It's never been like this, sweet dreams you can't resist A dream as sweet as this, N-E-S-T-L-E-S Alpine white, creamy light Alpine white's the very best N-E-S-T-L-E-S Sweet dreams you can't resist Last week, us Fritos rustlers came upon a different breed Ranch Fritos They looked real wild, but they was actually sort of mild Shoot, one even let Luke pet it These wild and mild ranch Fritos have a creamy ranch flavor No Fritos rustler can resist But keep that under your hat, partner Wild and mild ranch flavor Fritos corn chips, rustle up some Gardeners, why struggle with a front tine tiller like this? When you can guide a rear tine Troy-built tiller with just one hand A Troy-built makes deep, loose seed beds Quickly cultivates between rows to wipe out every weed And even tills under crop residues Get all the facts in this free Troy-built tiller great gardens catalog Call toll free 1-800-453-6600 for your free catalog with details on all the Troy-built models That's 1-800-453-6600 Call now Let me please put the squeeze on you Just a little squeezing, that's all I wanna do Grab my fingers round you Baby, let me put the squeeze on you Sun kissed lemon adds to everything but your waist Hardcastle and McCormick drive the excitement home after this And coming up tonight at 11 Eastern Watch Scarecrow and Mrs. King here on the Family Channel Do you feel any responsibility for the people who took acid and ended up in some very bad trips, some of which killed me? I was always against violence, I was always against you leftist market Second thoughts on the 60s from some who survived You know, we thought we were saving the world We're here with Dr. Timothy Leary and singers Paul Stuckey and Roger McGuinn on the Scott Ross Straight Talks special Sunday at 8, 7 Central only on the Family Channel Batmania is spreading Batmania, watch Batman Monday through Friday at 9 Eastern on the Family Channel His name is Jimmy Ringo Are you really Jimmy Ringo? He's famous They all come down to see Jimmy Ringo, the big gun He's hated All I know is Ringo killed my boy and I'm gonna kill Ringo He's over it I've changed, you know I'm different now, Peg But he can't stop it I'm on it, Ringo Gregory Peck stars as the gunfighter Monday night at 8, 7 Central as Heroes of the West Week begins Got a cold? Gotta keep going? Gotta go with Alka-Seltzer plus cold medicine When you gotta keep going, you gotta go with Alka-Seltzer plus If you've got dental work, you've got three great reasons to chew Friedent You know, Friedent won't stick to your dental work And Friedent keeps your breath fresh But maybe you didn't know Friedent moistens your mouth, too So if you hate a dry mouth like I do, chew Friedent Friedent's the one that took the stick out of gum And Friedent moistens your mouth, yeah, moistens your mouth And freshens your breath while you chew Non-stick Friedent, moistens your mouth Non-stick Friedent moistens your mouth and freshens your breath Wesson's meant the best in frying for 75 years And it just keeps getting better Wesson vegetable oil is my old favorite All-natural, cholesterol-free That's not exactly old-fashioned Wesson corn oil is part of our low-fat, low-cholesterol diet Because we're concerned about reducing cholesterol Wesson sunflower oil is 89% saturated fat-free That's right for the way we live Wesson vegetable, corn, and sunflower oil With every bite, you know you're eating right Hardcastle and McCormick drive the excitement home after this And coming up tonight at 11 Eastern Watch Scarecrow and Mrs. King here on the Family Channel Quick Tips from the Quicker Picker Upper Hello, I'm Meredith McCray We'll brush up on a new idea right after this Bounty means never having to say I'm sorry So sorry Even for the worst spills I'm sorry So sorry So sorry Bounty's quicker and thicker than any other national 2-ply paper towel Bounty, the Quicker, Thicker Picker Upper Bounty means never having to say you're Sorry You can prevent this from happening to your paintbrush After you've cleaned it, wrap the bristles in a paper towel Fold the excess tally back to the shank of the brush And then secure it with a rubber band Not only will the brush dry quickly, but all the bristles will stay in line Ready for the next job We'll see you next time Yeah, I could be over in five minutes Not till you do the dishes Don't worry, I'll do it Let's see Okay I'll do it Let's see Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good This is Butterworth. Let's make a commercial for our new light syrup. You say, my light syrup looks delicious. Then you say, You really do talk. My light syrup's even thicker than before with almost half the calories of my regular syrup. Mom, it's Butterworth talking. I know, dear. Mrs. Butterworth's new light syrup. You don't play with me. So light, yet so delicious. And don't forget my regular syrup and pancake mix. Homeowners, stop burning, bundling, or bagging leaves, brush, and yard debris. Now the new Troybilt Jr. Tomahawk Chipper Shredder will clean up fall leaves, easily shred prunings and rakeings, and even chip branches. The Jr. turns all your yard debris into beautiful garden and landscaping mulch. So call toll-free 1-800-922-1911 for free details about the new low-cost Troybilt Jr. Tomahawk Chipper Shredder. That number is 1-800-922-1911. Call now. What's in the new BK bonus bag? The one and only Whopper and medium fries for just $1.99. But the big value is bonus coupons on the bag. Good for savings on the World Cup Encyclopedia. USA Today. Pepsi! Diet Pepsi! Even $5 off at Foot Locker. The BK bonus bag. To offer so much for so little, sometimes you gotta break the rules. Hardcastle and McCormick drive the excitement home after this. And coming up tonight at 11 Eastern, watch Scarecrow and Mrs. King here on the Family Channel. You know, hardly any of this stuff can really help me with my schoolwork. There is something you could have which would help you a lot. Do you know what that is? No, but I'm afraid you're gonna tell me. Yes, it's the new Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica? Now you tell me. I've got a report due tomorrow. On what? On the exploration of space. Take a look at this. From the first beeps of Sputnik to the triumph of the Apollo moon landing. All right. Well, since this has turned out to be a Britannica commercial, I guess you're gonna tell me how somebody could get a set. Actually, I thought I might. And I suppose you're gonna throw one of those 800 numbers up on the screen. Am I right? Might as well. And there it is. To find out how you can own the Encyclopedia Britannica, just call this toll-free number and we'll send you this free booklet telling you everything you need to know about your key to the information age. And just for previewing Britannica in your home, your family will receive this three-volume desk reference set. So if you would be interested in owning the new Britannica... I'm thinking it over. Just call this number now. Encyclopedia Britannica. Some showbiz stars are so big they can go by first name alone. There's one guy so big only one letter need do. Don't miss new episodes of this action-packed series weekends at 730, 630 Central, only on the Family Channel. Got a cold? Gotta keep going? Gotta go with Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Medicine. When you gotta keep going, you gotta go with Alka-Seltzer Plus. Lost in outer space, the astronauts survey the distant horizon. Where will they find the refreshment they seek? Billy, are you and Bear thirsty? Nothing else invites you like sunny delights, vitamin A, B1, and C goodness. Nothing else excites you like sunny delights, juicy orange, tangerine, and lime taste. Nothing else delights you like sunny delights. The one and only Florida Citrus Punch. Just For You is brought to you by Ragoo Spaghetti Sauce. Hi, I'm Lee Maryweather with a tip that will help you sauce up your meals. Just For You. This is delicious, Danny. What do you call it? It's new Ragoo Fresh Italian Pasta Sauce. So delicate. What's it called? Fresh Italian Pasta Sauce. Yeah, it's really fresh, but what's the name? Ragoo uses less heavy tomato paste and twice the crushed tomatoes. But what's the name of the sauce? New Ragoo Fresh Italian Pasta Sauce. More crushed tomatoes, more fresh tomato taste. Here's a jar. Look, it has the name on it. Forget it. Pasta sauce can be used for more than just spaghetti. For something special, add a jar of pasta sauce to soup or pour it over that omelet and have yourself an Italian style brunch. And of course, it's great over spaghetti. You can do wonderful things with pasta sauce, so just let your imagination roam free and enjoy. When this was Grandfather's desk, every week I'd help Grandma polish it with Pledge. I'd spray, she'd wipe, and together we'd bring out its beautiful shine. Now that the desk is mine, I use Touchable Pledge, so even smears just disappear. Pledge, still shining after over 30 years with no buildup. And with New Touchable Pledge, smears just disappear. Grandma's gonna love it. New Touchable Pledge. Still no buildup. New Touchable Shine. New Touchable Shine. What's in the new BK Bonus Bag? The one and only Whopper and medium fries for just $1.99. But the big value is bonus coupons on the bag. Good for savings on the World Cup Encyclopedia. USA Today. Pepsi! Diet Pepsi! Even $5 off at Foot Locker. The BK Bonus Bag. To offer so much for so little, sometimes you gotta break the rules. Hey, come here. Closer. Don't see any dandruff, do you? I used to have it. Boy, did I ever. So I tried Head and Shoulders. Then I tried my wife, Celcin Blue. She was right. Blue is better. Blue is better. Celcin Blue. Test shows Celcin Blue relieves dandruff-laking better than Head and Shoulders. And doctors recommend it number one. More than Head and Shoulders, Denerex, and Tegrin combined. For me, there's no doubt about it. Blue is better. Celcin Blue. Normal, extra medicated, and extra conditioning formulas. Stay tuned. Scarecrow and Mrs. King returns in a moment. And for more of these sassy spies, watch Weeknights at 7 Eastern, here on the Family Channel. Big news from AT&T. Now from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. You can save an additional 25% on AT&T Long Distance. So you get a bigger discount during the best time to call. And you can keep on saving 24 hours a day. It's all possible with the new AT&T Reach Out America Plan. But that's not all. The plan also gives you a new daytime discount. Plus an hour of weekend and night calls. And it costs just $8.70 a month. Call 1-800-422-3000. For the AT&T Reach Out America Plan. The plan also includes an international discount at no extra charge. You can even get an option that lets you save on calls away from home. Call 1-800-422-3000. And save on AT&T Long Distance day and night. AT&T, the right choice. His name is Jimmy Ringo. Are you really Jimmy Ringo? He's famous. They all come down to see Jimmy Ringo. The big gun. He's hated. All I know is Ringo killed my boy and I'm going to kill Ringo. He's over it. I've changed, you know. I'm different now, Peg. But he can't stop it. I'm on it, Ringo! Gregory Peck stars as the gunfighter. Monday night at 8, 7 Central. As Heroes of the West Week begins. My father is not going to let me get my ears pierced. Sunlight has real lemon juice. It cleans the toughest dishes easily. So easily, you almost don't have to be there. Sink or dishwasher, sunlight makes light work of dishes. They're showing up all over America. Touch of Scent 2, the perfect air freshener. It's easy to use. Just touch the top and it goes to work. Making everything smell fresher and cleaner. Touch of Scent 2 is very economical because it doesn't just sit there wasting away. You use it only when you need it. And you can choose from among six wonderful fragrances. Try Touch of Scent 2 this week. Listen. Listen carefully. This man is using an amazing electronic breakthrough that lets him hear a pin drop across the room. It's the Whisper 2000. Gives you the astonishing experience of super hearing. No more embarrassing complaints when you watch TV. With Whisper 2000, you don't have to turn up the volume. It's hard to hear in the back seat of the car. Now, sit back and talk comfortably. Can you hear me back there? Loud and clear. Awesome. Totally awesome. Whoooo! Use Whisper 2000 in theaters. I love the wire. You'll hear every word. Clear, comfortable. Similar devices sell for $60. But it's yours now for just $19.95. Here's how to order. To order, have your credit card ready and call toll free 1-800-776-8200. Or send check or money order for $19.95 plus $4 shipping and handling to Whisper 2000, 125 American Way, Roanoke, Virginia. Kate Jackson and Bruce Box-Lightner will be back in Scarecrow and Mrs. King after this. And tomorrow at 730 Eastern, watch TNT here on the Family Channel. Can you guess how these people got rid of over 900 pounds of excess fat? It's easy. They used CalBan 3000. Just look at some of the results. On the CalBan program, I lost 5 to 7 pounds weekly and have lost over 100 pounds so far. I lost half of my body weight. Old friends don't even recognize me. In just a few short months, I've lost 65 pounds and 10 inches from my waist. I feel like a new person. CalBan 3000 has no dangerous stimulants or chemicals, no harmful side effects, and it's absolutely guaranteed to work or your money back. I started to lose weight immediately and lost 70 pounds overall. I used to hate to wear revealing clothes. Now I love to. Hi, I'm Deanna Hall. Just before the Miss World Model Contest, I looked like this. I used CalBan 3000 to lose 35 pounds in five weeks and won the title. After losing 50 pounds and getting slimmer, I noticed that my attitude was changing. I felt better about myself. How does CalBan 3000 produce these amazing results? Scientists believe CalBan bonds with food and blocks the absorption of calories, especially those from fats. I went from a size 22 to a size 8. Thanks, CalBan. Can you believe I used to weigh 252 pounds? CalBan has changed my life. Most of my life was spent overweight, but now I feel positive and in control of my life, thanks to CalBan 3000. CalBan's given me a new lease on life. I know I'll never be fat again. If after three weeks you don't see a significant weight loss with no loss of energy, simply return the empty container for a full refund. Why not order right now? You deserve the dramatic improvement in health and self-confidence that comes with a trim, attractive body. Call 1-800-356-2800. Three-week supply, just $19.95, plus $3 shipping and handling. Or order a six-week supply for $38.95 and get this 48-inch strand of Chinese faux pearls absolutely free. Save the COD fees by using your MasterCard, Visa or American Express. Call now, 1-800-356-2800. That's 1-800-356-2800.