From the NBC studios in Burbank, The Tonight Show with Jay Brenner, featuring Kevin Yubin to The Tonight Show band, and me, I'm Ann Hall. Tonight, Jay Malkin from the new movie Out of Sight, George Clooney, the voice of Mulan, and the music of Sarah McLachlan. And now, Jay Brenner! Thank you very much! Welcome to The Tonight Show! Well, how about this heat wave all over the country? And it has been warm. Let me tell you something. Give you an idea how hot it was today. In Los Angeles, people were hanging around in front of the Dodgers clubhouse just so they could be fanned by the revolving door. I guess the Dodgers fired, what, three more assistant coaches today. Unbelievable. You know, if you look at all the firings, all the trades, the only thing that's been around the Dodgers stadium over five years now are the Dodger dogs. That's about it. And what's been called a desperate move, I guess today the Dodgers drafted one of the biggest hitters in the country. Bad news, Bobby Brown. Now, we've been doing these jokes about Bobby. Now, I don't want to say Bobby Brown's career isn't going too well, but 75% of his personal appearances last year were before a judge. Oh, some sad news. The U.S. soccer team eliminated from World Cup today. After losing 1-0 to Yugoslavia. Man, I was hoping we could take on Ghana. They said Yugoslavia's goal was a lucky goal. In fact, the announcer, if you saw it, the announcer said, our goalie was caught napping. That was the phrase used, caught napping. Well, of course he was napping. He was watching soccer. Oh, let's see what else. Oh, here you go. Yesterday, before he left, President Clinton signed a bill that would make it a felony to cross state lines to avoid paying child support payments. So you know what that means? For most players in the NBA, no more road games. It's going to be tough. Sean's going to be in the driveway shooting bad. I guess you know President Clinton is in China right now, as he calls it, land of a thousand contributions. Doing a little donor maintenance. Well, according to a survey in China, two-thirds of the Chinese people think President Clinton is young, promising, and handsome. Well, duh. You ever see Chinese leaders? Huh? Please. Strom Thurman is young, promising, and handsome. Oh, here's a big story if you follow constitutional law and poo doesn't these days. The Supreme Court has thrown out the line item veto. You know what that is? That's where on the document the president can, they couldn't do it before, but this year they said, well, you could cross out certain things you don't like. Well, now they threw that out unconstitutional. The president's very angry about it. In fact, you know, I think he was abusing the privilege. Show that footage we had earlier here using the line item veto. Here he is. Now see, see, there it is, the Ten Commandments. There he goes down. That number six. Let's get rid of that one. Yeah, that's a bad number. And the world's largest phone company, AT&T, has announced they are buying TCI, the world's largest cable TV company. Now when something goes wrong, you'll be able to call two numbers that are busy 24 hours a day. Oh, and speaking of technical stuff. And thinking of that, political experts are saying if this year 2000 computer problem isn't fixed in time, you know what this is, this year 2000 computer problem? They say by the year 2000 all these computers will just crash because they haven't programmed in the year 2000 or something. Well, now they're saying Al Gore is going to be blamed because he's the top technology guy in the administration. See, I understand that. I mean, just because Al Gore likes using computers, is it his fault when a computer doesn't work? I mean, that's like blaming Bill Clinton when your condom breaks. I mean, it's not his fault. It doesn't seem like it. And for the second straight day, John and Patricia Ramsey voluntarily met with Boulder, Colorado officials and afterwards they complained about mistreatment by the police. Apparently if a limo was laid, the oysters were not chilled enough. Police served the wrong wine with dinner. Just a travesty. Just a travesty. Well, we'll hear from O.J. and Louise Woodward on that one. Well, here's the oddest story in the week. Police in Pennsylvania arrested two Amish men for cocaine possession. You hear about this? This is true. These guys would buy cocaine in Philadelphia and then bring it back and sell it to kids in the Amish community at a nice profit. In fact, when the police raided the home to these two guys, they found over $200,000 worth of handmade quilt and apple butter. Yeah, so, they were doing a lot of apple butter. Apple butter? Oh, yeah. You see that gold butter churn, you know. And believe me, these guys didn't go easy. I understand they led the cops on a high-speed chase with speeds in excess of nine miles an hour. Anyway, well, you know from the neck of the woods, right, Ken? You ever get fooled by some of those fast-talking Amish back there? Oh, man. All the time. When you buy used trailers. Well, did you see them today with their lawyer? Did you see the two Amish guys? They were with their lawyer today in court. Did you see their lawyer? Take a look. We got this from our Philadelphia affiliate. Thou riot on a buggy, thou can't be a druggie. How was the news? That was either Johnny Cochran or Link from Mod Club. Let's see who that was. Here it goes. Scientists now say they believe birds descended from dinosaurs. What do you think? Think that's true? I think it's true. Look how fast Godzilla flew out of the theater. And Sony has released a new CD specifically for newborn babies. It's called Build Your Baby's Brain Power Through the Power of Music. Apparently, they say music is good for the brain and can make you smarter. Well, here's Michael. If that's true, how come you don't have any smart musicians? I don't know. That's all right. A bunch of genius comedians are out there. I just throw those in for a while to wake up the band Smitty. What happened? Oh, here's the scariest story of the year. This is unbelievable. Only 59 percent of new teachers in Massachusetts were able to pass a basic reading, writing, and spelling. Only 59 percent. That's almost half. But the teachers could not pass basic reading, writing, and spelling. Today, the teachers were protesting. Get that footage from my Boston affiliate here. You can see there they are. And according to a survey in Brides magazine, can I let you my issue, Simon? I'll give it back. Only 1 percent of husbands say they were virgins on their wedding night. However, Michael Jackson claimed he was a virgin on both. You know whose birthday it is today? Today is George Michael's 35th birthday. In fact, at his party, a giant hand jumped out of the cake. Oh, here you go. Look at this. How bizarre. How creepy is this? According to Maxim magazine, a Winnipeg, Canada man, that would be a man from Winnipeg, Canada, had 36 C breast implants and planted it himself on a $100,000 bet. This is true. This is a real story. If he keeps them in for a year, he wins the $100,000. That's bizarre. In the meantime, he's working as a busboy at Hooters right now. No, it's true. Isn't that bizarre? Boy, you better have guy friends who are over the house a lot more. And finally, now you women, you tell me if this is true. According to a recent survey, I just saw this in the paper today, so I don't know. They say a lot of women actually name their breasts. Is it true? Do you name it? No? No? Well, here's my question. Suppose you have breast implants. Do you give them fake names? How does that work? Do you have phony IDs? You know, folks, the history books are full of important dates and old comedians. No, the history books are full of important dates. Now, July 4th, 1776, Declaration of Independence, November 9th, 1989, Berlin Wall, the Berlin Wall falls. But the true historians are not only interested in events, but also their consequences. So today we're going to take a look at some famous events, and we're going to show you what happened the very next day. For example, July 12th, 404 A.D., because of public outcry, the practice of lions eating Christians is abolished. But the very next day, producers at Fox repackage the idea as, when animals experience... Here we go. July 17th, 1839, vulcanized rubber invented by Charles Goodyear. The next day, Mrs. Goodyear goes from an A cup to a double D. I think she called them Burt and Ernie. Here we go. July 30th, 1869, margarine is created. The very next day, ancestors of Fabio can't believe it's not butter. They can't believe it's not butter. September 18th, 26 A.D. B.C., construction begins on the Great Pyramid. The next day, Joan Collins leans out the window at 7 A.M. and yells, Keep the noise down! February 20th, 1962, John Glenn becomes the first American to orbit the Earth and reentry totally disorienting. The next day, he becomes a politician. Here's a rather obscure one. August 27th, 1751, nickel is discovered by a Swede named Axel Kronstedt. The next day, he wonders what it would be like if he had a nickel every time somebody mispronounced his name. I had a nickel for each time. See, he invented nickel. It went on to become a popular coin. June 10th, 46 B.C., Julius Caesar invents the calendar. The next day, Julius Caesar is stabbed by Joan Collins. July 4th, November 24th, 1963, Jack Ruby kills Lee Harvey Oswald on TV. The next day, Boulder police say there is not enough evidence to indict him. And finally, August 16th, 1974, the Earth's population hits 4 billion for the first time. The next day, United Nations tells Tony Randall, Knock it off! Folks, we got a good show tonight. I'm a big fan of this guy. I love this guy. Cause you know him from E.R. I got a terrific new movie we saw the other night. It's great. At a Sight is the movie, George Clooney. And a Young Woman, you know her from the single guy. And who didn't watch that? That's why it went off the air. There was only a single guy watching that. A beautiful young woman. She's now the voice from Mulan in the new hit movie, Mulan. Ming now wedges. A Grammy winner from the Little Bad Tour, Sarah McLaughlin from Wolf of Wallenbaum. We have a new bag from the Tonight Show Band. Don't go away. I got something new right after this. I'm a product. Don't go away. From the creator of Big and Dave, comes the film Roger Ebert calls one of this year's sure Oscar contenders. It'll go away. I don't want it to go away. Time Magazine says it's an epic sized entertainment that's smart fun. You can't stop something that's inside you. Pleasantville is a delight. Film itself has been reborn. Pleasantville, rated PG-13, starts Friday. When you combine Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Crispy Wafers, the combination is irresistible. Reese's Sticks. The crisp you can't resist. A woman's body is about 70% water, yet it's natural to occasionally experience personal dryness. KY Liquid is water-based, non-sticky. It's from the number one doctor recommended brand, KY Liquid. Hi, Tom Bodez. Well, this is what I looked like back when I was new, and this is a new room at Motel 6. When I was new, a new room. Hi, Tom Bodez. Well, this is what I looked like back when I was new, and this is a new room at Motel 6. When I was new, a new room at Motel 6. Cute, huh? I'm Tom Bodez, and we'll leave the light on for you. To show off their renovated rooms, Motel 6 is doing its first big special effects commercial ever. Here goes. Cool. I'm Tom Bodez, and we'll leave the light on for you. Sir, here's today's cellular offer. The first 20 minutes of the first day part are free. What? Each successive day part, 24 cents a minute, except long distance, which reverts back to... Are you with me so far? No, I'm not. Cellular phone offers are not always clear, but ever since Sprint PCS built the only all-digital nationwide network, everything is clear, including the offer. Hello? Sprint PCS is now just a dime anytime, with free long distance. Good. Are you still there, sir? Oh. Now just a dime anytime, with free long distance. You know, I was thinking, maybe we should do something of more value. Value? As in extra value meal? Oh, yeah. McDonald's new big extra sandwich, a hefty beef patty with fresh lettuce and ripe tomatoes. Stunt tomato! You go, baby. The new big extra with large fries and a medium soft drink for just $2.99. Free Sprint. Suddenly my life has value. Really. Welcome back. I forgot that whole monologue thing, and that was just a test to see if you'd stay for the really funny part. You know, it's the first week of summer, which means stores are full of all sorts of new stuff to help you have fun in the sun. Before you spend your money, take a look at a preview of some of this year's summer products. Are you tired of the drudgery of putting on suntan lotion every time you go outside? Why not make this fun act, make it a fun activity with this ingenious new invention here. Look at this, the suntan seagull. You see, you relax, and it just flies over, it applies lotion. You see, look, you see. There you go. Look at that. Works beautifully. Look at that for a fun day in the sun. There you go. What a lovely, lovely thing. There you are. Thank you, Mike. Thank you, Mike. Beautiful, beautiful thing there. You know, for years, kids have enjoyed collecting Pez dispensers. I know, Kev, you've got quite a collection. Oh, man, I tell you. Eating Pez candy. What could be more fun? But why should kids have all the fun? Well, now older folks can see what they've been missing with this. Look, it's the new Bob Dole, the agrid dispenser. You see how that works there? Better than candy. Just pop one of those. Well, Bob Dole loves you. Oh, Bob Dole, ready for sex, eh, Bob Dole? Right now, for those of you unable to do any traveling this summer, here's a new product that'll make you glad you stayed at home. Look at this here. It's the Amtrak barbecue. Now, like most Amtrak trains, it flips over and bursts into flames at the blink of an eye. There you are. Look at that. Oh, put a couple of doggies on there. There you go. Oh, boy, development has never been so much fun. There you go. Thanks. All right. Ah, there it is. Oh, but now the worst thing, the worst thing about going to the beach is trying to wash off all the sand afterwards, right? Well, that's no longer a problem with this clever invention here. Come on out. Look at this. It's the shower sombrero. Look at that. There you go. It's a, uh, you get a good look at that sombrero? Now, look at this. Now, what you do is you see you just close the, uh, you know, you don't even have to hold your breath. Now, just close the curtain, turn on the water, and you'll be sand free in seconds. Now, you see, turn that on. See how this works? Uh-huh. There we go. Look, apparently, well, there you go. Well, it seems to, hang on, let me, uh, let me take one of these viagras. You need any help? Like, you kind of get the idea. You'll be saying, yeah, claro, sombrero, right after this. Well, thank you very much. Thank you very much. Man, I'm glad we started that intern program, you know? Working out real good. You know, nothing is more frustrating than a deflated beach ball or inner tube like this. Got them choking on those. I'm having a diabetic attack from these things. Look at this, huh? Well, now you can show your supportive girl power with this. The Spice Girls inflatable pump, you see. The head is filled with air, and look at that. You see how that works? You bring that to the beach all summer long. There's enough air in there for the whole season. There you go, baby. Thank you very much. Now, how many times have you been on a picnic and realized, look at that, huh, I forgot the bottle open. Look, a perfectly good bottle of beer sitting right there. I forgot the bottle open. Worry no more, thanks to this. It's the Charlton Heston bottle opener. Let me show you how this baby works. Hey, Charlie, open that bottle for me, will you? You see, what was supposed to happen, see, the... I couldn't see these bottles supposed to fly off like that. Think the crew is ready for vacation next week? And finally, nothing, nothing can ruin a picnic faster than a bunch of hungry ants. Look, look at that, Kev, hungry ants right there. But when they attack, there's nothing you can do about it, right? No, wrong, L, wrong, O. That way you got one of these. It's the Lord of the Ants Ant Killer. Take care of an ant problem and entertain your guests all at once. See how that works? And unlike Riverdance, he's really dancing. We'll be right back with Jordan Clooney right after this, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, Riverdance. Thank you a lot. It was one of those moments in life you want to keep. My husband thought he was getting dinner. My daughter, a new friend. Time to cook the lobster. Let's go. But when the moment came, I didn't have to worry about the light being low or them turning out blurry because they were moving. With Kodak Max, I knew I'd get my picture. Low light, sunlight, action or still, Kodak Max is all you need to know about film. I've been leading tour at Snap for about three years now. Mind you, most people have never seen a search engine, let alone one as fast and powerful as Snap. When you get on a Snap, that's where you end up. 67 tons of hand-polished magnesium. So when can we actually see the entire Snap operation? Only from space. from NBC, building a search engine as big as the web itself. The title of the album is Everything's Gonna Be Alright, Because It Is. It's such a diverse piece of work. There's something in there for everybody. I think this album, Mirror Image is the first album a little bit, but I feel like it's kind of the next step. And we've all been through two more years of stuff. Dina Carter, Everything's Gonna Be Alright. Get yours at Kmart for just $11.88. Do you believe? I didn't believe. I didn't believe. Do you believe? Only Victoria's Secret has the miracle bra. Get a miracle bra. Miraculous. Miraculous. Miraculous. Miracles do happen. Oh, new miracles. Only Victoria's Secret. So, what will it take for you to buy this car today? You're buying this SUV today or not? I want you to drive out of here. I want you to walk out of here. Just for you. I tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna talk to my boss. You're my supervisor. We're gonna have a deal, right? Log on to Arm yourself with dealer invoice and retail list prices. Choose and make any model. No hassles, no haggling, no prices. We're changing the way America buys cars. We don't have sales. We have everyday low prices. If somebody does happen to run a special, we're gonna beat it. As a customer, you're so important to us that you should have the best price all the time, rather than just sometimes when other stores think it's convenient for you. We're really good with this price thing. I like this. It's burned in into the bedrock of the store. You always get it for less. At Home Depot. Protect your home and family with Schlage locks, including their maximum security deadbolt, the best security you can buy. They're at the guaranteed low price every day at the Home Depot. Oi! Dial 10-10-345 for long distance. It's always 10 cents a minute, and every call's a chance to win a prize. Rock on! 10-10-345, you can win a prize. 10-10-345, you can win a prize. 10-10-345, you can win a prize, yeah. I don't normally do endorsements, but it threw me a little bone. Hey, you gotta have something to bury in the back garden, don't you, Reg? Yeah. Be a lucky dog. Dial 10-10-345 today. Wolf. Alrighty, folks. Yes. Welcome back. George Clooney is on the way out, the beautiful actress starring as the voice of Mulan. Ming-Nau-Wen is here. And three-time Grammy winner Sarah McLachlan will perform as well. Well, I hope you're in Reno this weekend. I'll wear my Silver Legacy Casino, Kevin Reno, opening at Casino's. Oh, come by and say hello. I might get fired from this job after that lesson. You're all but my first guest from his work on ER, Movies Like the Peacemaker, One Fine Day. Getting Twitter reviews for his latest film. It's called At A Sight. It opens tomorrow in a theater near you. Please welcome George Clooney. How's it going? Hey, guys. All right. All right. I got to ask you about something. By the way, we got to find out about the hair. Are you working as like a gay hustler on the show? What is that? I lost a bet, bleached it, bleached it white. You know something, you are so dopey. This is what kills me about you. Here you have this career. You're doing movies, millions of dollars on the line, and you bleach your hair for a bet. Now, don't producers go nuts when you show up with blonde hair? Oh, no. They're thrilled. They're really happy with the whole thing. Actually, I just got Charlton Heston's old hair. Oh, is that what it is? Yeah. It's kind of a neat deal. When you join the NRA, you know, you get guns and ammo, and you get his hair from, you know. I like his hair. Can I even ask you what the bet is? Is it something you can tell us about? It was a basketball game. No, I can't tell you. It was a basketball game, and I lost. So you bet? Yeah, I blew it. And what was the other guy? Oh, you should see him. It's a mess. What happened? No, he's a guy who works on the show with me. He's a friend. So it's stupid. I know. Come on. And why don't you just bet I... But I just saw the last two segments you did. I'm feeling good right now. Thank you. Thank you very much. I'm feeling great. I was going to put a shower curtain on when I came out here. I didn't know. A shower curtain? I know. Now, your cousin was here. Your cousin Miguel Ferrer. Yes, he is. He's my cousin. Who I knew like a long time ago. He's a character. Yeah, he's great. Now, he was telling me that you guys used to hang out. He mentioned a prank that you guys used to play at parties. And knowing you, I kind of sense that it's true. You know what I'm talking about with the camera? Taking pictures of certain areas of one's body and then posting them places. You know what I'm talking about? No, we don't post them places. No, wait a minute. Now, you gotta get... Is this another bet? No. Anytime somebody set a camera down at a party, you know, for years, we would just take the camera and go in the bathroom and take a shot of your butt and then put it back down and leave it for me. Well, yes. You know, we did it too. I was at a friend of mine's house and they were having a party for Harry Hamlin. You know Harry? Right. And he set his camera down. And my buddy Richard Kind, who's on Spin City, the guy who I play all the pranks on. The cat box guy. Oh, the cat box. Oh, yeah. Oh, the cat box. So, Harry sets his camera down. I look around and go, okay, all my friends are here. Drop your pants. No, no, no, no. So Richard comes in. Then he comes into the party and goes, Richard, come on. We've all taken shots of our butts. Come on in the bathroom. Okay. And he walks in. Richard is one of my closest friends. So he goes into the bathroom. We sit in the bathroom. The party's raging outside. I get him, because we're in this tiny bathroom. I stand in the shower. So he stands in the shower. He drops his pants and he's like looking over his shoulder like this and I'm taking a picture. And I grab your butt and he's like grabbing his butt. And I turn it sideways and I get his face in the picture. So a week later you get a call from Harry Hamlin. What the hell's Richard Kine doing with his... grabbing his butt in my birthday picture? Anytime you can hurt him, you just got to do it. He's the cat box guy. Yeah. Like the painting prank. I play a lot of pranks. The painting, yeah. The cat box is the grossest. Yeah. Well, that was the first time I ever did the talk. This show. That's right. The first time. That was five years ago. Yeah. Thanks for bringing that up. We should recap just how gross. No, no, let's not get into that. No? Let's go back to my hair. Let's go back to your hair. Let's make fun of that some more. What's your latest practical? Have you done anything new? Not really. I've been working so much. I haven't had time. I play stuff. I play getting all these movies. You got to have time to play stupid tricks. Yeah. Making out with Jennifer Lopez and stuff. Well, you were with Albert Brooks. Now, he's a funny guy. Is he a... It was a little one. It was kind of spur of the moment. Albert came to... We were shooting in a prison. Good fun there. Yeah. I recommend that. Yeah. You don't want to drop your butt there with the cat. No. No, you really don't. You meet all kinds of people there. And I was in the...we were in the trailer, getting ready to come out and shoot a scene, and Albert knocks on my door. And we had these pamphlets for the hotels you could stay at in Florida, where we were going. And he goes, can I look at those pamphlets? And I said, absolutely. He takes a look at the pamphlets, and he goes, oh, the Biltmore. Are you going to stay at the Biltmore? And I said, no, I'm going to...and he looks at me and goes, oh, the Capone suite. Are you going to stay there? And I said, no, I'm staying at a different hotel. And he goes, can I borrow your phone? And I said, sure. He takes the phone. He calls his agent from my cell phone, and he says, you know, this is Albert Brooks. I want to stay at the Biltmore in the Capone suite. And he goes, thank you. And he hangs up, and he leaves. So after he leaves, I dial, redial on the phone. I get his agent. And I go, this is George Clooney. Albert just called here. He wants to stay at the Capone suite, the Biltmore. And they go, yeah, and I said, tell him that George Clooney just called and got the room. So I wait for him. I'm standing outside the city, because you didn't even know about the room. You didn't have an idea. There's no clue. He's furious. I think he's still mad at me. Look, we'll take a break. We'll talk more right after this. More with George Clooney right after this. uncover Biltmore And it never happens anywhere else, because no other store can have so much on sale. That's why it's called Sears Day. Let me take you to the one that only you can share Let me take you to the one that only you can share You'll head over hills now, get a cashback bonus award later. Let me be there Discover the feeling it pays It's the movie the world has been waiting for With five spectacular new songs On the Lion King 2, Simba's Pride. Coming to video Tuesday, October 27th. Why do I rent from Enterprise? Very simple. No stress. They arranged to pick me up free, so I don't have to ask anyone for a ride. See? No stress. Pick Enterprise. We'll pick you up. Tonight on Colonel America's First Family, Reaches Out! Say hello, Hillary! Plus, Sal Mahoney! Oh baby, disco fever! This week, Ben Stiller, Hoosier, and all of you Saturday night live with musical guest Alanis Morissette. We're hoping that this week there won't be any arrests. Get your bony ass out of my chair! We're hoping. Hi, I'm Larry King. On the next Roseanne show, I meet my new wife, Roseanne. Oh Larry, let's be like you did Marlon Brando. The Roseanne Show. Tomorrow at 3 on King 5. If a drunk driver killed your child, could you forgive them? I wasn't angry at her. You were not. What made you open your heart wide enough to do that? Next Oprah. Oprah. Tomorrow at 4 on King 5. Outside, it's got more power than any SUV in its class. Inside, it's as quiet as the open plane. Introducing the all-new B-6 Granvatara. From Suzuki. After Suzuki. I hope she got my good side. I'm afraid it's hopeless. It will take a miracle off. Saturday only at the Bon Marché. Daniel! You're awake! The one day sale. Saturday only at the Bon Marché. He was programmed to kill. Now, it may be too late to be human, but it's never too late to be a hero. Kirk Russell, Soldier, Red in Arms, starts Friday, October 23rd. Your best getaway to Vancouver, Canada, starts with the Empire Landmark Hotel. Enjoy the view from our revolving Cloud 9 rooftop restaurant. And don't forget, your favorable exchange rate will make this stay a memorable one. Celebrate 50 years with the home team, King Five. Talking with the blonde bombshell, George. Hey, that's me. Now, let's talk about this movie. Tell me a little about the movie. I saw it the other night. Great. A lot of fun. Yeah, we love it. It's a, you know, I'm a bank robber. And I hold Jennifer, I'm escaping from prison. I hold Jennifer Lopez hostage in the trunk of a car. She's a federal marshal. That's good fun, by the way. Well, let me add that if you get that chance. Now, I heard a story about you when you auditioned people for this part. Now, is this true? Women would come to your home to audition for this part, and you would pretend you were both trapped in the trunk of the car. Did any women actually fall for this? I've been doing that for years. Did any women actually fall for this? It never worked. Never worked for me, that line. Never worked. No? A couple of people auditioned at the house. It was just... What? Now, what have I done now? A couple of people auditioned at the house. Okay. That's how you meet girls, let's face it. Girls would come in, you'd say hi. No, there was only Jennifer was in, she was in, I don't know, she was in the islands somewhere. And she couldn't make it the day that we were doing the testing. So we tested her at the house. At the house? Sure. Daytime? Nighttime? It was late at night. Late at night? Late at night after? A couple of drinks. A couple of drinks? Just finished watching the tonight show? Yeah, it just clicked off, you know, your monologue. Just finished that. Hey, hey, hey, hey. How many auditions have you held there? One. Did she pass? Apparently she got the job. So what did you do? I mean, what did you do? You would pretend you were in... What do you think? Like I show up with a bottle of wine? I don't know. Suppose I'm in the actress. What would I have to do? Tell me what I would do. Well, that would be different. What would I have to do? Well, you'd have to wear... I commit, I commit. Now I commit. Here's your couch. Show me what you did with Jennifer. Here's your couch. Oh, okay, Mr. Cooley, I'm here. What do I have to do? Well, first thing you have to do is sit down. Okay, sit down like this. And now you have to take off all your clothes. Oh, I see what it is. Now, what did she do? What did you... Show me what you did. I'm okay. We got... I'm gonna spoon up against you. Spoon up against me? Now, again, these are acting terms. I end up spooning. Now, what is that? Is that an acting term? You never spooned in your life? I've been forked a few times. Oh, my God. I don't know. Thank you. Fifth year waitress. Let me ask you something. Now, you show some skin. I particularly was not interested in seeing you taking your clothes off. Well, barely. But the other thing you were, you wanted to... Was this... I was gonna say hard for you, but was this uncomfortable for you taking it? Let's leave that word out. Was that uncomfortable for you? I don't remember you doing any nude scenes. No, I'm not nude, huh? I've got, you know, I've got the bat suit on from the bottom down. I'm not nude. I've got some... I've got stuff on. Yeah. I'm wearing a thong. You're wearing a thong? I'm not wearing a thong. By the way, those aren't very comfortable. Yeah. It's a cellophane, huh? That's because I have a bladder control problem. Yeah. It's like, how long does that take? Seriously, when you do a love scene like that, obviously you're on screen, and it's a pretty hot love scene. You and Jennifer were like, what is it, maybe six minutes, eight minutes on the screen? Pretty hot love scenes going on. Yes. How long would that take? How long are you in bed doing a scene like that? A couple of days, if you screw up your lines enough. Oh, I just... No, I'm sorry. I keep messing that thing up. Well, is that ever awkward? You see, I have never done one. I mean, does it ever get embarrassing where perhaps you might get too excited during a scene? I don't know. No, I don't think so. No? Never happened? No. You're not putting me on the spot. I'm at the thing. Look, you're getting ready. Look, you're getting ready. No. It was David Niven that said, excuse me if I get excited and excuse me if I don't. I think... No, that doesn't happen, really. I always like it though. Actors always go, you know, it's very technical. You got guys standing around watching you the whole time. It's just fine. It's very technical. You get the makeout with Jennifer Lopez. Yeah, it's like high school. You got guys watching you. Exactly. Let's leave your high school out of this. Well, we have a good... Look, you're blushing. You're squirming. You are squirming. I want off this show so bad right now. Get me off this show. Well, let's show people the club. Is this part of the... This is the beginning of the love scene, isn't it? Oh, it is. Okay. All right. Here we go. Here we go. Here we are. Let's hope. Take a look. At a Sight opens tomorrow. Both your rooms are downstairs. Yeah. And if I had answered, what were you going to say? I would say who I was and do you remember me and if you'd want to meet for a drink. If I remembered you. I came here looking for you. All right. So then I would have said yes. But for all you know, I could have had a SWAT team waiting for you. Why would you trust me? If you were at the risk. You like taking risks. So do you. You know, sooner or later... You really wear that suit. Well, that's not what you were about to say. I remember how talkative you were in the trunk. Mm-hmm. Adele said you do that when you're nervous. She did, didn't she? You kept touching me, feeling my thigh. Yeah, but in a nice way. Hey! Jennifer Lopez. Good work. If you can get it. Oh, it's good work. So what are you doing this summer? Now, what are you? Working again? I'm gonna go back on the show mid-July. So really nothing now. I've got a couple of weeks I'm gonna go out and we're working for the movie. And then I'm gonna sleep. Sleep? Well, take a rest. You did a great job. Terrific film. Stick around again. Stick around for Ming-Na Wang. You know her. We'll be right back with Ming-Na Wang right after this. Start putting! My next guest, a beautiful young actress who is the voice of Mulan in the new hit movie Mulan, please welcome Ming-Na Wang. Good to see you. Hello. Now, you two know each other. You know him from E.R. Oh, yeah. And you, you're the one that got me. I know. Well, I'm so happy to be here. I'm so happy to be here. So, you know him. Yeah, I know. You know him from E.R. Do you know him? Yeah, I know. Oh, yeah. Now, you two know each other. You know him from E.R., right? Yes, it's great to see George again. He looks better. She auditioned at my house, by the way. Really? Yeah, in the trunk of a car. You're an actress. Now, let me ask you that. Now, if you got a call, you know, Mr. Clooney would like to come by at 10 o'clock. Would you fall for that? Would you go? Would you go, oh, no, I'm not gonna. No, you know, actually, when I was in Venice once, I'm sorry, George. I'm saying, oh, I'm serious. I'm happily married. I just celebrated my third year. Oh, congratulations. So, thank you. But I was in Venice, and I got to meet another incredible-looking gentleman and a hero of mine, Harrison Ford. And Wesley Snipes actually posed that question to me. If Harrison Ford called you up and said, meet me downstairs in the lobby, would you go? And I said, no. Thank you. Me either. I wouldn't be here. Has he ever pulled any practical jokes on you? No, but you know what I remember is that joke that you pulled on Greg. We were in this diner. No! And you were supposed to make this really touching speech to Juliana. And we were toasting with orange juice. And what he did was he put Tabasco sauce in Greg's orange juice. Filled it with Tabasco sauce. Filled it with like half of the Tabasco sauce. Well, we couldn't get him to drink it, so I said, we're gonna have a chugging contest on three. And then he chugged it. And that was, yeah. He just went like that. Now you came to, you were born in Hong Kong? I was actually born in Macau. I was raised in Hong Kong. So what age were you when you came here? I was five years old. Now was that like a big thrill? Was it scary? What was it like? Well, my mother, you know, being very Chinese, she didn't want to tell us very much about what was going on. So on the plane ride she told me that I was going to America. And for some reason, because I went to a Catholic school, I just imagined that we were going to live in the desert. And, you know, have to ride on camels. And so I broke down and cried. So until I flew over Manhattan and I realized, oh, it's just like Hong Kong. So you didn't know you were coming to America because you were on the plane? No. Yeah, I think there's some child therapy thing that my mom had to... Now what does your mom, your mom owns a restaurant, I understand? Yes. Where is she? She owns a restaurant in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where I go up. Wow! That's great. And it's called a very imaginative name, called the Chinatown Inn. And it's not an inn. And it's probably not in Chinatown. No. Now is she proud? She must be a huge thrill to see her daughter become a big star in America. Yeah. Does she brag about it? She brags about it in a way like the character in Joy Luck Club, Auntie Lindo, brags, you know, with the Life magazine of her chess champion daughter. My mother puts up pictures of me in the restaurant. Anytime something happens, she would post. That's great. And she would tell all her customers to watch. Even the...she made them watch The Single Guy, which wasn't that bad of a show. No, the fine show. The fine show. I went from ER to The Single Guy, it was pretty good. Now was she mad when it got canceled? Yes, she was furious. Warren Littlefield, boy. He got it. He got it good. No egg rolls for him. Does she talk like...does your mom like a funny character like that? Well, okay, for our anniversary, she would toast us with...she would say things like, Happy University! And then when she would take pictures of us, and she always took pictures of us, she would be taking pictures and she would pose and do all this weird posturing and then she would stop and say, Mel! Has she been out to Hollywood? Yes. Does she like it out here? She likes it out here, but she says her feng shui doesn't allow her to live on the west coast. Oh, feng shui. Oh, that's the way you move things because it's better vibes. Right, yes. So no feng shui here? No feng shui on the west coast. How about your feng shui? It's pretty darn good, so far. Yeah, I was going to say, excellent. Oh, thank you. Now tell us about Mulan. Tell us all about this. This is one of those nights. Tell us about the movie. Mulan is about this incredible legend that's 2,000 years old and it's just spectacular. It's about this little girl who sacrifices herself and joins the army, dressed as a boy to save a father from joining the army. I'm just so proud to be part of this project. Now you do the voice, obviously. Do kids think you're Mulan? Yeah, kids are tough, though, because I have this neighbor who has these beautiful girls, and Olivia brought out her little daughter and her little girlfriend and said, Mina, Mina, tell her who you are. Tell her who you are. And I was like, I'm Mina. And she's like, no, tell her you're Mulan. Tell her you're Mulan. I was like, okay, I'm Mulan. And the little girl just folded her arms and went, prove it. Ooh, that's tough. And now kids are tough. Now Eddie Murphy's the dragon, right? Yes, yes. Now we have a clip. Do we know what scene this is here? Oh, great. Let's see. I always wanted to have one of these moments. Oh, there you are. Now you have to keep your clip. Here you go. Let's take a look at Mulan. All right, rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty. Come on, hop, hop, hop. Get your clothes on. Get ready. Got breakfast for you. Look, you get parried. And it's happy to see you. Hey, get out of there. You're gonna make people sick. Am I late? No time to talk. Now remember, it's your first day of training. So listen to your teacher and no fighting. Play nice with the other kids, unless, of course, one of the other kids wanna fight. Then you have to kick the other kid's butt. But I don't wanna kick the other kid's butt. Don't talk with your mouth full. Now let's see your war face. Oh, I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover. Come on, scammy girl. That's my tough looking warrior. That's what I'm talking about. Now get out there and make me proud. Well, congratulations. Very nice work. Move on, as the bellman is playing everywhere now. Be right back with Sarah McLachlan right after this. Nine programs. $27. 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