors to Boeing. Now unfortunately for the Boeing workers in Puget Sound most of the jobs from the space station project were based in either Houston or Huntsville, Alabama. We'll still head tonight on Northwest Nightcast. More cases of E. coli have been reported in an Oregon restaurant. And we'll show you how the wine country is preparing for what could be a very good year. Right now here's Steve Mumm with the forecast. Just bounce back today, sunshine, I expect more sunshine and warmer temperatures before gas just ahead. This runway takes you to Okinawa. These extra savings for more summer fun with Les Schwab special prices on premium all-seasons radials for small and mid-size cars plus extra savings on Les Schwab value price pickup 4x4 and sport utility radials in batteries a terrific summer buy on our popular 60-month battery your road map to savings begins at the Les Schwab site travel headquarters for hot tire value if you're looking for a sports sedan with a 24-valve 214 horsepower engine four-wheel anti-lock brakes and traction control the new Eagle Vision TSI should suit your taste allow us to wet your appetite test drive the new Eagle Vision TSI at your dealer now see your local Jeep and Eagle dealer Mervins gives you 52 weeks of value every year and this week is big it's Mervin's super week of values day after day of super values for you and your family save on all short sleeve beach tees for boys all Keds converse and LA gear shoes all panties from these famous makers all knit tops for Mrs. and juniors and all Cambridge classics polo shirts shop Mervin's super week of values now through Saturday hurry before it's gone what night courts in session the gags never stop I got a million of is this much fun really legal temperatures warming up today and higher pressure building in bringing a clearing trend pretty much the entire Pacific Northwest that is going to continue let's take a look at that satellite vantage point first off tonight and the sky is really clearing out now we're seeing those clouds moving primarily on out into extreme northeastern Washington out into the Idaho Panhandle and into parts of Montana and should take a look with a little upper level storm here that is moving on up into Saskatchewan now and that is bringing us clearing trend as high pressure builds in behind we'll see lots of sunshine coming your way tomorrow and then as we head into Thursday we'll bring this week little band of clouds on by and give us just a bit more cloud cover out there but the temperatures will continue to be on the warm side and overall high pressure is going to keep us in a pretty fair state of affairs weather wise let's break it down for you check the map check the maps and we'll see high pressure will give us sunny skies tomorrow morning could see just a little patchy fog up some of those valleys way up closer to the Canadian border as we head into the afternoon hours look for the mostly sunny skies to continue warm those temperatures on up into the upper eighties on Thursday what's left of this very weak frontal come through in just a few clouds temperatures will probably actually warm a couple of degrees so don't expect any cold air out of that and actually very little in the way of cloud cover very little in the way of cloud cover throughout the western United States we're still seeing some scattered thundershowers on throughout the Rockies but where we have seen the wet weather and stormy weather is out through the mid and lag seaboard they have been hard hit tonight up to three inches of rain in some counties in Pennsylvania some flooding there and back into Illinois also you are from seven to ten inches of rain in some sections also in Indiana some areas of flooding there warm over the south land effect record heat in Houston today up to the hundred degree mark 96 in New Orleans Louisiana they tied their record and again we're looking for that warm up with those temperatures well into the eighties let's check the outlook for the Akamai area tonight look for clear skies coming your way that overnight low down to 50 tomorrow mostly sunny warming up to 87 Tri cities mostly clear in your overnight forecast a low down to 57 tomorrow sunshine high temperature about 88 Walla Walla mostly sunny skies coming your way tomorrow also a high temperature of 88 degrees and in Pendleton high temperature up to 86 under mostly sunny skies on Thursday just a few more clouds but still warm into the upper eighties a slight chance for thundershowers on Fridays a weak little upper level disturbance comes through but into the weekend look for mostly sunny skies temperatures in the mid to upper eighties Kevin okay Steve things are drying out we got a really good hosing down last couple days well Eastern Washington's wine country expects to squeeze more money out of this year's crop backed more than ever before the mild winter followed by the frost-free spring figures out to be big money as Becky Alexander reports the harvest of 93 could be one for the record books you get too early you won't get all the badger mountain vineyard like most others in Washington State expects to break some records this year the crop is projected to be the biggest ever vineyard manager Greg Power says that's because Mother Nature has really cooperated and that is due to a nice warm or not a warm winter but no real extremely cold temperatures and then a nice spring without any spring frost and so it all is accumulated into a real nice crop this year that means growers can squeeze more money out of each acre this vineyard is expected to produce almost double what it's put out in years past and the good news doesn't stop there not only are there a lot more grapes on these vines they are high quality grapes you know a lot of times you can get a big crop and not have as good a quality fruit but this year the conditions have been such that we think we'll have a very high quality crop as well as a big crop power says these Chardonnay grapes are perfect because they're small and that along with a perfect pH acid balance translates into good wine we already know this is one of the best crops in Washington State history as far as the taste we'll have to wait till it's bottled and released early next year but these grapes have a long way to go between now and then they must be harvested crushed and aged before they can be made into Washington wine Becky Alexander Northwest night cast and the grape harvest should get underway next month they look great they do it on the organ health department is trying to get to the bottom of a new E. coli outbreak the story when Northwest night cast continues and we'll show you what potato processors have discovered about the water they use to clean their spuds it's well known that United buy and sell furniture warehouse has the lowest prices but did you know that they have such a great selection by and sell furniture warehouse as cars go this model year is coming to an end that's why the 93 Nissan Altima is going so fast stop by your Nissan dealer today we'll give you some this song is almost set on summer fantastical at the Olive Garden but there's still time to enjoy exciting fantastical food like pasta chips and dip try caro ravioletti grilled zucchini on rigatoni and marvelous mixed grilled combo super salads and fantastical desserts and there's still time to enter to win a trip to Italy but do come in soon with family and friends to the olive garden before the sun sets on summer fantastico more women are turning to best friends now in the Akima Medical Center offering revolutionary products like to screen breast forms with the discreet you can go with or without a bra it's very lightweight this a hairs right to the skin you can sleep shower or swim in this product and you could wear it up to four weeks for the latest and specialty bras turbines hairpieces and swimwear turn to best friends they will show you how your insurance and special programs can help finance products like to screen best friends now in the Akima Medical Center our pharmacists use a state-of-the-art computer to help prevent harmful drug interactions pay less because you deserve more from a drugstore health authorities have confirmed two more cases today of people infected with the E. coli bacteria after eating at the Sizzler restaurant in Corvallis Oregon that brings the total to nine people confirmed with the bacteria after eating at the restaurant between August 2nd and 6th reporter Phyllis Burke has more employees at the Sizzler and Corvallis were busy today cleaning the restaurant from top to bottom and some customers were wondering if they were affected we're just having a little bit of nauseous stomach aches I've had a child who's had the runs and so I'm just a little concerned about whether I need to see someone E. coli bacteria spread through the fecal contamination of food but so far health officials have been unable to find the source of the bacteria they just know what to likely rule out I think I can say that all the indication at this point is that it's not undercooked hamburger very few of the cases almost none in fact ate hamburger Sizzler has been conducting inspections of its own and preliminary results show no E. coli contamination in any of the foods or the floors tested yet the company is still concerned extremely concerned if there I mean we have I have a team of people up here right now and we work very closely not only with our company or operations but with the franchisee as well the restaurant is getting strong support from people who work at nearby businesses and eight they're on the dates in question during the first week of August they've been really a good place to go they've never ever had anything happen so we don't really worry about it so when they reopen do you think you feel comfortable going back yes I would I'd definitely go back this is Phyllis Burke reporting from Corvallis state officials in Washington and Oregon say federal data used by the US public interest research group in a report on compliance with the Clean Water Act was wrong the nonprofit consumer group reported today Washington leads the nation in Oregon ranked sixth in the percentage of permit holders reporting serious violations of the law in the last fiscal year the group held news conferences around the nation today including one in Spokane and she long our lakes our rivers and our streams have been cheap and easy toxic dumps for our polluters stronger laws and the commitment to back them up are needed at this point to achieve the noble goals of the original Clean Water Act the group got its data from reports filed with the Environmental Protection Agency but the Washington State Department of Ecology and Oregon's Environmental Department say the EPA's records are wrong most of the northwest factories and cities listed in non-compliance with the law actually had filed paperwork on time and complied with their permits a spokeswoman for the Northwest pulp and paper Association says the EPA complies quarterly reports but the state keeps the month-by-month data which documents any violations and penalties issued she says this report shows the rate of government errors is high what do you do with the water used to clean potatoes well in the past the wastewater irrigated fields were cattle grazed but now the spud water is considered a valuable fertilizer Roland Barris explains potato processing plants washed their vegetables robbing them of nutrients but cooperation between farmers and processors has found a use for the potato wastewater millions of dollars of research has found that the liquid makes a great natural fertilizer the fertilizer of the water is free there's there's about 300 to 400 dollars worth of fertilizer per acre foot of water every day a potato processing plant can recycle 2 million gallons of wastewater they used to dump it on low-value grazing land which built up nitrogen in the soil but now farmers are turning a negative into a positive we're able to make use of that resource that we thought was something that was just a liability and with that we've also been able to deal with such things that have come to light recently as groundwater contamination and odor control and all of the kinds of things that have come to the forefront in the ecological revolution you might call it the wastewater is being used on corn alfalfa wheat and even more potatoes we can grow excellent crops with it last year we did exceptionally well with the alfalfa we average nine and a quarter ton on this program and I think that's as good as you can expect in this area not only does wastewater provide nutrients it can also reduce the amount of irrigation water a farmer has to buy proper crop management is important to make the wastewater work but when it's done right farmers hope that will become a valuable resource I'm Roland Barris Northwest Nightcast still to come tonight on Northwest Nightcast a possible wedding date for the most eligible member of the Kennedy family and a wedding that proves love does make the world go round this 93 Ford Taurus is the best-selling car in America and it comes with the biggest rebate in years but this is your last chance to buy it because your Northwest Ford dealers are clearing out the 93s now you can get this $1,250 rebate and a great clearance price on a huge selection of 93 Taurus models if you act fast but when they're gone they're gone so don't miss your last chance see your Northwest Ford dealer today oh yeah oh that's it no not that one that one oh look at that oh yes I don't think so the mustard seed downtown with free customer parking right next to the restaurant that's what I want this brain did you pass off the purchase order and send mr. Jones a gift basket Wow miss cream she sure is sharp she must work very hard because she gets so much done takes care of all the shipping and packing hello mailen more looks like another busy day mailen more the business service center will back and ship any item for you and send it off via any courier service even if it positively without a doubly has to be somewhere at some time mailen more across from Penel he's the Titan of talk greetings my friends and welcome to yet another excursion into televised broadcast excellence a conservative crusader on this show we don't make anything up and we don't lie we don't have to we're conservative a legend in his own time it's just awesome to be as good as I am lean to the right I know that's stunned you with rush limbaugh rush limbaugh Monday through Thursday at midnight on camp 35 there's a report out tonight that says John Kennedy jr. is ready to tie the knot and settle down the New York Daily News quotes Kennedy family sources are saying that the question isn't if but when the wedding will take place of course if you haven't been keeping up on the gossip the woman Kennedy is expected to marry is actress Darryl Hannah the Kennedy family sources say the groom wants a ceremony to be a small family affair and his mother Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis says she wants to avoid a media feeding frenzy but why well the media had a frenzy with this love story a county fair in Nashville turned out to be where one couple decided to get married Jim has the story the groom walked through the crowd wearing a white tux and then the bride arrived pulled by a tractor all this as a merry-go-round turn and folks crowded their way to the thrill rides Brenda always want to get married up sad so she did way it turned out so what's a county fair had to do with a wedding well you see it's like this to celebrate its 100th birthday the Wilson County Fair sponsored a contest with the grand prize a chance to get married at the top of the Ferris wheel so tonight Brenda Linhart and John Deadman rode to the top there swaying in the wind the couple exchange vows as family and undoubtedly a lot of total strangers watched that's the most people I've had looking up toward the heavens when I was trying to do something religiously Brenda and John seemed to get a lot more comfortable once they returned to solid ground they were nervous and they're like oh my god what are we doing now and they said well we can't back out it'll be public humiliations so yeah they were nervous but as a lot of married folks can tell them nervousness has nothing to do with a Ferris wheel Jim Melchiori for ABC News Jim Melchiori thanks I forgot what a great wedding right Ferris wheel and it was catered by David's Pizza sitting right there in the background yeah the reception right there and then yeah the cake elephant that's right yeah the honeymoon over in the fun zone probably yeah anyway what's shaking sports oh it's a pretty good Tuesday night to catch you up on in sports a tight one at the Kingdom the M's and O's together again I'll tell you how the Bears did in Everett tonight don't look at the boxing match involving Roberto Duran yeah check and see how your favorite team did on the scores on the half-roll come on back sports is next place it's the biggest in the business the Burger King original chicken sandwich and right now you can get it with fries to drink the new low combo price of $2.99 for big sandwich combos each only $2.99 this is it Central Washington what you've been waiting for 93 model year closeout at your Central Washington quality viewing dealers as a phenomenal selection of 93s must go immediately to make room for the 94s this means the absolute lowest prices you will see in 93 plus huge cash rebates and special low financing you'll save even more so hurry for the biggest savings of the year on a tremendous selection during 93 model year closeout at your Central Washington quality viewing dealers what happens when hot and cool combined welcome to the treat capital of the world what's your pleasure get all your favorite Dairy Queen treats made with cool and creamy smooth soft serve or nonfat cholesterol free frozen yogurt however you like it there's more to like a Dairy Queen than anywhere else come on in treat yourself you've earned it now you can watch two episodes of designing women back to back do you think it's possible to laugh too much no well neither do we so we're bringing designing women to you for a full hour weekdays from 11 a.m. to noon what do you think I'm getting a picture think about it a full hour of America's funniest interior designers you won't want to miss it don't we just get the show on the road now watch designing women back-to-back weekdays on cap 35 before we get started let me give you the latest addition to the Mariner mash unit depend they're defending American League batting champion Edgar Martinez is back on the 15-day disabled list he re-injured that left hamstring last night he may miss the rest of the season to assure his being ready for next season to replace Edgar on the roster the Mariners recalled Kennewick pitcher Russ Swan from Calgary today he was in uniform tonight at the Kingdom and since we're on that subject why not look at those pictures from the dome tonight the O's and M's game two of a three game set we are scoreless in Seattle fourth inning Mike Blowers who's played so well in her place Edgar yeah it's a home run but watch the fans watch how important this ball is to wrestle for it Blowers eighth home run of the year one nothing Seattle we are tied at one in the fifth Mike Mark McLemore off of Chris Basio squirts one through the right side Hewitt scores here comes former Mariner Harold Reynolds he scores 3-1 Baltimore let's go to the eighth it's 3-2 Baltimore Brett Boone comes on with nobody out he sprays one to right field but scores both Ken Griffey jr. and J Buhner the Mariners score four times in the eighth they win tonight by a score of five to three we'll get back to the big league pennant races in just a moment but we must first check in with the Bears who going into tonight's game in Everett had lost three in a row and eight of their last nine meanwhile the Everett Giants began the day just one game behind the Northern Division leading Bellingham Mariners throw all that out the window because the Bears win tonight snapping that three game losing streak by a score of seven to five Joel Lagarde gets the win for the Bears he proves to four and three a big night for Kevin Pitts two for four get our home run a double for RBI's same two teams again in Everett tomorrow now let's get back to the big leagues and we may just have a race after all and that National League West the Giants and Pirates and that is John Burkett looking to become the first 19-game winner in the National League forget it it didn't happen tonight first inning Jeff King goes off the deep wall in left field a three run shot to make a three nothing Pirates and then in the second King with the leather look at the stop at third base up and nails Matt Williams the Pirates beat the Giants by a score of 10 three now why is that important well down in Dixie the Atlanta Braves we're looking for their eighth win in a row they were up against the Dodgers Dodger defense helps him out easy four six three double play right not when the Dodgers are out there Jose Offerman launches it into the dugout two runs score makes it three nothing the one lone bright spot I guess one end lone would be the same thing right the lone bright spot for the Dodgers rookie Mike Piazza another home run that ties it at three or makes it three to snap John Smoltz scoreless streak but Greg McMichael comes on and shuts the door the Braves win their eighth in a row they're 23 and 8 since the All-Star break and only six and a half behind the first place Giants now remember all those times we called Mets pitcher Anthony Young a bad luck pitcher all those times we agonized with him as he was losing a major league record 27 straight games all those who said he's a good pitcher he just can't catch a break all those people who said ay is nothing but a minor leaguer in a big league uniform are now at least for now correct Mets sent Anthony Young in his one and 15 record back to the minors today he will try his luck with Norfolk in triple-a annually coinciding with the pennant races we also get some rhetoric from the football camps and today we are going to do that who am I to disappoint you anyway because just two weeks from this coming Saturday Washington State Cougars will open their football season in Ann Arbor against the defending Rose Bowl champion Michigan Wolverines really two weeks from Saturday and Cougar fans are looking to a fifth-year senior to fill the big shoes of Drew Bledsoe and lead this team back to the postseason and Mike Pattinson just might be able to do that sure he's been a backup but look who he's backed up guys like Bledsoe and Tim Rosenbaugh and after watching for four years Pattinson is more than ready you know I can't wait I waited for this for a long time and I've put a lot of work into this as you said and I just can't wait for it to get started lots of media talk is about the inexperience on a Cougar offense they've lost a core of their receivers as well as the Pac-10s leading rusher but their new QB thinks the offense has plenty of experience you know we got a lot of seniors on that group we're starting right now for senior receivers and we've got a kid right now who is battling for the running back spot he's also a senior so there's age and experience there however this is not what you call game experience you know starting experience opening day September 4th in front of a hundred two thousand people at the big house in Ann Arbor on the other end of the state the Seahawks continue to prepare for Saturday's exhibition with the 49ers no official word on Cortez Kennedy the Tez is holding out for renegotiated contract and while the Hawks won't say anything today Cortez says he's close to signing a four-year extension meanwhile nothing official yet at the quarterback end but it looks like Tom Flores is leaning towards making Rick Meyer his starter on Saturday and offensive lineman Andy Heck is on the shelf for up to four weeks he fractured an eye socket in Saturday's game in Minnesota he's gone for at least the final two exhibition games all right we're gonna end your night on a nostalgic note come with me if you will to the boxing ring it'll only take about 30 seconds of your time as we check in with the sports senior division actually it's not officially the senior division but Roberto Duran could probably qualify hands of stone or no moss whatever you remember best about Roberto Duran in the ring tonight in Mississippi against a guy named Sean Fitzgerald actually Fitzgerald just throws him to the ground right there in the fourth round but watching the six Duran looks pretty good comes back with some body blows and then he stuns him I mean he drops Fitzgerald like a sack of potatoes he falls to the ground Roberto Duran wins a sixth round knockout I don't know about how old he is I guess somewhere 38 40 years old right in that Larry Holmes around me looks a little better than those guys looked all right I don't know senior division of boxing senior division of boxing about that yeah what was the age difference there I don't know I mean nobody knows how old Duran is 38 40 42 but Fitzpatrick he looks pretty young and he's probably in his 20s and he just dropped him like a sack of wheat yeah well that's when experience pays off I guess something okay well let's take a break and when we come back we'll have a recap of the day stories and we'll look at tomorrow's kids want their own look it's part of who they are and for kids clothes are just the beginning to them book bags and things aren't a necessity their style fortunately there's a place that not only has the looks it has everything to complete them all at prices that look pretty good too that place is shelf come discover for yourself the hot spot for serving cold cash is beamless appliance at TV during hot August values find store-wide savings like a wide selection of brand-name air conditioners this whitewasting house 5000 BTU model with three cooling speeds an easy window mount for 269 choose from 20 different models of chests and upright freezers this Gibson heavy-duty commercial model with lock and pop out safety key 299 or this GE 12 cubic foot upright with defrost drain and adjustable thermostat at just 389 don't miss hot August values going on now at beamless appliance and TV Mervins gives you 52 weeks of value every year and this week is big it's Mervin super week of values day after day of super values for you and your family save on all short sleeve beach tees for boys all kids converse and LA gear shoes all panties from these famous makers all knit tops for Mrs. and juniors and all Cambridge classics polo shirts shop Mervin super week of values now through Saturday hurry before it's gone the country's best action is on the home of college football ABC sports if you're looking for the nation's top teams the most outstanding athletes and you believe that and the game's fiercest rivalries there's only one place to turn recapping tonight's top stories the Yakima school board has unanimously approved their budget for this upcoming school year the district has taken a conservative approach to this year's budget last year the depletion of their reserve funds caused a change of administration halfway through the year and the district has learned from its mistake prosecutors say a Tri-Cities man has agreed to testify against his uncle in a murder case the two men are linked to the death of a Pasco man who is bludgeoned with a two-by-four and the upcoming grape harvest in Eastern Washington is looking good in fact the cool summer and other factors may make this a record year well you may see some patchy fog in the morning but it will burn off quickly and tomorrow should be a rather choice summer day fair and want warmer is the forecast highs tomorrow in the mid 70s to the mid 80s and the weekends looking pretty good at this point it sounds like we're going to see a little bit of the well you can't call it an Indian summer because we haven't had our first frost yet but it feels like it's kind of late summer out there now choice a choice weekend choice weekend you like that yeah I like that very hip Kevin well tomorrow's another day we'll fix that that's the news have yourself a good day tomorrow we'll see you tomorrow have a good night