There are lots of people here. Shouldn't the fire marshal maybe... No, no, don't worry. Look, we're just gonna make a little bet here and everything's gonna be okay. You know why? Because I'm gonna be right here with you the whole time. Come on now, look at me. Look at me. Here, he's a hundred dollars. When you get up there, there's that man in the window. You just say a hundred to win on number six. I'll be right back. Somebody better be dying. Three West. Dr. McKenzie, I'm sorry to bother you at the conference but something terrible has happened. Leo Renato has disappeared. Leo, that's terrible. He's paranoid with the cuticle-aphobic tendencies. If he gets busted in the crowd, he gets up for a total psychotic break. Come on, you bousy nag. I'm just trying to do my job. Should I contact Dr. Berger? Yes. No, no, don't call him. Do you hear what I said, Barry? Whatever you do, don't say a word about this to Dr. Berger. Not a word. Don't do anything until I get back. Leo, here I am. All right? So, what happened? We? You and me? Yeah. We won? Okay. So, who do you like in the A's? You. You. So, who do you like in the A's? You. Do you ever look at the other side of your pictures? It should say Kodak on the back. Now, you got no Kodak paper back here. No color watch seal here. No seal? Who knows? I asked for jumbo prints, but this is ridiculous. Yeah, yeah, yes. Honey bunches of oats. Just enough for one bowl. Matt, save me some honey bunches of oats. Yeah, yeah, yes. Matt, save me some honey bunches of oats. Hey, me too. It's my favorite. Oh, Matthew. Honey bunches of oats with crispy flakes of wheat and corn and crunchy oat bunches. Your whole family will love it. Uh-oh. Is there another box? Honey bunches of oats. The one cereal your whole family will love. Joel Siegel with Morning America declares grumpy old men hysterical. Eat my shorts. Lemon and Mafowl make movie magic. Do the world a favor and pull your lip over your head and swallow. Grumpy old men. Rated Pidgey 13, now playing. How was your tennis game? You've always participated in those celebrities. Not bad, not bad actually. But this was not a celebrity- That's what I was finding. All right, now fix your collar. Dead man, take a pose. Well, all right, I'm going to take a pose. I'm going to take a pose. I'm going to take a pose. I'm going to take a pose. I'm going to take a pose. I'm going to take a pose. I'm going to take a pose. Well, all right. Good. Good morning, Mr. Horner. How is Miss Katty this morning? She's fine. And it's Cathy Lee. Ah, right. All right, now ask her about her movie. Is this based on a true story as so many of them are? It's not. Good. Oh, Laura, you finished it. Hey. You should go to Dr. Bergman if it's just like him. Hi. Janet. Janet? Your sister is coming at 6 o'clock this afternoon, okay? 6. You forgot the king. Hector? I saw another one in that damn rack with brains in the right room. Again? Nurse Mary. What is this? My time card. Why is there writing on it? Well, I had to punch it with my pen. We don't punch time cards with pens. We punch them with machines. I won't do that again. Dr. Matthews needs it right now. Lucy, do me a favor. Let anyone know I am five minutes behind. No, no, you can't go in there. He's busy. Hey, hey, hey, hey. You want to send somebody after me? Fine. I'll tell him the same thing I'm telling you. You'll get your money when I have it. Bookie? Ex-wife. Now, I thought that she got remarried, you know, to that, um... There's a parking lot guy, right? It didn't work out. Oh, that's a bummer. Oh, listen, this kid came in last night. I think you should have a look at. Very, very interesting. There you are. You had a meeting this morning. Didn't we have a meeting? What meeting? It was the board, Brian. Did you get that memo? Uh, this week is fruit pie week downstairs. Not that memo. Wait a minute. Oh, wait, a memo. Budget restructuring. Wait a minute, I didn't see this. Due to budget restructuring, the following psychiatric conditions will no longer be considered criteria for admission. Paranoid schizophrenic states in partial remission, depressive disorders unless accompanied by suicidal ideas or severe agitation. Hey, Leo, according to this, you can go home today. No, I don't think so. I'd rather not. Look, I fought for you all this time. Look, I fought for you, Brian. I always fight for you. You're the coffee machine. You gotta help me out on this. Do you really think that by not admitting these people that you're gonna be able to save money, they're just gonna get sicker out there and then come to us? Why treat them at all? Why don't we just wait till they commit suicide? Then we'll take care of them. Dr. McKenzie, I need your signature on this, not just your initials. Mrs. Macy. I'll just come back. You wanted to talk about this, you should have come to the meeting. Not that it would have done any good. So that's it? Yep. No, wait a second. You gotta fire somebody. What? No, you have to lose 26,000 out of your budget. Meds or a body. Take your pick. I don't care which. Don't look at me like that, Brian. I fought for you. What do you think, Lewis? I think that when somebody says that they fought for you, it means they didn't fight for you. You were talking about a kid? His name is Greg Kisler. His father brought him in last night around 12.30 after the kid put his arm through his bedroom window. Anyway, sewing the kid up, the kid tells me that he was sleepwalking when he did it. Later, the father says the kid's been suffering from severe headaches and insomnia for the last four months. Any evidence of head trauma? That's coming to that. Three years ago, a kid gets hit by a car. On his bicycle, he suffers a compression fracture to the skull. No neurologic follow-up. But the father says he observes slurring in the speech and slow down the cognitive post-recovery. One second, the kid's sitting there waiting for a red light. Next second, boom, two cars getting their head on, bounce off each other, pin the kid to a utility pole. Bad luck. What do you think? I say send him to the hospital. What do you think? I say send him down to neurology, get a full workup and a CAT scan. Louis. How about we just talk to him first? Hi. Uh... Greg. I'm a doctor... McKenzie. Yeah, this is Dr. Niles. Heard you had some trouble opening the window last night, huh? Says you've had trouble sleeping for the last four months. Have you had bad dreams? What happened four months ago, Greg? Your problems at school? Your parents? Maybe a girlfriend? Your hyperarousal and period of extreme insomnia. I don't know. A period of extreme insomnia. Were they noticeable post-trauma? What Dr. Niles is trying to ask you is did you have trouble sleeping three years ago after you had the big accident? No, I slept good. I was in a coma for six weeks. Greg, we're, uh... We're gonna keep you here overnight. Just keep an eye on you, okay? We'll give you something to help you sleep. And then we'll wake you up every half hour to take some tests. Hey, it's a hospital. Okay? Okay. Okay, Louis, get your CAT scan. Wait, then you agree with me? No, but I want to rule out anything neurological before I do anything further. Well, what's throughout? The kid was hit by a car and nearly had his head crushed. Yeah, and he slept like a baby for three years afterwards. And then suddenly four months ago he developed night terrors and headaches. So what are you saying, post-traumatic stress? Could be. So what happened four months ago? Exactly. Light a fire under Dale, down at imaging, okay? And then we'll put him on a hallway for four hours. I'm late. I gotta go. Hold it. What about what Birdman said? About what? About firing somebody. I don't know. I gotta think about it. Exactly. You'll agonize about this for two weeks, and then when you finally make up your mind you'll call whoever it is in your office and give them a hug or something. You've gotta just do it. You say, uh, I'm very sorry, but we've gotta make some changes. We're letting you go. Make a surgical cut. Just like that. That's a good idea. In fact, it's so good. Why don't you do it? Wait a minute. Where are you going? The scene comfort memory is where In my mind I still need a place to go Oh, my change of fate Leave us helpless, helpless, helpless Helpless, helpless, helpless Leave us helpless, helpless, helpless You don't have to do that I know, it's good, it's really good So, what are you doing down here? I wanted to talk to you It's kind of hard to get hold of you since you don't have a phone No, I have a phone, you just don't have the number Look, I'll take you out for your birthday Thursday night Thursday, the whole family The whole family? Good luck with that No, no, no, they'll be there I figure Wally's around 7.30 And bring... what's her name? Annie Annie, bring her along, I like her We broke up No kidding, it's too bad You all right? It was four months ago I'm seeing somebody else now, I could take her Great I'd better get back to work Yeah, me too Okay, so Thursday, 7.30, okay? Take it easy, Dad Yeah Gai, this is for you Gai, it's time for... Angie? Angie? You know there's a lot of people who don't know you I know Angie? Angie? You know those first few days of a yeast infection? Forget it The itching and irritation? Forget it Now there's relief The gonolotrimin combination pack is here The big difference is this little tube of cream It relieves the external itching and irritation So now you can forget it Plus seven inserts for a fast cure A cure that starts working on contact If you're not getting relief, forget it Get the gonolotrimin combination pack The right cure is such a relief I bet you think that crunchy granola bar is loaded with only good things Not true, it's loaded with fat I had no idea But here's new Kellogg's low fat granola bars All that crunchy granola would only have the fat of the leading crunchy granola bar Kellogg's low fat granola bars? Hey, these are good Yeah I like one of those Hey Kellogg's new low fat granola bars loaded with taste that only have the fat You're late You want to call home But something about that phone tells you using your card could be a problem Are you going to get blocked? Are you going to get overcharged? I think not Now there's a new way to get through Just dial 1-800-C-A-L-L-A-T-T It makes any card work from any phone, anytime Try it now and save 20% Your true voice I love my barn I'd much rather be out in the barn sweeping that than in the house I've always dreamed of living in the country and I'm here Laurie Henry has always known what works for her, which is why she uses Dove You see Dove contains one quarter moisturizing cream It won't dry your face like soap My skin's exposed every day Dove makes it feel great If my husband touches my face and says, oh, it's soft You know, that's a good feeling I say, oh, well thanks, hon No! Lois is the only witness to a murder Now, can Clark keep her alive? Superman, where are you? What do I need you for? Lois and Clark, Sunday How did she do that? My grandfather used to keep birds on his roof, Doc There you go, mister Do you need something, Doc? So, Hector, you are aware of some of the budget problems the department's been having on every level? Yeah, yeah, I heard something about that And I know that you and Henry make a heck of a team on the ward We think so Yes And I see on your personnel records that you've been here a little bit longer than Henry has Which is why I thought it would be fairer to let Henry go You're gonna fire Henry, Doc? Yeah, well, you do have seniority You can't do that, see? That's gonna ruin everything Well, you can handle the workload yourself Plus, think of the overtime You don't understand, see? Henry and I, we live together Oh, you're roommates? No, no, no, Henry and I, we live together Oh, oh And if Henry goes, I go I see, I see Excuse me Uh, Hector, am I the only one who knows about this? I think you're the only one who doesn't Well, I'll go check Hey, you brought your own team of specialists on the case, huh? Fellas? Dr. McKenzie? Yeah, you tell him Look, Greg, we better get out of here We gotta get Shrevec to Essex Yeah, let's get well now That's nice of you, friends, to be here I'm glad you're here I'm glad you're here I'm glad you're here I'm glad you're here I'm glad you're here I'm glad you're here Let's get well now That's nice of you, friends, to visit Long way to Essex, how'd you end up here? Um, my daddy works around here He wanted to make sure I was okay Close to your dad? Best friends Listen, that nurse last night, I hope I didn't flip her out Don't worry about it You remember what she did? She dropped a tray and I was standing by the window She says you were rubbing blood all over your chest I was? Mm Creepy Yeah Well, your CAT scan is okay Your glucose is okay Nothing wrong with your blood Why do you think you had trouble sleeping? I gave you enough adivin to knock down a horse Um, it was too quiet What do you mean it was too quiet? I hear things from inside me You mean things like voices? No, just things Like the blood rushing in my head or my heart beating Sometimes if it gets too quiet I just go to a place that's really loud Just so I can sleep When you go to these places, do you sleep? Sometimes When you sleep, do you dream? Sometimes What do you dream for? Just things Just things Okay I want you to stay on the adivin One in the morning, two in the afternoon Go back and see me Thursday Ask your dad to give me a call, okay? Well, that's it? That's it Unless you'd like to try some electroshock therapy By the way, who's Angie? Nobody Okay, see you Thursday Dr. McKenzie-Good I see that once again you have confused an A26A with an A26B Which is understandable given that both forms look so similar However, if you'll just remember that A is goldenrod and B is buff And while I have you, I really need to speak to you about something very personal Listen, I'm kind of busy right now, Mrs. Macy Why don't you talk to Dr. Niles about whatever it is that you want to talk about? But, Dr. McKenzie- No, exactly why it is you can't wait more than five seconds after I've made my first- Excuse me, Dr. Lane, I need a word with you right away You'll excuse us, won't you? What are you doing? Stairs, please I'm in the middle of something- This is very important Oh, that's better Come to my office, please Well? Um, your car was almost empty, so I got it filled up My car? That's what you dragged me in here for? Well, it was pinging, too, so I told the guy to take a look at it So beautiful So tell me, who's young Dr. Kildare out there? Oh, Frank, he's just one of the many residents I'm currently sleeping with But don't worry, he's not really my type He's much too young and stable Now, I've got three patients waiting for me I've really got to go Just a minute, just a minute What are you doing Thursday night? I don't know, why? I'm throwing kind of a birthday thing for Scott at Wally's I'd like you to be there Who's coming? Family or a few friends Meeting Amanda, forget it You gotta meet her sooner or later Yeah, in that case I choose later There's gotta be 12 people there You don't have to sit with her or talk to her or anything Oh, I've got a better idea You go to your dinner, play the dad thing out Come by my apartment later on And tell me all about it I used to warn my patients about girls like you Pff in a brand They cut through the cable when they were installing the new generator Why didn't somebody send a memo excuse me excuse me, I mean what is the big deal about losing the TV for a day or two The big deal Berge is that Kathy Lee doesn't know which questions to ask without mr. Horner's assistance and he uses the television to communicate with and my special pen Well, well, why didn't somebody tell me? All right, get my people in right away Maybe they'll get the TV fixed this afternoon and um, you could watch Oprah. Oh, Oprah knows nothing She couldn't even keep the weight off because you didn't help her mr. Horner Lucy have you heard from Greg Kistler? He's two hours late. Oh The fellows conference not till five Hey, I got the afternoon off Excuse me. Dr. McKenzie. I'm a detective cook. This is sergeant Macino where the Essex County police We'd like to ask you a few questions about a patient of yours kid named Greg kiss Who said he was a patient of mine? Come on, doc. He was admitted here the other night for a lacerated arm Everyone with a lacerated arm get to see the shrink you ever mentioned a girl from Neptune by the name of Angela Luisa dagestino Listen fellas, I don't know if you're aware of this but the the doctor-patient relationship is strictly confidential That's true doc except when it involves murder They've just recovered her body from Stedman wash. Wait a minute. What was that name again? Angela Luisa dagestino She's been dead four months I Angie We asked women which looks like the leading cough syrup this one coats better This one's thinner. It looks watery this one that coats it's the leading syrup, right? No, it's Vic's formula 44 It doesn't just look different and feel better going down What really matters is that it has maximum strength cough suppressant and the leading syrup doesn't so I take that when there's this Vic's formula 44 the better coating better feeling cough relieving medicine Every morning you can leave home feeling like you just stepped out of a salon I was selected perfected in the salons of Helene Curtis the experts the six shampoo levels six conditioning types Choose your combination Personalized makes your hair salon beautiful now How you feel Thursday We already have three times the normal number of missings this morning a subway crash at rush hour My mother's miss will the team reunite this boy with his mother missing persons then Brian boy tonneau former world and Olympic champion will try to cap off his remarkable comeback who will win the gold the men's final of The legs us figure skating championships live Thursday Imagine you're married for years with children and suddenly you're told your marriage never existed came totally out of the blue It happens to thousands every year Annulment is it divorce Catholic style prime time Thursday Because some people want chili not chattering teeth frozen eyebrows cold feet on your back in bed Long underwear required blue fingernails stuck in a crevasse on the side of a mountain kind of chili, but the kind of zesty sauce and beans onions and cheddar and a quarter pound patty We've got this McDonald's chili quarter pounder January's burger of the month what you want is what you get at McDonald's today McDonald's chili quarter pounder January's burger of the month what you want is what you get at McDonald's today Good evening. I'm Kevin Sean two men have been found after spending the night lost in the mountains west of Yakima The men didn't return from a snowmobile trip when they were supposed to that set off a search which ended happily today We'll have their story tonight on Northwest night cast Several eastside communities are vying for a new state prison tonight on Northwest night cast will tell you why there's so much competition We'll see at 11 o'clock Testing your home for radon is easy and fixing a radon problem is a lot smarter than living with it It's time to make a change a coaching change for the Yakima Sun Kings Sports at 11 So we're all put through being in the and you know, we're pretty hammered to want to notice Greg. He's checking on Angie Yeah, it's a kind of crush on her, you know He was her boyfriend we picked him up along with the other one that he mentioned the day we found the bottom They were hitchhiking on I-95 So I said Angie I said Angie why don't you go get out of the hill full off for a while, you know Kind of give my permission, you know You gave her permission to have sex with Greg, yeah, that's right. Yeah, he's got some long his head. I feel sorry for the guy Then what I don't know man, and she got a spasm. She's like, you know, I forget it. She's never gonna touch the guy. He's a retard, you know She'd rather scrowl That's when he pushed her Greg pushed her I couldn't believe it, you know, so So we climbed down. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, just me and Todd, you know, Greg got the hell out of there. He saw she wasn't moving Greg split. Yeah, that's right And what about you? Greg got the hell out of there. He saw she wasn't moving. Greg split. Yeah, that's right. And what about your girlfriend? I don't want my girlfriend. She's dead. She's dead. And I'm bummed Look, is that it? It's really overcome with grief You believe him? No, I think they all did. You gotta find this kiss the kid, Doc. I can understand that I don't know where he is. Even if I did know it I don't know Look, if I thought the kid was dangerous to somebody I'd call you. I'm telling you right now I don't think he is I sure hope you're right. We'll be in touch What? Nothing What? Nothing. What? Look, what you do here is your business I know you think I'm a pain in the ass, but I never told you how to run your ward. But? But Ask me if that kid kissed or is a threat to somebody out there. I couldn't say for sure, no What are you saying, Bertie? I'm saying that kid hurt somebody out there and we didn't help the police to stop it All of us are responsible. All of us Don't talk to me like that. Don't talk to me like that. Don't talk to me like that I'm not talking to anybody Mr. Kistler? Who are you? My name's Mackenzie. I'm a doctor. I treated your son. I wonder if I could ask you a couple of questions about him. You want a beer? I don't know where he is. I told the police he takes off like that all the time anyway. He never tells me where he's going anyhow. You know, Greg told me that you and he were very close. Close? We both stay in the same house. Maybe that's what he meant. He stole my gun. I kept it for a way and never would have known it was gone. If he hadn't left the hallway door open this morning. Maybe he wanted you to know it was gone. You think so? A couple times a month I get a call from his school. He's locked himself in a john. He won't come out. Why don't you walk all the way to the bus stop before he realizes he still had his slippers on? What do you think he wanted me to know those times? I don't think you understand, Mr. Kistler. Your son is wanted for murder. No. No, not my son. Not my son. You want to come here? I'll show you something. My son had an arm. He could throw from deep center all the way to home. Still see the catcher shake the stinger. My son, he wouldn't have been caught dead hanging out with those losers like he's hanging out with now. My son, he wouldn't have done those things that the police say he did. I lost my son three years ago. You still want that beer? Dr. Niles, may I have a word with you? Dr. Niles, I just need to talk to you. Not now, Mrs. Lacey. Not now. If you could just... Please, just... Did you want to see me, doctor? Yes, Mary. I'm sure that you've heard about some of the financial troubles that we've been going through and that you're wearing a red dress. Yeah, me and Ann traded shifts. My family's in from Green Bay, you know, come to see how their daughter's doing in the big city. You know, wait, you went to school here, right? Maybe you can help me. Do you know of a good place to take them tonight? You mean for dinner? Yeah, like where do you go? Me? Well, I guess you could say I eat at Zena's a lot. That depressing little coffee shop on the corner? Me too. No, no, no, someplace fun, you know, where we can like cut loose and stuff. Fun? Yeah. Fun, you want fun. Excuse me. Gosh, Mary, I'm, I'm, I'm drawing a blank here. I'm sorry. Did you want to say something to me? Yes, Mary. Hi, Daddy. Just a minute. He still calls me that. You wanted to say something to me? Yeah, Mary. Yeah. I'm really sorry, but you know the troubles that we've been having. I mean, there are certain things that none of us have any control over. Listen, I gotta go, but do you ball? Or maybe we can go bowling sometime or something. I'm really lousy, but I'll see you, okay? It's a lie and they know it. Caroline, these people are blood sucking pencil pushers. Trust me, I know. Yeah, and it's not just the cardiology department, they're cutting back in every department. I know it's not fair, it's terrible. Yeah. Well, look, trust me, it's not over. Yeah. Bye bye. Well. I thought I'd surprise you. I'm surprised. Who was on the phone? In the damn hospital. So, where you been? Hey, I had a few things to do. Great Kistler's father, who by the way thinks his son probably did murder the girl. Any calls? Your ex-wife. She said to tell you she's having her own party for Scott on Saturday so she won't make dinner Thursday night. Is that it? Well, she mentioned something about it being a pathetic gesture given the disaster you've been as a father, but I figured you didn't need to hear that. I'm sorry. Well, so she won't be there, so you'll come, right? Brian, I don't know. I'm not sure I'm ready to run interference between you and your son just yet. Can I ask you something? Just out of curiosity, when do you think that we might be able to go public with this relationship? Oh, we've been through this a hundred times. I don't know about you, I'm a little sick and tired of an occasional group in a linen closet. By the way, Brian, Kenzie's living with us. This isn't even about us. In fact, I don't even know if there is an us. Maybe I should go. I'm sorry. I know you've got a lot on your mind, but so do I. You've got to be something, you know. You wake up one morning and your whole world has changed. You've got different friends, different dreams. Your own father doesn't even know you anymore. I'm sure you and Scott will work it out somehow. I was talking about Greg Kistler. I'm sure you'll get it. Today our most shocking case to date. During the week, Leonard Conner's a mild-mannered ad executive, but on weekends he becomes Leonard Conner phone junkie. Friends, relatives, it doesn't matter who he calls as long as he's on the phone. His crime, not taking advantage of Sprint's new offer to split the cost of calls all weekend long. Don't let this happen to you. Call now with 50% off. It's a crime to miss it. We're going to take a picture. Here we go. Okay, give me a big smile. Don't worry, kids love me. Oh, it's the phone. They want you to smile. They'll call you back. So this guy walks into a psychiatrist with a squid on his hand. Oh, you've heard this one. Ow! Funny thing happened to me when I went to the sandbox today. Look, I'm the mouse man. Don't cry, it's just me. It's not really a mouse. I'm dying here. You like French fries? You like McDonald's? What did I tell you? Kids love me. The RCA Home Theater comes with a new optimum contrast screen. A black of blacks, brilliant whites, and a picture so clear and bright, you'll feel like you're really there. You can't run. You can't hide from it. And chances are, you'll get it. The toughest flu in years, fever, cough, congestion, aches, chills, misery. You're gonna need maximum strength theraflu. It was made to relieve your worst flu symptoms fast. In fact, nothing is faster, tougher, or more powerful. Maximum strength theraflu. In nighttime or new daytime non-drowsy formulas, it's tougher than the toughest flu. The Monday movies are back with an all-new Columbo. We have the murder of tape. The nation's favorite radio conservative rushes in to outwit Columbo. Just one more thing. Do you have a problem? Short-term memory. It's Peter Falk and guest star William Shatner in an all-new Columbo movie Monday. ABC Theater presents the incomparable Diana Ross in her first motion picture for television. I have my life again. Out of Darkness, Sunday, January 16th. What's wrong? Can't sleep. I'm sorry. I know it's late. I gotta see his room. It's too quiet. What's that noise? Water. Torchlight. Greg. Don't you? It's me, it's Dr. McKenzie from the hospital. Remember, I took care of you. Stay there! Hey, the statue. I just, I gotta... I gotta finish doing this. Finish doing what? Getting off me! I can't get him off me! Get who off me? Her! Greg. I'm gonna help you. We're gonna get her off you. You gotta say her name. You gotta say her name. It's Angie. It's Angie. This is funny. Lots of chicks dig time. Alright? Forget it, man. No! Come on, Angie. I give you my permission. You think I'd touch that jerk? If I'm gonna fool around with anyone, it's gonna be Greg. Right. You'd rather screw around with the retard. He's not the retard. He sure is. Huh? Remember that time at Dale's when he starts doing that retard face and he starts doing that... Come on, Greg. Retard, retard. Hey, I'm not a retard. No, you're not a retard. Greg. Look, I'm gonna... I'm gonna go wait in the car. Come on, man. You're the retard face. I'm going too. Where are you going, huh? Angie, sit down! Lay down, man. Shut up! She was a friend. She was driving to help you. They lied. Why? What did they say? Hey. He said she wanted him. Showtime. Come on, Greg. Come on. I don't even know why. I don't know, Jeff. Just do it, just do it, all right? Go on, give her a kiss, man. Wake her up so we can all go home. Go on, man. I don't know, Jeff. What, have you ever kissed a girl before? I don't think you have, Peter. She's right there. I don't think you have, Peter. Angie, Angie. Come on, wake up, Angie. I want to do it, Greg. It's all you want, right? Don't get her off me. I can't get her off me. Come on, please. Listen to the noise in my head. It won't stop. I know it. Would you look at me? Look what I'm doing. I'm crazy. No, you're not. They were right about me. I'm crazy. Then why won't the noise in my head stop? Just listen to me. Those are the guys. They killed a girl. They killed Angie. And they went home and they drank a beer and they slept like babies. But you didn't. And you knew it was wrong. And you kept it inside. Until now, the noise in your head is so loud that you think you're crazy. But I know that you're not. How do you know that? Because you can't sleep. Because you won't let yourself sleep. Can you make me like I was before? Please. No. No one can. But I can help you sleep again. I can help make it so you can have friends again. Real friends. Like your father. Like me. So what I'm saying is there's still a lot left together. Some kind of life. That's all any of us can hope for, Greg. Hey. You already started. Yeah. Yeah. It's not the cable. It's the tube. We're looking at Thursday at the earliest. Will you please tell him that Thursday is not good enough? Larry Hagman is on tomorrow morning and Kathie Lee knows absolutely nothing about him pre-genie. Where's Dr. Niles, Lucy? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. There you are. Doctor, we have really got to go over something. Mrs. Macy, I am really sorry. I know that I've been kind of avoiding you, but it's just that I have a lot on my mind right now. So if it's OK, can we just put it off and talk tomorrow? That is just it. I will not be here tomorrow. What do you mean? I'll be in Vegas. I'm eloping. With who? Mr. Gerson from pharmacy. Bernie? We're eloping to Vegas and then moving to Tahoe. Bernie's building a cabin with his own hands. How did this happen? He was working late one evening and I was working late. Well, the next thing we knew we were in the nurse's shower washing each other's hair. I can't believe this. No one goes in there after ten. No, no, no. That's your quitting. Well, I'm prepared to stay until you find a replacement. No. I mean, I mean go. Go. We could never replace you. Oh. Dr. Niles. I'm sorry, Doc, but you asked for a big table. All the booths are full. How's he gonna get a table for ten with the two of us sitting here? Sorry I'm late. The first street train was stopped and it was a mess. Have a seat. Mom's not coming. Your sister, I don't know. Rebecca's not coming either. She's got some deposition or something she's gonna do. Why is it so impossible to get this family together once in a while? How about your girlfriend? Night school. Actually, she just bailed. She said that this sounded like a drag. I think she made a good call. I'm gonna say to your mother sometimes, why can't she forget her problem with me and just do the right thing for once? Listen, now, we can do this another time when everybody can be here. Yeah, I think that makes more sense. You know, I'd feel lousy about it. No, really, Dad, it's cool if you don't want to be alone with me. I'm sorry. You know what, Scott? I think I need a drink. How about you? Sure. Can we have a couple of scotches, please? Very kind. So... What have you been up to? Not that much, just working on some new tunes. Yeah, that... that one you were playing the other day, that helpless, that was really great. You know, I always loved Neil Diamond. Thanks. All my changes were there Leave us helpless, helpless, helpless Help us helpless, helpless, helpless At Compaq, we realized that buying a computer raises a lot of questions. So we came up with the answer, Compaq Presario. Powerful computers that come pre-loaded with software that can correct your spelling or balance your checkbook. In fact, the Compaq Presario can even answer your computing questions. Oh, and if you happen to have a phone, it can answer that too. Hi, we can't answer the computer right now. Please leave a message. The new Presario from Compaq. New Clorox Automatic. It's like cleaning your toilet with Clorox bleach every time you flush. Here's one time it doesn't matter who your neighbor is. Here's the other. Life's too short. Stop the hate. While the whole country's worrying about health care benefits, here's a deal you won't believe. Illegal aliens getting health care you pay for. This is insane. An investigation you shouldn't miss. Plus, these guys committed heavy-duty crimes and have been locked up for decades. At their age, is it time to let them go? 2020, Friday. It wasn't last. At least he finished. At least he didn't die. Okay, so, what do you like in the six? Why do I pay for the six? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Why do I pay attention to you? I want it. When was the last time you kicked a wedding party? Hey, hey, hey. Six race. I like Devil's Hall. I like Devil's Hall.