On February 27, 1935, Shirley Temple became the first child actor to receive an Academy Award. Stay tuned as the Shirley Temple Marathon continues. Brought to you in part by Next Step Toddler Formula. The Lincoln you've never seen. A father and son story you'll never forget. Chris Christopherson, Jane Curtin, and Bug Hall in the world premiere motion picture Tad, coming February 12th to the Family Channel. You're watching FAM, this portion sponsored by new Next Step Toddler Formula. He's not an infant anymore. He's not yet a big boy. Here we go. He's a toddler. Too big for a bottle, not big enough for a glass. Ah, this is just right. Next Step Toddler Formula, from the makers of Enfamil. Smile big. Especially designed for toddlers, with the Iron Cow's Milk Lags. Oh boy. After the bottle, before the milk. Next Step Toddler Formula, in soy too. Finally, I was soloist instead of my sister Patty. What a time for a cough. Patty gave me Robitussin cough drops. They worked fast in those vapors. Thanks to Robitussin, I made my sister proud. Robitussin, cough drops from the cough experts. Presenting Hershey's Nuggets, thick chunks of rich Hershey's milk chocolate you can really sink your teeth into. And we all deserve something we can really sink our teeth into. What can you buy for a dime these days? Maybe a jawbreaker out of the candy machine. I can't think of a single thing you can get for a dime. I couldn't even tell you. Now Sprint introduces a whole new way to save on long distance. Every evening and all weekend long, a minute is just 10 cents. It's that simple. Sprints, just 10 cents a minute. A dime a minute. One minute, two minutes, three. This isn't a joke, right? Who says a dime doesn't buy you anything anymore? Call now for 10 cents a minute and get up to 100 minutes free. Kellogg's Raisin Bran tastes so good, people forget it's nutritious. Why do you eat it? Nutrition. Good. I'm a health nut. Wheat bran. I love it. Wait a minute, is this true? Free. Whoa, more raisins. Free. That nutrition. Free raisins. Ooh la la. That's not important. Yes it is. Now Kellogg's Raisin Bran has 10% more raisins, absolutely free. Forget what it says behind my hand. 10% more raisins. Free. When the clink hammers dropped by unexpectedly, it was beef and pasta frimuvera. For the first ever straight A report card, it was stir-fried beef fajitas. And for the upset victory in the bowling league tourney, it was bistro steak subs. Of course, it's not that you need a special occasion to appreciate dinners like these. All you really need is half an hour and your average Wednesday will do just fine. Beef, it's what's for dinner. The Shirley Temple Marathon now continues. Brought to you in part by Next Step. Let me know what that guy did to get 10,000 here. Keep watching for more of the Shirley Temple Marathon. Brought to you in part by Next Step. You know the exercise you'll have to do to work off this delicious fruity dessert tonight? That's enough. 10 calories, sugar-free, fat-free Jell-O gelatin. Work is back. Presenting Hershey's Nuggets, thick chunks of rich Hershey's milk chocolate you can really sink your teeth into. And we all deserve something we can really sink our teeth into. When you manage a restaurant all day, you need the strongest hold you can get. That's why I switched to Heasley's. Oh, that's good. Now I can sip hot soup at lunch and still make it to dinner to greet my favorite customers. Even in the hottest liquids, when other adhesives stop holding, Fix-It-In holds stronger and longer. It's a long, hard day, but I love every minute of it. For the strongest, longest hold, Fix-It-In and forget it. Betty Crocker knows how to shake guys up. Introducing new potato shakers. Turn your fresh potatoes in a shake into seasoned oven browns. Another delicious way that Betty makes one hot potato. Thanks, Mom. See this can? This is historic soup. That's because it was cooked in the past. You just reheat it. Now this is new kettle creations. Delicious soups with pasta and beans. See the window? For homemade taste, you cook up fresh in 30 minutes. In your kitchen, in your kettle, in the present. So now you have a choice. You can make history or you can make soup. New Lipton Kettle Creations. Soup so good, it's uncanny. I'm 62. Can I still help prevent osteoporosis? It's never too late to help prevent osteoporosis with Kaltrait. I'm over 40. Can calcium help me? It's never too late for Kaltrait. New Kaltrait Plus is uniquely formulated with 20% more calcium per tablet than any leading brand and only Kaltrait Plus has six added nutrients essential for healthy bones. So whatever your age. It's never too late for Kaltrait. Look, Mom, I made my own breakfast. Life is a compromise. Fortunately, it's also a cereal. Orange juice, orange soda, what's the difference? Life is the wholesome whole grain Quaker Oats cereal that strives to satisfy your parental caretaking needs. A jelly donut, please, but no, milk. And life is the delicious roasted, toasted, lightly sweet, crispy, crunchy cereal your kids will actually eat. Look, Mom, and have a life saver for breakfast. And this is my lunch. Life is a compromise. Fortunately, it's also a cereal. Where Hershey's Kisses wrapped in foil. So you can hear them tap dance. Little Hershey's Kisses. Big chocolate taste. That must be my new friends I invited over for cookies. Now America's favorite ready-to-bake cookies are filled with America's favorite chocolate candy. New Pillsbury cookies with M&M's mini baking bits. Invite us over sometime. The Shirley Temple Marathon now continues, brought to you by Next Step. You'll be watched by one of my men. Just leave it to me. In 1947, Shirley starred in her first love story, opposite Ronald Reagan in That Hagen Girl. Stay tuned as the Shirley Temple Marathon continues, brought to you in part by Next Step Toddler-Cornula. It's party time, people. So pick up those party platters. Pick up some pickles. Some flan sick pickles. Pick up your poultry. Your pot roast. Save a pickle platter. But be sure and pick the piping pickle. Pick a flan sick. The piping pickle for piping it up. How fast does maximum strength ambisol start to relieve toothache pain? Before you can say ambisol, get maximum strength relief from toothache pain on contact. Maximum strength ambisol. Put it on. The pain is gone. The one your family loves has only one gram of sugar, Cheerios. Now, something surprising comes with specially marked boxes of Cheerios. Pizza. Free Totino's Party Pizza or Totino's Pizza Rolls. But hurry, they're available for a limited time. So clip your coupon and get one free with your second purchase of Cheerios. You've fought it. Again and again.