Family fun has gone to the dogs, and it's Doggone Funny. That's my dog, Sunday at 7, 6 Central, only on the Family Channel. What's the difference between Velveeta shells and cheese and all the rest? We don't play around with the powder. We use only real Velveeta cheese sauce to make it the creamiest macaroni and cheese around. Velveeta shells and cheese, when creamy is what you crave. Using weather this raw, don't take chances with chapsticks. Take chapstick. Chapstick lip balm is serious medicine made to help chap lips heal fast and healthy lips stay healthy. This winter, don't take chances. Take chapstick. Now, back pain doesn't have to ruin another night's sleep. Introducing new Dones PM. Dones starts with a unique pain reliever these brands don't have, then adds a second ingredient to help you sleep. New Dones PM for nighttime back pain. If all dogs were just puppies, all we'd make is puppy chow with more nutrition than most adult dog foods for a healthy start. But dogs are different. That's why we make puppy chow, dog chow fit and trim in Purina Hi-Pro. Pet tested, veterinarian recommended. With the introduction of the 1992 Lesaber, Buick's reputation continues to grow. And it pleases us that people are taking notice. Because Lesaber isn't just another fine motor car. It's a Buick, and Buick is rapidly becoming an enormous symbol for quality in America. I love Willard. He's really great. We love Willard. Willard Scott and the new original amateur hour. Sunday at 9, 8 Central, right here on the Family Channel. Buick furniture isn't just a hobby. It's my livelihood. Anytime a piece doesn't look beautiful, I lose a sale. That's why I treat all my wood regularly with Scott's Liquid Gold. You see, when I use Scott's Liquid Gold on this old table top, it looks rich and shiny. While the part where I didn't use Scott's Liquid Gold still looks old and dried out. The reason is because wood needs moisture regularly, just like your skin. And Scott's Liquid Gold isn't a wax. It's a special formula that penetrates wood to clean, preserve, and protect. I use Scott's Liquid Gold at home for the same reason. To protect and beautify my tables, chairs, desk, and all my fine furniture. I also use Scott's Liquid Gold on my kitchen cabinets. And my paneling, because it protects and beautifies. Use Scott's Liquid Gold once a month. It's a little more expensive, but a whole lot better for your cherished wood. The race is on to make batteries that last longer. And today's Duracell batteries can even outrun the ones we made just a few years ago. Today's Duracell, you can't top. The Copper Top. With your on the go, nothing beats a thermal go-bun from Long John Silver's. It keeps hot drinks hot. And it keeps cold drinks cold. Just 99 cents each with any Long John's meal. 99 cent go-buns. Get yours now, they're going fast. Go fish at Long John Silver's. Now go for Long John's battered dip fish and chicken combo. Just a dollar 99. Own elegant home landscaping and having great tasting garden fresh vegetables like these. Get ready to take down this important toll free number, because I want to send you this exciting Troy Built Home Garden catalog absolutely free. Inside you'll discover dozens of time and work saving Troy Built success secrets, including how to build new beds in half the time the Troy Built way. How to take the hard work and hand labor out of creating your own super rich soil like this. And give you guaranteed garden success every time. We'll even show you how to grow your own great tasting vegetables and much, much more. All free in your copy of the Troy Built Home Garden catalog. To get your free copy of the Troy Built Home Garden catalog, including complete details on our whole line of Troy Built Home Garden tellers, call toll free 1-800-453-6600. That's 1-800-453-6600. Call today. Hello America. Hey, this is your old buddy Willard Scott, and I'm hosting the new Original Amateur Hour, where you'll see some of the best amateur talent in the whole world. The new Original Amateur Hour, Sunday at 9, 8 Central, only on the Family Channel. Father Dowling is sponsored by Gino's Pizza Rolls, the pizza way to snack. If you added up all the potato chips you've eaten during poker nights and play-off games, you'd end up with some serious spuds. But you still wouldn't have a taste as big as these little Gino's Pizza Rolls. Ooh, a tremendous taste of zesty pizza and a hot little bite-sized snack. A taste so big it makes ordinary chips seem like small potatoes. Gino's Pizza Rolls, the pizza way to snack. Welcome to Sac County, Iowa. We've grown Jolly Time Popcorn here for 78 years. You won't find any fancy debutantes or Hollywood types here, just good people like you and me. Same goes for Jolly Time Popcorn. It's all natural, no preservatives, nothing artificial, just good popcorn. Good things grow naturally in Sac County, and there's nothing Hollywood about that. Jolly Time, popcorn the way nature intended. Sure. Unsure. Sure. Unsure. Sure. Unsure. When dryness really counts, be sure to be dry. Sure Solid has the most effective wetness-fighting ingredient you can buy for dryness no one can beat. So you're either sure or unsure. Sure. Unsure. Be sure to be dry. From the kitchen of the real Sara Lee. Your daughter calls. She can't find a babysitter, and the kids are coming over in 15 minutes. Here's something fun to do. Take out a real Sara Lee pound cake, slice it, then take fresh fruit like strawberries and bananas and whipped cream, and spread them on in layers. And when the kids get there, tell them, Grandma has done something very special for them, as usual. Nobody does this like Sara Lee. Dreams are shattered and a lineage uprooted to make way for progress on Walton's Mountain. He gives us just three days to get out. Are you just going to accept that? Richard Thomas stars in The Conflict, Sunday at 4 or 3 Central on the Family Film Festival. Oh, this salad is great. Oh, this is sensational. You know, as I tell you, oh, bakos. For great bacony crunch without cholesterol, bring home the bakos. On the Denerex side of my head, I feel a tingling like Denerex is working to get rid of my dandruff. That tingling feeling tells me that Denerex is working right down to the scalp. Denerex with conditioners, the dandruff shampoo you can feel working. The Denerex tingle tells me it's working. When you want the great taste of fresh squeezed orange juice, a juice made with only 100% pure oranges, remember, no other major brand comes closer to this than this. Tropicana Pure Premium with no water added and none taken away. In fact, this is all we ever add. So when you want that great fresh squeezed taste, remember, you just can't pick a better juice than Tropicana Pure Premium. America's concerned about eating right. Junk food is out. Pursom food is in, like hearty grains, biscuits and bread twists. They're new. Hot and fresh from the oven for the first time ever. Four delicious kinds of whole grain goodness, like oatmeal raisin biscuits and cracked wheat and honey twists. Pillsbury hearty grains, biscuits and bread twists. They're part of a, they're part of a four, they're part of a four major food group. Here, this will speed up the shopping. Now just get what's on your list. Oh, honey bunches of oats. It's not on my list, but I gotta have it. Mmm, my favorite. Honey bunches of oats. Wow, right? Honey bunches of oats is so delicious, it's everyone's favorite. With crispy flakes of corn and wheat, bunches of honey roasted oats, it's the cereal your whole family will love. Oh, I forgot the honey bunches of oats. I don't think that's a problem. Honey bunches of oats, the one cereal your whole family will love. Hello, America. Hey, this is your old buddy, Willard Scott, and I'm hosting the new Original Amateur Hour, where you'll see some of the best amateur talent in the whole world. The new Original Amateur Hour, Sunday at 9, 8 Central, only on the Family Channel. In Sac County, Iowa, you won't find any fancy movie stars, just good people. Same goes for the Jolly Time popcorn they grow here. It's all natural. No preservatives, nothing artificial, just good popcorn. Jolly Time, popcorn the way nature intended. Big odors lurk in small places. Big odors linger in small places. Concentrated air wicks stick up, stop big odors in small places. Air wicks stick up. He's a star, he knows he's a star, he acts like a star all the time. Tom Wilson, top breeder of Champion Weimaraners. My dogs have been the top-winning dogs in the United States in the last four years. If your dog is special, you have to treat him special, and the way I treat my dog special is by using pedigree. I've been feeding pedigree for almost 10 years now, and my dogs do so well on it, I wouldn't change a thing. I would recommend pedigree to anybody that has a dog. Pedigree, developed with vets, recommended by top breeders. I think kids have it tougher now than we did. All the pressure. Well, it's one thing they got the same as us. Hot Quaker Oatmeal. That'll help get a kid through the morning as good as anything I know. Instant Quaker Oatmeal. It's the right thing to do. America's concerned about eating right. Junk food is out. Wholesome food is in, like hearty grains, biscuits, and bread twists. Not and fresh from the oven for the first time ever, or delicious kinds of whole grain goodness, like oatmeal raisin biscuits and cracked wheat and honey twists. Pillsbury hearty grains, biscuits, and bread twists. They're part of the four major food groups. This is how the day begins. Sunshine. The good taste of Smuckers. And surprisingly, this good news. Less than 20 calories in a teaspoon, and you're not adding any fat. And that's why Smuckers is always a good way to start your day. With a name like Smuckers, it has to be good. You want to accentuate the positive. It'll eliminate the negative. Tune in to the affirmative, the family channel, yes indeed. Nobody captures life on the positive side like the family channel. You want to accentuate the positive, the family channel, yes indeed. Whenever I think back to growing up during the Great Depression, I'm reminded of the wonderful experiences I shared with my family on Walton's Mountain. It was these treasured moments, full of dreams and hope, that inspired me to become a writer. And though our lives were simple, we thrived in the love that bound our family together. Join us for the memories on the Walton's. Weeknights at 7, 6 Central on the Family Channel. Butterballs have learned from countless doctors and pharmacists to take care of coughs with Robitussin. And they've taken this advice home. Robitussin recommended by Dr. Mom. Ask your doctor or pharmacist. With your on the go, nothing beats a purple komod from Long John Silver's. Just 99 cents each with any meal. Get yourself there going fast. Go fish at Long John Silver's. Butterball time. Butterball turkey cold cuts. Any way you slice it, they're delicious. Butterball ham, butterball bologna, or butterball smoked turkey breast. They're up to 98% fat free and all butterball. So any way you slice it, it's delicious. Get ready. New bite sized Doritos tortilla chips are here. Show cheese and cool ranch in the twin pack. Only good healthy things grow in Mrs. Dash's garden. And from this garden, Mrs. Dash has created a delicious salt free blend of 14 herbs and spices that give food a livelier, zestier flavor. The most ordinary things become extraordinary. You're not only eating healthier, you're eating better tasting foods. Because Mrs. Dash brings you a garden of flavors, six varieties in all, instead of salt. One of Disney's greatest villains. What did you call me? Is back. He's Rattigan. And he's battling the world's greatest detective. Do you see? Now Rattigan will stop at nothing to seize the kingdom. I have the power. Unless one great mouse can stop him. Crush that rat. The word is out. Maniac Mansion is now bigger and better. Oh, I like. Watch Maniac Mansion, Sunday at 6.30, 5.30 Central. Only on the Family Channel. Sound quality is amazing. It sounds so great. No scratches at all. That's when music was music. It's got everything. Brambling math. Benny and the Jets. All on CDs. Introducing Entertainment Weekly's Rock Archive CD collection. It's free with a paid subscription to Entertainment Weekly. Everybody's doing a grand dance now. This drum which is just thundering in here. This exclusive Rock Archive collection has 30 of the most listened to hits from the 60s to today. 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You think that's really how people walk in Egypt? Call right now and you'll also get Entertainment Weekly's Rock Archives, 30 classic rock hits on two CDs or three audio cassettes and it's free. Things like this don't happen a minute. Stupendous, it's outrageous. Totally awesome. It's inexplicable. How could you beat that? Wishing I was Rod Stewart waking up with Maggie May. So call and subscribe today. You'll save almost 60% on Entertainment Weekly and you'll also get the Rock Archives set free.