It's Beatle Saturday on U.S.A. The Remington Microscreen shaves as close as a blade or your money back. Hold it. The Remington Microscreen is more than closeness. Listen. That powerful motor makes Remington a quick shave. And its two thin, flexible screens adjust for true comfort. The Remington Microscreen, quick, comfortable, shaves as close as a blade or your money back. Howda boy. That's Remington. And the perfect gift for women is the Lady Remington Rechargeable. Also with a money back guarantee. Okay, um, uh, this is something it's dead. It's... Pfft. Ha ha ha ha ha. The game is taboo. How would you get your team to guess the secret word without using the five best clues? Okay, uh, ancient people worship these. Cows. No. Something maidens are thrown into. Jacuzzi. Uh, ancient maidens. Nursing homes. Uh, run to the edge of the island. Get into canoe. It's gonna blow. It's gonna blow. Rockino. Yes! Play taboo at your next party from Milton Bradley. Ah! Ah! Citizen, citizen, citizen, citizen. Elegant citizen, citizen, elegant. Lots of citizens. And they're citizen. Chic citizen. Flake citizen. Citizen, citizen. Like my citizen. Citizen, elegant. Ooh, his citizen. Her citizen. One citizen. With lots of citizen. Fat citizen. Thin citizen. Now that's some citizen. Ooh, elegant, elegant. Perfectly elegant citizen. We've got elegance. A holiday for young and old. Holly, ribbon, glass and gold. Long John Silvers. Make it a splash. Make it a homestyle holiday with Long John Silver Seafood and Holiday Crystal Stemwear. Just 99 cents each with any meal. Long John Silvers. Make it a splash. Right now, with every kid's meal, get a Hostess Ho-Ho snack cake. Baby's so hot. Tell the doctor Julie has an awful fever. On nights like these, it's comforting to know there's something you can rely on. Yes, doctor? Oh, children's Tylenol. It's to bring her fever down fast. And on mornings like these... Oh, better. Look at that pretty smile. You'll understand why children's Tylenol is the one most pediatricians give their own children. And now back to the Beatles in Help. Hello. USA's Beatles Saturday will continue with Help after these messages. Learning to remember is always fun. I can match this flower with this flower. With the Memory Games. There are lots of memory games so your child can grow from one to another. I can match this bee with this bee. Oh, do it! Dad, I'm winning! The Memory Games from Milton Bradley. Remember the pancakes we had last Sunday? How can I forget them? They're still here. From today on, I'm making Bisquick pancakes. They're light, fluffy, and Bisquick doesn't have cholesterol. What do you think about that? I think. I love you. Bisquick makes today's pancakes. Fabulous. Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy's, is always on the lookout for new ideas in food. Enjoy it. Enjoy what? Oh. After this, I'm gonna get a Big Dave's Deluxe. A Big Dave's Deluxe is a quarter pound of fresh beef, cheese, three strips of bacon, sauteed onions, the works. And it's only at Wendy's. Hey, does this come with dessert? Come to Wendy's for another Big Dave's Deluxe today. Wendy's. It was a place where everything was legal. I met this woman. And anything could happen. Take the advice of an old man. You stick with her. And for one moment, it was the most exciting place on Earth. Havana. Robert Redford. Lena Olin. From director Sidney Pollack. Havana. Rated R. It starts Wednesday in select areas. It starts Friday at theaters everywhere. It happens while you sleep. A kiss? Not yet, honey. Millions of bacteria form in your mouth. A kiss? Now? So you wake up with the worst breath of the day. Morning breath. Oh, honey. I don't like it. Morning breath with Scope. Antiseptic Scope has two powerful ingredients that kill 90% of the bacteria that cause morning breath. How about a kiss? Where's my kiss? Kiss me, ya big lug. Scope. Original mint or peppermint. The best thing, firstly. King News time is 615. The Soviet Union warned Iraq to do... King 1090 weather forecast. Sunny after areas. Things are beginning to move much better in Puget Town. The economy is still going strong. Tony, the plan is approved, buddy. I'm Larry King. This is my side of the story. The floodwaters are rising again. In King 1090 business news, stocks are up and down. For your fast-paced world. Morning news on King News Talk 1090. More than just the headlines. This season, shop smart. Make your holidays bright with savings of 20 to 60% on name-brand merchandise from Pavilion Mall. Pavilion Mall. South of South Center on South Center Parkway at South 180. Happy holidays from Pavilion Mall. And now back to the Beatles in Hell. Hello. This USA Network program is brought to you by ActiBath. The first carbonated bath tablet. Isn't your body ready? Nothing relaxes like the carbonated baths at the great spas. Except new ActiBath. The only bath tablet that can turn hot water into a carbonated spa treatment. Feel the soothing. Feel the smoothing. Feel tension and fatigue wash away. Feel renewed with the spa treatment. Only by ActiBath. Citizen, citizen, citizen, citizen. Elegant, citizen, citizen, citizen. Elegant. Lots of citizens. And they're citizens. Chic, citizen. Flake, citizen. Citizen, citizen. Like my citizen. Citizen, elegant. Ooh, he's citizen. Her a citizen. One citizen. With lots of citizens. Hot, citizen. Thin, citizen. Now that's some citizen. Ooh, elegant, elegant. Perfectly elegant. Citizen, we've got elegance. Ah! Ah! Here's a cold medicine with a name you trust. Children's Tylenol Cold. Great, great flavor. And all the relief he needs. Children's Tylenol Cold. Want to feel fresh? Peep, peep. Carefree. Every day, every way. Peep, peep. Carefree. Feel fresh every day. Peep, peep. Carefree. At Westminster Kennel Club, 2900 of the finest dogs in America came to compete. And after two exciting days, one fact became abundantly clear. Pedigree Food for Dogs was the overwhelming choice of winners. More champions were raised on pedigree than all other dog foods combined. 96 best of breed winners, five of seven best in group winners, and the dog-judged best in show, a perfect Pekingese, were all pedigree dogs. Pedigree. Developed with vets, resoundingly recommended by top breeders. If you think there's a longer lasting shine than tough acrylic future, think again. For long-lasting acrylic protection, nothing outshines future. This season, make it a homestyle holiday with Long John Silver Seafood and Holiday Crystal Stemwear. Just 99 cents each with any meal. Long John Silver's. Making a splash. They don't enforce the law. They enforce justice. Next on Counter-Strike. I just had an oozy emptied on me outside. A hitman stalks his prey. You will move when the time is right. Will Nicky be caught in the crossfire? Counter-Strike on USA. Tonight at 7, 6 Central. Maybe you are an angel. Dolly Parton's come home for the holidays for a smoky mountain Christmas. A USA movie special. Tomorrow at 7, 6 Central. Ringo dived off this boat, this yacht, into the water, and Dick was miles away on a little raft saying, Let's go on a one. And Ringo got out and it was dried off. The air was dried and then, right, action! And he went diving, diving again. On the third take he sat there shivering and he said, Hey Dick, we're off to do this again. Dick said, Why? I said, Well, I can't swim. And I said to Ringo, Why didn't you say? You can't swim. He said, Well, I didn't like to. You know, it's when the director says action, you've got to go, haven't you?