Daniel steals jewels sponsored in part by Kmart where you'll always find the quality you need at the price you want. What time do you have? 1.55. I've got a 2.15 with our biggest client. You didn't eat. Bye. Bye. Good luck. Tell me what I ordered. Okay. She looks terrific. She never eats. I wonder where she got that kid out. I don't know. Just ask her. Where did you get that? What did she say? Kmart. No. Definitely she said Kmart. They don't have clothes like that. Do they? You're looking at the results of years of Republican neglect, the highest unemployment in eight years. The Republicans actually stalled the extension of unemployment benefits, blocked a middle-class tax cut that would help the economy, cut Medicare for senior citizens, and tried to reduce college loans. The Republican leadership, a record of failure, the highest unemployment in eight years, the worst economic record since the Great Depression. Aren't you ready to say enough is enough? Vote Democratic for a change. Suddenly, you radiate a special light and beauty just washes over you. Designed to give a sheer wash of color, new Lightness Light Natural Makeup by L'Oreal, with an original cream gel formula for natural coverage. You're alive with beauty as pure as it is delicate. Designed for a delicate finish, Lightness helps skin achieve a smooth, even tone. Some things are beautiful by their very nature. New Lightness Light Natural Makeup by L'Oreal, more beautiful by design. The next time you and the family sit down to a healthy breakfast, consider where your sweetener comes from. Where your garden comes from. Pure natural sugar, a sweetener only nature could make. Only good, healthy things grow in Mrs. Dash's garden, where Mrs. Dash has created a salt-free blend of 14 herbs and spices that give food a livelier, zestier flavor. Mrs. Dash, a garden of flavors in six varieties instead of salt. Danielle Steele's Jewels will return following these messages. For the first time ever, the music event of the season is happening on NBC. An NBC television event. Michael Bolton, one week from Wednesday. All children need loving families, but not all children are that lucky. There are thousands of children who some might consider unadoptable. They may be too old, some may have disabilities, some may have brothers and sisters who need to be adopted together. Open your heart and home to adopt a special child. Call 1-800-2-ADOPT. Adoption works for everyone. Every year, an estimated half million women past 45 will have a heart attack. What you don't know about heart disease may kill you. Hey, you need shoes? Mervins has an amazing selection of shoes for the family. Grand name athletic shoes, women's casual shoes, kids shoes, even men's hiking boots. All on sale now at great prices. Save on Mervins entire stock of shoes, Nike, Keds, Reebok, and more through Saturday. The Cougs versus the Dawgs. The event, the TCICablevision Cougar Husky Challenge. For a limited time, TCI is offering $10 installs or upgrades with $5 benefiting the WSU, our UW scholarship fund. It's your choice at HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, the Disney Channel, Encore, or DMX, our newest premium service. Are you a Coug or a Dawg? The challenge is on. Call TCI Cablevision today. Offer ends October 24th. How much is too much? Monday on K&DO News 23. Is your family trying to tell you something? Yes. Dentine now has more breath-freshening flavor. So brush your breath clean with great tasting new dentine. Fido, Fido. Veg Fido. Is your best friend trying to tell you something? Yes. Dentine now has more breath-freshening flavor. So brush your breath clean with great tasting new dentine. I'm about to cook a low-fat feast before your very eyes using all natural Pam cooking spray. Instead of oil or butter. With Pam, nothing comes between you and the taste of your food. No funny aftertaste to cover up the flavors. And it's the only leading spray that's 100% natural. You cut down on fat and cholesterol. Not on taste. With Pam, nothing comes between you and the taste of your food. I'm having a fat hair day. You're better than my therapist. How about blonde? I love the shine. I only use Red Kitten. It's so healthy looking. You can't get this at a drug store. Smells good. In the hands of today's most gifted stylists, you'll find hair care products that produce extraordinary body, shine, and condition. Red Kitten, the power behind beautiful hair. How can Healthy Choice prepare a complete chicken parmigiana dinner that gives you less and more? By rewriting the entire recipe. Instead of simply giving you less fat, Healthy Choice selects more lean breast meat for more flavor. And there's not just less salt. Our sauce is brimming with luscious tomatoes, carefully seasoned with herbs and spices for more taste. Chicken parmigiana dinner from Healthy Choice. Never settle for less. She's the hardest working mom in show business. I love you like a son, but if you wet my hair, I'm gonna cut you deep. Patti LaBelle's running a business where her staff is like a family. When's the last time you've been spanked? And her family is the most precious thing in the world. You're like a diamond in the rough, and I keep all my diamonds in the safe place. I love you too. Patti LaBelle's out all night, NBC Saturday. Hey I'm Woodard Scott. It's no secret that static guard eliminates static cling on clothing. But did you know it also eliminates my personal static problem? Pet hair. Yep. Pet hair. Look, just spray and brush. Getting rid of pet hair is quick and easy. The only thing easier would be to get rid of your pet. But who'd ever want to do that? Static guard, the easy way to spray pet hair away. Let's not unpack. Do it tomorrow. I wish we were still in Vienna. Me too. Here, this will take you back. Mmm. Chocolate. This reminds me of the coffee that we had that night. New Viennese Chocolate Cafe. Rich coffee with a touch of luscious chocolate. That was my favorite night in Vienna. But we never went out. Celebrate the moment so you'll remember. New from General Foods International Coffees. I'm the only one who knows what's going on. Do you mind? Let's vote. Can we vote again? By a show of hands. Who's at it again? I knew she was here. I saw her broom in the parking lot. I love chocolate. Where'd you get it? Kmart? You're kidding. You wouldn't believe what I paid for it. All those against? Emotion pack. Now Kmart really does have some nice things, ladies. You can't shush the winds of change, my friend. If you're one of the 72 million Americans who suffer from miserable congestion and sneezing, you should know that October 20th is Breathe Easier America Day. Finally, Tavis D and Tavis 1 are available without a prescription. This week, People presents the best and worst dressed of 1992. Who made the top 10? Who made the bottom 10? And what list are they on? It's the glitter, the glamour, and the truly terrible. All in this week's annual special issue of People. Pick it up today. Wednesday, missing children are found dead. They can be anybody, these kids. Victims of unspeakable crime. It's handcuffing people to beds and killing them. They had people here who were slaves. The stone can't get a conviction. I have to prove a crime that nobody wants to believe happened. When the only witness won't crack. Powerful drama on Law and Order, NBC Wednesday. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, there's so many changes around here. I'm concerned about morale. Oh, my papa. I was on my way to get married. Here comes the grave. Close the truck! I know what it's like to be shot. I know what it's like to be dead. Words can only begin to describe the season premiere of L.A. Law. You'll have to do the rest. What if he doesn't live? The season premiere of L.A. Law, Thursday on NBC. Even when you sleep with just one person, you're exposed to everyone that person has slept with. Learn how to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases. What time do you have? 1.55. I've got a 2.15 meeting with our biggest client. You didn't eat! Bye! Good luck, Amanda. Tell you what I owe you. Okay. She looks terrific. She never eats. I wonder where she got that kid out. Well, there she is. Ask her. Oh. Where did you get that? What did she say? K-Mart. No. Definitely, she said K-Mart. They don't have clothes like that. Do they? When everything's chaos all week, I need to do something good for my head. So come Saturday, it's VL5 hot oil. Talk about a different conditioner. You put it on before you shampoo. The box even says it's patented. All I know is it works. There's something to that heat activating business, because it leaves my hair shiny, silky, even strong. Hey, a little control sure feels good. Alberto VL5 hot oil and hairdressing, styling or shampoo. Because real life needs real control. You got kids? You got germs. You definitely need Liquid Dial. It has a unique antibacterial formula, other liquid soaps don't. So why not wash with a soap that's made to kill germs? Liquid Dial. Kill the germs. Keep the kids. Oh, a cracker's not a snack without cheddar on its back. That's a cheese snack. It's a fact, cheese makes great snacks. So visit the cheese snack shop at your store. Not just orange snacks without Monterey Jack. That's a cheese snack fact. I keep reading about this vitamin in vegetables, beta-carotene. Me too. Well, here's some new news about beta-carotene. There's one more way to get some. Whole Grain Total, the only eating cereal that has it. With this news about beta-carotene, I'm eating total. Danielle Steele's Jewels will return following these messages. Paul Reiser and Helen Hud are TV's hottest couple. I won, I won, I won! And in time, a newsweek called Mad About You the best new comedy of the season. This would look good on you. Yeah, it would fit great if I could take my ass off. So join them and all their friends. I have so much pain that I can cry at will. Cool. Mad About You, all new after Seinfeld, NBC Wednesday. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, there's so many changes around here. I'm concerned about morale. Oh, my papa. I was on my way to get married. Here comes the bride. Close the door! I know what it's like to be shot. I know what it's like to be dead. Words can only begin to describe the season premiere of LA Law. You'll have to do the rest. What if he doesn't live? The season premiere of LA Law, Thursday on NBC. My bank is going through a big merger and it's very exciting. People who haven't yet merged with Washington Mutual probably have a very good reason. I don't know what's going to happen next. I don't know if my branch will close or if my cash card still works. For the first time, I'm living life on the edge. There's no good reason not to merge with Washington Mutual, the friend of the family. Yes. Sometimes a few simple ideas make a lot of sense, like government spending less money so people like us can keep more. New ideas like penalty-free IRAs, ideas which create jobs and bring higher education, and home ownership within reach of more Americans. Ideas that Rod Chandler will fight for. So this year, when you decide who to support for the U.S. Senate, remember that ideas can make a difference. And Rod Chandler's ideas make sense for Washington State. You're about to see the most beautiful truck in the world. Ready? This is it. But it's not beautiful yet. No, not yet. Okay, it's beginning to get there. Yeah, that's more like it. Yes. Ah, now that's one beautiful pickup. The Ford F-Series. The more it works, the better it looks. See it at your local Northwest Ford dealer. How much is too much? Monday on KNDO News 23.