this TNT original Crossfire Trail is brought to you by Acura introducing MDX taking the SUV to a place it's never been before and by State Farm Insurance. The 260 horsepower CL Type S from Acura. Some people you could always count on to be there for you. We were there when you fixed up your first car. And when you fixed up your first apartment. You were even there when you finally got fixed up yourself. So now that you're fixing more bottles than old cars, there's no one better to talk to about your changing life insurance needs than the State Farm agent you've always trusted to care for your car, your home, and you. State Farm is there for you because State Farm is there for life. Escape to a better place. Sony Vega. On Saturday, February 10th, prepare to suspend your disbelief. Most men jump, some men fly, a rare few can soar. Don't miss the granddaddy of all air shows, the slam dunk presented by Reel. Watch NBA All-Star Saturday, Saturday, February 10th on TNT. NBA All-Star Action is in the house on TNT. In a TNT world premiere movie, trained to be anything you can imagine, he knows everything except who he is and where he came from. What was done to me was not worth dying for. You have no idea who you really are. Cover-up directive came from high up. Jared didn't escape alone. Please, trust me. From the hit series now on TNT comes a world premiere movie, The Pretender 2001. See it for the first time tomorrow night at 8 on TNT. We will return to Crossfire Trail in a moment and watch the world premiere of Pretender 2001 tomorrow night at 8 on TNT. You know the American Cancer Society says eating fruits and vegetables like Florida orange juice may help reduce the risk of some cancers. So you are the man. And you are the sandwich. I'm glad we got that straight. 100% pure Florida orange juice. Squeeze more health into life. Remember the colds you got when you were a kid? Oh boy. And your mom got out the vapor rub. How fast it calmed your cough, relieved your congestion. That's a comfort at any age. Nothing feels bitter. There's a new Orchard Fresh Scent from Palm Olive Spring Sensations. Spring is in the air. New Orchard Fresh antibacterial. Bites germs on hands. It's springtime every time you do dishes. A significant discovery in eye health may be lutein, a nutrient found in these healthy foods. Now Centrum has the only leading multivitamins with lutein to help maintain your precious sight. Centrum, Centrum Silver. Now more complete with lutein. We as scientists don't believe things right off the bat. You always have to be seeking out what the truth really is. Research is the game here because if you can find things out other people can't, then you can act on them. When researching his personal investments, Dr. John Sealy Brown trusts CSFB Direct. That's because it offers access to six leading independent sources, all backed by one of the world's top research firms. Research is a way to actually get a competitive edge. People who know, know CSFB Direct. Next Sunday it's the AFC versus the NFC. But only TNT has the real battle. The North versus the South. Andersonville. What do you call this little piece of heaven? Gettysburg. We will charge valiantly. Butchered valiantly. And the timeless epic. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. Gone with the wind. As a war started. Civil War Sunday, beginning next Sunday on TNT. No football, no game, just glory. In a TNT world premiere movie, trained to be anything you can imagine, he knows everything except who he is and where he came from. What's done to me was not worth dying for. You have no idea who you really are. The cover-up directive came from high up. Jared didn't escape alone. Please, trust me. From the hit series now on TNT comes a world premiere movie, The Pretender 2001. See it for the first time tomorrow night at 8 on TNT. Night. Provides no ambient illumination. Is scary. It objects give off energy in the form of heat. It would be amazing if you could see what's out there. DeVille DTS thermal detection system with a head of display projects images of the road ahead. Beyond the range of your headlamps. DeVille DTS, the world's first car available with night vision. The fusion of design and technology. Cadillac. And people you could always count on to be there for you. We were there when you fixed up your first car. And when you fixed up your first apartment. We were even there when you finally got fixed up yourself. So now that you're fixing more bottles than old cars, there's no one better to talk to about your changing life insurance needs than the State Farm agent you've always trusted to care for your car, your home, and you. State Farm is there for you because State Farm is there for life. A few years ago, we recognized an epidemic. People hurting TVs. TVs hurting people. Stupid box. That's why we invented TiVo. Re-runs? TiVo lets you watch your favorite shows whenever you want. So there's never any bad TV. Doctor! Flew out a third floor window, landed on his head. When are people going to learn? Clear! Learn more at Somewhere along the long road that wound through those four years, the girl with her sashay and dancing slippers had slipped away and there was left a woman with sharp green eyes who counted pennies and turned her hands to many menial tasks. A woman to whom nothing was left from the wreckage except the indestructible red earth on which she stood. The greatest movie of all time, Gone with the Wind. Next Sunday night at 6, only on TNT. Hey, guys, you think you could practice another night? Hey, Ernie, wait a minute. I think a studio band will be kind of cool. Yes! Come on, boys, let's jam! The NBA is in the house on TBS and TNT. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, the NBA is in the house on TBS and TNT. We will return to Crossfire Trail in a moment on TNT. Damn! We will hit you when it rains Announcing Singular, the wireless company that believes in the value of self-expression. This TNT original Crossfire trail is brought to you by New York Life, the company you keep. They say that nothing remains constant except change itself. At New York Life, we see the world a little differently. The values with which we started, financial strength, integrity, and humanity remain the unshakable foundation of the company today. And we don't see them changing, ever. It's why New York Life is the company you keep. Call them Generation D, the generation that was born digital and raised on the net, speaking a language of zeros and ones. Now, they're at WorldCom, developing web centers, the wireless internet. And for them, it's a joyride. Want to feel comfortable with new technologies? Work with people who are comfortable. WorldCom, Generation D. There's a new Orchard Fresh scent from Palmolive Spring Sensations. New Orchard Fresh antibacterial, fights germs on hands. It's springtime, every time you do dishes. Orange juice. What did you say? Orange juice. You've got a cold. You need fluids, vitamin C, and other nutrients. I get it. Why can't we just have a dog? I heard that. 100% pure Florida orange juice. Squeeze more health into life. In a TNT world premiere movie, trained to be anything you can imagine, he knows everything except who he is and where he came from. What was done to me was not worth dying for. You have no idea who you really are. Cover-up directive came from high up. Jared didn't escape alone. Please trust me. From the hit series now on TNT comes a world premiere movie, The Pretender 2001. See it for the first time tomorrow night at 8 on TNT. Watch the movie that still makes you think twice about entering the water. What we are dealing with here is an eating machine. You're gonna need a bigger boat. Dive into Jaws. Saturday night at 8. One of the Saturday night new classics on TNT. We will return to Crossfire Trail in a moment and watch the world premiere of Pretender 2001 tomorrow night at 8 on TNT. I asked my doctor about Lipitor. Have you? Ask your doctor what Lipitor can do for you and call 1-888-LIPITOR or visit our website to learn more. Reviewing our last fiscal year, the numbers from January were slightly better than the numbers from February. However, the numbers in January were identical to the numbers in March. The numbers in April were slightly lower than the numbers in March but identical. Like playing games? Come to Best Buy where you can play the latest video games and try out a lot of other cool stuff. Best Buy. Go ahead, turn on the fun. Introducing Tide Rapid Action Taps. Just drop them in, they get to work right away. Finally, getting clothes clean is as easy as getting them dirty. Tide Taps. Incredibly easy, incredibly clean. Our job is to find proprietary information and use that to make investment recommendations. We are seeing increased pricing pressures. We want to be downgrading or upgrading stocks in advance of a bad or good quarter. We've also changed our earnings estimates for 150. It means hard work for all of us and it means that we have to be, you know, more creative in terms of getting the data. We've been seeing a deceleration. I think we have a fundamental advantage using that type of proprietary information to make investment rating changes and investment calls. You stole my life. Tomorrow the hunt is on. I can be a doctor, I can be an engineer, I could be an astronaut. I don't know who I am. See the last nine episodes leading up to Pretender 2001 tomorrow at 11 on TNT.