We interact with Bill Ma. Actress Liz Renfray. Comedian David Breger. Cracker Henry Rowland. And policy analyst Charmaine Yost. And now, the star of Politically Interact, Bill Ma! Alright, thank you very much. Well, thank you very much. You sound like you're in a good mood. You must all be Democrats. Oh, they are, actually. Whether you are or not, that is the history today. And we'll be right back. We'll be right back. We'll be right back. Oh, they are, actually. Whether you are or not, that is the history today. And they truly did make history. They were predicted, the Democrats were, to lose terribly in this election we had yesterday. They won big. They held even in the Senate, picked up five House seats, which hasn't happened in this situation since 1822. Won one governorship. The question now is how do the Republican losers explain it to their children? That's... It's... Now, all the pundits are saying it is one more example of Bill Clinton bouncing back when he is in a precarious situation. He is the comeback kid. In fact, Al Gore today said that it's not surprising. He said the President performs best when his back is against the wall. They're obviously thinking about Monica, and they're way ahead of the bunch line. Okay. Well, apparently one of the big keys to the election was getting out the African-American vote. The Democratic National Committee spent an unprecedented $500,000 getting out the black vote. Boy, do you get the feeling that the Democratic Party now is kind of like an inner-city grocery store, Asian-owned and black-supported. You know, it's... They didn't like that, the Democrats. Sorry, have to give equal time. No, the African-American turnout was 89% for the Democrats. That is really big. And some of the Republicans are blaming that high black turnout for their big losses. In fact, they want to appoint a special prosecutor to see if Clinton rigged the NBA strike so there'd be no distractions. And finally, we should mention the most amazing turnout of all was the victory in Minnesota of the Governor. I know we have fans of him here today. Jesse the body Ventura, former wrestler, won the governorship of Minnesota. That is a sign of the state of politics when the voting public is so fed up with phoniness and theatrics, they go for a professional wrestler. And by the way, he said today in his first official act he will annihilate Wisconsin. Thanks for coming. It's all been satirized. Thank you. All right, that is sweetheart Pratt. Her book is Mother in the Middle, Searching for Peace in the Mommy War. Charmaine Yeast, yes. Did I say that right? How are you? Thank you for coming. Where is that? Okay. His new book is Solipsist. His new CD is Think Tank. His new video, boy, he's got a lot of stuff here. You saw me up there. Our old friend Henry Rollins is back with us. Henry, how are you, buddy? Good to see you. And the comedian, author, actor in Philadelphia's favorite son, David Brenner, is right over here. Oh, look, younger every time I see you, you bastard. He stars in Showtime's Root Awakening and his new movie, Gods and Monsters, opens today. Lynn Redgrave. Hello, you. Thank you for coming, as always. Okay. Well, obviously we're going to talk about the big election. I don't know what to say. Everyone was surprised. The pundits said that the Republicans were going to have a huge victory because it's an off-year election when the party out of the White House usually does very well. And the Clinton scandal, well, I mean. But people have been saying all year, we don't care about Monica Lewinsky. And my question is, will this, will an election finally get the Republicans to listen to that? You know what, Bill, though, this is so funny because the Democrats really are doing a good job in spin. This was not a defeat for the Republicans. The Republicans still control the House. They still control the Senate. Not a defeat for the Republicans. When was the last time? This is the first time since 1822 a president picked up seats in the House in his off-year election. 1822. That's going back a way. And I do know why. I do know why it worked. Because I'm a new citizen, so my vote was the one that put the Democrats over the top. There you are. That's something to be proud of, necessarily, Lynn. But listen, listen, see. You're not getting it. You lost. Nothing can change unless you understand that you lost. Big. Because if you still say you won, that's why things don't change. You lost. People are talking to you. Get it. People have a message. Bill, are you trying to say that just because Mark McGuire didn't go to the World Series that he wasn't a winner this year? Look, this is the way that politics works in Washington, D.C. Honey, sweetheart, 1822. If you control the House and the Senate, you control the agenda, Bill. This was not a loss for Republicans. Well, predictions, predictions, whatever. I'm not saying it was a great election. But didn't you predict that they would win? You predicted the opposite. You predicted 46. Sure. That's the game of politics. I'm just saying that it wasn't a big win for the Republicans. It wasn't a big win for the Democrats. The spin-out is with us. Excellent. I just have one question. Who's Monica Lewinsky? Well, you know what? That's the question that was on voters' minds. Let me read some of it in the paper. They interviewed people across the country coming out of the voting booth. It just made me vote Democratic because Republicans keep harping on it. It actually made me come out and vote. Another guy said, I voted against the Republicans for being such pinheads for not getting down to issues. Because their only issue is, hey, don't you hate Clinton as much as we do. That's their issue. Well, I will give you this, that the Republicans should have hit issues more than concentrating on trying to nationalize the Monica Lewinsky thing. Because the bottom line is, President Clinton was not on the ballot. So people like me who would like to see the president impeached, I went in and voted for the person who was on the ballot. And I think that's what you saw across the country. If we impeached every president who must around, we would have had George Washington. We're not even sure about him. With the wooden teeth. Don't do that with George Washington. Wait, wait, wait. I'm sorry. I don't do political material. But every president, you know, Kennedy did it. Thomas Jefferson. Bush said, it's none of your business when he asked about who's this woman you're with. FDR was doing wheelies in his chair with a woman on top of him. Please, you're the president. You're the president. You're the number one big gun in this country. I mean, I did like three television shows and I'm going, hey, you know, I was on television. The president gets on the phone, come over. Which is exactly the point as to why you don't want the president of the United States using the Oval Office to exploit an intern. I'd rather have a president that does that to a woman once in a while than does it to the rest of us all the time he's in office. We'll take a commercial. I'm sorry, I have to second-hand. We'll come back to you. We'll be right back. We'll be right back. We'll be right back. We'll be right back. Politically incorrect with Bill Maher brought to you by... ...the past few months I have been saying, my opinion is, don't vote for either Republicans or Democrats. I'm not gloating for the Democrats. I'm not thrilled with them either. Well, somebody heard me. I voted for Minnesota for someone who was not a Republican or a Democrat, Jesse the body. Now he's governor. He calls himself Jesse the Mindventurer. That's good. He ran on the platform of Ross the crazy man, Perot, and won. And some people are saying this is ridiculous and silly. It shows how far off we are. I think the people of Minnesota who have always been progressive are ahead of the people and are saying, you know what, politics as usual is just a dead issue. You know, this is precisely my point. This was not a national election. And I'm just waiting for the Democrats who are claiming victory to say, yes, we're with Jesse Ventura. We don't want government anymore. This would be a great thing if the Democrats would be claiming Jesse Ventura as their own. But of course they're not. But he's not a Democrat. He's a reformed guy. That's my point exactly. But he was saying... What is your point? My point is... No, I'm not... The point is that the Republicans won this last election is the point. No, the point is that the Democrats are claiming victory, but you're seeing Jesse Ventura is a perfect example of why their agenda did not win. But he's a big guy, one wrestler... Wait a minute. First of all, I think everyone in government should dress like a wrestler. It would be great to see the Senate there. Yeah, and then talk the same way. I'm gonna put this belt on, I'm gonna take it off, I'm gonna shove it down your mouth, I'm gonna rip off your arm. And you know, yeah... After you won. Right. The style of Jesse Ventura is far more like British politics for anybody who's ever seen on the news, the House of Commons. What the outrageous man from the lower 10 stepped on, boo! And then the lady with the wig, silent, silent, go on, Mrs. Speaker, I'm speaking. I mean, they are absolutely out of control there. You're right. In the land I come from where, you know, it's supposed to be civilized, but I think Jesse just watched a lot of BBC stuff footage, and he did good in Minnesota, you know? Most wrestlers do watch a lot of BBC. They love to, they love to. The thing of it is, is that this election highlights that Americans really are still fundamentally conservative, and I don't mean that in a necessarily... A wrestler is conservative? I don't believe this. Americans still believe in local politics. They went in and they voted for the person who was dealing with issues on the state level. That's what America is all about. What color is this? I just want to know what color the sky is in your world, because... It's very hard to argue with someone who just won't accept the reality that is there. I think even... Bill, you're just not willing to look at the reality, because it doesn't fit what you want. It fits what I want. I just got the facts here, hon. The Democrats picked up five seats in an off-year election, where the party has never done that. The off-year elections, they lose seats even if they're popular. How do you construe that as a victory? You're saying black is white and... I didn't say it was a victory. No, I didn't say it was a victory. I said it wasn't a defeat. I would say this was pretty old. Wait a minute. I tell you. The next thing we're going to hear from is Germany saying, they won, but we didn't lose. There is, Mr. Zing. Look. The Republicans... Part of what I'm saying is the Democrats are, by and large in this country, very often better politicians than Republicans. That's why they're elected all the time. They went out there. We've got the issues. You guys have... Your issue has to do with one woman walking around on her knees. That was your whole issue. Well, it's a relevant issue. She shouldn't have been on her knees in the Oval Office. It's not irrelevant. All right, Joey, you would have taken her into... He didn't in the Oval Office. He slipped around the corner. I mean, what do you think? Everybody was doing it. That makes me feel better. Thomas Jefferson, we know ill-legitimate children. Yes. A slave's child, another one's... You know, an ill-legitimate child. It has nothing to do with the job you do. I don't care if a guy swings in naked with bells hanging off his penis. If he does a good job, great. Well, you know, this is the thing. Does it matter to you that the American people... Should we mention perjury, obstruction of justice? Wait a second. Does it matter to you that the American people said overwhelmingly, over and over, in many different ways, and now with an election, that they don't care? Does that matter? How do you see that? I didn't see that coming out of the polling station at all. A tolls, elections, star report. I mean, everything but a plane saying, hey, you, they don't care. I mean, what do you mean, how do I see that? It's... And are we better off? Any guy sitting here, any woman sitting here, and you say, are you better off today than you were in the last administration? And right down the line, everyone's got more money, better jobs, the country's better, everything's better. And the best thing is, Newt Gingrich has shut up finally, you know. He's... We'll take it from there, too. We'll come back. Something powerful is happening. It's the truck, and it's here. Introducing the new Silverado. It's more powerful. It's the truck from Chevrolet. You never met my big Italian family, but they love you already. So tonight, they'll share with you a fresh salad this big. Then pass around the baby pictures. They'll share baskets of soft garlic breadsticks. Then pass around the baby. What they have, you can have. And that's how the Olive Garden feels. They call it Hospitaliana, which means everything of ours is yours. That's my cousin. She wants to share your dessert. The Olive Garden, when you're here, you're family. Friday. Do these kids look like they need chiropractors? Together, they've seen them not 10 or 20, but 300 times. Doctors, bust them in, and you pay. 20-20 Friday. Last time she was here, Carolyn May said she could detect an illness before it appeared. Your migraines begin in your liver. Hold it. You have what they call TMJ. Were her intuitions right? I'm just absolutely amazed. And then something I said sent our audience into a spirited debate. So what is spirit to you? The only place that spirit was ever touched on would have been in the church. Spirit is religious to you. We're clearing the air. I had a bing-bing-bing moment next to Oprah. Tomorrow at 4 on KX TV 10. I'd like the Baja Gratita and one Cal Big Game Cup. I'll have a Baja Gratita too, but with a Stanford Big Game Cup. Race to Taco Bell for your NCAA football big game cup featuring Cal and Stanford. And score a new Baja Gratita with zesty pepper jack sauce starting at 99 cents. Should we tell them both teams are on the same cup? Nah. They're going right down to the 10 for five. They dive to the end zone. Oh baby! Nothing escapes the power of a dirt devil. All right. Well, just to prove that I am not against Republican principles, because I am certainly not, and I'm sure I'll be with you on this one, I would imagine. Let's talk about something that was in the budget that President Clinton supported that is probably why he got some votes. But this is the kind of thing that I think smacks of what they term Clinton-esque. Fifty million dollars in this budget to go for after school snacks. Wait a second, because let me tell you why. Because between the hours of 3 and 6, they say, is when most crime, teenage pregnancy, and alcohol experimentation most often takes place. But Bill, excuse me, but I think you're putting a spin on by saying that it's just for snacks, as if we're going 50 million candy bars, when in fact it's activities with a little nourishment to go with. I think it's a good idea to keep kids at school longer if they're in a bad situation. You spend 40 million to investigate a president. Fifty million for kids, I like the idea. And the idea of making school, I mean, that's not breaking any new ground. But the idea of a kid who can't wait until 3 o'clock to run from school, if you make it more of an appetizing concept to stick around, little drama, sports, maybe read for fun, learn an instrument, get more acquainted with school, like we like education, not as a place I want to jettison from at 3, and you can make it enticing. This money is for snacks. I don't care what you all say. But it is snacks on Chesley, don't it, Bill? I'm going to go with it. What it is is it's the opposite of the Twinkie defense. You remember the guy who shot somebody and said, well, the Twinkies made me do it. Now they're saying, we'll give them Twinkies and they won't shoot people. I agree. That's actually true. As much as I disagreed with you before, let me agree. Number one, that's snacks. I came from a bad neighborhood. I could just see someone walking in. Here I got a hot date with Teresa Banducci. And it comes and says, you have peanut butter and a jelly sandwich, and you'll sit here and we'll play cards. And meanwhile, Teresa out there, and I'm saying, yeah, I'd rather have peanut butter than Teresa. They're going to do it anyway. And they're not going to do it from 3 to 6. They're going to do it from 6 to 9. And you're going to get $50 million. You make it a prize to the top, let's say, 10,000 children in school who get the least trouble. You put all their names in a big barrel and you pull it. And you have $55 million. And each kid who wins out of 10,000, you give him $5,000 each. Well, you tell a kid he can win $5,000, he'll forget this. He'll forget fighting. He'll forget that. You know what I mean? David, you might start sounding like a conservative. You start rewarding real accomplishment. Well, I reward real accomplishment because I don't think that's a good point. I think it would be a great idea to make school a more interesting place to be and maybe Johnny will learn to read better. But snacks aren't going to do that. But I don't think it's just snacks. I think you stay around and you get to hang out and maybe you can get something done. That just really bothers me, what you said. Sound like a real conservative if you start supporting achievement. Like liberals are just nuts. The point is putting in place incentives, putting rewards, saying if you perform you get a reward. That's the kind of way that you reform the school system. Instead of saying that you're just going to give a handout to schools. But giving them activities after school which happen to have a snack with it. That's what I think all this saying $50,000, $50,000 for snacks is not true. I couldn't wait to get out of school. I had a bad neighbor and I couldn't wait to get out of school. I hated school. I couldn't wait to get out. You could put a snack, you could put a filet mignon, and I'm cut now. I mean, the fit here. I'm cut now. We've got kids graduating from high school in the United States of America who can't read and the federal government is coming in and they're going to start handing out more peanut butter sandwiches. Maybe they're going to have a reading program with the peanut butter sandwich. Right? They're not just giving them peanut butter sandwiches. They're giving them programs like you said, drama, sports, games. It's a classic example of throwing more money at the problem instead of figuring out how we're going to teach these kids how to read and write. But you know what, if a Republican president had signed that you'd have been for it. That's the thing. Oh, no. Yes, you would. Absolutely not. We've got to thank the commercial. We'll be right back. When I heard the news there was a non-prescription medicine, Excedrin Migraine, proven to relieve migraine headache pain. Did I believe it? 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You can get financing, even if you've had credit problems. Break the bad credit cycle and watch or set your VCR for Turner-Nissan's The Credit Connection, tonight at 2.30 a.m. on KX TV 10. Join us tomorrow when our guests will be Mark Hamill, Ariana Huffington, Andrew Sullivan, and Reverend Lewis Sheldon. All right, let me get back to what was ticking me off there in the last segment because it's not that the Republicans lost, not because people are against, I think, their bedrock principles like small government and no snacks. It's because of this arrogant, self-righteous attitude like, we know everything, we're America, and you're not. And let me give you an example. In North Carolina, Andy Griffith did commercials for the Democrats, okay? His opponent took umbrage at this and said, Sheriff Andy Taylor was a conservative Republican and would vote for me. So would Aunt B and Barney. Even little Opie was a Republican. There were no liberal Democrats in Mayberry. Everybody would vote Republican except Otis. And I just think that smacks of that kind of arrogance. Like, these real values, these American values, they're Republican. Anybody else is a Communist slash pinko fag Democrat. I think the Republicans showed their ass this time around with this whole Lewinsky thing. You see guys like Orrin Hatch, this smug, snarling guy. They all just came out and went, all right, this is really how we are. And everyone kind of went, whoa. And I think now you're seeing the result, the victory or the non-loss. Right. I think if the Democrats interpret this as saying that American people don't care about the number one person who's sworn to defend the laws of the United States committing perjury, I think they're going to be sadly mistaken. Perjury because you manipulated them to lie about adultery, which adulterers do. No way.