In front of the client, he blurts out. I forgot my pink Angora sweater. All I did was toss it in with the leftover tuna cancer roll. Let's whip up some of those yummy galvanized meals. Just ship them out overnight along with 77 little stink bugs in a sock. Nobody knows the way people talk around here better than U.S. Cellular. And nobody can put you in a better calling plan. U.S. Cellular. The way people talk around here. Right now at U.S. Cellular, $34 a month includes 480 minutes a month. Hey, folks, don't take my word for how much fun my extra crispy chicken is. Listen to some real people. Very well cooked. My feelings exactly. Get eight pieces of extra crispy chicken and six honey barbecue wings for just $9.99. Hurry, you won't be hearing that price much longer. Cut, print, let's break for dinner. And for lunch, don't forget my five freshly made sandwiches. The address for Seinfeld, weeknights at 7 on KIMA. A CBS special presentation. Welcome to the 204th presentation of the Hallmark Hall of Fame. Tonight, a riveting tale of suspense. Missing pieces. Atticus Cody lost his wife and blamed his son. Can I give up? I don't know what he wants. Your forgiveness. But before he could make things right, his son disappears. Now he'll travel to the ends of the earth to find him. I can't lose him again. And a father's journey for the truth. There are things you don't want to know. Becomes a quest for redemption. I'd like to say I was sorry. Academy Award winner James Coburn in Missing Pieces. I'm gonna find him. Now on the Hallmark Hall of Fame. The Hallmark Hall of Fame is brought to you by Hallmark Cards of Kansas City and the fine stores in your neighborhood that feature Hallmark products. Hallmark. When you care enough to send the very best. We'll return in a moment to Missing Pieces on the Hallmark Hall of Fame. Okay, another present. This one's heavy. Okay, this one is from Sarah in Brunja. What is it? What is it? Prunes. A lifetime supply of prunes. Dad, what are prunes for? Oh, Timon. It's bedtime. Come on. But I want to watch you open all your presents. Say goodnight, Dylan. Night. I didn't get any cake. I will save you a piece. Promise? I promise. Night, Dylan. I love you, buddy. Don't forget. Guys, I gotta tell you. I am really moved. You'll be moved. Dentures are next, pal. Take it easy. Look who's talking. Look at that. It's a Hallmark. Is that poo? It's poo. I'm getting choked up already. We'll be friends forever, won't we, poo? Ask Piglet. Even longer, poo answered. Happy birthday to my forever friend. Love. Who sent it? Dylan. Anybody home? Hey, Dad. Hey, buddy. How about I come up and say goodnight and bring you a little piece of birthday cake? All right. Yeah, take a big bite. How about the rest of your presents? They were good. Did you get everything you wanted? Yeah, I sure did. Now the Hallmark Call of Fame continues with Missing Pieces. The Hallmark Call of Fame will continue after these messages from Hallmark. Davis, please report to the principal's office. Laura Davis, please report to the principal's office. Come in, Laura. Close the door and sit down. Be with you in a minute. Look, Miss Reed, I didn't do nothing. Anything, Laura. Whatever. I didn't do it. I've been playing it straight since the last time I got in trouble, I swear. Laura. I haven't been to class. I'm not hanging out with those guys no more. I even went to that council lady you told me about. I know. The only reason I asked you to come down here is because yesterday... Yesterday I had to watch my sister while my grandma went to the doctor and I already told Mr. Ball and I already gave him a note. And now he's getting me all in trouble with you again. See, even when I try to do right by you, it just, it all gets messed up. Nothing is messed up, Laura. The reason I asked you to come down here is... Here. This is it? Mm-hmm. You're proud of me? Yep. Now you better get back to class. And close the door, Laura. You know, Marcy, I just have to tell you that whenever I look at you, you take my breath away. I don't know what it is. It's like I can barely breathe, you know? Like ever since we started going out, it's like I'm gasping for air, you know? It's more of a choking. It's kind of a choking thing. Like there's a big hunk of red meat in my passage and I'm trying to breathe. I can't, though, because I'm choking on this meat, this... No flow of air. I guess what I'm trying to say is, Marcy, that you really... What? You really make me gag. I make you gag? Not gag in a bad way, gag in a good way. Oh. You know what I mean? No. No. Not really. Is that for me? I wish I could collect the perfect words, put them in your hands, close your fingers around them, so you can know how truly I love you. Joe? Yeah? Why didn't you tell me this before? Well, I tried. I mean, because I feel the same way. You do? Well, yeah. I mean, it's like every time I wanted to tell you, my throat would kind of tighten up. Like somebody was sucking oxygen right out of me and I'd start wheezing and coughing and wheezing and coughing. Like something was caught in the middle of my throat. Except this was no little thing, it was really big, you know, like the world's biggest fur ball was stuck in my throat and I couldn't get it out. Now we return to Missing Pieces on the Hallmark Call of Fame. The Hallmark Call of Fame will return after these messages from CBS and your local station. On an all-new episode of the number one Monday drama, Family Law. I hereby sentence you to a term of 15 years of life. What if your child was a murderer? You're the reason Emma Cooper's dead. But you were on trial. Emma Cooper's mother's suing you. She's claiming you turned your son into a murderer. These lawyers will take on the most controversial issue facing the country today. What they did to him made him what he is. Are killers born or raised? This isn't our fault! All-new Family Law, CBS Monday. I was born Sally Hemings in the year of our Lord, 1773. I was born to slavery but destined to scandal. In 1801, Thomas became the third president of the United States and I became the most infamous woman of color in America. Sam Neill and Carmen Ijogo in the greatest love story never told. Sally Hemings, an American scandal. CBS next Sunday. Now fresh Safeway Select salsa could take you to Mexico. New York steak to New York. And French bread all the way to Paris. Every time you spend $250 with your Safeway Club Card through December 31st, you'll get 125 miles added to your United Airlines Mileage Plus account. And there's no limit on how many bonus miles you can earn. So go to your local Safeway today to enroll. Who knows where you'll go next. Take the times you love and add a little treat. Sprinkle in some fun and smiles that can't be beat. Top it off with Dairy Queen. Making good times extra sweet. Meet me at DQ. Valentine's Day. Should I get her flowers? No, something different. Something that'll tell her how I really feel. Say it all this Valentine's Day with a DQ frozen cake. Come on to the TV and meet me at DQ. Make your home spectacular with groomed glass windows from Summit Window and Patio Door. Custom design patterns for casement, sliding and fixed windows complement your home and increase its value. Summit's vinyl windows made with PPG glass are energy star efficient and maintenance free. Custom made for new construction or replacement use, Summit is your window of joy. Ask these fine dealers about the latest in technology from Summit Window and Patio Door. Summit Windows is a proud sponsor of the Home and Garden Show. It's so big, it's monumental. Our monumental used car and truck sale at Valley Ford. Monumental savings of over 200 used cars and trucks. Buy a 94 Ford Taurus 3988, a 95 Dodge Intrepid 5988, and trucks 95 Chevy Blazer 9988 or a 94 Ford F-150 8988. Our monumental used car and truck sale on now at Valley Ford. You're gonna say it like never before, cause this is the big one. This is the big one. You don't think she's yada yada sex. Are you still master of your domain? Am I so sane that you just blew your mind? Time for the funniest questions from the funniest show on television five times a week. Weeknights at 7 on KIMA. The address for this morning news, KIMA. And now, we return to missing pieces, tonight's Hallmark Hall of Fame. Fame will continue after these messages from Hallmark. Hey, can't a guy get some service around here? You know where the coffee is, John. Probably the same coffee that was here yesterday. So do you know what today is? I don't know. What, your birthday? It's Valentine's Day. Valentine's? That's for kids, not for a couple of old timers like us. When I was young, I had so many boyfriends, they had to stand in line to see me. Guess the rain's keeping them away, huh? Just so. Dave Reager always gave the nicest cards. I wonder what ever happened to him. I don't know, but if I see him outside, I'll send him in. Gotta go. Take care, John. See ya. Valentine's Day is a day for friends. Every once in a while, even good friends need to hear how special they are. It's nice to know there's a cup around when you need one. Hold still. Does your heart still flutter when you look at Tom? Flutter? I think it's more like sigh, I guess. I mean, well, I always feel this way about Brian. Sure, but things change. How? Look, aren't we supposed to be looking for something old or something new? Or something borrowed? Did you look in Mom's closet? Chris? Okay. You know, look at Mom and Dad. They've been married forever, right? I bet they don't get butterflies every time that they look at each other. But they're still in love. Yeah. Dad doesn't bring Mom a rose every morning. And Mom, Mom wears these to bed. Earplugs. Sexy, huh? I hope Brian never snores. It's just that love changes. I guess what happens is that you get to a point where you don't need to say certain things anymore. Because certain things don't need to be said. Like Mom and Dad. What's this? And I love for you is as much a part of the universe as the sun, the moon, and the stars. The only difference is that my love will last longer. Wow, Mom. Jules, forget everything I just said. What? Your heart will always flutter. Look at Mom and Dad. Now the Hallmark Call of Fame continues with Missing Pieces. Conclusion of Missing Pieces on the Hallmark Call of Fame. Do you think you could fix it? I fixed your lawn mower, didn't I? Yeah, right. Hey Pete, you ever talk to your wife? Yeah, every day. What kind of question is that? No, I mean, do you ever... Do you want a wrench, please? Oh, right. This will do me no good. Yeah. I mean, you ever said that stuff to her like... What stuff? Well, like... Oh, you mean like... Yeah. Yeah. No. No, I don't. Yeah, I didn't think so. You still feel that, right, for her? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's just, you know, she doesn't expect me to say it. That's all. She expects me to say I love the bears or I love ham, you know. Yeah, right. That's about it. Why, you say that stuff to your wife? No, no, I mean, she's like your wife. She doesn't expect it. Well, there you go. All right. What I've been thinking, though, you know, I'm... Yeah? Yeah. I'm gonna give her something. Something that tells her how I feel about her or... Something really great, you know. What, you mean like bears' tickets? That'd be great. Be a nice day for the two of you. Hi, Mom, I'm home. Hi. Is your car on the floor? No. Can I go over to Lee's house? Do you have any homework? Yeah. After you finish it, you can go. Cool. Did you turn in your milk money? Yeah. Who moved my lunar module? Max, what's this? Did Amy move my lunar module? Max? Something from Mrs. Bennett. What'd she give you a card for? Because I was nice to somebody. Who were you nice to? Scott. Who's Scott? The boy who comes to school just once in a while, because he's sick. Was he at the school play? No. Can we get an armadillo? How were you nice to him? Well, Mrs. Bennett always has me sitting next to him. Scott can't go off recess and stuff, so I stay in and play actually with him. I didn't know you were doing that. I like him. It's no big deal. I think it might be a big deal. Can I see your card? Sure. You didn't have to do what you did. That's what made it so special. Max, do you know what this means? Kind of. It means you should be very proud of yourself. I know I am. Mom? Yeah. He's pushing me. And now the conclusion of Missing Pieces on the Hallmark Hall of Fame. Tonight I got back. We hope you've enjoyed tonight's Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation. Join us again on May 7th for Cupid and Kate, starring Mary Louise Parker, Peter Gallagher, B.B. Neuwirth, and Brenda Fricker. Sunday, May 7th on CBS. You can get tonight's presentation, Missing Pieces, and other Hallmark Hall of Fame movies on videocassette at your Hallmark Gold Crown store and leading video retailers. For more information about the Hallmark Hall of Fame on video, call 1-800-HALLMARK or visit us online at Now we gratefully acknowledge the talented people who made tonight's program possible. Thank you for joining us for tonight's Hallmark Hall of Fame. Hallmark, when you care enough to send the very best.