This is KXLY-TV, Spokane, Coeur d'Alene. And now, first for local news, Good Morning Northwest with Jason Brooks and Nicole McGregor. Good Morning Northwest, thanks so much for joining us on this Monday. We're back at it after a pretty nice weekend, weather-wise. Yeah, well you called it bland. Pretty nice, that's why I said pretty nice. No, I said pretty nice, not nice. It was not as sunny as I would like to see it, but it was warm, which was nice. It worked out well for the La La Cret, of course, thousands of people choked downtown as the parade went through. Were you there? I was kind of on the outskirts. So was I, I was too. Some things going on. But, not bad overall, it was pretty warm outside, got a little bit of rain, so that certainly helped us out. But hope everybody had fun at the parade and whatever else you were doing. So let's get everybody started on what we've got going on here. Here's what's coming up today. Yeah, a judge sets a May 31st arraignment date for serial killer suspect Robert Yates Jr. His lawyer says Yates will plead not guilty. Another accident on Highway 95 with Claude Elaine and another death. This time the victim's a four-year-old Oregon boy. We'll tell you how a new Idaho law could be forcing some small businesses out of business. Plus meteorologist Bob Day will take a look at the weather for today. There's a little bit of blue skies, maybe some sunshine in our forecast will be coming up. Yeah, blue and pink to start your morning off. But first, topping our news, suspected serial killer Robert Yates Jr. has made his first court appearance on eight premeditated murder charges. Friday's hearing was quick, no more than five minutes. Yates answered questions about his name, birth date, and whether he had been given a copy of the charges. He's charged with one count of first degree attempted murder and a count of attempted first degree robbery. A judge ordered his arraignment for May 31st. And filed by way of information in Superior Court. Yates is still a person of interest in as many as eight other killings, including two in Pierce County. There has been another fatal accident on Highway 95 near Apple. Four-year-old Charles Minor of Beaverton, Oregon was killed early Saturday morning. The van he was riding in was hit by a suspected drunk driver. Idaho State Troopers say 21-year-old Eric Anderson of Post Falls was drunk when his car crossed the center line and smashed into the minivan. Troopers say drivers need to be alert, especially on the stretch of Highway 95, where six people have died so far this year. You need to back off, have a little patience, especially when the four-lane areas emerge into one lane and create the bottleneck. A little bit of patience, a little defensive driving, courtesy to other drivers, not follow so close, don't cut anybody off. Charges against Anderton are pending. He is in the hospital in critical condition. Anderton, Idaho and Washington will be keeping an eye out this week for children who aren't buckled up. It's part of a national campaign called ABC, Always Buckle Children. They'll have extra patrols to help focus on seat belts and safety speed enforcement. The speeders in Meade are putting kids at risk and people living in one neighborhood have had it. News 4's Eric Canavero has been following the story and joins us this morning from the Eaglewood neighborhood in Meade. Good morning, Eric. Well, good morning, Jason. The speed limit around here is only 25 miles an hour and some neighbors say they have seen people going through here at 50 miles an hour. Now, granted, there is only one speed limit sign at the entrance of the neighborhood and it's partially blocked by trees, even so drivers should know that the speed limit around here is only 25 miles an hour. Ken Ziegler, he's a neighbor, he sees some people coming around the neighborhood's tight corners going a lot faster than 25. I've had two of my son's skateboards ran over with speeders and I've had a neighborhood kid, I've seen him almost get hit right in front of my house with a basketball from a speeder. Something's got to be done, it's totally out of control. Neighbors say that the police have been in here to ticket drivers and they say that's just not working so they've got a plan. What they're going to do is put up these homemade children at play signs and put them up right in their own yards to remind drivers to slow down. Also, they're hoping the sheriff's department will bring in one of those digital reader boards. I don't know if you've seen those before but they show you how fast you're going on a road and they hope to have those in the neighborhood as well, hoping that those smaller signs will deter people from speeding through here. Jason, back to you. Alright, Eric, thanks a lot. Yeah, a lot of folks just simply aren't aware of the speed limit and if you have a sign that's obscured like that one is, they just may never know it all so hopefully those signs will help out. And those feeder boards really always catch me off guard. I think, oh, I'm going that fast. I mean, it's actually very good because it makes you take a second look. And also people think that if they see the sign that there's probably an officer nearby so they better slow down. Four minutes past five o'clock down this Monday morning. Let's say hello to Bob Day. Hello. Who's going to go in there? Things are looking pretty quiet today and much of the week. Couple of mountain showers. Maybe one of the valleys this week. I say this week because it'll be tough to time it out which day we would have the best chance of that shower at lower elevations. The mountainous terrain will have a chance sun off throughout the week but down here it looks pretty dry. It also looks this week with highs generally in the upper 60s and mid 70s across the region. Beautiful sunrise shaping up this morning. We're anticipating a high today in the right around the lower 70s or so and tomorrow pretty close to 70 as well. So things are looking fairly mild. Maybe not quite as muggy today either. It was a little bit a little muggy yesterday. We're going to have variable amounts of cloud cover today and a chance of a shower in the mountains. It's going to be a little breezy locally. A southwest wind of 10 to 20 and a quiet night tonight. A little cooler tonight. Lowes will be around the mid 40s with a light southerly wind. And not much action loft going on. A couple of showers might drift into the mountains as we'll show you. Things are pretty settled as compared to the weekend when we were a little bit on the unsettled side but we still managed to get to 76 yesterday despite a fairly cloudy day with a little sun thrown in. Normally we're up to about 67 at this date and four hundredths of an inch of rain early yesterday and that will leave us with 1.28 inches for the month which is a healthy total. Sunrise just about right about now and the sun will set at 830 this evening. Now we'll take a look at temps. We're at 51 at the airport. Wind south 13. 55 at Feltz Field and 52 in Coeur d'Alene. Dew points have come down a little bit. They were in the 50s here and there yesterday which is fairly humid for this area. A couple of disturbances streaking along the jet stream which didn't go as far to the north as I expected over the weekend. It moved a little bit but now it's just been kind of wavering back and forth over us. Taking off a few showers the last couple days and some decks of cloud cover. Not much precipitation in these bands but we might see a shower especially in the mountains. It wouldn't amount to much and you can see down the radar pretty quiet. Most of the action now over into Montana with that last little wave that shifted across the jet stream brought the winds up a little bit last night and it's pretty quiet right now. And we'll see a few of these waves on and off the next few days. So again a chance of showers but mainly an eye on terrain. Temperature is pretty mild this morning in the lower 50s, mid 50s and even some lower 50s down in the mid Columbia, 49 at OMAC. As we look at our highs today right around 70 if not a tad more for most of us. Near 80 if not a bit more though in the mid Columbia summertime down there. But we'll look for it to cool off a little tomorrow and then bounce back a little bit in the rest of the week. It looks like showers by the weekend a little cooler, a little breezy but again timing these things out will be difficult because of the nature of this particular weather pattern. So we'll keep you apprised. It could end up being something quite a bit different by Friday or Saturday. Uh oh Bob, you know what Saturday is. Yes I do. Tuesday. But it's early. It's Jason's wedding on Saturday. That's five days away. It's a long way down the road yes. Ok, because that looks like rain to me. No big deal. Showers. We'll be inside. Showers we can handle. Ok. We'll be fine. Alright. So we're going to go to the next one. Yeah, five oh seven now. Just coming up at about five twenty on Good Morning Northwest. The same people these are thrilled. A blind man isn't letting his impairment keep him from skydiving. At about five twenty seven a look at how a new item is on may be driving some small businesses out of business. But first after the break. I'm Stacy Johnson. Do you feel like sometimes you're drowning in debt? Well I've got a plan that's going to help you stay afloat. And it's coming up on Money Talk. News 4 closed captioning is brought to you by Toyota Camry every day. A beautiful deck makes the home. Is it wood or is it e-wood? When it's e-wood say goodbye to deck rot. 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