You've got questions? Ermey's got answers. That's right, Einstein. Come to papa. Like how fast could a Revolutionary War soldier shoot? Three rounds a minute. The weight of a World War I backpack? 50 pounds, and you'll be wearing it. Sure, he's intimidating, and he can be mean. Did you hit the target? But it's his show, and if you don't tune in, he will find you. TV just got tough. All-Lear me gets tough in a brand new series, Mail Call, Monday at 8, 7 Central on the History Channel. What's more fun than a turbo? A turbo with all-wheel drive. When you get it, you get it. The rally-inspired 227-horsepower Subaru WRX. Land ho! You're watching the ship, right here, on the History Channel. He's on Verizon Wireless. She's on Verizon Wireless. She is, too. So is he. There's over 30 million people on Verizon Wireless nationwide. And now you can have 1,000 anytime mobile-to-mobile minutes to call any of them you want. Plus get 4,000 night and weekend minutes on the America's Choice Network for $39.99 monthly access and get a great KIA Seraphone for just $49.99. So now all you have to do is decide who you're going to call first. For Verizon Wireless, we never stop working for you. Can you hear me now? Good. If a dragon can teach you to dance and dark eyes shine as bright as the sun, if one tradition transports you to the old world while another makes you feel right at home, you're not dreaming. You're in Puerto Rico. Now, tonight's ship sweepstakes question. The crew, hungry for anything fresh, made a trade with Indonesian fishermen. They received a hammerhead shark and two swordfish for five American dollars, cases of dried fish or t-shirts. Log on your answer at slash the ship for a chance to win an adventure aboard a magnificent, tall ship, only on the History Channel. You are watching the ship on the History Channel. To the mightiest battle fleet the world had ever seen. It's designed to fight full-scale battles against the best the enemy can offer. In the face of constant peril, she drew a line this far and no further. The Royal Navy, the History International special, tonight at 9 on the History Channel. Call 1-800-240-5444 to get History International. Why do I rent from Enterprise? For more cargo room, more people room, or more head room. Enterprise, so easy it's like having a second car. For third, pick Enterprise. We'll pick you up. From John Woo, director of Mission Impossible 2 and Face Off, starring Academy Award winner Nicolas Cage. My responsibility. A full-flannel, heart-pounding action thriller. Wintalkers, buy or rent it today. We switch all our computers in the office because now we use Apple's for everything. Order entry, invoicing, following up on the orders. As long as the computers are running, the factory is running. As long as the factory is running, we're making products every day. That's why I'm the only umbrella manufacturer left in the United States. I can't believe that I didn't switch from the PCs to the iMac sooner. I can't believe how fabulous they work. If you have a small business, get a Mac. There's no question about it. My name is Richard Ziskin, and my dream is that it rains every single day. These guys are trying to solve the biggest mystery of our time, and they're about to blow the lid off everything you thought you knew about dinosaurs. Giant lizards? Not really. Want a clue? Just follow the footprints to Dinosaur Secrets Revealed, Monday at 9 on the History Channel. Based on John McLean's critically acclaimed book, Fire on the Mountain, Monday, October 28th at 9 on the History Channel. Since the beginning of time, guys have been driven to get great stuff. And guys haven't changed. The coolest, the hottest, the fastest. Guys gotta have them. So what if it's a bit much? We still want them, and the History Channel's got them. From motorcycles to ultra-cool James Bond gadgets, hey, it's a hormone thing. A week-long special to drool over, Modern Marvel's boys' toys, begins December 2nd, only on the History Channel. Got testosterone? You are watching The Ship on the History Channel. Brought to you in part by Shell. The Ship, brought to you in part by Sunny Delight. This time you're on the road and you need to fill your tank, here's something to consider. New Shell gasoline is specially formulated to help prevent deposit buildup in your engine, which helps keep it clean. And a clean engine performs better. Which is why, when they're looking for more from their gasoline, so many drivers choose Shell. Think this is the only way to get that right out of the dryer freshness to last? Then get the long-lasting freshness of bounce. It keeps everything.