I'm sorry, Chloe. Chloe, don't get hurt. Will you go back with us? Don't let them down again. I won't. He is so different. What do you mean? What have these people done to your head? Well, he'll just have to reschedule his anniversary. His anniversary trip? Persecuting the peons? And he can tell his wife that the cruise ship sank. Interesting management techniques. Don't preach to me about employee morale. My morale is what matters, and I mean that. Where'd you study human resources? The institute there, my key to side. Why are you here? Schedule a board meeting. Board meets June 29th. Our board meets whenever I tell it to. Now that I own more than a third of ELQ shares, AJ and Tracy came through for me. And they'll live to regret that, and so will you. Tuesdays and Thursdays work for me. I prefer mornings to afternoons. You're wasting your time, and you're wasting mine. Shall I contact the board members personally? Contact anyone you please. It won't accomplish a thing. Now, Edward, seriously, you should perhaps book a cruise of your own. A nice, long, restorative voyage. You'll have plenty of time. I'll see you at the next board meeting when I take over as CEO. When hell freezes over. Huh. There we go. I think that poor Charles is so beautiful in the spring. Did you notice the azaleas out front? Oh, yes. Beautiful. Why don't you girls take your things upstairs and all make us a pot of that special pasta? Can Matt come over for dinner? We'll see. Come on, let's go call him upstairs. Okay. Have you alerted Mac? He knew I was determined to bring them home. So the answer's no. Well, they're going to go call him. Do you think there's a chance that he'll come? Well, if he knows I'm here, you're right. There's a chance he'll say no. Can he do that? Can he really block Tony's appointment? Knowing Stefan will do his best. I got a message he wants to meet with me before I propose Tony's name. So you're primed for a fight. You know, Stefan holds the purse strings. He will not determine who's on the surgical staff. I love it when you get confrontational. Then you'll want to stay for this. Stefan. Wait a minute, Alan. Excuse me. Do you have a moment? It's important that we speak. You owe me lunch and a warm, friendly greeting. Lunch was a ruse and you know it. All right, then I guess I'll just have to settle for hello, Alexis. I'm so glad you could come. Well, that's a little sunny for my dark, mysterious nature, which is what draws you to me in the first place. Ah, but of course, say something dark and mysterious. Okay, how's this? Brilliant work, Natasha. I'm sure I've earned that compliment. What did I do? You've done some expert surreptitious work, my dear. I've been tracking Helena and somebody's been two steps ahead of me the whole way and it couldn't be anybody but you, Natasha the Conqueror. That's a leap, even for you. I don't think so. She tried to turn you into roadkill. It was only by sheer luck she got you a good friend. What's her name instead? Stop babbling and tell me what you want. I want to know and I'm going to find out what she did to my kid. Lucky? No, sorry. He's on his way. Are you hungry, honey? No? Are you sure? Not even for a hot dog? No? Shall we go back and plan the swings? Lucky! Hey there, princess. How are you? Good. Yeah? You playing? Look at this, a nice sweater. Why did you get that? General Hospital on ABC brought to you by Pfizer where life is our life's work. I got my dad's pigweed pollen and my mom's kitten dander. I don't know where my mildew came from. Zyrtec treats both year-round indoor and outdoor allergies. And among leading prescription antihistamines, only Zyrtec is approved for kids as young as two years. To learn more about Zyrtec syrup and tablets, ask your child's doctor. In Zyrtec studies with children, side effects included drowsiness, headache, sore throat and stomach ache. Most were mild or moderate. Zyrtec, lots of allergies, just one dose. This mom knows her children need the proper nutrition to help them grow, and so does this mom. If you're concerned about your child's nutrition, ask your doctor about PediaShure. It provides complete balanced nutrition and tastes great. PediaShure. After I took a pregnancy test, I was an absolute mess. Did I do it right? Should I retest? Could I trust it? Next time, use new FactPlus Select with a control window that shows you did the test right. Trust the facts. For dry, red eyes, clear eyes is a hit. It removes redness and has an ingredient to moisturize. Wow. The difference is clear. Clear eyes. Hey, pal. You got some chicken, some burgers and our favorite, Johnsonville Bratwurst. Alright. Whoa. I see you got rid of the riff raff. Johnsonville Bratts, the best taste on the grill. Inside each of us is a beautiful smile. Just waiting to burst out. Now the wait's over. Because Crest has extra whitening. The first toothpaste ADA accepted for whitening by polishing away surface stains. So you can have a smile you want the world to see. Crest, open up and smile. Look at them. Totally unaware that their V8 Splash is actually good for them because it's got 100% of vitamins A and C. And equally unaware that I don't have a clue how to put this thing together. V8 Splash fruit juice drink to help happiness and harmony. Tonight, the interview you'll never forget. Michael J. Fox, unsparing truth, inspiring wisdom, undeniable courage. One week before his farewell episode of Spin City, he'll tell you about his life and change yours. Diane Sawyer, 20-20 tonight. Well, if we'd found my kid in a steamer trunk in the back of a closet in Marrakesh, there wouldn't be a problem because we'd have government specialists all over him documenting Helena's crimes. True. But you must be a little bit relieved that Lucky seems to be okay. Well, seems to be. Yeah, he seems to be. He looks okay. He looks a little different, but he's... seems to be okay. But under that, he isn't emotionally. He's regressed. He's gone back to a place that none of us wants to return to. He's blaming his mother and me for everything. You see, according to him, Faison was provoked into his psychotic behavior by me and Helena liberated the kid from his solitary chess game. And Lucky actually believes this? Well, this is what he's... All right, all right, all right, all right. You know what? Just tell me what your theory is. Mind control, Alexis. Faison was a master manipulator and a total mind control expert. You don't seem surprised. Because I've heard about this from Stefan. Mine is the Faison part. Tell me what you know. I don't know that much. Honestly, I don't. Dr. Glantstone. The late Dr. Glantstone. You see, you are up on this. Anyway, Stefan and I consulted with him, and he said that he thought mind control was a possibility. But he never got a chance to pursue it, did he? So do you think Helena did the job herself or farmed it out to one of her underlings? Look, there's no proof of any of this. There is proof. We just have to find it. That's where you come in. I want to know everything that you know about Helena's connection to Faison. There's not enough to make a case. It's a start. We can hope. You do the hoping. Get me the information and I'll do the rest. Always a pleasure, Mr. Spencer. Lulu, can I push you on the swings? No, you can push yourself, right? Will you watch me? Yeah. Can you show me how high you can go? Hey, you know what? There's a picture on our refrigerator that I found in the top drawer of your desk. When you and Dad tossed my stuff out on the lawn? Um, it's a picture of you and Lulu at the ice pond. She got her first pair of skates, the two of you are just grinning away like crazy. Do you remember that shot? Yeah, but I'm not into nostalgia. I'm interested in what's happening now. Okay, well, what's happening right now is that your little sister is just elated whenever you visit her. So, however you feel about your father and me, I hope that you will continue to see her. Yeah, that's the plan. Oh, good. Oh, I'm so glad. But when I do come over, it is just me and Lulu. Okay. Okay, that's how you want it? Because I'm not really interested in reminiscing or trying to work things out with you and Dad. Okay, I can give you your space. You're certainly entitled to that. But the only thing I ask is don't tell me how to feel, all right? Because you are my son and I will never stop hoping that things will... Well, that's exactly what I'm not interested in. Well, you may not be interested in it, but it's still the truth and it always will be. You know, your father and I are not perfect, but we never stopped loving you and we never will. Sometimes love can't fix everything. Hey, sweetie. Hey, give me a hug. Here. Bye-bye. Bye. Will Lucky come back to see me again? Of course he will. Lucky loves you very much. You know, after the fire, when I started to believe that Lucky was really gone, the one thing I was grateful for was the night we made promises to each other in this church. Everything we felt for each other, everything we meant to each other. Nothing went unspoken. We said it all right in this little room. So you asked Lucky to meet you here? No. No, we haven't discussed it yet. But I keep telling myself that there's a chance. If Lucky's thinking what I'm thinking, would you stop it all the time? Wait, why? Did you see Lucky? Did he say something? Is that how you knew I was here? No, no. I was turning onto Cumberland Avenue and I saw you get off the bus. So Lucky hasn't gotten in touch with you? No, I just stopped by to see if you're okay. I don't know how I am. Confused, I guess. Really confused. And I've got a lot of nerves sitting here just waiting for Lucky to walk through those doors. And he's gonna hear my thoughts, follow my beating heart, somehow just magically appear. It could happen. Why? Because I need him? Where was I when he needed me? You were sick with grief. Okay? And Lucky needs to know that. And if you don't tell him, I will. No, Nicholas, you can't. That's the last thing Lucky needs to hear right now. What about what you need? I am fine. I have somebody to vent to. That is, until you get sick of me. Well, I promise you that will never happen. I feel better. Really, I do. I'm gonna be okay. I just need to be by myself for a while. Okay? Okay. Take care. Yeah. Hey, got a second? Apparently. My meeting seems to have been postponed. Well, I've made a decision about the chief neurosurgeon spot. Oh, I hope it's yes. Well, my therapist agrees I'm almost ready to get back into scrubs. That's fabulous news. Congratulations. When can you take over? Couple of months. Soon as I finish physical and occupational therapy sessions. Well, whatever you need, I'll get the ball rolling. Be prepared for a little bit of opposition. Opposition never bothered me. Even if it's Stefan digging his heels in, he's already started with me. Well, you concentrate on your therapy. Alan can handle Stefan. He's a number cruncher, not a physician. So why is he speaking with one of my patients? Whatever you can remember. I can't remember anything. Headlights, the sounds of tires screeching. I've covered this over and over. All right. When the car approached, you didn't glance through the windshield even for an instant? Think back. I'm sorry. I can't help you with this. I wish I could. The person who needs your help is my sister. Are you and Alexis still close? Helena means to kill your dear friend. Don't you think I would like to accuse Helena? But short of inventing facts, there's just nothing I can say. Excuse me. Is there a problem here? No, no, no, no. We're fine. Are you ready? Yes. Miss Morgan has an appointment of radiology. Well, by all means, go then. If I remember anything, I promise I will give you a call. Thank you. Here, tell him. I got your message. Not now, Alan. Consider yourself dismissed. I'm afraid you don't understand what you're up against. Oh, Edward, be grateful for a well-earned rest. You and Lila deserve time off to enjoy your golden years. You may own a parcel of shares, but not the hearts and minds of ELQ. Only you think you do? Oh, because you're so enlightened and humane. I've driven barbarians away from the gates before. There aren't any gates anymore, Edward. You young men are in for a stunning defeat, and I... Maybe that's a fortunate thing, because failure is a great character-builder. Well, then prepare yourself for the growth spurt of your life. No, tradition has a way of abiding. Until something more attractive comes along. Bottom line, you won't get the votes. Well, who's gonna vote with you, Edward? Huh? Sonny? After the last go-around? I don't think so. According to a proud man's loyalty, never appropriate his unborn child. Oh, thank you for your sage advice. When did you and Corinthus bond, so? And then there's Ned. There was a time he would have taken your side, but not after you fired him in public. I believe it was at the Nurses' Ball. Ned and I are way past that. You may have been at one point. But you forfeited your leverage with Ned when you started sabotaging L&B. Face it, Edward. You're finished. You should just bow out with a modicum of grace. If you think that I am going to roll over while you take complete... Excuse me, Mr. Jax. Lila, how delightful. How are you? In need of a private word with you. Will you indulge me? Of course. Forgive me, my dear. This is really not the time for you to... I don't think your wife agrees with you. Lila, I can handle this myself, all right? Would you excuse us? All right. But not for long. Lila, you realize you're putting me in a terrible position. Magnificent women are hard to refuse, so before you ask me to abandon the takeover... That's not what I'm going to ask. Not one of these pain relief products is FDA approved to treat all the same migraine symptoms as prescription medicines. But Excedrin Migraine is. Now it's FDA approved to relieve all your migraine symptoms. Head pain, sensitivity to light, sound, even nausea. It's the only FDA approved formula with the same enhancing ingredient as some prescription medicines. Excedrin Migraine. Powerful relief without a prescription. Bikini alert! Bikini alert! Embarrassed by bumps and irritation after shaving your bikini line? You need Bikini Zone. Specially medicated to soothe away bikini bumps. Be confident with Bikini Zone. No bumps, no irritation, no kidding. Cold stuff kill you? Then try new Colgate Sensitive Maximum Strength. It's clinically proven to provide significantly more pain relief than Sensodyne. So you don't have to be afraid of anything. New Colgate Sensitive. Okay, so I'm not on the new Goldendollar coin. Let's go with me. I've got places to go and I've got people to meet. Anyway, the new coin is perfectly alright without me. In fact, I use it everywhere. Thanks. It's so money. Introducing the new Goldendollar. It's changing the face of money. I still look good on paper. McCormick Grillmates make your grilling irresistible. In fact, Grillmates will grab you a slew of compliments like... Wow, he's really outdone himself this time. But how do you really know they're not just being polite? So, uh, what do you think of the steaks? Oh, you'll know. McCormick Grillmates shake on seasonings and marinades. It's how to grill. If you could leave just a little bit over at every meal, it would really add up. Imagine what you could avoid eating in a single month. If you're significantly overweight, 30 pounds or more, depending on height, your doctor has something which may help you eat less. 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You'll smell... Emmy. They're pulling out all the stops to get the big prize on the season finale of Drew. See you tonight on ABC. You want me to take over ELQ? I really don't mind very much one way or another. Well, I'm delighted to hear that. I'm afraid that feeling won't last very long if you fail to consider the long-range costs. I assume you're referring to personal costs, the impact on your family and so on. But you see, financially, the quartermates have everything to gain and nothing to lose except Edward's weapon of choice. He wheels that company like a samurai sword. You take it away, you may calm down. I'd hope that you were more clever than Edward. You're much, much quicker than the both of us. And if I don't flee soon, you will have ELQ and all my holdings, including my shirt. I'm sure I don't need to tell you this, but the charm in your family comes from the Morgan side. I realize Edward adores you, but he couldn't possibly appreciate you enough. Bye, Mrs. Quartermaine. Bye, dear. That was fast. What did he say when you asked him to back off? I didn't ask him. Edward, you started this nonsense. You're going to have to finish it yourself. What if Mac doesn't come? Can we go to his office? Do you remember exactly what he said? He thought we were calling from Texas. He was totally amazed that we were back. But he said that he'd try and make it, but he wasn't quite sure because of work. Can you take us to the station? Oh, I don't think that's a good idea. Maybe if you go somewhere, we can call him and tell him you're gone. Why can't we go to the station? Mac! Can you make us two parts? Oh, now slow down. Hi. It's great seeing you. Let me look at the two of you. I never imagined it possible, but you two have actually gotten prettier. We were starting to think you weren't going to come. You know, because of work. I took a break from my meeting. Nothing can compete with my kids. You know, I'm not going to be able to do that. Nothing can compete with my kids. So, can you stay for dinner? No, sweetheart. Please. I'm sorry I can't. I really have to get back to work. But I would like a minute with your mom. We need Parmesan cheese. Oh. Oh, good. Um, come on. Let's go to the market, and on the way we can make a list for the other things we need. I'm glad to see you. I told you. I'll be back. Bye, Mac. Love you. Bye. Love you. Come on, Darcy. All right. Bring back some cheese. Cheese time. Thank you. You made their day. Was this your strategy, Felicia? Using the kids to set me up? Hot. Too hot to cook. But she was hungry for something new. Noodle bowls from Uncle Ben's. Foreign-tising flavors. Just minutes in the microwave. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Mmm. Honey ginger chicken orange glazed beef. Not just rice bowls. Noodle bowls, new from Uncle Ben's. You mean I don't have to touch it? Nope. No rubber gloves, no dripping brush? Nope. Oh, for a month without a scrub? Wow! Introducing Vanish Brush Free, Just a quick spray a day and the active foam does the rest. It cleans and leaves a protective layer that prevents gunk buildup. Look at the difference. Nice, huh? Looks like we'll never be in this position again. New Vanish Brush Free. Just a spray a day keeps the brush away. S.C. Johnson, a family company. If you're wet, don't feel blue. Wish for a diaper that lets fresh air flow through. Huggies Supreme Diapers. Huggies breathes all over so no other diaper helps keep skin drier. And dry skin is healthy skin. Get outstanding dryness and good fresh air with Huggies Supreme, the ultimate in care. Whenever I know I'm going to meet someone, I always do this. Just to see if I need a tic-tac. Breathe friendly little 1.5 calorie breathless. Tic-tac. Breathe friendly. I love being a trendsetter. Grape Nuts O's even surprise the folks here at Post. Oh, a taste that's light and toasty with a touch of brown sugar. From Grape Nuts? We had the same reaction. Grape Nuts O's cereal. A whole new spin on Grape Nuts. General Hospital will continue in a moment here on ABC. A break in the case of the desecrated holy statues. Today at 5, the suspect at his bizarre motive. Plus, a woman claims her dog was mutilated at a local animal hospital. The question now is, what really happened and who is to blame? And what's your favorite restaurant's health record? There's a website that tells at 5 on Iowa News, right here on ABC 7. Gary Zukop answers your most provocative letters. How do you know what you seem to know? Next, Oprah. Today at 4, right here on ABC 7. When a breaking story is breaking, I channel my excitement for wanting to get to the set and get it to the people. That's not stress. That's just making sure that I am on top of my game and ready to deal when we say, good evening everybody. And I like that. The power is yours. Say goodbye to the slow torture of dial-up motives. 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Can I ask you a question? Certainly. When someone dies, they comfort you by saying his spirit is still alive, and that you can't really lose the person you love because love goes on and on, right? You lost someone. Yes. But it's not like you think. I mean, he didn't die. So what do you say to yourself when the person is still here, but the love he had for you isn't? Excuse me, ma'am, but there are rules against this. You found me. It's just in time. You're in violation of public code 229. Lovely ladies drinking alone. It's orange soda, officer. Oh, well, then you're in violation of another code. 978, drinking an orange substance without a license. How do I get a license? Kiss the arresting officer. Ooh. And then give him a sip of the substance you're consuming. Not exactly Chateau Lafite, is it? No, but it goes down a lot smoother than a protein shake, and it's much easier to look at. No offense. And there's also the old Orange-Ola game, which I made up as a child. Orange-Ola? Yes. You think of as many orange things in nature as you can. Okay, I'll have a go at this. Okay. Okay, carrots, pumpkins, oranges. That's it. That's all? Yep. Ooh. Persimmons, occasional sunsets, my fifth-grade teacher's hair. Okay, some money. And the point of this would be? Get your mind off other things. Did you have a heart session? No, the treatment was okay. Radiation sounds scarier than it is. Did Tony say something disturbing? No, no, no, it all was fine. This just killer headache came on. Why don't you let me take you home? No, wait, I'm going to stay here and have this headache, and I'm going to enjoy it and be glad about it, actually grateful, because Tony says they're going to get worse before they get better, which means I'm getting well, right? Yes, yes, the headache is gone. Yes, yes, the headache's a good sign. Mmm. Oh, Steph, did you have your meeting with Alan? I'm afraid I haven't the time. Well, aren't you the one that requested it? Unfortunately, we'll have to wait. I'll tell Alan you cancelled. That's not what I said. Alan and I will review our staff problems at a more convenient time. Well, Alan and I weren't aware there were staff problems. Perhaps you haven't capped up, but Tony Jones has made a remarkable recovery. Well, how nice for him. He can go back to basket weaving or whatever he does for recreation. He could also resume his position as chief neurosurgeon. Dr. Jones was relieved of that position quite some time ago. Actually, he withdrew due to a heart attack. He withdrew due to an injury that has recovered. Jones was encouraged to remove himself after a series of criminal acts. Tony had a breakdown. It did not affect his work. He has now recovered physically and mentally, and he can operate again. Not a general hospital. If you're referring to Tony Jones, I'm going ahead with the nomination. Well, that's an exercise in futility, Alan. I will block the appointment, you understand? He is a brilliant neurosurgeon, and this hospital can't afford to lose him. Somehow I think we'll survive. You're totally ignorant on medical matters. If you don't respect my opinions, find someone else to keep this place solvent. Someone with enormous cash reserves and no opinions of his own. Well, that was pleasant. I think he has a point. Alan, you're not going to fold, are you? It was a brilliant suggestion. Find a replacement for Stefan. The girls were desperate to call you the minute they hit the door. Come on, you're the desperate one, Felicia. I should have told them no. You should have contacted me when you were in Texas to let me know you were bringing them back. Well, excuse me. I didn't know that I needed your permission. I didn't know that I had to have some kind of clearance. I told you I wanted to bring them back. Do you honestly think I would have come back without them? You aren't hearing me. You haven't heard me in months. You're in another world. No, I'm here in my own home. Are you saying that you don't want them in your life? Those kids are my life. I don't want you in my life anymore. It's not a package deal. The girls are next door playing with a neighbor's dog. Now, will you two please tone down the tension? They want to spend a little time with Mac before he has to go. It's all right. I'll spend some time with them outside, Mariah. Is that necessary? Yes, it is. I'll call to set up a time to see the girls when Felicia's not around. But why these extremes? Mac can't stand the sight of me. Well, I think that's a bit of an overstatement. Not necessarily. And if you think I'm being irrational, just ask Felicia what happened the last time our paths crossed. Mom, it's ready. For millions of people, there's Patanol. Be sure to ask your doctor what Patanol can do for you. Feminine itching, painful irritation. Now there's Vagisil Cream with skin-soothing vitamins E, A, and D. Vagisil stops itching fast, and the relief lasts. Vagisil, a better understanding of better intimate care. When it's you against a migraine headache, you can't play nice. But now there's new Motrin migraine pain. It gives you the speed and power you need to show your migraine headache who's boss. New Motrin migraine pain caplets for people who don't fool around with pain. Leave her 2000 because one person wants soft-feeling skin and another great-smelling skin and another clean skin. And they're all in your family. Leave her 2000 for all your family's 2000 parts. You ever gonna get that present to Sue? Yeah, Sue. You ever gonna get that present to Sue? You gonna pose for me now? The new Kodak Advantage camera. So sleek, so small. What are you doing here? Sue! So easy. This is a great camera. Did you know that I wanted one of these for my birthday? I'm giving it away. But now if you buy an eligible Kodak Advantage camera, Kodak will send a free Advantage camera to anyone you choose. Remember these guys? Got it for a happy ending. They're back. You just won a million dollars. For four nights next week, Millionaire's biggest winners return to go head-to-head. He just won a million dollars. Can they do it again? The champion editions of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? It all starts Sunday, 9, 8c on ABC. This year's Daytime Emmys have a different view. Now you can predict winners and vote in polls live while you watch. Go to abc.com and click on the Enhanced TV logo. Do you mind telling me what that was all about? I went to Mac's office to invite him to dinner. He wanted nothing to do with me and he basically threw me out. So I went to Luke's. To his apartment where he lives? Luke's club. His private office. I wasn't thinking. Things just got out of control. Oh, Felicia. But I stopped it and I ran out of his office and my clothes... Well, it didn't look good and Luke chased after me, which looked even worse. And Mac saw this? Mac and Laura. Oh, my God. But nothing happened. A great deal has happened. You have humiliated your husband in public. And it didn't occur to you to mention it to me before I agreed to bring the girls here. It didn't seem important. Important? Relevant? Well, it certainly is to Mac. And yet you allowed them to invite him here tonight and you stayed, knowing how he'd react. Well, I just wasn't thinking... You've stopped thinking. You've pushed things from bad to worse. You know, if it weren't for the girls and how much they love Mac, I would be tempted to take them back to Texas tonight. No, don't say that. Don't even think it. I need my family here. Then pull yourself together and start acting like a responsible mother instead of some woman who is possessed. Oh. If you're busy, I can wait. No. No, I'm on my way out. Oh, in more ways than one, my friend. Close the door. What's up? I took Lulu to the park today and Lucky happened to be there. Did he freeze his sister out? No. Not at all. He was wonderful with her. He hugged her, he played with her. But with me, it was just more of the same. He really, really doesn't seem to want anything to do with us. He's mouthing Helena's lines. What if Helena had nothing to do with it, you know? Like, what if the year apart gave him the chance to realize how much he resents us? Well, that's exactly what the Queen of Darkness wants you to believe. I know, but he doesn't exactly seem programmed to me. You know, I mean, some of what he's saying actually makes sense. We did give up on him too soon. Baby, we were manipulated. But he doesn't know that. What if he can't forgive us? How do you turn that one around? Lucky saved my life. He saved my soul. I was dead inside and he brought me back. He made me feel like a special person with a precious gift to give. You know, when we made our promises, we meant forever. And I will love Lucky for the rest of my life. But for him, it's like the love never happened. Or it happened to somebody else. Well, from what you've told me, he's been through a traumatic experience. He doesn't blame me. Is that possible? I accepted his death. I mean, shouldn't he be angry? Maybe he can't acknowledge his anger. And that's why he's holding back? Because if he lets himself feel anything from me, then the first thing he's going to feel is anger? Well, he may not even know what he's feeling. You know, it takes a long time to heal from a trauma. He says he's over it. Do you think that's true? No. No, I don't. Because if Lucky were healed, he wouldn't be shutting me out. He'd be able to look into my eyes and know that this is where he belongs. I want so much to be able to help him, like the way he helped me. But I keep doing the wrong thing over and over again and I don't know how to stop. I want him to say, I love you, and instead I say it to him, which only pushes him away. How do I bring him back? How do I get him back to me? There's no magic formula. Only time and patience and hope. Do you know the passage from the Bible? Love endures all things. Love endures all things, bears all things, believes all things, and never gives up. Thank you. Better? Mmm. Three orange sodas did the trick. Not quite, huh? Yeah, I'm fine. My headache's gone. Still something on your mind? I ran into Stefan today. He is looking for evidence against Helena. Chloe, do me a favour and just leave the Casadines to me, okay? It's far too dangerous for you to get involved. No, I'm up to my eyeballs already, literally, Jax. If you're going after Helena, I want in. Post-Honey Nut Shredded Wheat. Because the weight of your heart is still through your stomach. Brittle nails that break and won't grow? Get NutriNail with a hydrating formula that guarantees short brittle nails will grow in just five to seven days. They're beautiful. NutriNail. Short, brittle nails grow. Guaranteed. Bad girl, bad girl, talking about the sad girl, yeah. The sad girl, sad girl, talking about bad girls, yeah. 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But she wants to know the truth and it could destroy her. I missed you. And I... I nominated all my children ABC Daytime. Stop. I can't. It's alright. I'm sorry. Felicia. I'm sorry. I can't. I'm sorry. I'm cutting off your orange soda supply. Hey, it makes me feel good. I know. It makes you feel just a little too good. A little too much sugar for you, I think. You're primed to do battle with Helena. I'm serious about that. Yes, I know. That's what worries me. Come on. Hey, okay. Um, I will get you at home, okay? Yeah, okay. Just call me if you need me. I will. Thanks. Bye. Hey. How can I help you? You can't. Nobody can help me. Well, if Lucky has completely turned against us and it's not because of Helena, then the only thing we can do is leave him alone. Wait. Do nothing? I'm not good at that. I know. Neither am I. That's why I'm trying to, you know, pursue this mind control thing. The doctor that Stefan had examine Lucky turned up a corpse. I know. Mac told me. It's really interesting how all these... these, uh, breaks are coming for Helena's plan, isn't it? I mean, it's either that or it's fate or it's coincidence. But I think it's a plan. And a plan we can fight. So I have to be strong? No, you are strong. And so is your man. If it's meant to be, it'll happen. If not, there's another plan. I can't give you the answers. I know. Somehow I just feel like they're here. Well, that's why the doors are kept open. And you stay as long as you like. Thank you. Lucky, I love you so much. Please just believe it. Lucky! What a happy surprise. I came to say goodbye. You're taking a trip? I'm leaving town for good. Well, you've probably been under a great deal of pressure. Luke and Laura can be relentless, I know. This isn't about my parents. I don't care how they feel or what they think. But Elizabeth matters to me. I don't want to hurt her any more than I have. I can't imagine you hurting anyone. Unless they deserve to be, of course. Elizabeth is a wonderful person. She's kind and real and decent. She still loves me. And I... You can't return her affection. Everything's changed for me. I can't go back to the way we were. Soon as I'm in town, Elizabeth will keep hoping. She'll go on with her life if I leave. Lucky, I understand your need to protect her. Leaving town, that's not the way. Well, well. What have we here?