Our favorite movie, Born Yesterday, will return on TNT after these messages. You say your eyes are red, irritated, dry? Don't hide them. Help them with Clear Ice. It gets rid of the redness and has an extra moisturizing ingredient, too. Clear Ice. And for allergies and colds, Clear Ice ACR. The all-state agent who helps ensure your home. Can give you a hand with a plan for life insurance. Your all-state agent wants to be your agent for life. All-state life. Financial strength you can count on. A blood oath. It's evil. A diabolical curse. And Sherlock Holmes is on the case. Pick my tinafri! Charlton Hester, the Crucifer of Blood. A TNT exclusive premiere coming November 4th. This commercial contains strong language. Like a rock. I was strong as I could be. Like a rock. Nothing ever got to me. Chevy's no-deductible bumper-to-bumper plus warranty. Strong stuff from Chevy trucks. Like a rock. The trucks you can depend on. The trucks that last. Like a rock. The epic adventure of Centennial. Begins Sunday, November 3rd on TNT. DELLA! DELLA! Be your Puget Sound Jeep and Eagle dealers, where you can always expect the best. Get down to the crazy beat. Beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat. Everybody in the street. Get, get, get, get, get down to the crazy beat. Beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat. Now, up to 50% off hotels, restaurants, and attractions. Call Tours in Vancouver, 1-800-888-8835. Sit and sleep quits forever. Giant discounts to 70% and more. Mattresses, futons, sofa beds, bunk beds, and more. Everything goes down to the bare walls. Select from such famous names as Sealy, Simmons, Surda, and Spring Air. Nothing will be held back, regardless of profit or loss. Futons, mattresses, everything priced for immediate liquidation. Sit and sleep quits forever with giant discounts to 70% and more. Call for directions and hurry for best selection. Sit and sleep closes forever, and that means you save big. For over 30 years, family-owned American Appliances featured a large selection of Whirlpool appliances backed up by quality and savings. Look for Whirlpool's direct-drive automatic washers with the Magic Clean filter and front serviceability. American Appliances, where customers send their friends. Low-fat dairy products are just one more way to lessen your risk in the battle against cancer. For more information, just call. We now return to Born Yesterday on TNT. Our favorite movie, Born Yesterday, will return on TNT after these messages. Oh, no. Ellen, I'm locked out. Such mommy. Such mommy. What are you doing out there? When it's cold and rough outside, try something warm and creamy inside. Instant cream of wheat in our new Honey Nut flavor, or original cream of wheat. Tomorrow, you get the paper. Two warm ways to come in from the cold. This is the reason to never use soap again. If we promise this rich, soap-free lather goes beyond soap clean... It does. If we promise it even removes makeup greaselessly... It will. If we promise it helps keep essential moisture as you cleanse... It does. And that light Olay fluids work like young skins for a fresh, young glow... They have to. Foaming Face Wash by Oil of Olay. We keep our promise to young skin. TNT takes you on an all-night voyage to lost worlds. Prepare to be attacked by prehistoric mutants, giants, and subterranean cannibals. Ten grueling hours of monster vision, Saturday on TNT. All across America, people are throwing in the towel. The scrub brush, the rubber gloves, and refusing to wash all their dishes before they wash their dishes. They're turning off their faucets and turning on the Maytag Jet Clean dishwasher that scrubs with 47 powerful jets. Filters then disposes. Gets made to get dishes clean, no strings attached. Or a repairman. The Jet Clean Dishwasher from Maytag. The dependability people. Nobody plays NBA basketball like Dee Brown and TNT. Bigger than life. Great legs. Thank you. How do you get them? Some people were born with great legs. The rest of us have to work at it. I used to do aerobics till I dropped. Then I found Thighmaster. Every single time you squeeze Thighmaster, you strengthen and tone right where you need it. So it's easy to squeeze, squeeze your way to shapely hips and thighs. When these muscle groups get out of shape, the result is flabby thighs. Thighmaster is designed to isolate and strengthen these muscles. That's why it works so quickly. That's why I recommend it and use it myself. I thought I'd never fit into these jeans again. Thank you, Thighmaster. My problem with most exercise programs is finding time to do them. That's not a problem with Thighmaster. It's quick and easy and you can use it anytime. And when I travel, Thighmaster travels right along with me. All across America, people are discovering what personal trainers like myself have known for years. With Thighmaster, it's easy to squeeze, squeeze your way to shapely hips and thighs. But that's not all. Thighmaster is an excellent way to firm my upper chest. And it works great on my upper arms as well. Hey, now men are using it to strengthen their arms too. The secret to shapely thighs is exercising these muscles with just the right resistance. Too little is ineffective. Too much may be painful. This balance resistance coil is designed to give you results quickly and comfortably. Thighmaster, it's quick, it's easy, it really works, and it makes life fair. After all, we may not have been born with great legs, but now we can look like we were. To order your Thighmaster, call one of our friendly operators at 1-800-421-2000. Have your credit card ready. Or send check a money order for $19.95 plus $4.50 for shipping and handling to this address. No CODs, please. If you're not fully satisfied, return it in 30 days for your money back. Plus, if you call right now, we'll also send you absolutely free Suzanne Slender for Life plan, which includes her own easy weight loss menu plan, fast fat burning tips, and amazing activity charts for a slender new body. Thighmaster is not available in store, so act right now. We now return to Born Yesterday on TNT. Our favorite movie, Born Yesterday, will return on TNT after these messages. I think we want to love more than we want to be loved. You can't look for love. It defines you when you're ready. I am more open to love now that I'm older. Only Nana makes love sound like this on Phillips CDs and cassettes. Michael Jordan and the world champion Chicago Bull. Oh, yes! Turn up the heat in the final tune-up for the NBA season. How sweet it is! The Hall of Fame game, Tuesday at 8 Eastern. Bigger than life. It's not my birthday. It's not Mother's Day. Why do I deserve this? It was free, Mom. Now come to Burger King and get a frosted Coca-Cola glass free. All you have to do is buy a great tasting BK broiler combo or any large sandwich combo. If we come back for dinner, I'll have a set of 12. Those are from my Aunt Rose. I know. So hurry to Burger King and get a collectible Coca-Cola glass free before we run out. The Hall of Fame theme song. Read Dianetics, America's number one self-help bestseller. It's the owner's manual for the human mind. Get your copy today at the Dalton Bookseller. The total number of cheese puffs that you've eaten during championship wrestling and church picnics would add up to one profound puff. But you still wouldn't have a taste as big as these little Gino's Pizza Rolls. A tremendous taste of best pizza and a hot little bite-sized snack. A taste so big it makes cheese puffs seem a little flat. Gino's Pizza Rolls. The pizza way to snack. For 40 years they were divided. Now two different cultures with one common history must learn to live together again. Hear the hopes and fears of the new Germany on a CNN Sunday night special this Sunday, 9 Eastern. Not long ago the fellows over at the country club gave Ed Hansel a little party. You see in over 40 years Ed never missed a day at the club. Every afternoon just after 3, like clockwork, there's Ed. A banker by trade is a master at knowing just how to fill all that leisure time. Unfortunately, banker's hours may not be your hours when buying a car. So finance your new vehicle with GMAC right at your GM leadership. Nobody knows more about auto financing and leasing. And we don't keep Ed banker's hours. To unlock your body's potential we proudly offer Soloflex. 32 old-fashioned iron pumping exercises, each correct in form and balance. All on a simple machine that fits in the corner of your home. For free brochure, call anytime. We now return to Born Yesterday on TNT. Our favorite movie, Born Yesterday, will return on TNT after these messages. Call 1-800-227-Wild, Alaska. If you've got what it takes, you can make it to the top. Hey, I know how you feel. Your weight is up, your energy's down, your self-esteem's low, your blood pressure's high. You know what you need? Exercise. But who has the time? You do. Just imagine. Imagine what a difference you can make in just 20 minutes a day, three times a week, at home with NordicTrack. NordicTrack. It's so easy. Just like walking and swinging your arms. But the workout's unbelievable. They call it the world's best aerobic exercise. Just like cross-country skiing, NordicTrack's patented flywheel provides smooth and non-jarring continuity of motion. It exercises your leg muscles in a gentle, natural way, so there's no stress on your back or your knees. NordicTrack's pulling motion works all the muscles of your upper body through a wide range of motion. That's not true of exercise bikes, treadmills, or stair climbers, which only work your legs. But by exercising your total body, NordicTrack gives you more of a workout in less time. It burns more calories than other exercisers while conditioning all of your body's major muscle groups. It lets you accomplish fitness goals such as weight loss, cardiovascular health, increased energy, and reduced stress. With NordicTrack, you'll simply look and feel better than you ever have before. I'll bet you never imagined fitness at home could be this easy and convenient, or that you could actually enjoy becoming more slender, energetic, confident, and fit. Now is the time to get rid of that unfit body. Create a new you. Try NordicTrack for 30 days at home with no risk or obligation. Call now for a free video and brochure. You'll see and feel the difference. If you added up all the potato chips you'd eaten during polka nights and play-doh games, you'd end up with some serious fudge. But you still wouldn't have a taste as big as these little Gino's Pizza Rolls. Ooh, a tremendous taste of zesty pizza and a hot little bite-sized snack. A taste so big, it makes ordinary chips seem like small potatoes. Gino's Pizza Rolls, the pizza way to snack. Next week on Change Bond Wednesday, the adversary... The man with the golden gun. ...his mission... The death of 007. The man with the golden gun. Next Wednesday night at 8.05 Eastern on TBS. We now return to Born Yesterday on TNT.